(2008/03) March 2008

Reena: ya...we may have seen each other b4....kekeke... ;-)

well...my "v" area starting to get sore..and area betwn the thighs and "v" area is aching when climbing up/down stairs and now even walking...

So from the CTG we can know if we are having contractions rite? do we need to pay for the CTG during the routine checks at Dr heng's clinic? she never mentionabout paying neither do Kim nor joanne...

Reena, no lah, since they charge quite abit shouldn't they allow us to customize abit what.
For e.g. if you order pizza from pizza hut you are not limited to haiwaian on monday and supreme on tues.. Haha. Anyway, cos I don't like pork and pork intestine.. so abit disappointed. LOL.

I think there are alot of confinement catering in singapore, so there might be one that's 'halal' type suitable for taste buds like mine. haha

Btw, those who are going on ML next monday, when are you returning to work?

ML is 84 days from the day u start...inclusive of sat,sun and public holidays...

e.g. if starting this coming mon (24 april)...the last day of ML is 15 jun...
Here's the website for confinement tingkat (you missed my post above, time 4.26pm)

Yes, from the CTG machine, can detect bb's heartbeat and also to see if you are having contractions. I think I paid $40 for the CTG. You need to be strapped for 30 mins.

OIC... You can call them up and tell them your special requirements, I think they are quite accommodating. I went to Neo Garden's website, they have confinement tingkat too but when I called up, they told me they have ceased this for many years *eyes rolling*. According to Natal Essentials, there are only 2 confinement tingkats in Sgp.
Backache also a sign of labour. There's a chance that we will deliver on same day leh...

How old is your #1? Mine is coming to 2 years old. After organising full month, gotta organise his 2 years' old birthday already.

Extra 2 nites stay can come out quite a lot. Cos stay one day, still got the daily treatment fee and doctor's daily visit fee. If doc visit you twice a day, it's double. I was scrutinising my bill at GlenE 2 years ago.

I paid $53 for 15 minutes on CTG in labour ward at GlenE a few weeks ago.

Babies and kids dunno how to regulate their intake. You might be overfeeding her. Last time, my boy seldom vomit unless I overfed him.

I think I will buy after babies are out. kekeke...

Ok gotta go... catch up again...
my #1 born Dec '05 so 2 yrs and 3 mths
haiz both hubby and kiddo asking me to make milo for them...what r they going to do after i give birth???
sheryl, i sms u no reply! i tot u went n give birth liao. haha. i am in the same boat as u. no further dilation. haizzzz.

my gynae gave me a choice to induce immediately or another date that is up to me. he did state he is not a risk taker so he prefer to do it latest 1 day after my edd which is 25 march. so during my next check up on 26 mar, he will induce me. i hope bb will come out after this fri!

btw, my gynae charges ard $16 for ctg scan. each scan is abt 15mins?! i will need to go on sat again to do the scan.
lyn & ade,
how to control her intake when i bf her? i have no idea how much she drinks.
furthermore, she drinks for less than 3 mins, stops.. rest for 5 mins, cry.. den i will feed abit more, etc..
hard to monitor.
dun look at amt.. jus look at the urine and poo. Also by right shld latch for 15 min. But mine hor.. putting on weight, urine and poo normal but latches for 5-15min with interval 1-1.5h.. now slightly better.. 2 h
only need to latch for 15 min meh? Then i must b over feedin my shawn le.. He can latch on for abt an hr each time lo.. Then abt 2 hr interval.. But he only use 3 cloth nappy n abt 3 diapers per day wo.. Is tat a lot?

