(2008/03) March 2008

sleeping routine
Two of my girls En Le & En Huan are easy to handle when it comes to sleeping at night. Thank God. It's my eldest En Xi that's the fussy one. She too wanna be carried. For the first 2 days my hubby carried her for 3 hours. Then he figured cannot go on like that. He swaddled her and then put her in our room which is totally dark and closed the door, looking in on her every 5 min. For the first 2 days, she continued crying for an hour or more but then we believe she got the idea and yesterday she cried for less than 10minutes and fell asleep.

Read that whatever routine we use, must stick to the same method for at least 1 or 2 weeks till they get it.

hihi ABC

can i take the last slot of the destin cream if still available

Desitin Creamy at $9.50

5 Pancake - paid (addy given)
6 Pancake - paid (addy given)
8 jewel_thief27 - paid (addy not given)
9 dor
10 dor
11 Bubble
12 Bubble
13 linda
14 clover
15 dreamlife
Date: 29 April (Tues)
place: kais pl @ bishan
Time: 230pm

Interested :
1. kais n bbs (host) - carrot cake
2. abcdisney n bb - yogurt (ok? any objection?)
3. Clover n bb- snacks like tim tams, choc
4. dreymin n bb n helper (chips and dips)
5. Babe Dude n BB maybe helper (Fruits)
6. Lyn n 2 bbs
7. kate n bb n helper or hb(Bakwan jagung/corn)
8. Liyun n bb n bb's granny (TBC)
9. aly n bb n maid (sausages)
10. bbpink n bb - bee hoon
11. Adeline n bb (Finger food)
12. Ling Yee and bb
13. Adeline Loo and bb
14. Sheryl and bb *TBC if cough cleared up
15. Dreamlife n 2 pretty gals (Peas)


Date: 30 April 08 (Wed i/o Thurs)
Venue: zoo
Time: 930am

1. abcdisney n Arielene
2. Adeline n hb n kim
3. dreamlife n 2 pretty gals


Date: 2 May 08 (Fri)
Venue: Ling yee's home @ Kovan MRT nearby (Flower rd)
Activity: Potluck
Time: 1.30pm

1. Ling yee n bb (host)
2. adeline n bb
3. abcdisney n 2ABCs n helper
4. fionmummy n bb (TBC)
5. aly n bb n
6. Kate, bb n hubby(tbc)
bb sleeping,

my hubby has been swaddle our Brendon for two nights, he sleep vr well too and only wake up for milk..the swaddle me i hv bougth a bit small lio but still can use...wanna get a bigger one if the really cant use.

today is the last day of metro 20%, Chicco's sleep suits only $6 before disc but mostly bb girls design and bigger sizes
hb precious: my boy also cough. sometimes during slp he coughs. after feeds also... sometimes during feeds also. but PD nv give medi...
so far i trying all other methods except medi...
suction once niah, i already so heartpain... hear him cry cannot hug him feeling... haiz...

i stopped swaddle cause some ppl say swaddle too after 2mths affects development of limbs? my boy loves to stretch... during or after feeds & upon waking up... so swaddling will hinder his stretching...
i put him on side to slp.. he likes it. or sometimes tummy... upwards he dun like it cause of startling reflex...
Date: 29 April (Tues)
place: kais pl @ bishan
Time: 230pm

Interested :
1. kais n bbs (host) - carrot cake
2. abcdisney n bb - yogurt (ok? any objection?)
3. Clover n bb- snacks like tim tams, choc
4. dreymin n bb n helper (chips and dips)
5. Babe Dude n BB maybe helper (Fruits)
6. Lyn n 2 bbs
7. kate n bb n helper or hb(Bakwan jagung/corn)
8. Liyun n bb n bb's granny (TBC)
9. aly n bb n maid (sausages)
10. bbpink n bb - bee hoon
11. Adeline n bb (Finger food)
12. Ling Yee and bb
13. Adeline Loo and bb
14. Sheryl and bb *TBC if cough cleared up
15. Dreamlife n 2 pretty gals (Peas)
16. Pancake & bb


Date: 30 April 08 (Wed i/o Thurs)
Venue: zoo
Time: 930am

1. abcdisney n Arielene
2. Adeline n hb n kim
3. dreamlife n 2 pretty gals


Date: 2 May 08 (Fri)
Venue: Ling yee's home @ Kovan MRT nearby (Flower rd)
Activity: Potluck
Time: 1.30pm

1. Ling yee n bb (host)
2. adeline n bb
3. abcdisney n 2ABCs n helper
4. fionmummy n bb (TBC)
5. aly n bb n
6. Kate, bb n hubby(tbc)
Hi mummies... Anyone know where i can get a good buy for desitin. Is so expensive. I am using this cream very often because baby skin is very prone to redness..

