(2008/03) March 2008

kea: glens also loan medela to me to relieve engorement. i using pigeon manual pump. now not using liao. on total latch on.
initially pump to increase supply as flow is slow.. bb impatient. now ok liao.

i nv use nipple cream. when bb suckles, he tend to bite hard when taking deep breath time. kinda letting me noe, my breast is in his nose...

when bb super hungry, he sucks real hard. can be slightly painful. not sore though.
i think it depends on individual. but if ur nipple is sore, u can use ice to soothe the area if u happen to have no cream.

mummyboy: told u, u can do w/o de...

lingyee: how heavy is ur gal?


me gt Avent manual pump.....but hear that bb keep latchin on will sore......hmmm.....tt y checking out the cream....jus in case..if not i in confinement, hubby dunno wad the heck i m toking abt.haha
haha...i still scare i false labour.. told hubby i monitor for another 5 mins...
luckily i rh there on time... the midwife says... 4 ur 2nd child, u better be faster
yea mt A gave me a tube but i didnt not use. The only latching pain is cause she try to suck my nipple out. but only 5 sec pain after that ok liao. i didnt have any soreness this time rd as compared to previous pregnancy..
I'm a okay leh
How about u?? Tomorrow is Good Friday and i plan to take my #1 to science centre...must make good use of the time before #2 comes along and saps all my energy hehe
yes baby skin peeling is normal. my girl peel until the face lot alot skin leh.. You can apply baby lotion if skin too dry.

if u latch correctly, wont have any soreness one.

Ling yee
i salute to u.. 1st time mommy and so fast ur dilation!!

I realise my girl's mouth, like got translucent white white at the lips think due to the suckle during latching.. how to remove it? everytime after feed i wipe her mouth one wor.. is it normal?
kea: pump more sore. cause they pulling ur nipple.

;ingyee: u so lucky... btw, wat bed u stay? how's e nurses there? i was rather unhappy as they were short handed. when i was bleeding, i press bell, nobody came. i went toilet n cleaned myself up..
many other incidents like latching my bb on me. very rough... forcing me to use FM... say bb no milk hungry... etc. crap manz... 1st day.. where got hungry...
<font color="0000ff">hi mrning gals... =))

Dor, Thats nice of yr HR.. some coy they dun allow de... mine is under contract staff, so no ML paid.. all leaves taken r consider unpaid.. so.. haiz... see after confinement can go bk wrk i go bk liao.. dun wanna waste $$... =P... hopefully everything goes smoothly.. hehe... Dor which hospital u gng?...

Warm welcome Lyn!!!.. =)) twins!!!!???!!??? hjeehee....

I read Ling Yee birth story.. wah thats super fast man!! U can deliver in yr hb car if u gonna push at that moment!!! come to tink abt it, its so dangerous leh.. alamak..!!!

Its so unexpected hor!! anything can happen when u r in labor!! hehehe... so mummies who havent pop yet, including me...do be careful!! =))

Do we ned to pay for this if we ask ? does this really helps?... can advise?....</font>

I tot NB baby don use shower gel...Mrs Wong advised not too...untill bb is 3mths ......coz their skin is v delicate..

i think wkend stayin at home or run last few errands. My ger is sick so i wan to get her well before i deliver so i wont b so worry.

ling yee
ur 1st one's labour already so fast. think #2 really hv to speed to hospital....

Dr chong gt give u admission letter one anot? y i ask nurse, she say don need de??? me delivering in TMC leh..then she say don need....
Just done with feeding and pumping... is 30ml ok for day 3? This morning after feeding pump 30ml.. now after pumping also 30ml... can advice? baby always fall asleep after feeding at 1 side...

but i m still thinkin whether to go Expo Fair and walk walk not if my ger recovers.. hohohoh.. but scare i waterbag burst or wat. then chiam manz.. cos Expo is so far away frm MAH :p
ya the jab must pay one but alot cheaper compared to epi la.. haha.. can reduce 50% of the pain only though.

I use the johnson tip to toe wash. My helper just apply directly on baby. the tip to toe wash should be safe one bah..

U got wear mittens for him ma.. no need worry he suck right? i lazy mama.. only apply his feet lol.. body also never apply :p
oh dear, hope your girl gets better soon so you don't have to worry.

