(2008/03) March 2008

I'm sad to hear that. I dun like KKH either. My frenx is on welfare and her twin son have alot of health problems. The Dr will recommend something and then change it to another medication or treatment method upon knowing she's on welfare. The reason: She's not paying anything so she cant expect the Dr to treat her kids well... After hearing this, what do you think of this kind of hospital?

TMC & Glen E also have 24hrs clinic. You can try them if u dun wanna go KKH.

In regards to children having fever, can I say that IF its normal illness that grown-ups will have too (such as high fever), any A&E hospital should be able to handle? Maybe will get slightly better service and better comfort than going KKH.... Just my guess only! I don wana have to try!
I would make notes on this kind of "special" treatment to me and make sure MPs etc all knew about it... so irritating to know this.
<font color="ff0000">JURONG WEST:</font>
somehow lately, there seems to be some <font color="ff0000">airbond stomach flu viras</font> around spreading especially in Jurong area. Have heard of 1 jurong mummy's son whom got it first (will vomit) and then parents might get as well. As my own 2 neices got it and spread to my mil, bil &amp; sil... so please take note. They tend to have stomachach &amp; will vomit non-stop...
Once I even went to the straits time forum and complain when DS #1 was admitted to KKH due to UTI. The people from KKH call me few days later, I had already simmer down. So I say 'It's ok! I already forgotten about it and dun wish to talk about it anymore'. You know what that man say??? "It's OK??? It's ok den why u want to write in forum??? You know that hurt our reputation???'

Wa liao eh! Hear liao really hot ah!

Airbond Stomachflu virus
All 3 of my DS got it. Hubby and me also got it. All on the way to recovery except for DS #1. He's still vomitting last night n fever.. Haiz~ It has been on &amp; off for about a week already...
If I am you then will tell him "thanks for your reminder NOW its not OK anymore. I will make sure I write to more than 1 forum for YOU"..

ARGH... the flu is strong and powerful I am very scare... siao liao.
Guess the virus have evolve/mutated. I remember last time as long as we abstain from dairy products and take good care, my son soon will recover. But now it's like the same method dun work anymore.. Haiz~
ya... worse is when the word is "airbond" meaning to say "nowhere to hid!". I haven been to my mil's place for almost 2 weeks already cos we were worry for Isaac so young to kana, But I still remember we went to their place when they were at KKH the night before.

ur poor pal !

saw this article in april 2007 , a parent did write in to forum.

tat's y i never choose to deliver there myself , in fact when i visited my pal's son, i told her if it is me, i will never send my child there ..

&amp; yet at 2am tat day, we r panicking and call SGH where my gal is born in..they asks me to go kkh which has pediatric ward
but one thing i m happy abt is my gal's fever recover yesterday
bbpink, glad ur gal is ok now...

stomach flu
a fren of mine also kenna. stay in clementi de.
i try to stay at home when i hear of babies kenna sick... cause nowadays airborne virus like combat strength type..

just went inside my multiply inbox !

Geez, so the son &amp; parents who get infected with stomach flu are my pal's and my potential son-in-law !
<font face="Comic sans ms"><font color="0000ff">babypink,

Glad yr gal has recover. My #1 is also ill, down w stomach flu, just bot her to see Chinese physician for massage.

KKH is 1 hospital that I try my very best to not go. Both my #1 &amp; me had v bad experience with them.

They were so rough when drawing blood from my #1, caused her hand to be very badly bruise &amp; swollen..

Still dare to argue that they are e expert when my HB told e nurse to be more gentle and dun raise her voice at my DD. She said my DD was not co-operating with her. Please.. my DD was only 18mths old then leh. My HB was so angry, can see he was clenching his fist so I immediately told e nurse to stop after drawing 1 tube of blood.

I made a complain to e doc when I went in to see her. And her reply is "oh, is normal for hand to be bruise when draw blood, dun hv to make such a fuss. Shld let e nurse continue, now not enough blood, might not be able to do e full test." e affected fist is liked 2 x e size of her e other normal fist &amp; e doc still can said it's normal. If my HB heard that hor, he sure will bang e table.

My colleague also bot her son tere when he was having fever &amp; swollen finger. And after several visits they still cannot find out e cause. Just kept giving different type of medication to trial &amp; error. My colleague got fed up &amp; visit TMC A&amp;E. Her son was admitted &amp; diagnosed to be some virus, fever cleared up within 2 days in hospital.

