(2008/03) March 2008

bb pink, congrats!

Jerejoy, all the best! Hope your baby "ting hua" and come out before The date. Also, smaller baby is easier to come out
so don't worry too much on the size as long as the baby is healthy. Will your baby be US citizen then? I tried for a US baby last time but no luck as I was only there for 7 months.
woah, more mummies popping. congrats to babypink!

i am having a bit of rash on my arms. i suspect i am allergic to the fenugreek pills. anyone knows if breastfeeding still possible?
taking this opportunity to post.. b4 my boy cries.
congrats bbpink...

mummy norman: i noe. yesterday brought him home. immed bombshell wif black poo.. dirtied his pants n belly binder..

now on total latching as ryan is rejecting my expressed breastmilks.. i think he doesn't like the teats.
initially he prefers EBM due to quick flow. now my breasts like on auto power. whenever he needs, the flow is there. when he dun need, the flow is turned off...
so he is rejecting my EBM liao...

Latching every hr or so as he slps after he has juz enuff.
nipples r like nuk teats shape liao. slanted to 1 side.
can't differenciate between soreness or not le. but i realised tat he suckles real hard...

liyun: i also like u, tired but happy.. feel flusish last nite too because of the rain.

wound hurts when i sneeze...

1qn to all mummies... anyone has super loose bowels? after c-sec? common?

my lochia is little. but i had very severe uterus contraction pains during my hosp stay.. more painful than stitches pain.
i heard because c-sec they clean ur uterus better?

can't log on often also. cause of latching frequency... hope my boy drinks more n slps more..
currently he's drinking juz enuff for comfort... haiz...
at least engorement is gone, only prob to deal wif is leaking breast while feeding him...
only 1 mouth, but both taps on at the same time..
i dunno how much francesca is drinking as i feed on demand...but somehow morn feeds is more or less fixed...on her own...i did not set a fix schedule...if u wan latch on breastfeeding, then u got to feed on demand....dun worry abt schedule....so long ur bb is wettin his nappy and past motion few times, means he is getting enuff....n if u tandem, there is no worry u wun have enuff after 30 mins....cos he suckles, he will tell the brain to make more milk....n he is diff fr pump....if u cant get any milk fr pumping...he can get milk fr suckle.....n if bb drinks freq, is normal to have soft brs....i not too sure on no leakage means no milk....Melissa manage with no brs pad...u can check with her...for me, each time i feed...the other brs will leak.....during the letdown....after the letdown then ok.....
adelineL: i received bbpink's list liao. updated urs.

anymore mummies, for updating can email me directly.. cause thread run too fast, i scared i missed anyone out... thks.

[email protected]

abc: the destin is good... smells nice... non oily.
first try this morn after bb bathe...
if u getting more frm drugstore, let me noe. i'll get 1 more.
mummy norman: ur brs same as mine? while feeding, the other will leak.. auto reaction to stimulation?
after latch finished, no more leak le... i m braless at home now.. breasts r soft. no breastpads required for me too.
so u doing updates hor. thanks . btw yr breast leaking stil nt on Breastpad ? mine is no leak @ all.

yes i'm feeding on demand. so sometimes can b like 30min lor.

same same. tired but happy! btw so hw u wan go bb fair?
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">Congrats to babypink!!! wow... heheheee</font>

Missed alot of posting... applied leave yday n went to see gynae - AdrianWoody - but when i rch thr.. so sickening!!! he wasntt around n it was my 2nd visit to him mite not know his frequent moveabout timing... the nurse told me he usually went off at 12noon. I called him up e day b4 yday n ask if i can go dwn yday btw his clinic opening hrs at CCK 9 - 2pm, he say can, then i check i ned to make appt he say no ned jus cm dwn ok ler.. sme ans when i called to make my 1st night appt. who know this 2nd time i went at 12plus and he's gone!! wanted to catch him at his sengkang clinic, but b4 i drove thr from CCK I called the clinic n the nurse say he got surgery so clinic closed... wah!!! I was like.. blurred at that moment.. wasted my day!!! but went to meet frds in town n bring my #1 to taka bb fair... aiyoyo.. today din apply for another leave, will be seein him on Mon night... heheh uhmm see bb will pop during this wkends anot. haha...

wonder if #2 will be the sme as my #1 who is overdue a week... but the delivery card mentioned she born on week40 leh... uhmmm??!!??...

