(2008/03) March 2008

Unique : I started my gal with wheat cereal (frisocrem) when she is 5mths. She likes it..Heeheee

My Isaac had been taking cereal when he was about 4 months. Now he is turing 6 months soon~

Ala.... so I say. 7th Month is a suay month!!!
Yu Tong
Ya I have lots of food which I cant eat T_T, I named some here...any seafoods except fish, peanuts, sambal chilli, belacan chilli, Tom yam... & these r my FAVOURITE...signnnnn & I oso cant eat diary product cos my son allegic to tat =.=" SIGN again....
has your milk supply increase? me having same problem now.. no matter what i eat, fenugreek, oats, fish.. still wont increase my supply.
any other mummies have better solution?
Unique : Mi feed her during lunch only, n once only cos she just started. Maybe will increase to 2times in the day when she reached 6mths .
Lee Hong : Hmm eat more fish n drink more water. My supply more or less is at 7oz at each session, i like especially in the mornings i can pump up to 11oz.
Stress n lack of sleep will affect supply de leh..
when we first feed him, we do it sometime at noon... Not too late as we were afraid its not easy for him to digest. Now he feeds on ceral 2 times. Once ard noon and another around 5 or 6pm. With lots of water in case heaty.
i dun see i am neither stress nor lack of sleep leh.. i am having fish every meal (lunch and dinner).
Lee Hong : U exclusively pumping milk? hmm eat lots of fish shld have quite good supply de, cos for my case is like this..
Regarding the cereal that we order from you, when can we collect it?? Oppx~ I still owe you how much?? I forgotten le, sorry.. Too busy these few days~

Any mummy knows if Gerber have stopped selling their products in Singapore?? I can't seems to find their cereals in supermarket anymore..

Unique (unique0909)
my mil feed my baby twice daily. In the afternoon and evening around 6pm..
My colleague complaining she's not suppling enough milk. But I realise part of the reason is that she dont get to latch, her baby doesnt want to latch at all, the only time she get to latch is at night where they are all tired so the baby will just latch. Other than that will push her away or cry...
me pump 100%. used to pump every 6 hoursly interval. but now to increase supply, pump every 4-5 hours. but supply never increase.
yes, i tot eating fish will boot up supplies too.. but not apply to me leh..
yes u may collect.

For those collection at Seng Kang pls kindly contact adeline

For those collection at bishan pls contact kathy.
Previously mention shipping for earth best oatmeal cereal is $1.50. Pls note that it is USD$1.50 x 1.45 = SGD$2.20 and the Happybellies is USD$3.20 x 1.45 = SGD$4.70. Please transfer to my posb savings 126491018.

So far i only have isabella's transfer. Isabella pls top up the balance . Don't worry it is still cheaper than buyig from singapore.

.6 pack convenient pack oatmeal. 3oz per box. Great for traveling.

Per box is USD$2.43 = SGD$3.50( Excl. shipping frm us to sg)
1. abcdisney (paid)
2. abcdisney (paid)
4. isabella (paid)
5.isabella (paid)
6. clover (paid)
7. clover (paid)
8. simp (paid)
9. Ivy (paid)
11. crystal (paid)
12. YT (paid)
13. adeline (paid)
14. shirley zac zac (paid)

4. HAPPYBELLIES oatmeal Cereal, Organic, Contains DHA and Probiotics, 7-Ounce Canisters

Per can is USD$4.19 = SGD$6( Excl. shipping frm us to sg)
1. abcdisney
2. kathy (paid)
3.ivy (paid)
4. crystal (paid)
5. summerdaze (paid)
6. adeline (paid)

Collection at admiralty
1. crystal (1HB, 1 EB) - collected

collection at bishan
1. clover (2 EB)
2. kathy (1 HB) - paid - collected
3. YT (1 EB)

collection at Seng Kang
1. adeline (1 HB, 1 EB) - paid - collected
2. Ivy (1HB, 1 EB) - paid
3. summerdaze (1HB) - paid
4. shirley (1 EB) - paid
5. Isabella (2 EB) - paid $3
For me i started when he is 5.5 mth with only 2 scoop of milk scoop and 1 oz of milk. Then after he went into hospital till yesterday. Last night i feed him potato puree instead of cereal. it is not necceessary to start with cereal. Avocado, bananas, potato/sweet potato makes good starting food for them too.
lee hong,
how long have you been pumping every 4-5 hours? i think once baby gets older, our body takes a long time to increase supply. maybe effect can only be seen 3-4 days later. so must do so diligently.
There was once someone wa thinking to get a suction bowl. Anyone interested in this?


USD$9.99 excluding shipping.

Need to get 6 sets for free domestic shipping.

Comes in blue, pink and yellow.


