(2008/03) March 2008

Good Morning all! Rainy (Sleepy) Monday...

Hi Simp,
As long as baby is still drinking milk, its still ok. The Doc told me that the most important food for babies below 12 months is their milk.

My gal only eat porridge cooked with carrots, tomato, potato, pork or fish, or porridge with greens (minced w mini food processor). Then too much porridge also not nutritious mah. Its mainly carbo. Baby must take fats and protein etc which come from their milk.

my girl main food intake is milk and milk.. every 2 half hr she needs her milk no matter whether have she taken her porridge or not.
simp, I varied wat alex eat but usually he eats the same thing for 2 days n then I changed. alex also doesn't like broccoli, so I mix with other veg to mask the tste. for greeens, I steam first and use a food processor to chop up into small pieces n mix into the porridge.
Thanks Isabel,Abc, Kell, Adeline

for the sharing. Ok maybe i just increase the freq of porridge w more greens n reduce the freq of plain root veg for Shevon.

Think my bm seems to be declining. Shevon now drinks b4 she slp, then keep waking up in the middle of the nite like abt 2 to 3 hr for more bm. Not enugh for her i think as i dun feel that there is supply for her that's y keep waking up. Even morning bm also seem reduced. Think she may need fm top-up soon if my bm is really pathetic.
me too! my BM seems to have reduced drastically. i think she's reserving her hunger for food. she prefers to eat! now i think she's treating my BM like a sleeping pill! haha.

i just bought Tricia the Heinz biscuit and she eats it well even though she still has absolutely no teeth yet! she loves it.
<font face="Book Antiqua"><font color="0000ff">Good Afternoon Mummy,

<u>Birthday Party</u>
Hearing all of you talk about birthday party make me gan cheong. Josiah's birthday is in early Feb &amp; lazy mummy hv not done anything yet. I better start hunting for venue now

Looks like Josiah is not e only one who dislike porridge. I've wasted so much effort trying to cook porridge for him &amp; it always end up in #1 tummy. Duno wat's wrong w him. e same ingredients, he will finish everything if it's mix w cereal but nt for porridge. I even try cooking porridge with milk but still no luck.

He doesn't like other stuff too, u try to stuff biscuits/bread etc into his mouth &amp; he will give u a very disgusted face
<font face="Book Antiqua"><font color="aa00aa">Red Tea,

I rem e nurses in TMC said it's ok to mix BM w FM. But jus watch e temperature. Wat u can do is gradually reduce e amt of BM in e bottle till yr DS is on full FM

I had a very bad experience w my #1 when comes to introducing FM too. She refuses to drink even when mix w EBM. We bot so many different type of FM to let her try leh but she just refuse to drink, rather go on hunger strike. I was really gng to give up when a kind mummy asked me to try Fiso Gold. Surprisingly she took it when we mix w EBM. However We still took bout 3 mhs plus to totally switch her to FM.

So now with Josiah, I didn't even bother to try other brand FM... straight away Friso Gold. And I also started slightly earlier at 8mths. So far he's taking it quite well.</font></font>
thanks. we give him enfapro. and both me and my hubby tasted it. damn yucky. have friso gold sample. last resort is to try friso liao.
Baby porriage:
Last week when I take Isaac to TCM to see doc, the doc comment that he is very "yellow", suspect he took too much carrot. Isaac takes tomato everyday (1 big tomato with his porriage). Now I cut down to once every 2 days instead. He also take alot of "root" veg.
Recently i also overfed shevon w papaya like once every 2 days or daily till hb said she was a bit yellowish then i stopped. Now i only dare to give red/orange type food/fruit to her once a week or twice a wk. Dun know how often we can feed bb w these food :p
<font face="Book Antiqua"><font color="0000ff">Simp,

I was told by Chinese Physician that veg/fruits like carrot, sweet potato, pumpkin, tomato or mango, papaya, banana etc only can feed max once a wk or else bb will be yellowish.