Or shld I call n tell gynae i got mucus discharge?.. or jus leave it until Mon night then tell him har?.... bb movement went bk as active... (not very active as few mths ago)... worry bb too big scarlli cant try VBAC leh.... haiz...</font>
today wiping body, both my breast is dripping like crazy. i think due to the papaya soup i drink yday and today.
what is tandem?

To date i have not pump yet.. i dunno should i or not.If pump already let baby drink dunno will hv nipple confusion or not.

yday tried her on pacifier.. she sucking well but after a while think she can differentiate, she started to reject and prefer my breast BUT i cant give her!! cause she tend to suck and vomit out the milk.

any advice? haiz... but if dun give her, she refuse to sleep. last night whole night didnt sleep leh! she just want to suckle and suckle.
u dunno ah.. my company everything oso got record one.. surf how many net go record. MSN how many counts got record.. how to zho bo?? at least at home msn and surf net nobody check me..

Wah! Adeline and Petrina,
ur BM supply is good man.. i hope i have no problem with BM.. cause i don't eat papaya. i dislike papaya. :p
eniale, woody is normally at cck clinic frm 930am to 1230, mon to sat. mon and thurs nite, 630pm to 9pm.

u can sms him and tell him abt your mucous plug. he will call back immediately if he is not doing any deliveries.
<font color="0000ff">babylush.. thks for the info..=)) aiya.. me din know he will left so early even thou the clinic close at 2pm.. my mum goes wif me, she even scold me why i din call up b4 i go dwn.. *kok* myself.. hehe shld have done so !!... hehe... silly n blur me....

can sms him de har?... hehehe then i do that betta.. haahaa... thks thks.. u also seein him?...

petrina.. can update my details too...For gyane .. no lnger wif Eunice ler.. I switch to Woody...and also currently location is in SIN.... thanks!! =))

QooSan, yupyup... u too??.. Jia you Jia You!!!! can share share yr story on yr #1.. hehe mine was induced with drip i tink , opt for epi &amp; was oni 6cm dilated after 20hrs in labor ward......so got to do Emerg C-sec... sobs... asked gynae can wait for a while more, she simply shake her head,..... hopefully can try n experience c-sec.. asked adrian, he din reject me at all n say can be done.. so hopefully he will be another supportive gynae on VBAC.... =))</font>
Congrats bbpink!

I had loose stools for all 3 preg prior to delivery. They started as early as 1 week before delivery. Not like diarrhea but just loose stools.

Since having #2, I did not use any breastpads at all. Not because I'm not leaking as I can collect easily 40ml of leaking milk when bb's suckling the other. When I'm home, I'll use a milk bottle to collect the leaking milk or use a hankie to absorb the milk. If I'm outside nursing, I'll use my arm to press against the nipple to prevent leakage. I hate the feeling of having the breastpad on my boobs, so hot and no ventilation.

Good to know that your bb is latching well. Keep it up!

You don't have to tandem pump all the time. Like MummyNorman, my bb's also a one-side nurser. So what I do is, eg:
8am - nurse left
11am - nurse left, tandem pump right
2pm - nurse right
5pm - nurse right, tandem pump left
8pm - nurse left
11pm - nurse left, tandem pump right

For me, I have to alternate because my boob feels like rock if she doesn't empty them. As I do not completely empty my breast during pumping now, they don't feel as hard as last week. My current schedule is something like this now:

8am - nurse left
11am - nurse left
2pm - nurse right
5pm - nurse right
8pm - nurse left, tandem pump right
11pm - nurse left
2am - nurse right
5am - nurse right
8am - nurse left
11am - nurse right, tandem pump left

In summary, on a 24hr cycle, I tandem pump at most 2 times only because I do not want my supply to go up.

PS: I'm not on a schedule, I'm feeding on demand.

me now only 36wks...don wish to be in labour yet =X......mine is jus once a day....and will have tummy discomfort....now no diarreo but still feel tummy ache.....
wah so gd. I wan my supply to go up ley.. hahaha . nvm i'll tandem pump when things more stable .

tandem,mean latch n pump at d same tm
eniale, yeah with woody. but i have given birth 1 week ago. woody is a really nice and responsible gynae. not your conventional type and his consultations are very fast. he is a man of few words, you got to ask him questions. i find him quite gao siao, his comments are funny. so which hospital are u delivering at?

i have not post my birth story here but posted on his thread. Here it goes. Very drama...