I notice some mummies here always pump out their milk at a very short interval ( 1-2hrs)After pumping still have milk for baby to latch on? the milk that is pump out is meant for the baby or storage purpose? If it is for storage purpose will baby get enough feed the next round?

Thank you for the advices
i think my boy is very similar to your boy.. he usually cough after feed, throughout the day seldom cough, sleeping nv cough too.. but i think he got phlegm..
my boy taking med.. a cough syrup call Rhinathiol.. at TMC my PD ordered for him.. I tink tuesday when we go for follow-up, probably PD will ask us to stop medication le.. PD also prescribed antibiotics to take for 5days.. cuz when they did suction for him, they sent the phlegm to test and then i think inside got bacteria..

i also worry that my boy is too young for medicine.. but i think since it is given to him, i guess it shld be ok for infants.. i read somewhere it says coughing means baby having difficulties breathing.. and baby shouldnt cough too much.. so i let him have the medicine, hoping he can recover asap..

feel really bad.. but i tell myself i'll be very careful taking care of him after he recovers.. will do my very best not to let him fall ill..

petrina, i also feel the same as u do.. my boy also likes to stretch alot.. and i dont dare swaddle him cuz scared will hinder stretching and growth.. but i agree that swaddled babies sleep longer, fall asleep faster and feel more secured.. i have yet to try to put my baby on his tummy.. =P not very sure how to place him on his tummy..
it was really brave of u to see your boy through the suction.. i was outside the door already cried like a mad woman, i cannot imagine what will happen if i were to witness the process.. some more my boy did 3 suctions within two days.. cried till my eyes swollen..
i hv tt to u the $ for destin

Desitin Creamy at $9.50

5 Pancake - paid (addy given)
6 Pancake - paid (addy given)
9 dor
10 dor
11 bubble
12 Bubble
13 linda
14 clover (taken)
15 dreamlife

Bubble: pls cfm if u still wan the desitin. If not i hv ready buyer. Pls confirm by mon 28 april 2359hr

sure i pass it to u on tues.

Pls email yr address to [email protected] and pls make payment for yr desitin
Can I ask all mummies here what cream do you apply after changing your baby pamper. My friend was telling me not to apply desitin daily because is not so good for baby skin. Wonder is it true?
i hv been applying desitin during every diaper change. Tat includes my #1 who is 3 yr old now when she is still on diaper.
abc's mummy- which desitin cream are u using? orginal or creamy? u apply a thin layer or rhick layer. My boy skin is rather sensitive. His skin is prone to redness even though he wear diaper for a while. Thus i have to use a good diaper rash cream. I am just afraid that desitin cream is too strong for my boy as compared to drapolene.
u shld use desitin original then. i am using creamy as my kids do not hv problem of diaper rash. If it is strong they cannot be purchase over the counter. Since guardian carries it, it can b used frequently
<font color="aa00aa">i using desitin original too, the purple colour one. only apply when bath n after bb poop. so far so gd.</font>
same as experience as Petrina and abcdisney, DS also sleeps better sideways. Usu he is an angel when it is nitetime only waking up when he needs milk, it is the daytime that he needs to be carried all the time.
Took DS for his 1st 6-in-1 jab earlier today, cost is $92. He was a star cried very loudly for a few seconds and quietened down. He weighs a hefty 6.4kg at 2mths, quite scary.
hubby's precious
swaddle bb only nite time, bb still do streching in the day time and is better than u put ur bb to sleep on her tummy as it can be dangerous.
hubby's precious..

Very sad to hear that your bb has got bad phelgm problem, and i can understand how sad u be esp when outside the room where bb underwent suction!! Goodness,it reminds me of my bb gotta jaundice and needed admission to hospital.. I also cry like mad woman!! But of coz, i was under shade that time, sooo cannot see clearly how swollen my eyes was.. :p But my eyes was swollen for 2-3 days manzz.. even when i went home without my bb, i also cry like mad at home!

