(2008/03) March 2008

shalom: ur birth same as mine... only difference, i kenna forced by gynae to c-sec after 3pills...
i also cried lots whenever gynae say cervix still 1cm...

it's very pain... i wasn't in labour ward. i was in maternity ward so no painkillers were given. urs is considered emer c-sec rite?

mine is considered elective.. cause i waited for 5hrs b4 gg in OT.
twinklestars, thanks for the info.... no wonder can't find the discount info on uob site. TOO BAD i heard from a colleague whose wife delivered at Mt A last year. Is your baby is fine now?

petrina, your gynae is pretty patience to allow you to try for so many hours, and with 3 tablets. I think your induction birth story - kinda breaks record among those I have heard and read.... Good thing yours is an elective c-sec; not an emergency c-sec.
babylush, my bb pooed abt 5times today liao.. changed diapers very often.. record time, 10mins changed 2 diapers. cause changed liao he pooed again..
she seems ok now..bringing her back to the pd for check up again tmr... hopefully no recurrence....

hehe..i know wat u mean...my baby always pee while changing diaper..then got to change her clothes somemore... today while changing her diapers, i saw her poo-ing and pee-ing...hehe
Pet and twinklestar
next time wait a while longer before u change. Initially is like tat. After a while bb wun poo so often le.

yes my boy was admitted to NNJ too. The nurses are very very nice esp Junita... how's yr bb now? What teh index?
you must see how bbpink walked man.. she can walked very fast like she not carrying loads like tat.. i can't even catch up with her.. tat how she make it.
hi mummies congrats on ur newborns

Sorry to interrupt I've Nepia S size diaper opened but used not more than 10 pcs .. So should have more 50pc selling at $10 cuz my son outgrown it. Self Collect at Redhill/Eunos

Dryers Newborn about 15-20pcs At $3.50

Brand New NUK bottles with teat 2 for $10

Avent bottles etc for sale ..

More stuff at www.preciouslittlestore.blogspot.com

Please pm me if interested!!
hi mummies,

my baby is 2.86kg at birth! haha... looks big hor~ haha. she's a bundle of joy. i guess all mummies feel d same towards their baby.

=) i've allowed my daughter to latch on today and she's progressing fine. no problem. will see when i start to have milk supply.

and also, i would like to salute to those mummies who did not use epi. Very brave of u!

Good nite!!
twinklestars: he doesn't poo/pee while changing. he ddoes it after chsnged...

abc: his cries drives me crazy, abit of poo only he'll cry like hell. he wun stop until diaper is changed.

sheryl: ya. he's patient... sees me twice a day during induction period... to comfort n check me.
he calls me as well. pre n post op. to make sure i was fine.. good gynae.

i'm gg crazy wif my boy's needs... record uninteruppted slp time - 30mins tops...
he cries for me after he finishes 30mins slp. then he stays awake for milk for 1hr... prefer only right breast... argh!!
try not to carry baby too often later he get use to it. i dun carry my girl unless she needs to feed.
Have u tried within 2 mins change 2 times diapers? LoL!
My girl pee alot so i change often.. her diaper always very full.. i change already then i heard POOt POOT POOTTTTTT.. oh no.. have to change again.
and i think ur boy latch for comfort only.
Now my girl latch for comfort leading to overfed!! cause she keep suckling.. then what i do now is when she want to suck, i feed her water instead. she doesnt want pacifier and she gets very pek chek at pacifier because no water come out.

I am so lazy.. suppose to sun baby and now need maid to remind me.. when she remind me, i ask her to do it loL!..
See the difference of my girl.

3rd Day


7th day



And this is kimberly!!! dont look alike right? hahaha.. i think only eyes!


Kath doesnt have hair in front wor.. botak! only back and side.. i wondering if she stay inside for 3 more weeks until my EDD, will she have hair in front? hahahaha i'm gonna shaver her bald on her 1st mth..
mothers who latch on
how long u take to nurse bb? one breast or two? what's d frequency of feed in between ?

yesterday I did a little note taking . realise he is feeding almost every 1h, at most 1.5h. per feed is min 5 minute , max 15min . is it normal ? my boy is 3 week plus going to 1 mth liao. any idea hw to prolong d frequency cos it seem sm bb can wait 2-3h..

i've also been waking up every hr last night. max is 1.5h where his feed is 630am then 815am. hang in there
Good morning mummies
my god last night only managed to sleep less than 2 hours i think :p ....got to wake up at 1am to make an overseas phone call and i usually have trouble going back to sleep once it's interrupted...dunno how to tahan today till Chelsea's nap time??!!