730am Sms gynae of pains in tummy. He called back and say i can go down to TMC, he will be there to check. but because i am not sure if it is contractions or tummyache as i have been visiting toilet the night b4, i told him i will see him at clinic.
930am Visit gynae at clinic, he checked and cervix not open, maybe a bit early as my edd is still 3 weeks away so gave me some pills told me go home and rest. if got pain call him again.
1230 Got bloody discharge together with mucous plug, called him, he told me to go down clinic and let him check again.
1255 4 cm dilated at clinic, told me to go straight now to hospital, gynae grabbed his stuff and was out of the clinic faster than i did! think he also gan jiong.
1300 call me and ask me if hubby driving. along the way, call me again and tell me to get hubby to drive faster.
1325 reached TMC, gynae was there at the entrance waiting for me together with a midwife and wheelchair. while in the lift up to the delivery ward, he told the midwife my baby is crowning. imagine the shock i have!
1330 gynae checked cervix again and fully dilated. Wanted epidural, gynae said no need, try gas first and i actually got no time to even changed out of my own clothes!
1351 baby jayden was out after a few pushes. everything was very fast.

we saw how he drove on expressway, superb skills...keke...my hubby fast driver also got difficulty catching up with him.
the next day when he did his rounds at the hospital, he joked that i am the kind who may give birth at home, 2nd child may have to induce.
Just endure 1 more week can deliver leow. As long as bb's weight is big enough ;-)

I tell you, it's so easy to down your supply (took me merely a week to reduce supply from 150ml from one breast to 100ml now) but to boost supply, it'll take a longer time. Sorry, don't mean to sound discouraging but I just want you to be mentally prepared that it's not an easy task.
hi mummies,

long time no see! I've just given birth this morning at around 8am...

Okay, my birth story.

Yesterday noon time had some spotting so went to see my gynae... Gynae said only dilate 2cm so asked me to go back home n wait for the contraction pain.

At 8pm start feeling d pain. 10 plus admit hospital. Contraction pain become more and more intense at 12am. Requested and took epi at 2am.

6am nurse came n check dilate 8cm already. Glad that i took epi cuz numb, not pain... hehe. =p if not dunno how to tahan from 12am to delivery at 8am.

Doctor came in at 7.30, ask me push push push. And i vomited out the durian i ate in the afternoon, think becuz of epi. Den doctor still ask 'u eat durian?'. haha!

baby came out at 8am!

Now bottom damn pain la... d stitches. finally it's over! =)

<font color="0000ff">babylush.. wahaha u make me laff infront of my pc haaa.... so dramatic n funny leh but can imagine how u described him.. heehee run out of the clinic.. can see how responsible he is.. nice man har!! hehee.. But yrs really fast man... hehehe.... =)) but he quite stable isnt he?...

I smsed him abt the mucus discharge, tell him i cm dwn see him yday but he not around, and asked him shld i see him now for further checkin or jus wait for sign of contraction... and he replied "See me in clinic"... uhmmm then i replied ok will see him tml mrning at cck clinic and he din reply so i assume not that urgent to see him now right?.. his reply abit make me panic leh hehehe... like NOW see me.. but then he din reply and say now leh... hehee... =P but he replied very fast!!!....

<font size="+1">CONGRATS FAITH!!</font>
bb so cute... hehehe.... </font>
u dilation is fast man.. is it ur first bb? really very drama leh..

congrats! ur bb is so chubby.. can't really see the bb weight on the weighing machine.
babylush/ eniale

my gynae is also woody. i also think his comments very gao siao. during my first pregnancy, i asked him is it alright for preggy woman to dye hair. his reply "of cos! u think ur dye can travel all the way from the brain to ur tummy" my hubby and i were trying nt to laugh.

overall i think he is really man of few words but nw he kept nagging at me to stop eating so much to avoid big baby. his usual phrase to me is " 2.5 to 3 kg is good, u dont want too big baby, remember ur first one?" haiz he never forget my first boy cos nearly went into emergency ops cos kena stuck at birth canal cos shoulder too big.


