(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

genice and garfield

where got power? apple den power. can bring ip bus somemore. i cant.. even if i take cab. the cabby uncle have to help me to close my stroller

still power in my eyes...ok to accept from uh-hmm, men once in a while =P

anyone knows where i can buy those seats that JWT uses as a swing ah? i've been hunting high and low
dor :i send wrong place again. send to hotmail just now haha. anyway now send liao.

Cherly: actually i struggle up. A bit "chuan" after that.
Hi Mummies ..
hmm Woodlands and CCK very far leh... Bishan , AMK , Serangoon ones good or not ?

iso : Ergo cant pull together leh..static one.

Garfield : very cute !!
but i signed up for the Sean Lau one liao leh... going next week. Will see how it turns out
even though she's guai, i always will be distracted by her and very guilty for me to not to play with her when she's awake.

so, now settled down already?
can see you more often here.

long time no see...

it's the kanchiong spider, emotional and the 'calculative' character that very hard to change.
i do understand that technical path is not easy. but at least i can have some peace of mind thinking about a problem rather than rushing from meeting to meeting and give commitments anyhow.
work server is down...that's why can come in here and kpo! hehe.

Gar, I'm gonna shave K's hair liao. She still no growth up til now. damn sad.

Can't wait for sunday bday bash to see all the babies!
nice shot! arielle looks so sweet there. she looks so much bigger now and more like a toddler than when i last saw her. probably coz she has more hair
btw, i can only make it for lunch on tues.

nice party deco and outdoor party looks fun!

re:bday party,
initially wanted to do a small one at home but after calculating all expenses was shock to see how much i've spent... tsk tsk... it's really like mini wedding :p
tot uj mentioned using brandy right? my mom swears by olive oil (used on me) maybe can give a try too? i tot her hair has grown since i last saw K.

thanks! ya no longer baby liao...sob sob...our babies are growing so fast!!

ok let's fix lunch at bugis junction on tue since apple also cannot make it on mon.

lunch at bugis junction (24Feb)
1. Garfield
2. Tute
3. Apple

XY, Nicole,
Are you keen to meet at bugis for lunch on Mon? I don't mind =)
re: outings
ya, i think we should come up with outings schedules!! haha.. go parks, gym, zoo..
one venue a week.. heheh..

pauline, explain my weird schedule..
mon, tue, wed i got class, so i do half days on these days so tat i can spend time with C.. however, many times, ended up i can only leave at 3-4pm.. sianz.. thursday, friday no class so work full day..
just proposed to my boss tat i resigned, ended up he told me to work part time.. zz.. now it's really "not 3 not 4", just told him i need to work it out then i get back to him.. a bit tempted to do part time cos single income a bit tough, and further more still have to service my car installments.. now if i sell my car, prob have to top up cos now economy so bad, prices are FALLING!
so now don't know how also..
re: swimming
i bought the konfidence wetsuit thingy from mothercare.. can keep warm.. i'm afraid to let him catch a cold because the last 3 times he caught a cold, 2 times he started wheezing.. pd said if wheeze 3 times in 1 year, it could prob be asthma.. now it's 2 times in 6 months.. hope the next 6 months he don't wheeze again..
to store photos online, i use :

the storage space's quite high. Rem to invite me when u have put in A's photo shoot ya?

bb carrier
besides ergo, i thk the beco carrier is also pretty popular, got a friend who swears by it but i didn't get to try it cos' she migrated overseas. mayb can chk out this website for comparisons.


ok, i'll take over ur HB then. hopefully L doesn't decide so soon that he has had enuf of cereals cos' i stk up some too.

actually K has quite an ok amt of hair wat....i thk if wanna compare, L's head of hair is ummmmm..... a little sad lor....

u thk too highly of me liao....paint nails, put masks....hahaha....m not so efficient. sometimes no chance to even flip thru the papers.