My PD suggest i use pacifier to prevent he latch on my jus for comfort.. Anyone use pacifier to comfort ur bb to sleep or to avoid bb to keep look for ur nipple for comfort only? Does this help ?
lyn: ya.. tats y i saw the CTG charge in 100+ per line... i think it's abt 5times.. so total already abt $500-$1k juz for the CTG charge. i din noe.. i tot it's covered. if i noe, i wun do it liao...

i tot usually misc charges r abt medicine, doc visits, R&B..
i tot machine usage like BP machine, temp, CTG is included... sianz manz...

cladi: sometimes bb suckle fast, some slow. so it depends.. does he suckle 1hr straight or does he stops at intervals?
i dun use pacifier.

ya, abc's rite.. look at poo n pee amt. i think they shld poo after each feed? or there abts rite?

abc: ur delivery not induced rite? if u already in labour, they start the labour ward charge. then they strap u to CTG machine while u in labour, so no extra charge.
mine is considered monitoring as i not considered in labour yet. meaning no time constraint to deliver bb...
he suck like 5-6 time then stop a while then suck again lo.. At time i notice his tummy hard hard le.. Like full le.. Yet his head still turn to side.. Mouth open big big.. Lookin for nipple lo.. Bb wont know they r full le meh? I alway tot they will.. The output guide is for us to know we feed enough or not.. Nvr read abt over feedin leh..

My baby's head is 35.5cm. I was not induced. Btw walking during the initial stage of labour is much better (less painful) than lying down in bed, plus it also helps to speed up labour process.

All the best and wishing you a smooth delivery!
bb on breastfeedin oso will have lots of wind in stomach de ah? I tot only bottle feed bb will take in air when feed thro bottle? Or is it due to bb cry tat y shawn stomach got wind.. He will cry n fart.. When the wind come out.. He will b ok le.. Is it normal ah?
i heard fr mil too..that uterus dropping out at old age...very scared....esp now #3....so must really hope massage can ppush it back..i was wonderingpush it back will still drop.....so my massage lady says must eat a kind of jamu to tighten vagina...

sometimes my gal is not breastfeeding and rather nipple feeding....i dunno why....no matter how i push in the nipple and aerola...only this gal face this proble...the first 2 no issue....is the latching...she seems to have latching issue....

i din knw that CTG has a charge....

There is charges for using CTG during labour??? My 1st delivery, i dun see any charges on this at Mt A lei. I was stripped right frm the beginning lei. My bill is not high.
Just wonder any mummy interested in the busybaby nursing wrap. There is a BP fr business thread gg on for $45/piece. But if we order fr the website wth min 10 pieces order should be able to get abt $30+ wth CGW freight charges. Let me know if anyone are interested, I will help to order...


Morning ladies..

<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">AdelineLoo has given birth to thomas lu-kai riggle at 5:10am.. Weighing 3.98kg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Natural with Epi!!!</font></font>

I am proud of her!! big baby and she did it naturally! Congrats!!!
ya baby wont know that they are full one. we have to control for them.
i give my girl pacifier.. most ppl i know dun wanna give cause scared hard to wean off.. but i just give her if nt she will want nipple, refuse to sleep and result in overfeeding.

cause u in labour ward already. no charges for CTG.
congrats to adelineL! her bb is so big and this is so sudden! was counting on her as one of the last few march mummy to give birth. haha~~~ i am envious lah. i think sheryl will be envious too, keke.
I'm really unsure about this... my mom birthed 8 and she did her own confinement, plus need to cook for the whole family (ie my granny, aunties and uncles), wash their laundry and cleans the house (my dad's the eldest son). They used to stay in kampong and needs to carry water from the well which is about 15 - 20 mins walk from home. Imagine all those walking and squatting... I don't know how she did it then. She's 71 this year.

Congrats Adeline! Wow! 3.98kg natural! Amazing!
I was in labour ward when I admit and I still pay for CTG charges leh...

At this price, I'll rather get a sarong sling :p
Thank you for the invitation
This Sat gotta get things ready for my twins' arrival next week. Still got lots to do. I am very heavy now, so gotta get my hubby to get things done while I rest in bed :p

You still serving your hubby ah... I very long time never serve him lor... kekeke...

Do you pump out? You can roughly gauge how much she drinks by feeling the state of the breasts. Dunno if you get what I mean...
I think you gotta encourage her to continue drinking, else next time become habit. Drink, stop, drink, stop... can be very tiring for you.
Another way is to learn what how hunger cry is like. Usually, hunger cry is like baby got choked kind. Sometimes, baby just wants some comfort and be carried. Take some time to discover your baby and everything will go smoothly

Latching on interval will change too as they grow. Last time, for my boy, usual interval is 3 hours apart. Then during "growth spurt", it became 1 hour apart for a few days. Then back to normal.