wah babylush, you almost made the news! haha really so drama! strange that 4cm already crowning?? so the doctor never said can see bb's head at the clinic huh? maybe he was being nice and don't want you all to panic too much

Congratulations to Faith too
cute baby...doesn't look totally newborn, like a few weeks old already

wah your company is v. smart...everything also check...in that case, bring some magazines and hide them under your files lor hehehe...unless they awso have security cameras!?
<font color="0000ff">Shirley, uhmm gd testimony for him.. ya indeed i find that he is a person with not much wrds... always ask u got anything to ask?... but can sense he is a nice man!.. heehee... he realli replied u tat way har, heheheheh so funny he!!.. I oni get to visit him once which is my 1st visit last mth.. hehe.. tml mrning will be gng dwn to see him but this time I WILL go in the early mrning jus in case i missed him again.. haahaa.... </font>
Thanks mommies..!
I find it so useful with all the bf-ing experience u all have! i finally experience my 1st let-down today! so happy hahaha.. but i dunno how to bottle feed baby!

I do not know how to tandem with avent manual leh!.. Cause my girl prefer latching on left boobs.. (not much milk so she dun vomit out) my right boobs too much milk liao..
Was thinking of trying to latch on left side and tandem right side..

But if dun latch on right side, will still have supply?

Congratz faith, babylush and babypink!

realise most of us have easy delivery =)

have been following this forum but dun really have time to think and comments much...

me oso under Adrain Woody....ya, he is definitely a man with few words...only when u asked questions, then he will explain.

Dear all, anyone can recommend which brand for breast pads is better? I am currently using Avent but find this brand abit too thick and not nature when you wear t-shirt...
my first also emergency c-sect, because sudden HBP.

bblush - wow, u hav a quick delivery. Hope i can dilate fast as well. :p

<font color="aa00aa"> Congrats to all mummies who has pop!!</font>
congrats to faith!

redtea, ya first baby. eveyone thought 2nd baby, even the midwives at the hospital. now all those san gu liu po says i give birth so easy, can give birth more! madness! i didnt know i can tahan pain that well. cos in the back of my head i wanted epidural.

ya maybe he dont want to make me panic cos he did gave strict instructions to go straight to hospital, cannot eat lunch, cannot go home pack bag.

shirley...haha...the dye hair comment is so funny. Another funny 1 to share...i ask him if it is ok to go bangkok during my 5th month of pregnancy. he said ok, and told me not to eat from roadside stalls. ok, i thought he is going to say the stalls are not hygenic. but no...response was "you dont know what meat they are selling. chicken may not be chicken."
Congrats to Babypink and Faith

Faith, Ur baby is big and so fair..

urs birth story veri drama. that is really fast manz...

you getting the handfree set.. mumsfairy hvin the expo fair promo @ $70 includes the handfree set, the supershield n book. Also throwin freebies on the Dry bag if u purchase $50 &amp; abv.
Dun think i b goin to the fair cos too lazy to go n so near my EDD. not sure whether i pop by then not. hehe.. think will ask them to courier to me.
you got do any exercise during ur pregnancy? or is it tat really some ppl have no problem with dilation while some have a hard time.
Tollyjoy brand is cheap but a bit rough, if u dun mind it is a gd brand to use. I also use Pigeon brand cos is more comfort bt slightly ex, stl cheaper then avent.
redtea, did nothing. i work till the day before i deliver. i am a teacher, so everyday climb stairs and have to stand and walk about when teaching. perhaps that help a bit in the dilation. in the past year, most of my school pregnant teachers have very short labour.

adeline, ok cos i thought mine poo a bit too often. so 4-5 times shd be normal.
agree! tat's y my #1 came 4h after waterbag burst while #2 only 1.5h. change sch la.. when hving #2, sch bigger so walk more. hahaha

I knw.. trying trying . today I do a rough timing of his drinking pattern. every 1-1.5h. guess mayb tat's y I nt able to express or any leakage .. he prob 'dry' up my Breast already. hahaha . demand = supply. hopefully the supply is there since demand so high.. hahaha
abc: yup. no worries, i'll continue updating..

will post soon. current my boy on high mummy demand.. slp also must latch then he'll fall aslp..