Since you know your bb problem, next time be careful when taking care of him, dun let him eat food that causes phlegm a great deal.. read up more on this prob. Should be ok one k.. dun worry. You must take care of yourself ah.. dun be too overly stress, if u breakdown, who looks after bb leh... ur hb got to work mah! :p
reminds me of my gf's baby, the baby cough until cant breath and cough blood somemore! luckly after X-ray and checkup everything was ok, was told due to 1) air-con, 2) mummy took too much cold drinks before popping. Do take care~
Date: 29 April (Tues)
place: kais pl @ bishan
Time: 230pm

Interested :
1. kais n bbs (host) - carrot cake
2. abcdisney n bb - yogurt (ok? any objection?)
3. Clover n bb- snacks like tim tams, choc
4. dreymin n bb n helper (chips and dips)
5. Babe Dude n BB maybe helper (Fruits)
6. Lyn n 2 bbs
7. kate n bb n helper or hb(Bakwan jagung/corn)
8. Liyun n bb n bb's granny (TBC)
9. aly n bb n maid (sausages)
10. bbpink n bb - bee hoon
11. Adeline n bb (Finger food)
12. Ling Yee and bb
13. Adeline Loo and bb
14. Sheryl and bb *TBC if cough cleared up
15. Dreamlife n 2 pretty gals (Peas)
16. Pancake &amp; bb


Date: 30 April 08 (Wed i/o Thurs)
Venue: zoo
Time: 930am

1. abcdisney n Arielene
2. Adeline n hb n kim
3. dreamlife n 2 pretty gals


Date: 2 May 08 (Fri)
Venue: Ling yee's home @ Kovan MRT nearby (Flower rd)
Activity: Potluck
Time: 1.30pm

1. Ling yee n bb (host)
2. adeline n bb
3. abcdisney n 2ABCs n helper
4. fionmummy n bb (TBC)
5. aly n bb n
6. Kate, bb n hubby(tbc)
7. Liyun n bb n granny(TBC)

<font color="ff0000">tomorrow is potluck as well?</font>
Yoohoo.. photos from alex's full month is up!! Cute bbs and the scandalous couple - ALEX N ANDREA!! hahahaha ...

GO check it out under my multiply! Its a sunny good day..
<font color="aa00aa">ling yee,
i can join on 2 may. can u email me ur HP no.? btw i bring fruits ok? [email protected]

Date: 29 April (Tues)
place: kais pl @ bishan
Time: 230pm

Interested :
1. kais n bbs (host) - carrot cake
2. abcdisney n bb - yogurt (ok? any objection?)
3. Clover n bb- snacks like tim tams, choc
4. dreymin n bb n helper (chips and dips)
5. Babe Dude n BB maybe helper (Fruits)
6. Lyn n 2 bbs
7. kate n bb n helper or hb(Bakwan jagung/corn)
8. Liyun n bb n bb's granny (TBC)
9. aly n bb n maid (sausages)
10. bbpink n bb - bee hoon
11. Adeline n bb (Finger food)
12. Ling Yee and bb
13. Adeline Loo and bb
14. Sheryl and bb *TBC if cough cleared up
15. Dreamlife n 2 pretty gals (Peas)
16. Pancake &amp; bb


Date: 30 April 08 (Wed i/o Thurs)
Venue: zoo
Time: 930am

1. abcdisney n Arielene
2. Adeline n hb n kim
3. dreamlife n 2 pretty gals


Date: 2 May 08 (Fri)
Venue: Ling yee's home @ Kovan MRT nearby (Flower rd)
Activity: Potluck
Time: 1.30pm

1. Ling yee n bb (host)
2. adeline n bb
3. abcdisney n 2ABCs n helper
4. fionmummy n bb - fruits
5. aly n bb n
6. Kate, bb n hubby(tbc)
7. Liyun n bb n granny(TBC)</font>
wow tomorrow at my place there will be like 20 babies!!! GREAT photo opportunity man

Maciam like a class already...ahahhaha

haha, yes that is true! i am looking forward to meeting all the mummies and babies

DS started to have a slight cough, i am mildly concerned. hope it is not persistent.
Date: 29 April (Tues)
place: kais pl @ bishan
Time: 230pm

