(2008/03) March 2008

Date: 29 April (Tues)
place: kais pl @ bishan
Time: 230pm

Interested :
1. kais n bbs (host)
2. abcdisney n bb
3. Clover n bb
4. dreymin n bb n helper
5. Babe Dude n BB maybe helper
6. KATE, BB maybe hubby or helper

Yao Lan

Just to share, I'm using a manual one which is drilled into the ceiling (really old school). If you are planning to use yao lan over the next 1-2 yrs, you might want to consider this because it is very strong. Understand that the movable yao lans have a certain weight limit and have to be careful when baby moves around a lot in it because the yao lan will also shake.

My parents let me use this ceiling mounted yao lan last time and I was sleeping in it until 3 yrs old.

Have to drill into ceiling and fix a sleeve anchor, then use strong rope to tie the yao lan suspension to the sleeve anchor. Very firm even if baby wriggles/ moves/ flips around in the sarong. Can buy the strong rope, sleeve anchor and yao lan set (4 springs together) from Sungei Rd/ Jln Besar. As baby gets older, can use 2 sets of springs to be extra safe.

The sarong for the yao lan is is batik sarong, 2 pieces of sarong machine sewn together to make it larger to accomodate size of growing baby. This was bought by my mum and is very strong. The one in the photo is what my brother and I used when we were babies. 30 yrs old already

And to put the baby to sleep, while pulling the yao lan up and down gently, I either pat his buttocks or stroke his back to bottom. If baby is screaming, putting him into yao lan will not work. Have to calm him down first then put him in.

seems like our babies like to be carried.. my baby oso like tht. i need to carry her, pat her and when sound asleep then i put her to bed. she doesnt know how to sleep on her own.
I wonder how long babies will want to be carried/ cuddled for... if it's only 4 mths, then it doesn't sound too bad. My boy only wants to be carried kangaroo style with his head over my shoulder. Damn xiong! He hates to be carried lying down. Sometimes he will cry for no reason in between his feed and then got to carry him like that and bring him out of the room to walk around and then he starts grinning! So frustrating and yet so funny at times! :p
i am going back work on 28 april alrdy. i wish i could go kais place for the gathering!!!! cuz i feel much more safer bringing baby to someone house instead of shopping malls. easier to handle and i don nd to bring stroller. envy envy and i miss all the mummies here !!!
due to the bad weather nowadays, my girl also had some mild rashes at her neck area. so she enjoys bath time alot now. any relieving rashes powder to recommend ??
Hi Fion Mummy,

When my boy had rashes around neck area, it was either due to sweat or milk. What I did was:
- Bathe him 2x a day, make sure you wash the folds around his neck.
- Use damp cotton wool or cloth soaked in warm water to wipe his neck area in the afternoons, again make sure you wipe the folds of skin around the neck.
- When feeding your baby, make sure that milk doesn't drip out from his mouth to the back of his neck when you put him down. If it happens, wipe his neck and change his clothes.
- I use powder on my baby but another mother on this thread (Petrina) suggested a cream that can be used too.

It takes about 2-3 days for the rashes to subside if you keep the neck area clean. Hope it helps!

Don't really know what to do about the runny nose though...
Cleaning area behind baby's ear

Have you ever cleaned the area behind your baby's ear? The other day I was observing my boy and noticed a thick layer of dirt and grime behind his ear!!! Totally missed out cleaning that area because have to be so careful not to let water into baby's ear during shower time. Anyway to clean the area behind his ears, best to use cotton bud dipped in baby oil. The grime will come off easily.
i used desitin cream on the rashes, go down the next day. I also used it on myself first before using on bb during confinement when i have rashes on neck.
<font color="0000ff">blue skies: my baby also like the kangaroo carrying style, he also crys if being carried lieing down, ya siong! right hand hurts sia....</font>
Date:24 April (thursday)
Venue: vivo city
Time: 1.30pm
Meeting place: marche (take d escalator outside mothercare up one level.)

