(2008/03) March 2008

thanks dreymin n babypink..

the type of choking u guys talk abt is just coughing? my boy when got choked, his face will turn dark red n like cannot breathe like dat noe.. scared me till i whole body can shiver.. u guys experience this?
hubby's precious,
nope, not so serious but he will cough quite badly if the milk gets into his air passage. so have to unlatch and latch back a few times if necessary. smtm rest a few minutes coz if he is MJ, tend to pull at my nipple!

i will withdraw my interest for baby wipes coz pick-up too "ma-fan" for you and kate. i will order from another BP coz pick-up very near my place. thanks
anyone used head support cushion for your BB? my BB's head tend to flop around in the car seat or stroller coz no support.
any recommendations for brands?
hi abc,

the wipes which u mentioned the other time,when will it be sold in john little??cos went down to JL somerset,but they dun have,whch outlet will carry the wipes??marina sq?
thanks dreymin.. bringing my baby to his PD for 1st month injection later, will check with PD again.. I hope milk did not get into the lungs.. if not very serious man.. sigh.. now whenever he cry for milk when he's hungry, i want to make milk to feed him also scared..

i see.. thanks.. =)
hubby's precious,

Maybe u are hving an oversupply of milk. U can trying to pump out a bit to slow down the milk flow. My bb sometimes gets choked too. I try to feed him in a more upright position. It helps a bit too.
hubby precious
i also gave my girl infancol 0.2ml before her feed but not working much for her windy tummy. so now i give her gripewater. it works for her. mayb you can try. my girl is also on formula.
Pigeon Baby Wipes with soothing Chamomile(3-in-1)

1. Jenifur - 2 packs
2. Katechow- 1 pack
3. clover - 2 packs
4. yutong - 2 packs
5. aly - 2 packs
6. Sheryl - 3 packs

Pigeon Hand and Mouth Wipes 20shts (Twin Pack)

1. Jenifur - 1 pack
2. Sheryl - 1 pack

( stay in braddell, can share?)
babe_dude, thanks for your encouragement on bring bb out alone manzz! but hor.. it's easy to say, not so easy to do.. i think i can bring her out as long as she won't feel hungry. LOL.

clover, does that (long feed, then want to drink again in an hr) happen once or a few times. for my case, doc diagnosed bb as colicky. so far the ridwind works for a day but now her feeding time is still very haywire!

hubby_precious, swaddling is actually encouraged for new borns - up to 2 mths, this is to give them a sense of security, dont feel bad about swaddling your bb. my bb will kick all swaddle out, so we avoid swaddling her in case she kicks the swaddle onto her face -then will block her air passage.

hb_precious, u can chk if ur bottle teat size is suitable for milk feeding. you should choose a smaller size.

thanks for all the advice. I tried (all except one).. but doesn't work! I can't put my bb's chin against the lump, cos my lump is at the 12 'clock position, either i do headstand (LOL) while feeding or my bb does headstand, in order to let her chin touch the 12' oclock position. Any other recommendation is welcome! Now I super pain until cannot lift up my arm fully.

Does your baby like infacol? COS MY BB HATES the taste of ridwind, she will spit some out! I actually tried abit of RIDWIND - and found that there's a subtle medicine taste in ridwind!

I give my boy gripe water twice a day, either in between his feeds or before his feeds - it's sweet so it's easy to feed it to him. However, must still burp the baby properly in between/ after his feed, otherwise it's also not much of a use.

Seems that gripe water has been around for ages. My mum also used to give me gripe water!
sheryl, as painful as yr ducts r, u gotta massage them. I had a case of block ducts last week at 10 o'clock pos. the wt of the breast made it feel worse! luckily aft 2 or 3 feeds, my massage n my bb helped me clear it.

rgd the haywire feeds, it happ once or twice aft his growth spurt phase. maybe his appetite has increased. he drinks every 2.5hr - 3hr, usually 1 side n abt 20-40mins each time. ps: I m getting immune to his sucking.
Your blog is so sad... Hope you are coping well with the loss. They will always be in your heart. Hugs...

