(2008/03) March 2008

rotavirus take before 6 months? Is it that after 6 months they haf immunity for it so no need to take? Jun Kang is due for 6 months jab today.

30 yrs old is old?! I m 33yrs old when I haf my first boy, Jun Kang. Does it mean that I can close shop liao?

like you, I also haf phobia. Not sure I would wanna go through the whole process again. If I were to get pregnancy, I think it wil be an accident. kekekekeke!

voted for your girl liao.

wasted !!!! i shd delay my 2nd pregnancy next yr then i quitted the job!!! aiya ..dun think i will go for 3rd bb as i and hubby are not prepared lor...

if any of mummies heard me i pregnant that mean it accident one hee hee ...
I agree w Clover. We shld haf kids bcos we wanted to haf them. Not bcos of these goodies. Must haf time, money & stamina to nurture them into resp person. Shldnt let these goodies affect our decisn to haf more or less children. We must b firm in wat we wa in life.
True i totally agree... we shld have kids coz we wan and prepared to have them.. not just for perks or watever.. coz perks will be gone soon.. but bb be there for life!! I love kids too.. but fear the process... :p Likewise..if ganna preg..also by accident...but i intend to take contraceptive after stop Bfing.. anyone knows the effect of contraceptive on BM for bb??? i scared the hormones lah..thats why dun wanna take now loh..
<font color="ff0000">jerejoy:</font>my bb older. She 28thFeb BB. so alittle heavier?? actually we hope she can slim down abit..

me also 30 this yr! actually already 30 liao coz bday over. me also old mummy.

<font color="ff0000"> Re:better bb goodies </font>
i also a bit "sim tia" leh. haha. me greedy. but anyway shd b stopping @ 1 liao coz hb say he contented with 1 n dun wan liao.. so more goodies also can c c onli
my personal view
* 16 weeks of Maternity Leave- If the ML is around 6mths, then I will consider finding a full time job. I realised that baby caring only starts to settle for a routine after 3mths, so only a few weeks more means that I will enjoy my baby for a short while.
* bigger baby bonus for first time parents- Again, no incentive for those already with kid(s). This maybe will encourage couples with no kids yet to start family planning. What about #2 and so on? The ultimate aim is to grow the population of Singapore and if only one or two child is born per family, the children are simply replacing the parents.
* Again no mention of tax incentives for single income family
* The only scheme I like is the Infant care leave that both the father and mother can enjoy. It makes a difference coz when young babies get sick, they take a longer while to recover and more leave is definitely welcome.
hahahahahha clover
u are so funny leh!! i agree with the above which u posted

I dun feel wasted as well cause i am enjoying motherhood now with my babyy!!!!!

Thanks! Will let u all know if there's any gd news. keke! ;p


Happy 5 months old to Eugene. Let's jia you togehter. hehe!


My boy's name is Jervis. 1 hr and 1 min. Quite a gd difference. haha!




I'm coming to 30 in 2 weeks time. Bd falls on 1st Sep. Time pass so fast. Old woman liao! Haha! I wish my bb is heavier cos they will lose weight whenever they fall sick. So I hope he puts on more weight. crazy mummy right.
<font size="+2"> Dear all,

I am back! Andrae's discharged. *yawn* tired...


Personally i find the bb bonus package not attractive enough for me to hv #3. Anyway same like some of u. If u hear me hv #3 it will prob b accident. Unless maybe 4 yrs later... hahahaha
Happy for u, Andrae discharged!.

Later then i sms u my addy hor, take ur time. I think u r too tired and to many things to handle. *hugz hugz*

Hahaha u so funny. There r many 30s mummies here. Hi5 i am one of them kekeke
I also wan more bb, maybe next yr or 4 yrs down the road. Hopefully God will bless y family. Got to see if my health can allows more bb
4yrs later is another dragon. another small little peak at birth rate. but heard not very good, as there will be more bbies and they will have to compete for pl for schools etc.
hahaha that's my peeve too. why the younger and slimmer pple want to complain. i'm old and fat but i'm happy leh! anyway regarding gahmen incentives, it's really hard to make everyone happy lor.

yeah u're right. basically pple make babies b'cos they want them. gahmen perks is only good for the first few years. the real headache is when they're much bigger like in their teens. i think all parents will go crazy! them and their rebellious hormones!

those ang moh notions not true for me leh. my Tricia is my accident and she's born at 3.1kg and she's in perfect health. so those ang moh anyhow hantam one.

welcome back Andrae!!! get fat soon! haha.
Glad to know that bbz Andrae is back home..