For my case, they actually gave me the medication I was allergy to. e medication cause me to hv rashes &amp; asthma attack. I had to stay in TMC for observation.

When I complain, they said I didn't tell e nurse. Though I was v goggy from fever but I'm very sure I told e staff &amp; e houseman. HB is very sure too.

They only made a refund to me when I threaten to write to straits time. We had wanted to make them bear e hospitalization fee @ TMC too. End up HB said forget it lah, dun waste our time.</font></font>
<font face="Comic sans ms"><font color="aa00aa">Clover,

You must be pretty sad &amp; shock. I totally agree with you. Anything can happen.

Last mth an ex-colleague just collapse &amp; passed away. It was reported in e Chinese newspaper too. He was only 35 years old &amp; quite a health freak. Take lots of supplements, exercise regularly &amp; go for yrly health check. He even took part in the OSIM Singapore International Triathlon 2008.

That morning he complained of headache, collapse while getting ready to work, less than 3 hrs gone. When I heard e news from another ex-colleague, i still tot they were pulling my leg.

I really regret not attending e past few gatherings. *sigh*

Must really treasure everyday, every single moment with your loved ones, cannot take things for granted.</font></font>

thanks for sharing , next time i will go tmc .

poor u, allergic reaction is no joke..

so far among the govt hosp, my fav is stil SGH
at least for delivery
and i agree with ur last sentence abt treasuring every mmt with loved ones ..usu after reading such incidents, it make an impact..

then after tat, i forget again .. tat day at 1 plus am, in my dreamy sleepy state i still tell my gal dun b so noisy leh when she fusses..then hb took her temp and annouce more than 39 degree time to go hosp ..then i started to panick &amp; jump up fr bed

hb said bec a totally dif person fr my sleepy state b4 he annouce her temp
jenifur, yah mus treasure our loved ones and friends. yr ex-colleague's case is a tragedy of its own. no one expect a healthy person like him to be gone so fast. in my case, I was self-reproaching myself for forgetting to invite him to my place for xmas gathering.

motherhood do take up almost all my time. i'm forgettful n i'm always tired. I seldom hv personal time. the times I post here is when i'm feeding my ds. dun even talk about msn-ing or blogging. being a sahm means losing touch with the society and lesser contacs!ts with our friends.

sorry ah, long winded coz I have been feeling oppressed for a long, long time.
I see... NOW I know who is your protential son-in-law. You've got good taste!

Nowadays... we really dont know what really do people mean by healthy. So many people just "go" in their sleep.. ppl who actually dont live healthly seems to be having a longer life instead.

Isaac had got so much wind in his stomach last night he cry the whole night and vomitted twice. Lucky everything is back to normal now.
no worries, FTWM have our own set of headachs too.... We are all tear between to go out to work for bread or to stay at home and take care of baby...
Hi all.. I'm new to this website and was wondering if you gals had any problems feeding your LOs .. my LO stopped drinking milk at 6 months and now refusing solids as well.. Any good chinese recipes to share? he is currently only eating puree rice cereals with veggies or fish or meat..
some of us here cooks porriage for our babies. For myself, I add in threadfin (fish), some greens, tomatoes or sweet potatoes in the porriage. The natural sweetness from the vegs mix with the porriage attracts the little one to eat. U may wana try it~

Cereal (brown rice instant mix powder type), I add in baby milk powder cos no matter what, babies still need milk for calcium... So I try to find ways to let baby take.

Also those baby cookies/biscuits for teething. They love it~~
Thks Liyun.. He is a really fussy little one and he doesn't like his food very much..Sounds like I should really try some chinese poridge.. question, do you grind the rice first?
Hi Mummies,
have not been logging in cos stil have been busy wif my packing. Took a break to go to T3 to take pictures with Mickey n Minnie Mouse on last weekend.

Today the wardrobe n shoe rack jus came. Sigh! When is this going to end!~
I beg to differ about KKH leh. Not trying to be funny but I find that I like their nurse n doctors there. I admitted my son once when I knocked his head on the door frame.
Recently, I went to the 24 hours clinic at Mt A cos my son fell on his head again. He was admitted immediately. Comparing the two hospitals, I prefer KKH leh.
Maybe at KKH hospital, my son in a single bedded room n I think I prefer the privacy more than the double bedded room at Mt A lor.