Heard that antenatal package is claimable via Medisave so i dig around and lucky can still find the receipt
Do you guys know if the medication and blood tests (not included in the package) are claimable as well?? But then i think the max claim sum for antenatal seems to be less than $500 and my package is around that price so maybe it doesn't matter?? Mummies who know please advise! Thanks

So Mt A is good, how about TMC huh?? So far didn't really hear horror stories like the ones told by Jan mummies....March mummies, anything to share about TMC??
try tickling his mouth or ear to make him suck more.....nite time is more torturous....jump out of bed when bb cry to feed...end up either dun wan or drink liao, put back, she a while cry for milk again...i used to co sleep with my bbies...and make nite feeding a brisk...this rd i discipline myself to feed n put her back to cot...and this make myself so tired...last nite i gave in n co sleep with her....

all mums are brave....with or without epi....nat or csect....ur bb does look big....so is 2.8kg...

did u went back see dr ang for postnatal?.....i rem the last birth i went, no need removal of stitches...kjust to check...this rd i did no go as the wait is long and i dun wan expose to standing too long outside.....

me too interested in claiming the antenatal package...

ur kath seems to look like you more...is it right?...
AdelineL, I was just asking the mummies about the maternity claim using cpf the other day. Yup, there's a $450 limit on pre-delivery care. I supposed all the blood test are included as pre-delivery care.

More about the maternity package in medisave.

Adeline, your Kimberly looks more like 'la pi siao xing' when she was a newborn - cos of her dark brows - so CUTE! Kathlyn is more demure with light colored hair. Don't think they wil look alike when they are grown up.

More more are popping, wow, I haven't even had delivery dreams yet. The list of those who hasn't popped are getting so much shorter, and we are only half way through March.

Redtea, I'm bascially strolling...taking my own sweet time. haha.
he jus check to make sure nothing in womb.. all cleared and to check stitch. No removing of stitch.

I tried ticklign him, but to no avail. I din co-slp him as i feel tat i slp better without him beside me. hahaha... but every hr automatically he would cry for milk! How?? Normal? is tat the reason why i am not able to express more volume than what i had previously and y my breast is not always hard? Will still experience tingling feeling but a bit leakage only
thanks for the info
too bad limit only $450....i just checked and my antenatal package from 5 mths was $499 so already over limit liao...so cannot claim those extra blood tests and medication not included in the package....still pretty good already
Hi mummies,
I'm desperate for a venue to hold my girl's full month celebration. Have been looking at several places and friends' condo on either 22/3 evening or 23/3 afternoon/evening but all taken up. Are there any mummies staying in Condo and can help me to check if got free function room to hold abt 60 pax on these days?
my baby is having some rashes on her vagina area.
destini cream doesn't seem to help. i used cloth diapers in the day and disposable diapers at night. i have also observed that my confinement lady wipe her from front to bottom. wonder what went wrong. i felt so sad and sorry for my gal. have not been to the pd yet. nt sure if this is considered as common.

she's still a little jaundiced after today's check up, index around 11. something...need to monitor her and sun her for the next week...but doc says usually peak around 7-10 days and since my bb is feeding well, she thinks it'll clear soon.... hopefully *keep fingers crossed*

i'm using california baby's calendula cream...nvr tried on her vagina before but it's for "eczema and other skin sensitivities for face, body, diaper area and cradle cap".. i've been using for my bb's dried and peeling skin..so far it seems to be working...

yay! my bb finally got her birth cert today! so happy she finally had a chinese name..sigh..wasnt easy cos my hubby's side has so many "close and senior" relatives and cannot have characters that even sound similar....was quite mad the past few days...phew! it's finally over!
how do i know that i have achieve let down? coz right now i dun have leaking breast when my baby latch on. i pump while baby latch on and after two babies i get about 50ml of milk in the bottle.