Interested :
1. kais n bbs (host) - carrot cake
2. abcdisney n bb - yogurt (ok? any objection?)
3. Clover n bb- snacks like tim tams, choc
4. dreymin n bb n helper (chips and dips)
5. Babe Dude n BB maybe helper (Fruits)
6. Lyn n 2 bbs
7. kate n bb n helper or hb(Bakwan jagung/corn)
8. Liyun n bb n bb's granny (TBC)
9. aly n bb n maid (sausages)
10. bbpink n bb - bee hoon
11. Adeline n bb (Finger food)
12. Ling Yee and bb
13. Adeline Loo and bb (chinese pastries)
14. Sheryl and bb *TBC if cough cleared up
15. Dreamlife n 2 pretty gals (Peas)
16. Pancake &amp; bb


Date: 30 April 08 (Wed i/o Thurs)
Venue: zoo
Time: 930am

1. abcdisney n Arielene
2. Adeline n hb n kim
3. dreamlife n 2 pretty gals


Date: 2 May 08 (Fri)
Venue: Ling yee's home @ Kovan MRT nearby (Flower rd)
Activity: Potluck
Time: 1.30pm

1. Ling yee n bb (host)
2. adeline n bb
3. abcdisney n 2ABCs n helper
4. fionmummy n bb - fruits
5. aly n bb n
6. Kate, bb n hubby(tbc)
7. Liyun n bb n granny(TBC)

rotavirus - yes taken orally given by nurse. my gal took her first dose tog with the 1st 6 in 1 jab. all tog 2 doses, the next one, i forgot when take..hehe

Sorry to hear that your son is coughing. Maybe he should rest at home then as being exposed to others may make his cough worse.
dreymin: ya.. stay at home.. since my boy started coughing n wheezing, i've been home bound except for hosp trips n necessary grocery trips only.

weather is very bad.. if our bb not feeling well, we better *lun* and dun go out...

hb precious: no choice. i had to be there. cause i cannot stand my boy being mishandled by nurses. so i insisted on restraining him myself..
i have to be strong for my boy.. if i cry also, he'll cry even more. cause our bb's emotion is tied to ours...

babedude: argh... so many gatherings.. i can't go...
when my boy recovers, i'll bring him out more to compensate for lost time.. haha
Gathering@Kais place

Reminder to all mommies who are not feeling well or whose baby is nfw/recovering

Would really appreciate it if u take a rain check for tomorrow's gathering as there's gonna be so many babies at my place and i have 3 to take care of. Can't imagine them falling sick altogether esp Matilda who just came back from her day surgery.

Thanks for understanding
Kais, how's Matilda?

I think I will give your house a miss tomorrow, as I'm still abit under the weather...sigh, would really love to go and see all the mums n babes.
Date: 29 April (Tues)
place: kais pl @ bishan
Time: 230pm

Interested :
1. kais n bbs (host) - carrot cake
2. abcdisney n bb - yogurt (ok? any objection?)
3. Clover n bb- snacks like tim tams, choc
4. dreymin n bb n helper (chips and dips)
5. Babe Dude n BB maybe helper (Fruits)
6. kate n bb n helper or hb(Bakwan jagung/corn)
7. Liyun n bb n bb's granny (TBC)
8. aly n bb n maid (sausages)
9. bbpink n bb - bee hoon
10. Adeline n bb (Finger food)
11. Ling Yee and bb
12. Adeline Loo and bb (chinese pastries)
13. Sheryl and bb *TBC if cough cleared up
14. Dreamlife n 2 pretty gals (Peas)
15. Pancake &amp; bb


Date: 30 April 08 (Wed i/o Thurs)
Venue: zoo
Time: 930am

1. abcdisney n Arielene
2. Adeline n hb n kim
3. dreamlife n 2 pretty gals


Date: 2 May 08 (Fri)
Venue: Ling yee's home @ Kovan MRT nearby (Flower rd)
Activity: Potluck
Time: 1.30pm

1. Ling yee n bb (host)
2. adeline n bb
3. abcdisney n 2ABCs n helper
4. fionmummy n bb - fruits
5. aly n bb n
6. Kate, bb n hubby(tbc)
7. Liyun n bb n granny(TBC)
Matilda is recovering well
No side effects and the hernia sac was empty so that's good. Babies have high threshold of pain so they don't need painkillers after op. Amazing! Feeding well too. Every 2-2.5hr.

Sheryl, you take care too. There'll be plenty of gatherings i am most certain.. hehehe
Adding on to wat Kais says
I think it is parent's responsibility not to bring the child out when he or she is unwell. Firstly he will take a longer time to recover, secondly he will pass his sickness to others, esp our bb at such vulnerable age.

