(2008/03) March 2008

hi Petrina... saw your blog, thanks for sharing... must be very traumatic for you...
but i think it is worth it since you are now happily with your little prince, Ryan.. all the best to you

Date: 22 April (tuesday)
venue: Good wood park lobby
Time: 1.30pm

1. Abcdisney n bb
2. aly n bb n maid
3. Babe dude n bb
4. Kate, bb n hubby
5. adeline n bb
6. pancake n bb


Date:24 April (thursday)
Venue: vivo city
Time: 1.30pm
Meeting place (TBC)

1. abcdisney n bb
2. dreymin, bb n helper
3. aly n bb n maid
4. Liyun & bb & bb's granny (TBC)
5. Adeline & bb
6. twinklestars & bb
7. babe dude ONLY!! HAHAHAHAHA
8. Kate,bb n hubby
9. Fei, bb & maid

*no choice, i've seen doc, given anti-bio, fever is gone but the pain on breast is still there, a very small lump is still there & gotta go back doc in a week's time, cant comfirm liao~*
<font color="0000ff">swifpygal:
I think u can consider to opt for C-sec to cut cost, I've got few friends who went induce, where the natural delivery timing is very long or last min emerg-C which they ends up with more expensive bills, how big is your baby's esitmated size now as in weight? and are u petti in size? 37th week is consider full term for birth so you don have to worry too much</font>
<font color="119911">My Fever:</font>
lucky... my fever kind of went away today which is the third day, my PD says it might be normal engogement rather than mastitis but I have to monitor in case my block ducts get infected, its amazing how the warm showers, hand massage, hand express, electric pump, manual pump and baby latching doesnt seem to work to get it unblock BUT letting baby latch for the night feedings does let me feel better than trying to pump it out. Thanks for everyone for the advice &amp; links on informations for block ducts &amp; mastitis<--which I didnt even know about in the first place!
clover: binder over wound. at least 1/3 of binder need to cover wound. when go toilet, flip it upwards. after muz cover back. so ur wound is bounded frm shocks* like cough/sneeze

pancake: i also under semi confinement now. since tat day go mini gathering, i wasn't allowed to bring him out liao. except wif hb along. to my mum's plc or doc's only... so sad...
tat day carl's jr gathering, b4 gg out, she over stimulated bb, causing him to keep crying n drinking. tats y i kenna stuck at home. then she nag n nag tat bb dun wan go out, n tat i m a bad mommy.
in e end i din go out. n end up quarrelling wif her.

hb's precious: u need to ensure he got ample space to turn his head. my old oval pillow, he turn his head, the pillow too small, his head drop to bed... i had to adjust his pillow so many times.
so i changed it eventually.
ab binder
got it. tks for the advice~

rgd the supershield, its just a matter on inserting the narrow end of the shield onto the funnel. v easy.

3mths! thats too long. at first i tot 2mth b4 my bb can go out but now i think its impossible!
tot u r a dr?gving up yr careee to b sahm? very wei da! salute u!

I scare bb too cold in water thus tot of getting d thermal wetsuit first. my this boy scare of cold water. tried during bathing . once water slightly cold he cry! Mayb can swim @ anyone's condo?

hope u recover fast !


yupz, i agree !
when i 1st heard of her decision , i was also very touched
Just read that Brocolli &amp; Cabbage will cause gassiness in babies.

feel really guilty, my kyzac has been farting like crazy since Day 1 cos i was having brocolli every single day
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Lyn,

I'm surprised you find PIS quiet. I could nv pump @ nite when using PIS unless I shift to living rm. Or else sure will disturb either my girl or my HB.</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Dreymin,

Go get PIS from USA if possible. It's really so much cheaper. Only thing is U cannot use their original adapter. But my colleague uses a universal adapter &amp; it works just as well.


If meet @ Bishan on Sun will be ard 11 plus to 1pm as we usually attend the 3rd service which starts @ 2:30pm. I can always pass yours to Katechow if she dun mind &amp; U can pick up from her.