1. abcdisney n bb
2. Fei, bb &amp; maid
3. aly n bb n maid
4. Liyun &amp; bb
5. Adeline &amp; bb
6. twinklestars &amp; bb
7. babe dude ONLY!! HAHAHAHAHA
8. Kate,bb n hubby

wld like to check how much is yr bb sleeping nowaday... my gal is abt 7 wks old sleep abt 45 mins - 1.5hrs n she up...

normally she will zzz abt 1.5 to 2 hrs
<font face="Book antiqua"> <font color="0000ff">Any mummy know where can I rent deep freezer? I've got no more space to store my frozen EBM le
Tot rent one cuz duno how supply will b lyk after I return to work</font></font>
I like Novum flashcards
Good quality and cheap. Very clear pictures too.

Wow! So fast swim and dunk already... envy envy... Did Josiah wear swim diapers? Where to get? I also wanna bring my gals to swim soon
Does he feel cold?
<font face="Book Antiqua"> <font color="0000ff">Happyface,

I did my own flashcards. Got e blank cards from Hiap Moh. But hor I very slow.. so far only did some dots card *hee*</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Lyn,

Nope, Josiah didn't wear any swim diapers. But I know u can get huggies swim diapers from cold storage. I saw a few pack @ Causeway Point Cold Storage last nite.

I was worried tt he will b cold but surprisingly he was ok. He was happily kicking water after warm up. *hee* Mummy underestimated him. He was also v excited when we sat by e pool watching my #1 play.</font>

<font color="0000ff"><u>Baby Carrier</u>

I very hiao, want to get a new baby carrier, Pikkolos from Catbird baby. Anyone keen so we can share e shipping charges

Date:24 April (thursday)
Venue: vivo city
Time: 1.30pm
Meeting place: marche (take d escalator outside mothercare up one level.)

1. abcdisney n bb
2. aly n bb n maid
3. Liyun &amp; bb
4. Adeline &amp; bb
5. twinklestars &amp; bb
6. babe dude ONLY!! HAHAHAHAHA
7. Kate,bb n hubby

Hi all, I won't be joining the gathering tomorrow cos my girl is cranky during and after feeds today .
Date: 29 April (Tues)
place: kais pl @ bishan
Time: 230pm
abcdisney:shall we do a potluck?

Interested :
1. kais n bbs (host)
2. abcdisney n bb
3. Clover n bb
4. dreymin n bb n helper
5. Babe Dude n BB maybe helper...
6. Lyn n 2 bbs
7. kate n bb n helper or hb
regarding dirt on behind ear, can use baby oil. Dap a bit on the dirt before bathing. During bathing clean off with towel.

Neck rash
i use calendula cream. work wonder!

i am using the electronic one. Once he slp soundly i'll off it. Actually i find i am more kiasi abt my #2 ley. duno y. #1 i jus on the electric power n let her slp throughout. No complains of her wanting to hv the habit of it cos at night slp in cot/playpen. Now with #2 duno y somehow i scare lor. sigh...

Nice one. Where do u go for swim? Ladies we can arrange swimdate liao... hahaha...

Swim diaper
Can get from any cold storage at diaper section.

yea can see pretty gal gal le on zoo day!
it actually works. i applied the tapioca flour on any heat rash spots on my baby. natural remedy passed down from generations. i think i can toss my desitin cream already. i trust our passed down eastern remedy better than western chemicals now. now with 2nd child i'm a lot wiser and i spend minimal on baby products. ladies, if we don't carry on our eastern medications, then who will, the ang moh won't leh. they don't have ru yi oil to prevent wind but they have gripewater to treat wind, that is, AFTER baby has suffered wind. our style is more prevention than cure lor.
<font color="0000ff">Fion's mummy</font>

best to bring PD for a check ..they are still so young..