Treasure your love ones,
Clover/ Bbpink/ Jenifur, sorry to to hear the deceased of your friend(s). U mus be really sad. But jus tell yourself, "They are in a better place now"

someone jus commented that I become a 黄脸婆 recently! Wow liao!~ Wat to do?! Everyday, life only revolved around my DS. Sometimes, really feel very trapped! But mus tell myself to endure. One day my son will tell me " Thank you, Mummy. If not for you, I would not be so successful in life."

I m trying to organise regularplay groups for SAHM at my place so that all the SAHM can haf an avenue to hug &amp; cry or bitch about life of SAHM. After that, life stil continues.

heard that there are so many cases of gastro virus going around. So scary. I was so worried when i last admitted my son to Mt A due to his fall on his head. Dr Terrence Tan discouraged me to stay longer than a nite at the hospital. I was so paranoid that I keep spraying the antiseptic spray on to his poo everytime I change my DS or when I go into the toilet.
The virus nowadays are so powerful that it can take lives of young babies as well. My friend's relatives (who is a young bb) passed away cos of gastro virus.

recently my son refused to drink milk but is taking solids well. Will this post any potential problem ah? Any mummies know?
hw old is yr bb?

Major falls
so far Andrae had 4 major fall...
1. while cruising he fall with back down the floor first.
2. While slping alone in the room, he roll off the bed. i wasn't in the room but i guess he use his arm to support himself during the fall
3. While sleeping in the middle of the night i suddenly hear a loud cry. When i woke up i couldnt find andrae.. he already landed on the floor. This time round a bit serious. He fall face down (remember he doesnt crawl). When i pick him up, there were blood around his face and mouth area...
4. He was playing on a toy n loses balance thus fall sideways and knock the head on the floor...

What a brave boy i have.. he cried only a short while for all instances and guess the power of latching helps too... hahaha... But enough of the shock! I jus gotten bumper mat and play yard yesterday... but still he love crusing all over the house. sigh...

Clover/ Bbpink/ Jenifur
sorry to to hear the deceased of your friend. I guess what u say is true. My hb lost his bro 6 years back. It was painful for the whole family esp his mother... even now i knw he still think and misses his brother.
Morning Mummies,
I'm also one of the few that find KKH is not bad. I think have to depend on your luck to see which Doc is in the Children's Emergency Clinic.

I went to the 24hrs Clinic once because Phoebe vomitted and run a slight fever at 2am. Kan Cheong so bring to hospital lor. Not just in KKH, I find some Docs a bit irritating to say the fever not high, dun worry, no need to bring to A&amp;E blah blah. How would we know, of course bring to doc to be safe? Or maybe they want this to sound reassuring but I'm a bit high strung and interpreted it in another way lor. LOL
Hmmm KKH i brought kath there once because her fever was 40.5.
And they treat her with care wor.. cause too high so she skip Q and 1st one to be treated until fever subside then they allow me to bring her home.

kath also another one same as andrae. she fall 3x before but never cry also.. then everytime her head knock on wall just shout thats all.

Agree that we should cherish everything ard us..
Anything can happen within split minutes.
Govt Hospital

I think only KKH and NUH has a proper peadiatrics dept, KKH being the bigger of the 2.

The issue with your friend's welfare status and choice of medication.... you got to understand something. There can be many diff brands of the same medicine... of course the newer ones are recently researched and tested and so-called "new and improved" versions...and may work faster. But that also cost twice or 3 times more. AND sometimes you need a full course of 2 weeks or so. The dollars add up. If it's too expensive the hospital under the protocol of the ministry have to evaluate if there are any other alternative to this treatment. Cos if they still choose this treatment then guess who is paying for that? Taxpayers. And that is for 1 patient. If for humanitarian sake the Dr/hosp give this to all that they deem in need of this, without looking at more affordable alternative, then every year our tax would be higher and higher, just to "pay" for all these stuff that people who can't pay their expensive medicine. You understand what I mean?