Another reminder
if possible try <font color="ff0000">not to bring stroller</font> as there are a flight of stairs you need to take before reaching her unit. But of cos those who hv additional helper or need additional help we are most willing to help... :)
kais &amp; petrina,

thanks for the reminder, we really hv to be mindful coz a lot of viruses around and do not want to spread to anyone especially our precious ones.

yes i will monitor if he really unwell tomorrow. recently a couple of my friends' kids got HFMD and recovered; since then i am especially sensitive to Josiah, my hubby says i am paranoid, haha! we do not bring him to aircon places like shopping centres where germs abound but to parks where there are open spaces.

so when he coughed a couple of times today during feeding, my 'antenna' is up! monitoring if he is coughing coz the milk is too fast and he is choking or a real cough.

yest when we went to my GP for the jab, i asked if he has phlegm and blocked nose; she says he is doing fine. the wheezing is very common coz when there is a slight blockage e.g. milk or dust trapped in his nose but his nose is not developed yet so he makes all those loud nasal sound. these should clear when his nose is more developed like 6 mths.

i broght him to healthwise, it is just next to old aiport road hawker centre. it was very convienent for me as we dropped by after church svc which is in katong. my folks also stay in the vicinity. we registered and took a queue number before gg for our lunch at the hawker centre.
toy sales bulletin, got sms from my frens, thot to share:
1) toys'rus starts tmr
2) mattel sales: 25 apr to 4 may, no 1 loyang way, starts 11am
ate: 29 April (Tues)
place: kais pl @ bishan
Time: 230pm

Interested :
1. kais n bbs (host) - carrot cake
2. abcdisney n bb - yogurt (ok? any objection?)
3. Clover n bb- snacks like tim tams, choc
4. dreymin n bb n helper (chips and dips)
5. Babe Dude n BB maybe helper (Fruits)
6. kate n bb n helper or hb(Bakwan jagung/corn)
7. Liyun n bb n bb's granny (tbc)
8. aly n bb n maid (sausages)
9. bbpink n bb - bee hoon
10. Adeline n bb (Finger food)
11. Ling Yee and bb
12. Adeline Loo and bb (chinese pastries)
13. Sheryl and bb *TBC if cough cleared up
14. Dreamlife n 2 pretty gals (Peas)
15. Pancake &amp; bb


Date: 30 April 08 (Wed i/o Thurs)
Venue: zoo
Time: 930am

1. abcdisney n Arielene
2. Adeline n hb n kim
3. dreamlife n 2 pretty gals


Date: 2 May 08 (Fri)
Venue: Ling yee's home @ Kovan MRT nearby (Flower rd)
Activity: Potluck
Time: 1.30pm

1. Ling yee n bb (host)
2. adeline n bb
3. abcdisney n 2ABCs n helper
4. fionmummy n bb - fruits
5. aly n bb n
6. Kate, bb n hubby(tbc)
7. Liyun n bb n granny(drinks)

Date: 29 April (Tues)
place: kais pl @ bishan
Time: 230pm

Interested :
1. kais n bbs (host) - carrot cake
2. abcdisney n bb - yogurt (ok? any objection?)
3. Clover n bb- snacks like tim tams, choc
4. dreymin n bb n helper (chips and dips)
5. Babe Dude n BB maybe helper (Fruits)
6. kate n bb n helper or hb(Bakwan jagung/corn)
7. Liyun n bb n bb's granny (tbc)
8. aly n bb n maid (sausages)
9. bbpink n bb - bee hoon
10. Adeline n bb (Finger food)
11. Ling Yee and bb
12. Adeline Loo and bb (chinese pastries)
13. Sheryl and bb *TBC if cough cleared up
14. Dreamlife n 2 pretty gals (Peas)
15. Pancake &amp; bb


Date: 30 April 08 (Wed i/o Thurs)
Venue: zoo
Time: 930am

1. abcdisney n Arielene
2. Adeline n hb n kim
3. dreamlife n 2 pretty gals


Date: 2 May 08 (Fri)
Venue: Ling yee's home @ Kovan MRT nearby (Flower rd)
Activity: Potluck
Time: 1.30pm

1. Ling yee n bb (host)
2. adeline n bb
3. abcdisney n 2ABCs n helper
4. fionmummy n bb - fruits
5. aly n bb n maid - cuttlefish balls
6. Kate, bb n hubby(tbc)
7. Liyun n bb n granny(drinks)