I think the online GD kit is from America rite? It's much cheaper in US, for dunno whatever reason. Maybe in Singapore, we already paid for all the workshops and post sales services when we buy the kits. I spent almost $2k on all the kits. That's the pricing 2 years' ago.
Talk about buying books. My hubby will look at me and ask me "you finish what you have already meh?" when I buy more books. hahaha... cannot stop buying books about kids :p Before having kids, I was buying and reading books on health. hahaha... So he spent lots on my books :p
Which book did you buy? "How smart is your baby"? You will need to buy "How to teach your baby to read" if you wanna teach the flashcards. There will be more details in there.

hubby precious,
When they get choked, I will just raise their head and let them cough. I am 100% latching on. I bought Aprica bottles though. So far, has used once. It was fine. When bottle feeding, gotta carry the baby at 45degree. Cannot let the baby lie flat.

geesh... am leaking milk today...
<font color="aa00aa">lyn,
this is not my blog. someone who loss 3 babies...v sad...hope they will be strong always.

when i read this blog reminded my bb in NICU period. v sad n heartpain when bb on tubes.</font>
I am sorry for the mistake. Touch wood, touch wood...
It's indeed very sad. The loss will always be in the parents' hearts. It will take years to heal. Dunno why today I keep having chances to read the sad things. In my email also got a forwarded poem of a baby with brain cancer.
Maybe my energy very low...
Hi Dernemi and mummies

I was browsing this thread and am surprised that my blog has been posted up! I am the mum who lost 3 babies and that is the blog I created in honour of my angels. Tomorrow happens to be my twin son Joash's 1st anniversary. I lost him exactly this day last year. His twin sister Ashley's anniversary is on 4th June. Do say a prayer for my hubby and I as we remember him in our hearts...
thanks all for your advices..

crystal, which brand formula you feed your girl and how old is she? u use what bottle?

sheryl, my bb also dont like to be swaddled.. he will "gek" until his face super red and sometimes will be frustrated..
i have pigeon glass bottle and avent ones.. i think the milk flow should be slow cuz i even put in a milk flow regulator for the pigeon bottles..
i put infacol/ridwind into milk and let him drink so i dont think he can differentiate the taste..

lyn, i just went to the PD, he suggest if baby get choke, lie him down on his sides and pat his back.. we usually quickly sit him upright and pat his back..

so for gripewater also put into milk and feed baby?
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">ABC,

Janelle didn't wear any swim suit till I bought her a swimsuit @ Old Navy when she's 6 mo. Tink I'll go dig out tt swim suit for Josiah since it's green/white colour</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Dreymin,

My master bedroom is a combination of 2 rms. Last time I'll hide in the other corner to pump but still will wake them up. No such problem w Ameda now.

Janelle, my #1 also cries when I try e MIM sling on her last time. Not sure if it's bcuz I was inexperience &amp; clumsy *hee*. Only started using on her when she cld do e kangaroo-hold position. I was able to go everywhere alone w her, thanks to e sling.

Josiah will fuss abit when we attempt to put him into e sling but once we settle him into position, he will b ok. Now even my HB has learned to use e sling *hee*</font>

<font color="0000ff">Isabella,

I'm ok as long as you find e pick up location convenient. Have PM u. Pls let me know soon as we've hit e target hence I'll be ordering soon.

My boy will lean back too when we try to burp him. And I noticed sometimes he don't burp when we pat him but e moment he lean himself back, he give a big burp.</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Fion Mummy/Lyn,

e writer of tis blog is from our forum &amp; she was also interviewd on by Straits Times too. It's really v sad. Just read that she hv adopted a baby girl &amp; is enjoying motherhood now.</font>

<font color="0000ff">Sheryl,

No problem in sharing but how can I pass to u?

aiyo ur block duct seem bad, u wan to consider getting professional help</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Hubby's precious,

U can mix gripewater with plain water &amp; feed bb.</font></font>
Dana is very pretty !