U can try giving stuff like zucchini, peas, baby spinach, mushroom, egg plant, Asparagus, bell pepper, celery etc</font></font>
My mum don noe read from where says tomatoes are good for skin that's why she gave Isaac alot...
Sweet Potatoes &amp; Tomatoes add sweetness to the porriage...
tomato seeds causes hyperactivity. So remember to remove the seeds.

i assume Shevron is latching directly to yr breast? if so wat u experience is prob a temp growth spurt. Continue to latch on. Recently my gf introduce pork knuckles soup to increase MS. It work wonders...U may wish to try. But if like i say u r latching on then it is prob she is drinking more. not yr supply lesser. Dun worry. Keep latching.. after a while yr breast will get the signal and produce more milk. I think Melissa is expressing as well as latching. For us workign mothers, we have no choice but to express... Though as much as i hate to but no choice. I try to latch more often during sch hols and night...
Oh it's growth spurt, i forgot abt this possibility. She was latching directly n now milk ss only full at nite then middle of nite n morning, ss is not full full like when i latch her 90%. She now only latch on at nite, midle of nite n morning.

If it' growth spurt, i hope the body will adjust for her quickly. It has been like dat for abt 2 weeks i think.

Pork knuckle, ok i must go find in kl supermarket n i hope they r fresh, very scared of buying pork n fish coz im not very expert. Fish i buy from wet market, pork i buy form supermarket. Think i need to eat more fish as well. Nowadays i seldom indulge in fish liao, mainly veg n soup. Think need to beef up for shevon.

pork knuckles with soy bean and tofu... boil from 7 bowl till one bowl... abt 2 hr under gas...

actually now yr breast wun feel full le as in wun hv engorgement even after long hours. But when they latch will still b enuff for them one.. she doesnt latch in the day time?
Oh must add tofu n soy bean. Wow another 2hr cooking of soup hahah form 7 bowl to 1 bowl. Ok ok will write that down in my notebook

Ya, now shevon only latches at nite, daytime no more alreadi as got almost all the solid meals except 1 feed of fm for tea/drink in the mid afternoon.

Din know now our body in tune to bb, wont get engorgement, so scare of this, can get fever, pain etc. I got it many times in the earlier months.
remove tomato seed? that doesnt sound very easy... *lazy mummy*, already used to the hyperactivity.... kekeke. If suddenly Isaac turns inactive high chance I will send him to hospital liao~
Weaning off is my aim now... todays my aim to wean~~~
u may wish to increase the day milk intake. It does help to reduce the night milk feeds... Andrae is 10 mth plus (he is feb bb) and he is drinking at around these timing even with his solids...

530am, 10am, 2.30pm, 7pm, 9pm, 1.30am and the occasional night latch duno for comfort or hunger...

don worry it will be enough ms for yr bb.. u are doing fine

just remember to drink more water daily

i still latching my bb and noticed that she is drinking well though my breast is not empty completely
i rem u wanted to stop at 4 mths.. but u cont further then me!! hahaa.. but after stop bf.. i got back lots of freedom! no more looking for nursing room, pumping.. much much more free time to company both kids also.
i guess i am very certain tat andrae is my last bb (or even if hv the age gap will be at least 4 yrs and abv), i perserve as long as i can...

can u sms me when u got my msg? bveen smsing u but din get any reply..
i not asking u to give up ma.. just saying that after i stop bf, i gain back lots of freedom and kathlyn not cranky as before. i guess my supply wasnt enuff for her and now can see she much more satisfied lol.
you msg me? sorry sorry. i lost my phone last week! just managed to retrieve a new sim card yest. so sway ...

tomatoes very easy to remove the seeds and skin one. firstly, you plunge the tomatoes into hot boiling water for abt 30secs then take them out and put in cold water. then you can peel off the skin SUPER SUPER easily. then cut the tomatoes into halves and use a spoon to dig out the seeds. maybe you can try.
Currently Isaac eat everything of a tomatoe... We threw the whole tomatoe to boil with the porriage, when it turns soft, take it out, remove the "head" and smash everything else up and threw them back into the porriage.... He's learning to chew now so we're not cutting things too tiny.. purposely leave abit here &amp; there
yah lor. sway sia.

