(2008/03) March 2008


u lucky woman
i really wish mine can sleep thruout the nite

Kyzac's clock is opposite fr ours, to him, nitetime is his super alert moments..tried all kind of methods , i.e switch off all lights at nite

he is oso super miserable at nite..dun wan expressed milk, dun want breasts, just wan to be carried ..think i better go & get my detinox

waiting for him to grow out of this


glad tat Kathlyn is better

hubby precious
my girl is on nan1. i am using avent bottles. now using teat size 2. yours ?
you could give gripewater directly if you don wish to mix it with the milk. i am giving woodwards gripewater 5ml to my girl twice a day.
hi, me from Jan08 thread. have the below. if u are keen, please pm me. tks.

<font color="aa00aa">Umbilical Cord &amp; Name Seal</font> http://www.babeszone.com.sg/umbilical_cord.htm
Seller is giving discount if hit min 5 seals. PM me for pricing/details.

<font color="aa00aa">Lingenius CDs or DVDs</font> eg. Baby Signing and Nursery Rhymes http://www.lingenius.com/index.php
Seller giving >10% discount if hit $150 and above. Delivery self-collect at CBD/Raffles Place/City Hall or postage (to be paid by buyer). PM me ur order if you interested.

wow.. from the timing you mummies post, everyone's been up after midnight! Same here, but was trying to make Isaac sleep so didnt had the chance to sit infront of the PC, don forget to post pictures of today's outing later~~
Gathering @ BISHAN

To celebrate clover's "coming out" hehehe

Date: Next week except 1st May
Time: 3pm TEA??
Venue: My place Blk 221 Bishan St 23 #11-179

Clover, you can make it? Other SAHM or MLM(Maternity Leave Moms??
hi ladies,

any idea when can we stop sterilising bb's milk btls etc.

do u hv tis prob when btl feeding bb. my bb will be cranky at a start when btl or sometimes half way thru btl feed. Is not colic cos once he doesnt cry non stop. any of u hv the same experience. plus do u hear ur bb cough at times?
the yao lan is with wheels but can be locked kind. is 105 bucks.. coz i chose the 4 iron bars one, more sturdy.

I use yao lan for day, cot for night.
same here, quite zombie doing the night feeds, think this is so much more tiring for me than my pregnancy. i do manage to read the posts though, it is very good to hear pple sharing their experiences, and knowing you are not alone.

hey i am interested to join coz stay at sin ming avenue
is your place near prime supermarket?

i heard we can only stop after one year. any comments from more experienced mummies?

ling yee,
is yours the electric one? contemplating buying one coz DS wants to be carried all the time when he is awake, my helper and i take turns to entertain him esp during the day when his eyes are like goldfish.

online shopaholic
any of you experience this urge to keep buying from the forum? for the past 2 days, i hv gotten 6 items, tsk tsk! i console myself by saying these are essentials :p

My baby gets cranky halfway thru and it's because he's got air in the stomach and needs to be burped. After he burps, he's ok and can continue to bottle feed. And yes he coughs sometimes when drinking the milk - happens when he sucks too fast and chokes. I'll pull out the teat for a while and then sit him upright, and then put it back into his mouth again.

I guess every baby is different but hope the above helps.

Sterilising baby's milk bottles etc - I intend to sterilise bottles at least until baby is 6 mths old (and crawling around). I have 3 bottles and sterlise them 2x a day - in the morning and in the evening. After every feed, I will wash the bottles with water and mild detergent and scrub the inside and let it dry. If I run out of sterilised bottles, I will re-use the cleaned bottles and teats but I will rinse them with hot water from the flask first. Have been doing this since Day 1 and touch wood, so far so good.
I bathe my baby 2x a day - late morning and evening. It helps to prevent rashes, especially around the neck and joints where sweat accumulates. He also sleeps better after a bath. So far he's enjoying bath time. Important thing is to hold/support baby properly, and talk soothingly to baby during bath time. If my boy is not held properly when in the water, he will be frightened and cry.
i am the same as blue skies, i also bath my boy 2x everyday especially since he started to hv rashes on his back and neck. i think some of the website articles are written by authors in seasonal countries where they dun have the same concerns that we face in humid weather.

my son also on nan 1.. used be on nan ha 1. but at abt 1 mth plus we change to nan 1. he still poo 3-5 times a day. but slowly decrese to 2-3 times. den now 1-2 times a day, sometimes dun even poo
My block faces Bishan Park. Prime supermarket is at st 22. Mine is the crescent road St 23, where they're building the activity park currently.