Sometimes the comparison not fair. KKH is govt, first line of doctors you see are the junior doctors. But am sure in TMC first Dr you see is the Consultant or so. Am I right? And how come no one comparing the cost as well? And for those who went to KKH and then to private hosp - all I can say is it can be the other way round as well. Having gone thru many tests in the first hospital makes the job easier for the 2nd hosp to eliminate possible causes and make a quicker diagnosis.

I remember learning this: when a customer is happy she tells 1 or none. If she's unhappy, she tells 10. So better nip the unhappiness in the bud!

Am just sharing my thoughts on this matter. Pls don't feel offended by my comments.
Hi Lefty,
True. Lol. KKH 24hr children clinic charge $80 when you registered with some standard med included. Oh, but the nurses there are mostly very sweet and nice to children. I prefer the nurses. LOL
Hi Yutong,
You are in a very privilege group you know... Not everyone can afford to be a SAHM or can take the challenge.

Some more mths later, they will be more independant, grow up and attend school and have lots of other activities.

I wonder who is the crappy person to invent the word "Huang Lian Po". There is no such word in our vocabulary!
Hahaha! I think thats a good one. Mus find out who is the one who invent the word Huan Lian Po n give him/her a good bashing!
Thats a good way to console myself in that I belong to the privilege group. Not that we r rich, jus that my hubby prefers me to be my son till he grows older. Tats y move from condo to HDB now.

Hopefully, when he is older I can go back to work. Dun wanna be out of touch with the society too long. If not, I will become sua ku plus huang lian po next time. Hahhahahah!
Wow couldn catch up the reading in this thread as always. Full of life hahaha

Major knocks n falls, shevon had it all. I had bumper mat but also no use de. When i put her in kitchen or she crawls out of the mat, then major accidents happen kkekeke..

Nowadays she cry easily like wake up for nap-cry, middle of nite-cry for milk, comfort, whatever, fall/knock-cry, change diper when soiled-cry, take away her things-cry. Bua tahan

I feel n agree now that i am like an obasan, everyday like mad woman at home haiz. Only the net keep me sane

Stomach flu
Tell me abt it. the day i had this in penang, my mum had this in sg at the same time. She was in hospital while i was in hotel bed. Then hb got it then my ger got urine infection n stayed in hospital. Drama episode. The flu seems to attack sporean ard this time, not just in jw (though my mum stay there too) but sg pple in kl like me also kenna. That' was 2-3 wks ago b4 xmas.

I dun like the nurses there but i like the dr there. My surgery done there w drip, catherer, np joke, tramautised me. Then in tmc, i gave birth, everything was like heaven, better than kkh, no doubt. Thin the heavy traffic in pple staying in kkh, nurses short-handed n trainees etc, cant expect much
I understand what u mean. But I dun think it's right when they recommend something and then suddenly say that it's nt necessary anymore after they know she's on welfare. It's like 'you have no money you can die for all I care', that's how i feel.

I have stayed at KKH sub &amp; private ward before. I know the difference between the 2 wards. The service and the attitude is totally different!

If admittion is needed, I would rather go to TMC. You're paying about the same price as KKH private ward (let's compare 4 bedded for both hospital). 5 days stay is about $4000 (+/-), but in TMC, you sleep on the bed with your baby in the baby crib provided, while at KKH, you sleep at those foldable make shift bed. TMC give u a container to sterilise ur bottles while at KKH, they dun give u anything to sterilise ur bottle. You want to sterilise? You bring your own container and get hot water from the hot water dispenser. For the same amount of money, which one do you prefer??? And on top of that, the service at TMC is much better than in KKH.

And for the 'to KKH then to the TMC' thingy that lefty brought up. Here's something that makes me feel that KKH is incompetent:

DS #2 was diagnosed with EBV when he was 2yo. To make matter worse, he was also having pneumonia. I went to KKH and stayed there for a day, they did some test and say that they dunno what is wrong with him. They didnt know he have pneumonia and me &amp; hubby also dunno. Cos he wasn't wheezing or anything. He just couldnt feed well and was salivating. We were desperate then. Seeing us like that, my mum ask me to go back to my PD (the one who 'take care' of me when I was a child). And so I went. The Dr look at him, did some normal checking and told us that DS #2 was having EBV and also pneumonia. He then called KKH Clinic K and ask us to go down immediately with a letter. He say the Dr will be waiting for us. Once we're there, the Dr admitted DS without further delay. That night he was placed in HD ward. Discharged 5 days later. But he got no better. I had little savings then, but were very desperate. So after discussing with hubby, we brought him TMC and asked for Dr Low. He stayed there for 5 days. But after that, He never have severe asthma attack or bronchitis or pneumonia again. Add on to that: before the stay at TMC, he have to be admitted to hospital once every 2-3 months. From the time he was 1yo-2yo, he had already stay in hospital 4-5times... That's why I find KKH very incompetent.