Angel, Dana is lucky to find parents like you &amp; ur hb who will love her a lot !

i saw the straits time article featuring the interview last year and it made me cry

ur bb is close to our bbies' ages, do join us at our gatherings
hb precious

no leh..not that red &amp; breathless for mine ..

wat did the PD say ?


sound like a growth spurt more than nitemare
hi angel...

dreymin: nasal aspirator is bot frm safety first... robinsons. i think kiddy palace also have. pigeon also sell. buy soft tip is better.
nasal spray - got frm PD.\

i always cross my legs n put bb's butt on e bed. bb's head on my knee. 45deg feed. but he still cough n choke.

i always mix wif water. if after feeds, he cry, i'll feed some of the mix.
hey my master bedroom also 2-in-1! we seems to have quite a few similarities, haha
DS stays in the living room coz more airy, we keep our door ajar to hear him cry. so either room i pump, will affect the other, told DH he has to make the sacrifice!

will try to master the sling, if not it will be wasted and be a white elephant.

thanks for the tip, will monitor if it is food allergy which causes the blocked nose.
Thanks babypink and Lyn for your compliments. Truly Dana's our joy and pride now...

Petrina, I came into this thread looking for Full month celebrations ideas and found someone posted my Ashley's blog here unexpectedly so shared my story. How bb's Ryan doing?
Dana is very pretty. I am very sure she will be very much loved by you .. and us.. the aunties here (or jie jie) hahaha... Do join us in outings.

u mean u break bond or go on no pay?

I gv this brand "Dentinox" works very well. I gv everyday after bath. i oso apply ru yi oil during every diaper change.

I dun dare take the risk ley. if he get a cold worse right?
angel: ryan's same.. cranky. haha... today scared me.. 37.4deg
drink milk halfway, gave me the sad pouty face look... wa, i c liao i also so sad.
sobbing face... luckily no fever. i think he nightmare... drink till he fell aslp.

been very tired recently. so i juz read, nv really post. saw u here, so i juz send regards.
Have been reading ur blog actually and during ur stay in hosp.! glad that u're adopted a healthy and pretty little girl. Hope u can join in our gathering! See u soon!

I agree and thks to abc for introducing dentinox. It works for my girl and at the same time i give her 'nui nai niang' as well.. works the same as gripe water and think it is in fact better.

So long no post cause i've been looking after the 2 terrors.. laz night only sleep 2 hrs.. Now i'm like a panda.. hopefully can hv more rest later.. i am really really shagged out already..

Gathering photos..
I've alot photos but no time to upload since kath's full mth! will try to do it soon..
Laz thursday, my girl went for blood test for jaundice. She was 5 weeks. Index was 16.. converted = 280. which is considered very high for a 5 week baby. PD ask me to stop BF-ing for 3 days but encourgaged me to pump out and keep my supply going.

I stopped till sunday and today went to blood test again. It dropped to 100! Good news.. though still jaundice but PD say i can cont to bf already. Jaundice wont go higher then 150 but if i discover anything wrong then go back to her.

Now i have abit problem latching my girl. think she used to bottle. When i latch her and the flow is slow, she make alot noise and refuse to latch.. i have to force her.. Now gotta retrain her..

In may, kim is gng childcare and i gotta put baby over at my aunty place for 1 week while kim settle down in childcare, i've no idea whether will she totally forget how to latch on?
Hubby's precious,

I'm sorry. Don't be too sad. As long as yr bb is healthy, it doesn't matter if it's bottlefeed or breastfeed.

The milk flow from the bottle may be too fast. Maybe u can try a smaller size. My bb always got choked too and his whole face will be red. Will stop immediately and put him up in upright position. I try to feed him in a more upright position.


