(2008/03) March 2008

happy mother's day everyone!
my hubby is taking care of the kids as much as possible today since it is mother's day! woohoo!
so no diaper duties for moi kekeke

i'm interested in the ergo but can the bb sit facing forward?

Happy Mother's Day all! Too bad no celebrations 4 me today as bb having fever and not feeding well. Always wanting to b carried. Enjoy the day mommies
What are the equipment that need to buy from GD? Which one are you doing?

If you are too stressed up with all the things to do, relax a bit and dun do it
A happy mommy and happy baby is more important. I do not do all the exercises. I just do whatever is more convenient to me :p kekeke... parents' convenience... I do more balance activities on days when babies like. Sometimes, they dun like it, so I stop. I will do the solid shapes flashcards too, but not 10 times a day. I cannot achieve 10 times. Now got 2 to stimulate and 1 to do flashcards. My #1 flashcards sessions is usually 1 hour each session. It took more than one year to build up to this concentration span.

Happy mother's day to all
happy mother's day to all...

I wanna ask whether anyone know where are the sales that will be coming...i wanna buy babysafe cot mattress...but too expensive...hope to get it when any stores got 20% storewide sale leh... =)
Date: 12 May (Mon)
Time: 12 noon - 2pm
Place: TPY Sakura (buffet-international @$19)

1. abcdisney
2. Adeline
3. crystal


Date: 13 May (Tues)
Place: clover's home @ AMK
Time: 12.30pm (potluck)

1. clove n hb - pasta
2. abcdisney n bb - fruits
3. Adeline
4. Adeline Loo n bb - cake
5. Kate & BB - Bakwang sayur


Date: 15 May (Thurs)
Time: 2pm
Venue: Shaw House (Isetan building) coffee connection

1. abcdisney n bb
2. Adeline
3. Adeline Loo n bb
4. Kate n bb (will be late)
Thanks mummies for the info of bb carrier.

haiya, you stayed so near my house but i cannot go gathering as I m staying wif my mum n my mum is not around on Tues. Maid is stil new dun dare to leave her alone wif bb. So not joining you guys.
<font size="+2">buffet venue changed to kuishinbo</font>

Date: 12 May (Mon)
Time: 11.30am - 3pm
Place: kuishinbo @ suntec @ $25++
1. abcdisney
2. Adeline
3. kathy n hb n bb


Date: 13 May (Tues)
Place: clover's home @ AMK
Time: 12.30pm (potluck)

1. clove n hb - pasta
2. abcdisney n bb - fruits
3. Adeline
4. Adeline Loo n bb - cake
5. Kate &amp; BB - Bakwang sayur


Date: 15 May (Thurs)
Time: 2pm
Venue: Shaw House (Isetan building) coffee connection

1. abcdisney n bb
2. Adeline
3. Adeline Loo n bb
4. Kate n bb (will be late)
<font color="aa00aa">pet,
my gal took 6 in 1 package for 1st 5 in 1 dose. also fussy when drink milk n abit unwell look.
is it this normal react after taking 5 in 1 jab?</font>
Date: 15 May (Thurs)
Time: 2pm
Venue: Shaw House (Isetan building) coffee connection

1. abcdisney n bb
2. Adeline
3. Adeline Loo n bb
4. Kate n bb (will be late)
5. Yu Tong ( TBC again )
hi mummies,
any recommendation on a good car seat? i intend to get one for my 2mths old baby.. looking at a good one, and maybe one that can be used up to 4years old?
Date: 12 May (Mon)
Time: 11.30am - 3pm
Place: kuishinbo @ suntec @ $25++
1. abcdisney
2. Adeline
3. kathy n hb n bb


Date: 13 May (Tues)
Place: clover's home @ AMK
Time: 12.30pm (potluck)

1. clove n hb - pasta
2. abcdisney n bb - fruits
3. Adeline
4. Adeline Loo n bb - cake
5. Kate &amp; BB - Bakwang sayur
6. twinklestars &amp; bb - chicken pie or golden pillow

Date: 15 May (Thurs)
Time: 2pm
Venue: Shaw House (Isetan building) coffee connection

1. abcdisney n bb
2. Adeline
3. Adeline Loo n bb
4. Kate n bb (will be late)
5. Yu Tong ( TBC again )
bb's jab
my bb has no fever after his 6-in-1 n I also didn't prep him before hand...so not all bb will hv fever after the jab.

mummies coming to my pl on tue... if u dun hv my mobile/addy, kindly pm me yr email address.
metro sells ERGO? din notice... i tot ergo can front carry type?

fever after jab
my boy was cranky, reject milk, wan to be carried all nite... end up i engorged. today he's better... drank super lots. i think he's making up for lost milk time... haha
today my son did something which i found it v funny! he did a muttley in his sleep... ppl from my generation will remember this character. hehe.

hi ladies.. I read tat bottlefeedin bb must b in half stand position.. Bb sldn b lyin down.. To prevent ear infection..