but my 2 babies are never satisfied and they cry after 20 min of latching and yet i see active sucking. they will seem satisfied at my breast and after i put them in the cot, they cry. then i have to give them EM and then FM when EM run out for the day.

when i pump without babies latching on i can get about 70ml-120ml depending on time of the day. 4am-8am the most milk. babies dun latch on at all from 9pm - 9am.

am i on the right track?
adeline: ya. he suckles hard n 10mins niah. then zzz liao.

abc: i will hang on... so far, daytime he slps through except 3hr feeds. nites r e killers...

kea: if u wan register birth, u need original cert. i din bring. PD appt then i bring. same hosp mah.
juz went today. collect BC today...
Hi all,

I've delivered my princess on 11Mar C-sect w Epi.
She weighs 3675g and 52cm. I was bk home y'day but am still hving terrible headache (neck, shoulder n back also pain) when I sit up. Gotta be on bed all day. Hope the headache will be gone soon.

Pic of my girl @ day 2!
hi all,
i am back. but tiring with nurising bb middle in the night. below my birth story:

7th Mar - contraction finally came. came about 30 to 40 mins interval from morning to evening. in the night, interval shortened to 15 mins. i was so happy finally contractions came. lessen possibility for me to go for C-sec as contraction helps in dilation. thanks to all mums here sharing to squat. i think it helps.

8th Mar - contractions more frequent, abt 8-6 mins. couldn't sleep at all. decided to admit hospital at 4am. reached hospital at 4:30am.

8th Mar
4:30am - admitted. get changed, put on CTG to chk on contractions whether is it real labour.
5:00am - cleaned bowel, getting more and more pain. nurse checked on dilation, it was 3cm dilated. i was so happy because i was so worry that my cervix was not soft enough.
6:00am - given smiling gas, pain getting stronger. starts to consider whether to take epi.
7:00am - gynae came, break waterbag. 4cm dilated.
8:00am - couldn't take the pain anymore, decided to have epi. although it was pain, but comparing to labour pain, it is nothing.
9:00am - 5cm dilated. relax and sleep while waiting.
10:00am - 8 cm dilated. can't helps shivering especially when contraction came.
12:50noon - nurse came in and getting ready for delivery. was taught on how to pushing
1:10pm - gynae came, everything ready. bb came after 4 pushes.
1:30pm - bb cried very loud. taking weight and length. weight was 3.215kg and length 52cm.

no regret in taking epi. i can really relax ans sleep after given epi.

regarding the jaundice. i did requested Fei to help on posting on this method. mix 1 tea spoon of sugar with 30ml water for bb to drink within 24 hours after bb is born. i am not sure how good it works, i tried, my bb took only 15 ml. she is ok, jaundice is in the average range. advisable not to let nurse know as miht get scold from nurse as we are not suppose to give glukose drink to bb. besides this, my MIL given bb some *pearl powder* to eat. this can be getting from chinese medical hall.

congrates. glad to hear that you've delivered too.
Lee hong
actually my baby doc, advise me to give baby drink glucose water leh.. lol.. though nurse will scold bt her doc say just let baby drink.
<font face="Book Antiqua"><font color="0000ff">Came across this on the net &amp; thought I should share it:-</font>

<font color="aa00aa">FUSSINESS

Young babies, both breast and formula fed, are often fussy. It is not unusual for this to happen during the late afternoon and evenings, and is usually NOT due to hunger, wet/dirty diaper, or anything that mom or dad can fix. It is usually NOT related to milk supply, although some mothers may worry about this.

One of the best explanations of normal infant fussiness is shared here with permission from Kathy S. Kuhn RN BSN IBCLC and lactation consultant for Parentsplace.com:

Normal infant fussiness starts at about 1-3 weeks, peaks at about 6-8 weeks and is gone by about 3-4 months. Most babies will "fuss" about 2-4 hours per day, no matter what you do. They want to be "in arms" or at the breast very frequently and fuss even though you attempt to calm them. They often seem "unsatisfied" with their feedings and even seem to reject or cry at the breast.