I think the CTG will be covered in natural birth package. Since after induction, you needed c-section, they charged you package for c-section, then the rest will be ala-carte pricing... CTG not included in c-section package.
Even stay longer in the operating theatre or recovery room, gotta pay extra.
i do hav sarong sling, bt i dunt think the sling can perfectly hide our body especially waist/back area when bf. unless u r wearing nursing wear.

Dec mummy do a BP at US$19.50 exclude CGW freight charges, so estimate aft freight charges will be ard $30+.
she is rather stubborn at her young age.
when she doesn't wan to drink any more, she will pushes out the nipple and just purses up her lips and refuses to be fed. no matter how i disturb her by tickling or touching her chin, cheeks, lips, etc.
jus back from PD visit.. Spend $59 include blood test.. Shawn jaundice gettin peak le.. If result not good.. Will need to bring back to MAH le.. Hope result wont hit 15..

I ask doc jus now.. She say bb will know tat he is full le.. Wont over fed de.. Dun worry.. Then my long feedin time n short interval partly due to his demand increasin le.. Is normal..
ya.. mine oso..
always choking.

i feel kinda sad when i see her face so sad after choking
our babies can be gd friends le. drinking habits very similar.
but her vomit is nt the milk that she just drink.. i think it contains some digested milk. got whitish stuff.
haha... aly, mine also vomit abit milk sometimes.. not much. it usually happens in middle of slp.. abt 1 teaspoon amt? urs? vomit like merlion type? no rite?
i think it's common to spit out some milk like mine. so i nv bother too much..
Now my girl 2 weeks le but jaundice doesnt seems to get any better though we sun her. During her 1 week review, pd say her jaundice is mild one so no problem. If it doesnt get better do i bring her to pd again?

Ya it's common for baby to spit out some milk. My girl abit hard to burp. so when i place her lie down, she tend to spit out milk.
no worries. My boy 1 mth old still jaundice. hahaha....

congrats. Wan see yr handsome boy...

vomiting milk
it is normal. And yes BF bb oso have wind in stomach
no.. mine is merlion type..
all over her clothes n my clothes and the bed.
twice le.
dono if it is the way she kept moving during the feeds.. always squirming her body. kick n kick.

juz pump out. 100ml in 10 mins. read some websites juz now. i think my prob is overactive letdown. they advise that i muz pump out b4 feeding.
Hi all,

Congrats to Adeline! Champion baby! :D

I don't burp my girl after bfing leh... no problem so far... usually bf I dun brup lor.. but if bottle feed then I will burp my kids.

My girl is a super sucker! Still remember how she searched for my nipple when I first BF her in hos.
both sides..
manual pump.

she looks fatter. how to weigh baby at home?
i suppose she is well.. but maybe colicky in late afternoon and night?
It's been a while since i wrote here. had only time to browse through the posts...CONGRATS to most mummy who popped!

Who knows?? Easter bunny??

i started again with new BF strategy...lol... latching on as many times in a day as i can tahan... i think my 3 girls are in the state that they are confused between the bottle and the breast. almost every hour there seems to be a baby latching on... sometimes the same baby will latch on and off for 3-4 hours.. i've definitely not gotten to the stage where they latch on for 15min n can sleep for 1-2 hrs. wonder when will that day come? but at least i can say most of the 3 babies are on BM rather than FM... but how long will tis last? Have to go back to work on 8th may already... no time then to pump n to latch

My dear friend bought 7 tins of Fm for us to supp. It cost $30 here in NTUC and only $18 in JB from some FM wholesale trader... wah biang! talk about diff in price.

Confinement lady left this morning. a wonderful help. really glad to have her. she's only 37 but wealth of experience in taking care of babies.

family outing on Tuesday.. to nephew's 5th birthday. tried out our maclaren twin stroller and single stroller courtesy of kind colleague Jasmine