Gathering @ Bishan st 23 Block 221 #11-179
Date: 29th April , Tuesday
Time: 2.30pm

1. Clover?
2. Dreymin?
Thanks Vernon'sMummy, my boy usually poops in the morning and he didn't poop all day today until just about an hr ago so I was getting a bit worried and wondering whether fm babies poop everyday!

So far have not noticed my boy coughing in his sleep. He snores a bit and sometimes makes noises, but not coughing. Maybe you want to check with your PD? If the coughing wakes up the baby then quite poor thing coz the baby won't be getting enough rest..
ling yee,
thanks for the info, will consider if i really cannot tahan, just one more month before i start working again.

bus 52 and 410 goes to your place right? just flipped thru the street directory, so i know where it is, thanks. i should be there with BB and helper
my gal does cough when she is sleeping, i have asked her PD and she says is normal. she says the baby is preventing herself from being choke by her own saliva, so she coughs.
i have just put my princess in.. now finally i can rest.. today she is very cranky, i put her to slp in my arms, den i place her on bed, within 30 mins, she sure wakes up.
Ling Yee,
Hey same here DS just slept! I quite a horrible mummy though, I let my helper handle him while i surf the web. I was quite zonked out after handling him since after lunch, he just won't sleep. She took over after completing her chores.

What do you do when your BB is wide awake? I am running out of ideas to entertain him: with songs, flashcards, rattle toys, and even making funny faces!

BTW just feel this year is a boom year for having kids, seems like a lot of babies in my estate. My neighbour's kid is 1mth older than DS, smtm he is startled by her cries and join in the symphony, haha!
<font color="aa00aa">kea,
my PIL bought the movable yaolan at tpy near the old ntuc. price cant rem but is less than $100. can check out.</font>

thx.... any idea still gt where selling? TPY abit too far for me.....haiz...headache......i cant handle my bb well....
Dreymin, i will carry her if she cries when she is awake. If not, i will on music or play with her, talk to her or my family members will play with her! hee.. tried flash cards, she simply not interested!
<font color="aa00aa">kea,
no prob.
i think maybe babykingdom got sell...u wana check out. sigh...sometime i also cant handle bb.
i go and take pic, u wait ah...sarong i buy, coz they have a few types. 2 sides got "blocked" kind, 1 sides got block den another side zipped, 2 sides unblock.. block meaning a cloth higher so tat baby wun drop off from sarong.
<font color="aa00aa">the yaolan my inlaw bought included cloth but the FOC cloth not gd one. dun hv block to prevent bb drop off.
they bought another cloth that hv block price $22 silk type v cooling.</font>
it comes with 5 springs.. so put springs according to baby's weight. now my baby is about 4kg.. so 3 springs. the uncle tat deliver this for me very nice, help me to make sure the yaolan is super super safe.. by doing lots of precaution like tying strings etc. thrumbs up for their service coz initally hubby ordered no wheels one.. den when they come, i ask uncle if i still can change to movable one. he asked me to call kiddy palace den afternoon he came and deliver the movable one.
so good.. my boy rejects everything... my bed, his bed, yao lan, bouncer, pram... he only wans? my arms. i dun even need to shake him. i carry him, he can zzz liao.
i need to wait till he's in deep slp then can put him down then carry on patting awhile more to prevent him frm waking up.

i bot a pelvis belt frm PHITEN. cause i realise tat my back no more strength liao. when i get up frm sitting position while carrying him, i tend to lose my balance. my knees also giving way. anyone same as me?
my neck n shoulders r also super stiff.
<font color="aa00aa">pet,
my bb like urs too.
sometime i duno what to do. she keep crying...then i let my MIL carry she can sleep liao.</font>
ok la, the size is ok.. u nid the dimension? i feel this is very "wen" , feel more secure coz is heavy, the wheels got stopper too! get from kiddy palace, anything can change also.
FionMummy: but because i TBF, i cannot let bb slp in her rm at nite.
so i have to entertain him myself...

daytime when i finish feeds, i'll immed push him to her. she also buay tahan as he is quite heavy now. abt 5kg. so she also have to put him down after he slps.
if he wakes up, i also have to entertain him again...
now growth spurts again. wk6. he drinks every hr again.
i hope it'll pass soon...
today i bathed him thrice as he peed in water. then i changed water, he pooed in water... argh...

but usually i bathe him morn n evening. i think because he enjoy bath time too much. so when i lift him up, he peed. so i have to re-bath him. then 2nd time, i lift him up, he pooed... haiz...