Baby bonus
Think I really lose out lots.. I already had my 3rd, so quiyte impossible will try out for the 4th wan to enjoy the perks.. Haiz~

Haha!! (KPO abit~)
Any baby on 12 march??? Mine bbz born on 12 march.. So KPO to know who share the same birthday..
My boy jus had his last dose of jab for 6-in-1 today. Proud that he is a good boy. Did cry at all. His face was like frowning and turn red a while during the jab. But he was smiling n kicking again after the jab. Kapo boy, too busy looking at the doctor's room that dun wanna cry. Hahahah!
Rotavirus really no need to take after 6 months. Nurse say there is no conclusive results on rotarvirus after 6 months. Well... so mummy save money lor. :p

hehe, pictures say a thousand words, i think got such a saying..:p

Have to do it at least 5 weeks b4 Junkang turns 6 months for the oral vaccine Rotaivirus..if i remember correctly, the 2 doses r 4 weeks apart..after 6 months, does not work


felicia is really chubby
hehe, ur mini adventure makes me smile too..too bad it din go through :p

regarding crawling floor clean, u r right man..i dun noe whether our family is too extreme..b4 entering the hse, we all wash the feet..
my fil looks taken aback when my hb told him to wash the feet :p

PS: hb shared tat he saw a dad at SGH ( A hospital) walking behind his crawling bb on the floor !i tot that was really brave of the dad

It must have been really tiring for you. You take care and rest well. Take more tonic.

Thanks for ordering the exersaucer &amp; jumperoo. my gals love it esp En Huan. She goes crazy jumping up &amp; down on the jumperoo
happy tat Andrae is fine
Have to wish him a belated 6 months cos i was not on forum yday
do take care of urself too..it must have been tiring on the mummy as well, physically and heart-ly

Redtea, Jerejoy, Sahz

Happy 5th month of Motherhood

hehe, can't help smiling to see ur making making :p wish u a quick success

when i see the 16 weeks maternity leave, i was like shucks , i should give birth in Jan 09 instead of March 08 :p so lugi..my mum then said, " i told u so to have a 3 years gap..

Gahment perks
hehe, i agree with u ladies,

actually even 1 month ML, i still want my 3 kids :p

i m aiming for a late 2010 baby myself

at 1st i tot i see wrongly, fat ? i remember we r the same height and u r lighter..

until now, i still dun consider myself as fat :p
melissa -

yeahhh, i don't think those "research studies" are a definitive thing! glad you debunked them! hahah!

i think it's not absolute, but maybe just higher risks involved?

my gynae did remind me that if i want bb #2, better to wait at least 12-18mths or so for optimal health of mummy and bb....cos mummies really lose alot of nutrients during pregnancy so it's better to build up resources first before having another bun in the oven hehehe!

clover, simp -

OEI! i also 30 leh!! so many 30 mummies here hahaha! not old not old 30 where got old!! :p
yupz, so fast ! me another 79-er

i can't believe tat i am approaching the 3rd decade of my life :p

quite frightening tat my mum and my aunts are approaching their 60s ! that sound really old to me :p
hahaha... yah manz bb pink..

u know.. 3 days ago was hb and my 11th yr aniversary!! goodness... i told him cannot imagine i have spent almost 1/3 of my life with him!!! I still cannot believe time passes by sooo fast... he replied said.."we even have a princess who looks like us" ... guess what i replied.. "no loh.. a princess who looks like u ONLY loh" wahahaha ...
heee this year is also my big 30

weight is a relative term lar, when i want to motivate myself to exercise i will compare to those who are slimmer than me, if i want to eat an ice cream i will compare those fatter than me! No matter what, staying healthy and happy is more important!
11 years is a long time <font color="0000ff">babe_dude</font> !
tat means ur hb is ur bf when u r 18 years old ..
is he ur school mate ?
so when did u get married ?