currently slping on our bed. bath on our bed n change diapers on our bed.. cause he doesn't like it elsewhere. will on *siren* if we use his playyard/changing tray.

wipes, i use both. tollyjoy n pigeon.. i chin chye use la. if heavy poo, will use TJ. if not pigeon..

funny thing abt my brts.. one side suckle, e other side leak.

abc: i use tissue to press can liao. after awhile it stops..
btw, i switch sides each feed. 1 feed i use both sides. when 1 side starts to drip, i'll use tat side n let the used side fill up again n vice versus...

my birth story, not sure if i already posted.. paiseh hor.. if i already posted.. i very blur liao.
very long n sianz... summary -

36hrs labour (inducing part) nothing given. was induced in maternity ward. throughout, i was squatting, walking, shaking my tummy etc... nothing helped..
induced on 8th mar 8pm
7am on 10th mar, gynae advised me to give up.
arranged 12noon elective c-sec.
waterbag/bb still safe n intact (despite all the cervix check n stretches gynae did throughout the 36hrs)
gynae told me after c-sec tat he saw bb head cant fit pelvis. no matter how long i wait also no use...
epi c-sec done. too much epi given, groggy till 8pm tat nite.
engorement 2nd day. used frozen drypers to relieve pain.
hand pump to clear blocked ducts.
let breasts leak all day long to reduce supply.

bb on 1hr + feeds also... maybe tats y i also dun need pads.. quite empty liao.. until he needs to drink again.

but i realised tat if bb misses his 1hr feeding time, my breast will start to harden again..
i was wondering, cham lor.. nxt time how to go shopping? every hr feed...

all updates pls email me... thks...
good milk supply....how good...

ur birth story...woah....thats so fast.....really has to be careful with ur #2....

me too find that pigeon breastpads are the best...very comfy....others quite hot n itchy...

my schedule is latch left, tandem right, next feed latch right, tandem left...so both brs would be stimulated by bb.....

congrats faith, ur bb look big....how heavy when born....
dr woody is indeed funny. i rem when i see for removal of the stitches knot. cos i duno only cut the knot. so when he cut finish, i say so fast ah, den he say, u wan longer also can. :p
my hubby was laughing away. zzz.
Congrats to Babypink, Faith!

Babylush, your birth story really drama.. so envy u can dilate so fast.

My baby is down wit jaundice, so we decide to stay over another night to accompany him. Hopefully tom he can discharge.

My Birth Story.
10Mar - Gynae advise to admit to hospital at midnite to induce due to amniotic fluid dropping.
0000hrs - Admitted to Mt A, 1st tablet insert into vagina.
0300hrs - start to have contraction. Back starting to hurt
0600hrs - Back feel like breaking. Midwife check cervix not dilated. Insert 2nd tablet.
0800hrs - Gynae came and check cervix. only 1cm dilated. Gynae advise might hv to consider C-section. I feel so emotional and started crying. Coz i nvr tot or want c-section. Super backache.. ask for gas.
1300hrs - Midwife check cervix again, still 1cm dilated. Can't tahan e back ache anymore..feel so trauma. Ask midwife tell gynae I wan C-section.
1415hrs - Baby Aidan is out.
Congrats to babypink n faith for your newborn!

Wow, Shalom, i didn't know back ache can be that bad during labour. Wish your baby get well soon

babylush, lesson learnt from your birth story - don't procrastinate and take chances and mmmh.. and have a good driver! Dr A Wood sounds like a funny doc.
It's really amazing how fast ur dilation is... is it in the gene?

Redtea, I went to do some shoppig juz now, but after only 20 mins, my legs are already giving way - ended up sitting down and eating stuff more than walking. How did babypink do it? :D

glad to hear all the breastfeeding tips and personal experience here. Feel like compiling them into notes for future reference. LOL..

Btw, heard that we can use UOB lady's card to make maternity package payment w/ 5% discount in Mt A. Anyone use that?

congrats to babypink and faith!

take care and rest well.

seems like the discount thingy with the various credit cards expire already. it ended last year.... dbs credit card offer discount but not for the maternity package...

oh, but i must add that i'm very happy with the services at mt a...the nurses and staff are very nice and supportive..and when my baby was hospitalised becoz of jaundice, i can see that the nurses really take good care of her....it puts me at ease that she's in good hands...