Then how abt latch on bb? Does lyin down n bf bb cos ear infection too?

I alway bf bb when lyin him down.. To make him slp.. Or in middle of nite.. Now i worry m i doin rite thing.. Will b get ear infection?
Hi mummies,
have come back for work liao...so tiring..By the way, can i know where to buy fenegreek (to increase milk supply)? Is it from GNC?
Cladi : About bb n half stand position when bottlefeed i think is cos scared bb will get choked. I have been bottle feed my gal in this position..
hi melody,

i have 2 big bottles of 200capsules which i bought from abc during a spree earlier. I would like to sell at cost. U interested.

hi abc,

forgot how much i pay for it le.. hee.. can u help me?
<font color="0000ff">Pet</font>

Glad tat Ryan is better

<font color="0000ff">Lyn</font>

Can u advise me how flashcard reading is done
..i have some sets on animals, abc, counting..

i am asking for my 20th month old..have yet to start and the cards are accumulating dust in my hse =p

<font color="0000ff">HappyGal29</font>

wow, can hold head up very well
and indeed look like boyboy!

<font color="0000ff">Clover</font>

hehe, i remember..so cute ! how u make it moving ?


<font color="0000ff">Surviving without pumping &amp; bb outside</font>

I lasted from 8 am to 5pm :p Caught Ironman - i think hbies will enjoy it..wives too, cos got romance element, very nice movie if u r planning a movie date

Towards the end of the show, can really feel my Ironbreasts


PS: mothers' day was happy yesterday until I came back in the evening and discover Kelicia having a fever out of the blue
She was still fine when we set off
thks abc for e ergo info...
abc: i'll contact u tmr on collection of e fridge-to-go. suntec rite?

bbpink: wah, 8am-6pm w/o bb, i think i'll be *bu she de*...

btw, i'm collecting e fridge-to-go frm abc tmr. but my hb say i can dun need work this yr. so i'm selling it at same purchase price. $25.20+$15= $40.20
Cyberbabe : Thanks...I will go &amp; buy myself..
Jerejoy : Ok noted, i will go &amp; take a look.
Crystal : So sianzz...morning wake up @ 5 plus to express my milk...Monday blueeee..Waooo u so fast 3wks liao ah? Did u take the full 12wks ?
hubby precious, my experience is to buy a infant car seat like maxi-cosi kind. then use up to 1 yr plus then change to booster seat. cos if you buy those can use from infant up to 4 yrs old. you will have problem with their neck when they sleep. for my number 1 I use those kind 0-4 yrs, i have to support the neck through out the car ride. now i managed to find a 2nd hand maxi-cosi and try. much much better. i can drive out by myself with the baby. and dont have to worry.
Crystal : Oh i see ...I took 10 wks..Some of the work stuffs forget how to do liao..kekeee..So u left 1wk right? My com HR said must take wk by wk lei. How about u?
before i went on leave, they told me must take wk by wk. but when i came back, they told me can take day by day. so now i am taking day by day. this wed i am taking le. bringing my girl for jab.

haha when i first came back, i also forgot some but now okay liao. all came back aftr doing hanns-on.
crystal/ melody

u gals nt alone. i am working now too. i started work after my confinment cos i am doing freelance work. so after this assignment i can rest again to take care of my children
nope. i stop bf-ing alrdy. so how are you coping now?

thats great! can rest again... taking care of ur kids is definitely a plus point. more bonding !!!
i bought at $50 for the second hand set. but i see pple selling on ebay for $65. the retail price is about $110 to $130.

babysafe cot mattress no discount at robinson even when there was storewide 20% discount. i bought it there during the yr end sale (no discount.
). however, i read that motherworks had discount for it during the yr end sale. by the way, the mattress is kinda hard. got my gal some time b4 she got used to it.
Crystal : So far so good..But previously i almost have a breakdown, cos my bb kept crying when she latch on...Nw ok lah, but is reli tough to bf when u start working, veri tiring. I hope i can bf her until 1yr if i have the supply...
Hi Mummies!
I went back to work. The headhunter found a job related to my field so I am torn btw bb and work. Quite "se bu de" leaving bb with my mum. But argh, no choice have to work in SG... Unless I got the Toto first prize... LOL

I also wanna buy the Ergo carrier. Saw it here... http://mummysmilk.com/store/index.php?cPath=21_27

What other carriers are good / value for $$?
i understand abt bf and working is tough but i think we can make it. I was bf my son when i need to travel for work, need to bring a lot of barang barang but its worth the trouble. my parents always think my son seldom fall sick its all becos he is breastfed. unfortunately i didnt manage to bf him till 1 yr only till 8mth all thanks to the liquid restriction on the plane. haiz so i plan to bf longer for my daughter. Add milk okie!
Shirley : by right, how much milk should i express now ah? Bcos i didnt reli clear my breasts during each session. Mine is manual pump. Anyway, u using which brand of breast pump?