I'm using MIM sling on Josiah.</font>

<font color="0000ff">ABC,

U really lobang queen leh. Let me go ask my CFO later see if I can buy this. But tink abit difficult. Tt day I saw a wetsuit @ Metro selling @ S$60+ &amp; he said it's too ex. He said BB outgrown v fast so no point *sigh*

Janelle started swimming w jus a swim diaper but dun think Josiah can. Tink he's scare of cold too lyk Andrae.</font></font>
My gf has lobang for Bobux small sizes, anyone interested? Think price is between $28 and $30, with normal postage.
I use thermal swimsuit on my gal too. no choice rather invest in one then invest in pd's consultation n medication ltr on. anyway after they outgrow can sell.. tat's wat I do with my gal's one. cannot pass on hers pink!
babypink: i bot jockey wireless. sports bra type. but low cut. so i can pull the bra down for feeds. $19.95 frm taka.
i also bot their tube sports bra. $18.
Date: 22 April (tuesday)
venue: Good wood park lobby
Time: 1.30pm

1. Abcdisney n bb
2. aly n bb n maid
3. Babe dude n bb
4. Kate, bb n hubby
5. adeline n bb
6. pancake n bb


Date:24 April (thursday)
Venue: vivo city
Time: 1.30pm
Meeting place (TBC)

1. abcdisney n bb
2. dreymin, bb n helper
3. aly n bb n maid
4. Liyun &amp; bb &amp; bb's granny (TBC)
5. Adeline &amp; bb
6. twinklestars &amp; bb
7. babe dude ONLY!! HAHAHAHAHA
8. Kate,bb n hubby
9. Fei, bb &amp; maid
10. Ivy, bb &amp; maid
do u still have the 20% discount mothercare voucher for the sleepsuits? if yes, can bring on thursday gathering. thinking of getting a bigger set for my gal. she is outgrowing hers.
actually i tried to fit the supershield to the funnel last nite but the suction not strong so i removed it. i tried to pump but still got milk remaining in the breast, very frustrating! i think could be blocked ducts coz there are openings but the milk just won't flow except from one duct.

onions also will cause gas.

my baby is aso woken up by ameda, so PIS is more noisy? i pump in same room.

sundays not possible to meet at bishan cause i attend morning svc and will return 2plus. if kate can help me get from you, i will pick up from her.

my learning sessions with the MIM sling always result in crying bouts for DS. now i surrender and just venture to supermarket with my helper solely on "arm power" if hubby not around. for the coming outing i am deliberating if i should wrestle with my bulky stroller. this will be my first outing w/o free transport!

so after you remove her mittens, does she still scratches herself? me and my hubby swaddled our 1 mth old boy last night to prevent him from scratching his face, although he can sleep very well, i feel quite bad swaddling him cuz he cant stretch himself.. and i never swaddle him since we came back from hospital, so it's abit funny to swaddle him now.. haha..

sigh.. its nice to look at his smooth and fair skin when he's sleeping peacefully, but after rubbing and scratching, his face is always covered with red patches everywhere.. =(
dreymin, the supershield has this horizontal pattern that shld be fitted downwards to the funnel. I adjust both knobs to 11 o'clock position. I will massage before pumping and on the blocked ducts during pumping.
Date: 22 April (tuesday)
venue: Good wood park lobby
Time: 1.30pm

1. Abcdisney n bb
2. aly n bb n maid
3. Babe dude n bb
4. Kate, bb n hubby
5. adeline n bb
6. pancake n bb
7. dreamlife n bb


Date:24 April (thursday)
Venue: vivo city
Time: 1.30pm
Meeting place (TBC)

1. abcdisney n bb
2. dreymin, bb n helper
3. aly n bb n maid
4. Liyun &amp; bb &amp; bb's granny (TBC)
5. Adeline &amp; bb
6. twinklestars &amp; bb
7. babe dude ONLY!! HAHAHAHAHA
8. Kate,bb n hubby
9. Fei, bb &amp; maid
10. Ivy, bb &amp; maid
11. dreamlife n bb
Hi moms
I wanna give away 35 glass bottles and caps. Good for storing ebm. Pls PM me if keen, otherwise, will throw away liao.
As compared with medela mini electric, it is super quiet lor... My hubby, #1 and babies still can sleep through when I use PIS advance to pump. If use mini electric, they sure wake up. Mini electric, when I pump in the living room, my hubby also can hear from the bedroom. eee awww eee awww eee awww... kekeke... I havent used other brands, so cannot compare. Only can compare mini electric and PIS advance