It most commonly happens in the evening hours, and usually the baby will take their longest stretch of sleep after this fussy time. The best thing to do is offer the breast as much as the baby wants it. If she fusses at the breast try to calm her in other ways such as "dancing" with her, gentle bouncing and rocking, and just giving big doses of TLC. You can tell it is normal fussiness if it occurs about the same time each day, if your baby has other times of the day when feedings are calm and she seems happy, and if she is growing and gaining well per her pediatrician and having plenty of wet and soiled diapers.

Many times during a baby's fussy time they will refuse the breast. After several frustrating attempts at nursing, the parents may "break down" and offer a bottle of expressed breastmilk or formula thinking that the fussiness is related to low supply or something wrong with mom's milk. Kathy gives a better understanding of this particular concern here, as well as explaining what happens when baby is offered a bottle and "guzzles" it down:

Parents who don't know this is "normal" frequently respond as you did by giving a bottle because they think the baby isn't "happy or satisfied" with the breast. When the bottle goes in the baby's mouth the mouth fills with milk, the baby is obligated to swallow and the action of swallowing initiates another suck. The suck again fills the mouth and the cycle repeats, giving an appearance of the baby "gulping the bottle down hungrily".

This of course only contributes to mom and dad's fear that the baby wasn't getting enough at the breast and they keep offering more and more bottles (understandably). Which then causes a true low milk supply. Often the baby falls asleep peacefully after this episode which also reinforces to the parents that the bottle was just what the baby needed. What has really happened is the baby has by coincidence come to the natural conclusion of the fussy spell (most parents give the bottle as a last resort which means the fussiness has been going on for awhile) and/or the baby has withdrawn because "gulping" down the bottle was actually stressful and NOT what the baby wanted but she could not stop the flow, so exhausted, she falls asleep. So don't offer bottles during any fussy time.

extracted from http://www.mother-2-mother.com/cc-baby-B.htm#Fussiness</font></font>
my bb seems to be cranky in the evenings and I will haf a hard time pacifying him down. I then will give EBM and bottle feed him to calm him down. N like article says, it works!

But wat other better ways is mentioned in calming bb down leh?
eileen, lee hong,
congrats on your newest arrival! bb is so cute so chubby!

interesting article! my baby fusses around evening too and when i carry her she will turn her head to look for my nipples even though she just had her feed barely an hour ago. i think she can smell me. i simply latch her on and true enough, after latching her as long and as frequently as she wants, she sleeps longer at night. now she sleeps at 3-4 hour blocks at night and giving myself a better sleep too. i couldn't agree more with the article. power to breastmilk! LOL.
Hi Mummies,
Long time din come up to the forum liao cos I busy with my bb as I sent my second CL back while my hubby is in overseas. Lucky my MIL, FIL, SIL and brother all take turns to come and help me ' kan tou kan wei '.

your son stil got jaundice? is he ok now? Hope all is fine.
My boy also needs feeding about 1.5hours or 2hours in the day also. Nite time can latch from 7pm to 12pm lor. But I would express out my milk in the day and bottle feed him in the nite to let him sleep longer. This is advice from all the 'aunties and uncles' of my hubby. So far it works for the first two nites. You can try it also lor.
Plus, the green papaya soup also helps alot. I got up today with my PJ wet due to the leakage of BM. My breast felt so full today and my boy only drink one side of my breast and he is contented. Lucky also la, cos i haf got sore nipples on my right breast as my boy likes to pull my nipples and 'play' with if. Ouch! Usually, I wil take about 15mins to half an hour for the feeding on each side of the breast. Today i managed to expressed about 60ml of milk from both breast, accumulated over 2 times of expressing. Quite happy wif it as compared to the last times, only 10ml both sides.
congrats to all who has pop!!

I m so tired.. Look after bb is nvr easy.. I manage to go on tbf since shawn was born on wed.. Reali tough.. Not tat shawn is fussy.. Is the long feedin time n short interval drivin me crazy.. N my boots engorge ah.. Nipple gettin sore.. Reali hope i wont give up.. Since my hubby is so encourgin..

I was told tat my blood group n shawn's clush n hence cos the jaundice to shoot up on day 3.. Luckly he can pass the blood test n we got dischg on fri.. I start to sun him on sat mornin n evenin.. Hope tat helps..
since shawn is latchin on now.. Tot mayb i can update here with my birth story..