oh okay. cheryl only got 2 teeth now so still haven really give her pieces of food yet. i still do puree for her lei.
kath also no teeth but my aunty made macaroni for her and she really eat wor.
She made till soft soft..
for me i still give porridge lo.. cause i feel easier for her. i see my aunty feed i scared sia.. we alrady feeding her rice with soup which i find still acceptable but hor.. macaroni!!!
I heard from my sis that my nephew started eating 'baby' tomatoes since he was about a yr old. Now 'baby' tomatoes are my nephew's favourite. And his skin (for a boy) also very smooth. He's about 11yo now. I also want to start my boy on baby tomatoes since he now welcomes any kind of food.. In case, u mummies dun know, my boy is now more and more like 'rubbish bin'. He will eat anything and everytime he see someone is eating, he will want to have a share too...
cheryl's noon feed is cereal with puree. dinner is porridge. we gave her 1 rice grain sometimes when we are eating. but it's 1 rice grain per time. LOL. still don dare give her big mouthfuls of bits and pieces of food. if we give bread, it's also a rather tiny piece.
i also scared she get choke one.
But i see my aunty like bo laksa.. keep feeding.. so i just close my eyes lor. i dunno if kath can digest or not also.
I really wana wean cos kana biten so many times by Isaac. There were times after latching I am already quite sian cos both nipple red &amp; swollen. PAIN ar...
u made it this far le endure till 1 year old to hit the 1 year mark? but i do understand how painful lo.. last time kath no teeth bite me already pain wor..
Hi Mummies!
I didnt know abt the Tomato Seeds. Maybe thats why my girl become hyper?

But she only hyper to Mummy and Daddy. When I leave for work, she like become subdued and sian half. Maybe not due to tomato seeds...
ladies, yesterday was a sad day, coz i discovered the man who drowned in the singapore river on xmas day morning was a school friend whom we were quite close during the school days. his wake is over so i couldn't pay my last respect to my friend. i am feeling rather down about it. just wanna tell everyone to treasure our days and count our blessings~~
I just learnt that Friso gives the 900g Tins as Sample for Friso Gold 2. Please call Friso Infoline - 6419 8484.

I let my girl drink Friso from the start but only now then i call and ask sample... so silly. LOL
I understand Joyce (one of the mummies from our fourm had held her first HB spree) last night. Forgot her nick liao~~ hum
andrae looks very cute..tat was quite a clever invention for sand play

it must be quite a shock, somemore u two r quite close in ur sch days ..

it is always quite sad when i hear of schmate/pple my age pass away,

so far sec 1 one died while running and one commit suicide cos got accused wrongly by a teacher..the last case died fr motorbike accident rite after graduation fr uni..haiz
27 Dec was a scary day for me. was in emergency at 2AM..sigh*

Childcare called me at 6pm on 26 Dec tat my gal is running a fever of 37.5. We brought her to the clinic at 6 plus pm and it was 38.3
Then 1 plus AM, it shot up to 39.2 despite medication

When i reach the emergency, it was really eye/ ear opener.

saw one doc quarrelling with a father and as for mine, was having some disagreement with his nurse over a case file instead of attending to us and saying things like gone gase liao, got to be admitted

and was advised tat a child fever is only serious if 41 degree ! and last for 5 days..

which hospital did u go to? I wana AVOID there!!! Or if I go I will be prepare to go into war with the staff there!
need to ask this also

for kids emergency at 2am, where else can we go ?
i wana go sgh, but they said they will still send to kkh, cos sgh no pediatric ward

I was told... KKH is the ONLY regonised hospital for children. YET also, I heard of quite a number of problems on them... My friend's 2 year old son pass away there after staying in ICU for a month plus and the doctors were not able to give them a confirm reason on why his son's health just suddenly have a twist from a healthy kid to ICU within a week. No illness history, nothing at all. KKH give me a very bad impression since then...