Thanks for the info. I will start him with tis mayb over the wkend....was trying to wait until 6mths if possible cos I understand if start early he may be allergy to some food...

btw i pump 3 times a day too n latch him in the morning...my supply also seem to decrease but i cant latch him all the times cos I am working....
Lee Hong : i pump exclusively also. I pump 4x daily, ard 4-6hrs interval, 2 times in office, so far supply still enuff for my gal. Maybe my gal aso small appetite, she drink ard 120ml every 2.5-3hrs. Was thinking of slowly decreasing to 3 sessions, as she has started cereals liao.
brought my girl for last jab (5in1) yesterday... she weighs 6.66kg (put on 600gram) and 63 cm short.. all her growth falls on 25th percentile

next mth, she will going for prevenar jab
jialat my mom has to go out to visit one sick relative and brought my Tricia along!! she told me she's bringing the EBM along. her last feed is 2pm and the next should be around 5.30pm. now i wonder if the EBM can tahan under room temperature for that long??? really *#&%)%*)@%&. it's things like this that makes me wish i'm a SAHM!!!!!

HELP!!!! Need your advice!!!!
ur mom shld have pre-plan with u first, so tat u can take 1/2 day leave to take care of ur Tricia. you shld ask ur mom to go tmr instead. u don't wan ur gal to catch the virus from the sick ppl too rite.
Melissa and #2
can ask ur mum to put in the fridge once she reach ur relative house. i also bring along my EBM when i bring my gal visit my parent over the weekend. so far ok. duration travelled was abt 10-15 mins time. hopefully she not taking long time to travel arh.
yeah that's why she should've told me that earlier!!! she told me only when she's about to go out leh! I was so angry i totally cannot concentrate on my work now! some more she said, nevermind lah along the way the milk won't be so cold, the baby can drink it already mah. wah lao! like this i think the next best thing is to force feed her in an hour's time! means today i cannot do OT and must rush home to latch her! haizz my poor baby!
lee hong,
think its' not convenient to put in other pple's freezer, i scared she totally forgot about it or there maybe all kinds of cooked food or meat in the freezer. so unhygienic!!!!

now i can only hope nothing bad will happen to my Tricia
Melissa and #2
then what happen if your tricia hungry... no milk? worse is keep the bottle inside a carrier before put in the firdge. that is worse planning lah. did ur mum bring along milk powder?
yu tong,
u sleep what time yesterday huh?

Good morning everyone! I just realized I got shitty bonus for taking maternity leave early this year. even though i have worked very hard and even worked from home during my maternity leave. looks like the fact remains that female employee who are pregnant will be discriminated no matter what. i feel like a second class citizen sometimes. haizz.
this morning hb and i were reading Today and was saying nxt time pte sectors will be male dominated..

my sis also said she will go into civil sector once she settled doen
Hi, good morning mamas!!!

Baby Rhys went for his jab yesterday.. Mil brought him for his jab.. Mil said that baby did not cry but SCREAM when the needle was poked into his thigh and stopped when they took it out. I find it funny imagining the way baby react..

Would like to know if any mamas on contraceptive now?? Me thought of going for the IUCD at Polyclinic. It's much much cheaper than doing it at pte clinic.. But as this is my first time trying to insert the IUCD, I'm a little worried.. Would like to hear some advice from all mamas..
Hi Melissa and #2 , I mean no choice right. Pte Sector esp MNC are quite "Sian Shi". Too Practical.

I also wanna move into Civil Svc. hahha. clock time and get paid. Only thing is to be good to your boss and be good in "Tai Ji". lol

I am moving to BB in Sep. hehee. But, its alys back to back traffic when gng home aft work...
Lee Hong
Paiseh for late reply
yday could not come into forum..

my milk ss is awful..and my attitude is very relaxed :p as long as i m physically with Kyzac, i will latch him on and feed. If i m in office, i will express my pathetic amt.

also, i dun need breasts pads since he turns 4 months..not enough to leak

<font color="0000ff">got 3 boxes of Tollyjoy , anyone keen to buy from me, will sell at 20 percent off the price tag ..</font>
hehe..i remember u as kell :p

great, nice to have more mummies in bt batok ;) so which blk r u in ? how come u use the word back ? ur old hse or ..

paiseh, as kpo as ever :p
mummies, I hv worked in the public sector before. its those job that are administrative n repetitive in nature will get to go home on the dot. civil service is not as "xiang nang" or iron rice bowl as ppl who works in the private sector thinks.

I hv a friend working in my ex working place whose 4 mths preg. she told me tt she even has to get up at 4, 5am to work!
poor gal..r u better now ? really a streak of bad luck

yupz, times are different. But at least wun be axed due to ML

Felicia has grown so much !
at birth and now is very contrast

Dana is very lucky to have u..i m not so generous even to my 1stborn :p din buy her any accessories
btw, i saw her pics in ur spree..she is really very cute

i wonder whether u can let me know how u adopt her, esp when u can witness her as a newborn..can PM me if incovenient to say here, my cousin and his wife have been trying for 8 years and is now looking at adoption

i saw ur post and is drooling..i love spicy food too


yupz, agree with liyun, cereals to give earlier for easier digestion..tat's wat my mum said too

me also having pathetic amount each pump.. although trying hard to get more but no improvement. maybe i should be more optimistic like you arh...