Thanks for yr info. Yup, I saw the GD kit online. I'm so greedy too. Wanting to buy lots of books but hv not finished those that I hv bought yet. Hehe! Among all, the GD book is still the best that I hv read. I cannot stop reading it unless attending to my bb. Thanks for yr recommendation.
Adeline.. they said if bb been latching since birth and seldom been introduced to bottle till ard 3 mths, they shld still remember to latch one.. unless, the bb likes bottle lah! then bo bian..
Some bbs dun even wan bottles! So it is subject to each and every BB!! Good to hear kathlyn is getting better... i was also abit concerned abt her jaundice, remembered i commented on her that day... soo good good, she is better!! dun worry, it will only get better..

Hi Angel, ur bb girl is really an angel! Sooo girl girl! Mine..is very the boy boy! :p Do join us for gathering with your girl k .. u r a fighter and we def have tons to learn from you.

Just finished pumping.. been so long since i touch my avent pumps!! Coz so used to having bb to latch being my natural pump, but my weird girl has been sleeping thruout the nite for the past 2 days and I really cannot tahan the engorgement!!! Tried to tahan for the past 2 nites.. but tonite, gosh .. ta bu leh tahan!! So got to pump it out, gonna use it to wash my face in the morning! hahahhaha .. as i never sterilise the equipments.. Oppss lazy mummy!

So... bb sleep thruout the nite is not a good thing either... but bb dun sleep thruout the nite is also not a good thing either.. dilemma manzz..I tried to force my boobs to her before i pump.. i.e. give her last chance!! But she sleeps like a log.. bo bianz.. hopefully she dun wakes up anytime frm now and cries for milk! hahahaha ..

Mummies for gathering..
Seeya all laterz at goodwood k!! :p Cheers
hi angel
glad that Dana is your now your pride and joy and hope to meet you soon

i awso got problem latching bb tommy *haiz*...started around last week (maybe during the 3 weeks growth spurt) and now he kinda refused the breast and I talked to two LCs and they said must persevered and forced his head there at the breast but he would struggle and even cried
....so stressed, not sure if I can continue to latch like dat

me too sooo tired taking care of 2 tykes and my hubby somemore forced me to finish some business work till 3am and now just started pumping...seems like never ending work :p
Angel, dana is so adorable! i cun help but cry when i read ur blog on ur 3 precious children. You are indeed a fighter! Dana is so fortunate to find parents like you, she will be well loved and well taken care of.

Adeline, happy for u that kath is getting better! no more painful blood test for her aledi...

Goodwood gathering, later i dun know if i can go coz mum's friends coming over to c my baby and today kiddy palace will deliver my yao lan to me.

Anyone experience this with pacifer? Yesterday i give my keira to try and she becomes soo focus on sucking the pacifer and so tensed up sucking it, she sucks too hard till there is a mark on her upper lips.. i dare nt give her aledi..
<font color="0000ff">Hi ABC,
thsnks for the advice... will try....

just had my gal's full month last Sun.... her janudice still ard.. haiz</font>
dentinox can be brought at guardian. $8.05 i think

Ling yee
hahaha at lest yr bb wan paciifer. I am his pacififer

yea man.. mine lor. Dun wan bottle. He too clever liao. he can sense when i am home. even in toilet or room. When i am home he REFUSE bottle no matter how hard my helper try. But once i left for home he start drinking!

Nipple confusion
according to LC, start bottle at 6 weeks. By then they knw how to differentialte nipple and bottle teats le.
Ling yee
initially when i introduce pacifier to my girl, she suck too hard too cause no milk come out and she suck until whole lips red and got mark ahhaaa.. bt now she used to it already. When no milk or hungry, she auto spit out.
She went for blood test yday.. and no blood come out!!! so they gotta ssqueeze and squeeze.. she cried like hell also.

babe dude
yea!! lucky got go down after i stop bf-ing fo 3 days. The PD comment that some ppl after stop bf-ing, jaundice still serious so lucky mine not.
gd leh...` alandria can slp thruout already..

ya she cry n mk alot noise as well.. i die die also force her to my boobs.

oh ya when i introduce FM, she drinks n wake every 1 half hr!!!!!.. when` she drink bm, she wake every 3 hr.. why why why!!
