(2008/03) March 2008

ya i also heard that similac is sweet. it's also very ex! um, i guess i wont do changes to my bb's fm, dowan invite trouble to myself should the new fm doesnt suit her. haha

what bottles are you mummies using for feeding? recently much articles abt BPA. i am thinking of getting bornfree bottles. currently i am using avent.
fion mummy
yup. nan1 and nan1 HA are different. HA = hypoallergenic

nan1 HA minimises the possibilites of allergic responses as by containing relatively few or no potentially irritating substances
i now feed my baby NAN 1 HA even though he doesn't have any allergies.. like what crystal mentioned, ya lor, i couldnt breastfeed my boy for long so wants to give him the best FM..

i am very interested to let him try Similac.. but i really dunno if it'll be the right move.. now he's 6weeks, still don't dare to switch..

which one u say is close to BM?
hb precious
same same. very interested to let my girl change fm but dunno if it's the right move so i am staying put i guess???? my girl is 10wks old now alrdy.
hb precious
i bf for 3wks. yes i am giving her normal nan1. nope did not check with my PD. i will be bringing my girl to her when she is 3mths for her jabs. mayb then i'll check ???
Cherish, Jerejoy:
Oh, thanks for the info! Then I presume the Medela Mini Electric Plus would also be as noisy.

Does any mummy knows if the Ameda pumps could be run on batt?
i see... ya lor, if u're interested to change, maybe u can check with ur PD and seek some professional opinions.. i will ask my PD next 2 weeks when i bring my baby for his jabs too..
Yes, Dr Low will do the required check and measurements as stipulated in the healthbook (4-6weeks if I am not wrong). She is wiling to share information with you but the waiting time can be quite long. I register before going for my makan, or try to go down in weekday afternoons when there are less pple.

You are right the Robinson offer is quite a good deal. I got mine from mumsfairy $464 for the ultimate set incl handsfree strap and supershields.

thanks for sharing the pics

hb precious,
i gv DS similac in the initial stage when he had jaudice and building up my milk supply, now he is on TBF. Heard that it causes constipation though, but did not affect DS coz his intake was little.

Ameda uses a power adaptor.
by the way my boy has recovered.. PD sent his phlegm to test and diagnosed he caught Paraflu 3.. wonder who passed the virus to him.. idiot..
but glad that he's all well now.. i hope the medicine that he took at a mth old won't affect his body and his immune system though...
ameda can run using normal battery as well . 6 AA battery.

fyi d bottles selling at bbmallonline r all bpa free. u may wish to consider those as they r cheaper

we r all mtg @ kovan b4 gng. maybe lingyee would like gv us a timing?
Hi mummies, wld love to join the gathering at Ling Yee's place...but without baby is it fine?
Cos baby will be at baby sitter's place...
hb precious

i have used 1 can of similac for kyzac..so under no choice, tat's the brand for me

my #1 cope well with tat brand

hi crystal

using pigeon & avent myslef

PS: hehe, abc, i always look horrible in ur site :p always taken when i wana say something
<font color="0000ff">Pancake &amp; Lingyee</font>

Saving the pics as original resolution

1) Double click on the pic

2) clic on Zoom in on top right hand

3) save the picture

see whether it works ?
if not, sms me
ON = old navy = www.oldnavy.com Spree

usd to sgd exchange is at 1.40 any excess or additional will be calculated along with the shipping cost.

if interested, email to dreamlife ([email protected]) using following format:
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still have space for usd 80

yupz, u r rite
i just tried

i think i choose format for web..now i switch to original resolution and is uploading ..should be ready by tmr

visit the site tmr
<font color="0000ff">Kais shifu</font>

i have made my 1st carrot cake following ur recipe :p after the potluck gathering ..

thickskinnedly i admit it taste very good..alto looks are deceiving :p

nowadays, i find it hard to identify whether my baby is crying becos she's hungry. i used to identify it together with the tell-tale signs of her rooting reflex - turning head and mouth open wide .. aiyoh - nowadays, she doesn't have any rooting reflex anymore. is it up to certain age they don't display rooting reflex?
well, not sure which formula is the best, some says enfa A+.

i'm hv a can of similac at home, when bb was hospitalised, the sample of the week was similac, so they fed her with similac... and we sticked to it. haha. although we did consult PD which brand to use, PD basically has no much comments about FM - he just said basically they are the same - no specific formula in each brand, and he basically encouraged bf.

babypink, the cake really doesn't look that good. keke.. but great 1st time effort!
Sheryl, haha, i will try to make it rounder the next time round..