Expo Fair
i pretty much have bought all the things i want to buy...don't want to buy things that i might only need cos v. waste money in the end lah hehe...anyway expo fair soooooo far from me (i'm in yishun leh), whatever savings i get from expo fair will evaporate with the transport cost if i end up taking cab haha
Good morning gals! Wow... you gals are very active here... *pant* *pant*


Mine gonna be C-section. I am having twins and last pregnancy also C-section

Next week, still got me waiting for babies to come out. kekeke...

Maybe we will be giving birth on same day!
I am also still walking everywhere :p But, lately, getting a bit breathless, so dun really go out unneccessarily. I still carry my #1 and bring him for classes. I was "ordered" complete bedrest since 2-3 months ago :p

Medela also has nipple cream. Cannot really help you with that, cos I never use nipple cream. I just use breastmilk.

Dun be upset
Look on the bright side that it's predictable when you will be seeing and holding your baby
Last time, I wanted natural birth, but ended up C-section. I was very upset too...

We are neighbours

Your labour is very fast and smooth... Congratulations!

Was reading on and off, but felt quite alien... and not sure when to schedule C-section... so took so long to join :p
I gonna miss Shannon's full month again.
kea: i have admission letter. he gave me in wk36.
i attended mrs wong pigeon talk. she say 1 drop leh... glens also use pigeon bath. no need shampoo though.

adeline: my boy nv wear mittens or booties. cause it drops too often.

lingyee: my bill came up to $10k+ b4 medi.
Expo got baby fair, is it?
I am thinking of whether to buy another sling. Was at Isetan last Sunday, but did not buy. I am imagining carrying 2 babies and 1 toddler on me! hahaha... And my hubby said that's possible! ***faintz***
<font color="0000ff">Adeline(madeleine), thks !! oni the laughin gas is no ned to pay de is it?... cnt rem is it all pain relief ned to pay de...

its on the 21st mar to 23rd mar... =)) Expo hall 6

**I be gng dwn on sun if i havent pop heeheh, see got gd grabs anot..**

My #1 delivered on wk40, will it be possible my #2 also be at wk40 har... EDD on 26th but now still no sign... uhmmmmm.....

lyn, thats posisble lor, but uhmmm havning backache every now n then possibility also high.. =PP......</font>
i was already thinking so xin ku must sling bb while i take my toddler to CC and jalan jalan...wah u lagi worse than me!! aiyoyo

Yes expo has bb fair from friday till 23 march and taka's fair is still on till 25th.

my #1 also always dropped her mittens last time so i never bother but then she used to scratched her face :p so i felt really bad...this time round i hope to get smaller mittens and somehow keep them on bb #2 cos i know of this mum whose bb was always crying and later they found out that his cornea was scratched and he was in constant pain! so scary right!
Ling Yee,
also fast and furious....hehe.

baby peeling is normal. when i brought my son to pd for 1st week review, pd say normal no need to do anything. i was so kiasu, fed him water, thinking his skin too dry.

my baby has small pimple bumps too. around neck area...is mother hormornes...i tot weather too hot and everyday we swaddle him and then caused him to sweat. i stop swaddling him in the day.
good that you stop swaddling your bb in the day cos if bb is sweating, it means that bb is too hot...v. dangerous cos can get heat stroke, esp in our hot weather
i stayed at 516... very pleasant stay coz i din ask them for much service. first day can walk, nurse just teach mi hw to clean myself. breastfeeding wise they guide mi the first time den my baby just latch on....
my bill is 1394 after medisave deduction
my baby kept shaking his mittens off too coz he hates wearing them and he's got long fingers. In hospital they ended up taping the mitten to make to wrist opening smaller. =)
Adeline L/Dor,

Thanks! Counting down now. 8 more hrs more to go. Don't know if I will be able to sleep tonite. 5am in USA which means 8pm in Spore.


Thanks for yr encouragement.
Try to get some sleep cos after gynae insert the pill, u might have to wait for a few hrs before contraction kicks in. If still no signs, gynae will insert 1 more after 6 hrs. Try to reserve some strengths to push bb out.

Jia you!

Tmr morning will b my turn.