I'm interested, but weekday or weekend??
stomach flu

my brother in law's baby who only 15mth kena before. her mother bring him to china n kena, come back to hk keep vomiting, diarhea and no appetite for milk n solid food, only drink porridge water...vr poor thing, recovered after 4, 5 days i think...after that the bb pass to my FIL. at first i dun know what's that, i still bring Brendon to my MIL's place...they live in the same apartment..diff units. then my MIL brought Brendon to their house but nv enter the house only outside the gate. after that my hubby call me ask me not to go there and tell me how serious it is. aiyo...blur mummy,luckyly Brendon nv kena. touch wood....my mil still want to feed Brendon porridge who cook by my sister in law tat day,lucky the porridge finished lio...then from tat day onwards i nv went to my mil place till the baby and my FIL recovered.

Nowadays Brendon super sticky to me, like super glue..sometimes he only wants me not even his daddy cause my hubby super busy with his work recenlty,seldom play with Brendon.

he fall down from bed around 2x but not serious cause fall on the matt.. cried a short while only. when cruising around also fall a few times but most of the times he can fall with the support of his hands thus only scream or cried of shocked. sometimes when i carry him, will also accidently knock his head but not serious also....kekekeke...that's my fault lah,, blur mummy.


i think i enjoy vr much beeing a SAHM, watching Brendon every milestones...so far no one calling me huang lian po, only last time one of my gf ever ask me why my breast droppy. i still spend money on my hair and face..the only thing i have given up is my high heels. i am wearing more jeans n t shirt cause easier to BF and carry Brenndon


i have abt the same family picture as yours...heheheh Brendon luv micky mouse...whenever he saw mickey or minnie, he will bubbling abt them.kekekekek
Mummies, I have a good news to share, Rhys call me 'mummy' for the first time yesterday... Hahaha! Finally!!!!!

Another 4.5hr to yr 2009. Happy New Year to everyone!!!!!
you got mail.

Happy New Year!
Its the last day of 2008 and I think its most likely that will be going through it like normal days. Bb n hubby is co-sleeping now. I m the only one stil wide awake.
Waiting for the countdown to watch fireworks at Marina Bay from my flat later.

Bb falling down,
Shifted to new place for a week n my bb has 3 bruise n one cut on his face. Think he is not familiar with the new surrounding. One major one is around corner of his left eyes. One whole strip of blue black till his high cheeks around.
I once heard a PD told me "If your bb fell n cry, he is a normal bb. If he doesn't cry at all, you haf to wori." Reason being, everyone has senses or feeling. A bb fell he would either feel pain or shocked. If he doesn't then something is wrong.
yt, where's ur blk? can see firwork so good. my blk can see. but got to go up to 28th flr. i'm on the 7th only

Happy 2009 to all mommies!
Happy New Year everyone..

Same here i am goign thru it like any normal days... how to go out when kids r slping? Hb is already out and doubt he be coming bac early.. anyway he nvr come bac early on 31 dec cos he either got to be standby at fire station or causeway point countdown.. sigh.. 6 years together.. nvr once celebrate together.. anyway nothing to celebrate ley.. hahaha
About an hour to go... M thinking n sharing with my hubby about 2009 resolutions.
Happy New Year all mummies n babies!
Now kids sleeping and hubby ask me want sneak out or not. hahaa..
i tell him cannot lah later parents in law deep sleep then kids wake up nobody care about them how.!

Happy new year everyone!
yar very near! U r jus beside the market face the Bishan Park! Every time I bring my son to morning walk at Bishan Park then to market, will sure see your block. Envy that you got a good view of Bishan Park, unblock view manz!
You SAHM? Muz meet up one of these days la.

I'm interested in the playgroup session too. Hv pm to u my hp no in case u wanna contact me. It would be a fun time for our kids n a great time for us to unwind.

Happy new yr to all mummies n babies!