Kais, how come mine got hollows inside, can give me some pointers
btw, Sheryl. personally i just stuff my nipple in

if he dun wan, he will turn away..means not hungry , then i will other things like diapers , temp checking and then carry him upward
bb pink, the hollows are air bubble

for his morning feeds, my bb juz fed for 15mins or so n then doze off. prior to that, he had fed for almost one hr ard 9 plus last night. is this normal?

Yes, that's due to trapped air in the cake. What you should do to prevent trapped air -

"Fill pan halfway with batter. Raise filled pan to about six inches above a hard surface and allow to drop. You eliminate any trapped air bubbles in the batter that create large holes in a finished cake. You will see that the top of the batter will have little air bubbles (this means that most of the air bubbles have risen to the top and have been eliminated). Air pockets develop during the mixing stage and the pouring of the batter into the pans (as the cake bakes, air pockets will try to escape upwards, thus creating small holes throughout the cake)."

Taken from :http://www.akiskitchen.ca/advice/cake_baking_techniques_1.html

Try again
well at least its edible
Date: 2 May 08 (Fri)
Venue: Ling yee's home @ Kovan MRT nearby (Flower rd)
Activity: Potluck
Time: 1.30pm

1. Ling yee n bb (host)
2. adeline n bb
3. abcdisney n 2ABCs n helper - cakes
4. fionmummy n bb - fruits
5. aly n bb n maid - cuttlefish balls
6. Kate, bb n hubby-fried smash patato wit chicken
7. Liyun n bb n granny(drinks)
Date: 2 May 08 (Fri)
Venue: Ling yee's home @ Kovan MRT nearby (Flower rd)
Activity: Potluck
Time: 1.30pm

1. Ling yee n bb (host)
2. adeline n bb
3. abcdisney n 2ABCs n helper - cakes
4. fionmummy n bb - fruits
5. aly n bb n maid - cuttlefish balls
6. Kate, bb n hubby-fried smash patato wit chicken
7. Liyun n bb n granny(drinks)
8.Ivy n bb-yogurt or ice cream
hubby's precious,
Thanks for info on the strollers. Will go check out max weight loading for those strollers. Also did a check and found out that the some of the Maclaren range can take up to 25kg.

Anyone using Huggies Dry/ Dry Comfort Size M diapers for their babies? I would like to buy 3 pieces of those diapers to try out. Thanks!
Date: 2 May 08 (Fri)
Venue: Ling yee's home @ Kovan MRT nearby (Flower rd)
Activity: Potluck
Time: 1.30pm

1. Ling yee n bb (host)
2. adeline n bb
3. abcdisney n 2ABCs n helper - cakes
4. fionmummy n bb - fruits
5. aly n bb n maid - cuttlefish balls
6. Kate, bb n hubby-fried smash patato wit chicken
7. Liyun n bb n granny(drinks)
8.Ivy n bb-yogurt or ice cream
9. Adeline Loo n bb
<font color="aa00aa">blue skies,

i bot huggies dry M size diaper, u wana try? got join the gathering tml? if yes i can pass u the diaper.</font>
Mummies : How to increase milk supply cos i hope i can continue to give my bb bm..But my supply seems to be limited lei..

u need to keep lacthing n pumping, it's the only way to increase milk supply. after latch u need to pump out n empty ur breast...pump n latch as much as possible

Date: 2 May 08 (Fri)
Venue: Ling yee's home @ Kovan MRT nearby (Flower rd)
Activity: Potluck
Time: 1.30pm

1. Ling yee n bb (host)
2. adeline n bb
3. abcdisney n 2ABCs n helper - cakes
4. fionmummy n bb - fruits
5. aly n bb n maid - cuttlefish balls
6. Kate, bb n hubby-fried smash patato wit chicken
7. Liyun n bb n granny(drinks)
8.Ivy n bb-yogurt or ice cream
9. Adeline Loo n bb
10. Vonn (alone
, can help to babysit baby :p)
Will buy some snacks

Can i knw wat time to meet at kovan mrt?