How come your bill is so high? I thot u only did c-section not emergency c-section.

huh...she give u.....i ask from her at my last visit which i am 36wks plus, she say don need leh...me at TMC somemore..now i getting abit worry...
<font color="0000ff">Wow petrina, yr bill is exp..... very exp leh in GLEN.... hehe

dunno if mummies convenient to share TMC recent bill wif me?.. wanna make preparation n calculations now... ehheee... TIA!! =))

I got the admission letter from Adrian on my last visit leh, its a green form.. he staple it and ask me to pass to e hospital shld i admit... so i suppose thats the admission letter ba....=P</font>

wah!! y yr gynae fee so ex?! nurse quote me delivery fee is 900 - 1000..my tmc pkg with Epi is 1200plus (arady include PD fee which is 360)...what is yr etc???..yup, i jus call nurse, she say TMC , don need letter,jus say under him can liao......

4get to say..my $1200plus is a 4bedder room in TMC....maybe u 1bedder in GlenE? tts y pkg so ex...but y yr gynae feel so ex ah? becoz c -sec?
Hi Gleneagle mummies,

Care to share your bill breakdown?
I am going to have C-section on next thursday.
My gynae is Dr. Fong C W.
Can PM me.
Thank you..
pet...yours ex leh. but maybe u stay more days lah since yours c-sec.

yes, thats the admissions letter. since we same gynae and at tmc...i did kpo, open up and see whats written inside. nothing much 1. keke... i stayed at tmc for 2 nights in 1 bed rm with companion. total bill close to $4k with baby fees and medication. $1.2k deposit when admitting. add $80 cash when discharge, the rest of the 4k deduct from medisave. i have the FBI card so there was a total of $100+ discounted from bill.
anyway, TMC charge you for almost everything you use. The nursery nurse open a new nipple shield which i hardly use in the end. On the bill cost $18, the pharmacy downstairs at TMC sells it for $15 only!
hmm generally c-sec is more expensive than natural. and epidural must pay extra. TMC is generally cheaper than Gleneagles too. Mine is 1200+ cash after Medisave and everything. 2-bedder in GlenE.

wow your labor is super fast. guess what your substitute obstetrician is my gynae leh! she's into episiotomy haha! then again her stitch is good lah. can heal within 2 weeks. no pain after that.
<font color="0000ff">babylush.. thanks for sharing.. hehe I also kpo peep abit on the form .. hehe wrds too messy cnt read what he wrote n also only like a few wrding ,hahaha... =P So I jus submit this letter upon admission right?.. btw I paid a 1.1k deposit at Adrian clinic, do u noe whats that for?.. his fee or hospital bill or gynae + hospital bill is billed together de?.. sorry so many qns hehe... TIA!!

Kea, ya i also tink cos Petrina is 1 bedder thats why pkg so exp and also gynae fee for c-sec also higher mah... faint hor!! I delivered my #1 at KKH, opt for 1 bedder, bill come out to be 6k plus... inclusive of gynae &amp; bb fees... </font>
Swaddle baby
eh i dun swaddle baby since 1st day cause she gets very pek chek until whole face so so red.
Anyway my 1st PD advise not to swaddle baby in such humid weather in SG.. will overheat.. so did not lor..
Adeline Kim,
I have stopped swaddling my bb already. agree it's so humid now! unless i on the aircon b'cos hubby always complain it's too hot. but of course i will be under the blanket.
my baby vomitted milk yesterday and today. judging from the amount she vomitted, yesterday was abt 20ml and today shockingly nearly 50ml. after drinking, she pushed my nipple out and made some swallowing effort and an uneasy face, den merlioned all over herself, me and the bed.
Am i overfeeding her? i always tot that babies can regulate how much they wan. therefore. i shd feed on demand. so shdn't be overfeeding, rt? but hubby and CL say maybe overfeeding.

Just now the nurse squeeze my breasts. Got some colostrum already. Manage to feed bb a while only. How long do you all usually latch? The nurse said at least 30mins. But now my nipples feel sore liao.

it's over feeding. baby doesnt know how to control themselves. they will drink until 100% full or over. we must control for them. What i do is give baby some water or i just stuff pacifier into her mouth if after feeds sh still want to suckle. 1st few days i didnt know also. she keep vomiting. cause i keep letting hersuckle for comfort result in overfed.
U have to control for baby.