<font color="0000ff">happyface</font>

Lyn is rite..Novum series is good

as requested for the pic

there are many sets in this series..transport, fruits, abc..etc..many sets


me very lazy, bot but still unopened..:p
<font color="0000ff">Next gathering</font>

I am ready to open up my hse in Bukit Batok too

<font color="0000ff">Proposed Date</font>

Monday, 5 May 2008, 2.30pm

Date: 5 May 2008
place: bbpink's place pl @ bt batok
Time: 230pm

Interested ?
Date: 29 April (Tues)
place: kais pl @ bishan
Time: 230pm
abcdisney:shall we do a potluck?

Interested :
1. kais n bbs (host)
2. abcdisney n bb
3. Clover n bb
4. dreymin n bb n helper
5. Babe Dude n BB maybe helper...
6. Lyn n 2 bbs
7. kate n bb n helper or hb
8. Liyun n bb n bb's granny (TBC)
<font color="0000ff">Regarding vivo's tmr &amp; Kais place, who are meeting at mrt station 1st ?

if Kyzac can let me have a good sleep 2nite instead of being awake the whole nite , i would love to join !
is there anyone who's good at image editing? last time we had someone who can do montages. maybe we can start with posting our babies at 2 months and let this expert make a montage out of march mommies. it's going to be cool. we had a montage on shrek babies last year when that shrek headband was the rage.

As long as yr bb is healthy and growing, don't be bother by those KPO pple. Pple always like to make -ve comments without looking at themselves. Treat it as they didn't brush their teeth therefore their mouth so smelly. Hee! ;p
Date:24 April (thursday)
Venue: vivo city
Time: 1.30pm
Meeting place: marche (take d escalator outside mothercare up one level.)

1. abcdisney n bb
2. Liyun &amp; bb
3. Adeline &amp; bb
4. twinklestars &amp; bb
5. babe dude ONLY!! HAHAHAHAHA
6. Kate,bb n hubby

i won't be able to go for the gathering today. my hubby was admitted to hospital yesterday due to a pain in his chest. was looking forward to eating the rosti at marche. haizz.. but i miss my hubby even more. will be visiting him to keep him company later.
Date: 29 April (Tues)
place: kais pl @ bishan
Time: 230pm
abcdisney:shall we do a potluck?

Interested :
1. kais n bbs (host)
2. abcdisney n bb
3. Clover n bb
4. dreymin n bb n helper
5. Babe Dude n BB maybe helper...
6. Lyn n 2 bbs
7. kate n bb n helper or hb
8. Liyun n bb n bb's granny (TBC)
9. aly n bb n maid
Date: 29 April (Tues)
place: kais pl @ bishan
Time: 230pm
Food: I will bake some carrot cakes

Interested :
1. kais n bbs (host)
2. abcdisney n bb
3. Clover n bb
4. dreymin n bb n helper
5. Babe Dude n BB maybe helper...
6. Lyn n 2 bbs
7. kate n bb n helper or hb
8. Liyun n bb n bb's granny (TBC)
9. aly n bb n maid

tat is a good one

clover, ignore those boh liao pple..my woman's instince feels tat u r a good mummy and very capable..


hope ur hb recovers fast


Date: 29 April (Tues)
place: kais pl @ bishan
Time: 230pm
Food: I will bake some carrot cakes

Interested :
1. kais n bbs (host)
2. abcdisney n bb
3. Clover n bb
4. dreymin n bb n helper
5. Babe Dude n BB maybe helper...
6. Lyn n 2 bbs
7. kate n bb n helper or hb
8. Liyun n bb n bb's granny (TBC)
9. aly n bb n maid
10. bbpink n bb - tbc

kais, thanks for opening up ur hse

<font color="aa00aa">babypink,
ya, i bringing her to PD today for a checkup.

where can i get the cream? ur boy look alike his sis alot leh.

wah...swim diaper. is it exp? my fion coming 3mths can bring her to swim? i scare alot of germs in the pool leh.</font>