hubby precious,
My gals sometimes drink halfway get choked. Milk flow too fast.
just now my bb has a long feed at 6+ and one hr later, he woke up, screaming n crying n looking for milk. i wonder why this has happened??? whether he has a nightmare or his feed was not enough???
Hi, Jenifur! I'm new in this forum. Saw that you guys are placing order for pigeon wipes. Wonder if i can join in &amp; place my order too? Pls pm me cos i always can't find the tread i went before.. Thank you=)))
Hi mummies! Wanna ask if any of your bbs cry when he have difficulties in burping? And do your baby always lean back when you try to burp him/her? No matter you put him sitting on your lap or you let him lie on your shoulder to burp...

My baby always like that. He's only 1mth+ old..
tues i'll be having lunch out with my parents before going for the gathering though...

no lah.. not so wei da. Only a career break, still got 2 more years of bond to serve! And even if no baby I would still have taken time off, my hubby going overseas later this year for 1+years and I intend to follow him. Its just nice that our baby arrived, good timing for nurturing. =)

I just tahan what my MIL say loh. She is more traditional. After all she's still a great help in looking after baby and can't blame her for being protective of her first grandson.
Clover if ur MIL never say anything then its ok to bring baby out lah.
hubby's precious
my baby got colic, been feeding him infacol 0.2mls before every feeding. But doesn't seem to be helping much...
My neighbour suggested wearing the pyjamas inside out- tried it once and seemed to work, but dunno if just a coincidence or true!! LOL!
Anyway colic just needs a lot of patience and sayang for the baby (and mummy), at worst it usually goes away (even without treatment) at 3mths...

hope u get well soon! Now i'm so paranoid after my episode of mastitis that i keep feeling for lumps and massaging my breasts before, after and between feeds haha!
if my mil has anything to say, she will tell my hubb first or keep quiet. neither she or i feel that comfortable to say what's on our mind.
thanks all for your replies..

lyn, there was once my boy got choked on milk and his whole face turned dark red.. scared me to death.. till now i still kept thinking abt that incident.. now when i feed him, also got phobia.. anyway wat did you do when your girls got choked? i'm just afraid milk will get down the windpipe into the lungs.. =( by the way, which brand bottle you use? i have both pigeon glass bottles and avent bottles for newborn..
i even put in the milk flow regulator for the pigeon bottle, supposingly is to slow down the milk flow..

i see.. haha, maybe i'll try to wear his pyjamas inside out.. i dont think my baby has colic, but sometimes just feel that his tummy has got abit of wind..

my hubby fed my baby one night and he came up with an idea and that is not to burp him immediately.. he waited about 5mins after my bb finishes his milk den sit him up, he burp immediately after that, sometimes dont even have to pat him, he can burp himself.. if your baby is not crying after his milk, maybe u can try this method..
<font color="0000ff">pancake</font>


which crty u guys going to ? 1 year plus is indeed not a short duration..looks like ur bb will celebrate his 1st bday overseas

PS: the pj idea is very cute

<font color="0000ff">hb precious</font>

mine does choke too , i will sit him up immediately

Thanks for yr info. Made me wanna buy all his books now! Hee! As for the GD kit, I saw online that there are 2 versions. One with the book and one without the book. Is it the same book that u recommended? If it's the same, then I will only buy the kit cos I hv gotten the book since the day u hv recommended to me.

Yup, I'm a SAHM. In that case, think I will save the money to buy more books for my bb. (",) Thanks once again! ;)
dreymin: sorry, din c ur earlier post... i m not able to totally clear his nose. unless u use mouth to suck. wat i do is use nasal spray to soften the mucus, then use nasal aspirator to suck it out.
if there is nose shit, i'll use cotton stick to dig it out. usually it helps. cause the nose shit blocks his tiny airways. tat cause wheezing.

thanks for advice, will try again later.

hubby precious
i aso use "ru yu you" after his bath, pour a couple of drops on your palms than rub rapidly before placing them on BB's tummy.
my BB aso choke, i wl immediate unlatch.

my BB aso quite tough to burp smtm ,he wl kick his legs and fidget.i try burp him aft feeding on each breast coz if alot of wind, he tend to suffer.