haha, shirley, when i see u on national day, i was like i wish i am born with such genes
congrats for your 11th yr anniversary. Hope there r many more 11th yr anniversary to come for you and your hubby!
Was at meeting at the NTU Alumni Club S&amp;R committee. We had a very wonderful event on exchanging vows for married couples on a cruise. One couple was doing that. They have been married for 17yrs. Tears rolled down from their eyes after the vows. So touching.
Mummies, if we can do that together next time after 20 yrs?
babe_dude: c ur msg then realise i've already forgotten when is my wedding anniversary..haha.. me beri bad wife.

also juz realise how much our bb has changed from birth till now.

This is how Felicia looks like when she's a few weeks old!!

So so small!!
i'm so bad luck! Down i am down with fong mo! Itchy all over! One bad thing after another.. n.. Andrae phelgm is still there. sigh
Hi abcmummy

Glad that Andrae has been discharged. For your fong mo, you can apply rice wine to cure it. Some will recommend calamine lotion but it doesn't help in my case. However, as you are still bfing, I am not sure if we can apply wine on our body even though we don't drink it
abc, I oso have fong mo if I eat wrong things and I will take the medicine dr gimme (bo bian cos really VERY itcy), he said is safe for breastfeeding and I dun feel itch anymore after taking the medicine.
chee kiong, taking paternity over the weekends equals to not taking any leave at all, unless yr job requires to work over the weekend.

boon, fung mo is hives...
Morning Mummies!

Fung Mo is hives. Hives are red and sometimes itchy bumps on your skin. An allergic reaction to a drug or food usually causes them. Allergic reactions cause your body to release chemicals that can make your skin swell up in hives. People who have other allergies are more likely to get hives than other people. Other causes include infections and stress.
Hives are very common. They usually go away on their own, but if you have a serious case, you might need medicine or a shot. In rare cases, allergic reactions can cause a dangerous swelling in your airways, making it hard to breathe - which is a medical emergency.

did you try the magnolia oil i passed you? I got a friend who have hives and use it. Its very effective for him. Hope it works on you.

For phelgm, there are accupressures points on the chest n back that I can use on son. Its Fei Shu on the protruding part of shoulder blade n Tian Shu on the end of sternum. But generally can rub on his back n chest with talcum powder, baby lotion or good quality essential oils. It help relieve respiratory sypmtons. When my boy was coughing, I will mix any of his moisturiser n a drop of magnolia oil to massage him every 4 hours. After he recovers, I do it every nite if I can remember and not too tired.:p
Yu Tong
How to use magnolia oil on Fung Mo? I oso have it when I eat food which I allergic to, (&amp; there r MANY type of food which I cant eat after i give birth...sign) and once it started, it is VERY itcy =.="...I tried not to take medicine cos I m breastfeeding but HARD cos VERY itcy =.="
hi ladies,

anyone start ur bb on cereal at 4mths....my son is 5mths now tot of starting him on cereal..saw heinz have a cereal for 4mths onwards....

anyone noe if i shld feed him in the morning, afternn or nite?

Magnolia here I refer to is a chinese herbal essential oil mix with 20 other chinese herbs. Jus like other pure essential oil, you juz rub it on your skin. Magnolia is specifically use for lungs related issues to prevent inflamation.

that means you cannot eat alotsa food? If you believe TCM, you can go see a chinese physician. Usually skin allergy is due to lungs issue. In chinese medicine saying, Fei Zu Pi Mao. The lungs controls the skin.

Magnolia here I refer to is a chinese herbal essential oil mix with 20 other chinese herbs. Jus like other pure essential oil, you juz rub it on your skin. Magnolia is specific used for lungs related issues to prevent inflamation.