I was ask to go for induce by gynae due to my harden tummy for sometime n i was worry with reduce in infant movement.. Hence i agree to admit on wed mornin...

8.40am > arrive at MAH.. call up my gynae.. I was instructed to go into delivery suit to get myself admit first..
9am > nurses help me to clear my bowel n shave me..
9.30am > i was put on ctg to monitor my contraction n bb heartbeat.. Nurse put me on drip n antibiotic.. Cos i m tested positive on GBS..
10.15am > dr adrian come in to burst my water bag..
10.30am > can feel the contraction.. But still can take it..
12nn > start to feel the strong contraction le.. Rely on laughin gas.. N got the tight injection.. Was told it need 20min for tat painkiller to work..
12.30pm > pain gettin worst le.. Did a cervix check.. 4cm dilated ONLY.. I almost cry.. Holdin on to hubby n die die refuse to let him go for lunch..
1.15pm > i started usin the laughin gas NONSTOP.. Keepin my eyes close.. Hubby fannin me.. (delivery was not as cold as wat i was told leh)
2.15pm > still on laughin gas.. Eyes close.. Hubby quietly went lunch.. Cos nurse told him i abt to give birth soon le..
2.50pm > i reali feel like pushin so badly.. Nurse did another cervix check.. 10cm le.. I was ask to push to bring bb toward into the birth canal.. Hubby say can c bb head le.. But i was ask to stop there.. Dun push..
3.10pm > dr arrive.. Got dress up.. Ask me to start pushin if i wan on next contraction pain..
3.27pm > With one push.. Shawn was out le.. (i refuse to give up on tat first push.. Think of the pain i still need to carry on if i let go tat push.. Phew)

Started bf in the suit.. Was then push to ward after an hr..

I notice i got problem passing urine tat nite.. N a tube was insert to me to let out urine.. Guess i reali push too hard le.. Hehe..

Hope my story not too long.. Enjoy readin.. Shawn finish feedin le.. (3.40am til 4.50am feedin) is tat normal to feed tat long? Faster go back to sleep now.. B4 Next feed starts..
jenifur: tis was wat happened during first day @ home... i also broke down n offered FM eventually...
i so angry n sad at tat time.. i throw my boy to my hb n stuff the bottle to him n ask him go away...

now i feel so stupid for doing so... haha

luckily now i insist on shoving my breast into his mouth though he pushes it out... i'll help him squeeze till he stabilizes milkflow then he suckles on his own.
i m here again.. Means? He is on my breast again lol..

My first day back home was oso kind of stress.. I come to understand y some mummy here mention abt depression n cry with bb.. I didn cry with shawn.. Luckly i did attend prenatal class to learn things lo.. I was hurt by mil words soon when i arrive home.. Bb start to cry even after feedin.. I tot its alrite n normal ma.. He come home new environment.. Will sure feel not so comfortable at first rite.. Need time to adapt ah..

My mil come straight to me while i was feedin shawn in my room.. Ask me.. Is it i got not enough milk for him.. Tat y he keep cryin.. I knew it.. Expectin her to say tat.. But nvr tot so soon ma.. Somemore when hubby not ard to defend me.. So sad..

But i nvr give up lo.. Cos shawn is doin fine
with enough output ah.. Surely every mummy here wana give their bb the best rite..
i dun mind she come go la.. Jus tat those comment she give can b hurtin lo.. But with hubby support.. I dun care le..
cladi: mine also.. first 2 days.. got milk? stared at me bfing... kept asking same qn whenever she c bb reject breast.. i fed EBM first 2days due 2 pressure lor. now i dun care le.. as got better flow now. bb dun cry at much.
i m luckly tat shawn not fussy.. N patient.. He will jus latch on n suck n take watever i have from day one.. Will not cry or throw temper durin latchin on..

Now my problem is more on how i know he has satisfy le.. I give him latch on both side everytime.. Til his mouth drop off my nipple.. But some time he will cry after like 5min when i put him back to bed.. N he stop once i put him back to my breast lo..

hello mummies,

Today im discharging from hospital. Doctor say bb start having a little jaundice. mild ones. if not over 11 after they tested den they'll let her go back home with me later... =)

i managed to snap more of her pictures so just share with you guys...