great bd party!!! i wanna c ur pics too leh.
onz la! heheh.. first decide which day of the week.. but choose monday, tuesday or wednesday.. other days i cannot!

ya, i feel like being one.. but if i join now, pay will be really pathetic cos i haven't complete my diploma.. n i heard that they won't recognise my degree.. but on the other hand, it's not really about the $ la.. it will be so much fun everyday cos everyday is just PLAY! Beats corporate life anytime i think!
bkkgal, tumbletots supposed to be 1 Mar, alamak! That's next weekend right? Thanks for reminding me, I better call to check/register. Hands up again, who's interested cos I only remember Genice, me & bkkgal. Please PM me your real names and hp number too. :p

Bkkgal. Yes, I'm interested in Mygym too. That one I registered liao, 28 Feb 09, 11-12noon for kids below 2 years old. You confirmed going? Now wondering if 2 trials in 3 days is too much. :p

Genice, sure, you sms me and let me know lar.

Dor, sure, can tapow lunch for me? This poor SAHM don't get to eat lunch when baby is around so always end up 'depositing' her at my ILs place. :p

Eliaw, oh i see. I forgot about your classes. I think part time is a good idea actually, cos it's not easy to find PT job outside. Take first since your boss offer. Finish your studies already, then quit lor. By the way, I just received the invitation card today for the Sun's gathering. From 10am until what time huh? Need to arrange for my PT cleaner to come. :p
<font color="ff0000">Doing free publicity for my CL again cos she sms me. ;) She is pro BF and looking for assignments. Currently, she has assignment in Aug 09. She is currently in Singapore and doing an assignment at SengKang. She will be in Singapore until 16 Mar 09. Interested, please call Aunty Lezhuang at HP: 81567317. After 16 Mar, you can call her at her M'sia HP: +60127526609. Please let her know you are referred by me.
how much are the trials?

bash is from 10-12pm.. how come u received the invite so late? strange..

ya, i know it's a good offer, but surely ended up also stressed la.. cannot focus properly here nor there.. phone keep ringing.. furthermore, i have this policy that i don't pick up work calls when i'm playing with C.. it's like divided attention..
ok, here i go with the countdown again!

2 days to February 08 Babies 1st B'dae Bash

Venue: JWT @ UE Square
Date: 22 Feb 09 Sunday
Time: 10am ~ 12pm
Theme: Jungle Safari
eliaw, if your boss offers part time sincerely, either he adjusts your portfolio or he respects your off duty hours, but sometimes still must give n take one, that i agree. The thing is u got nothing to lose, cos if it doesn't work out, u can just quit n tell him part time didn't work out. In the meantime, can get half pay. Unless your boss is a terrible boss then dun bother lar.

Thanks for posting the details again. I remember lunch not included right? Only cake?

The tumbletots trial is $23 but i just checked the website. There r 2 stages: 6mths to walking or walking to 2 years old. For both stages, trials at tampines r only available on sat morning or sat afternoon. So 1 mar is out. Genice, u ok on sat? Are our babies walking yet? Raeanne is learning to walk but still unsteady. Dun know which stage she fall under? Check out www.tumbletots.com.sg under trials n let me know what u prefer. :p
good morning mummmies,
happy birthday to gwen. :D

my hb managed to take leave on Monday. as a result, can't join you for lunch liao.
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1"> Happy Birthday to <font color="aa00aa">CARRIE</font> and <font color="ffff00">GWEN</font> and to all <font color="0000ff">FEB</font> babies too!!
Channet likes to chew her food. So we often give her bigger piece and tell her to chew. You can try. Sigh... Channet will always shows the expression of vomitting, but many times she dun.

Xiao Yun,
Not really settle down, cos company is now unstable. So will wait and c.

I won't be going to the birthday bash this sunday. Everyone enjoys yourself and dun forget to show your photos.
<font color="0000ff">Re; Bringing baby out alone</font>
Bluegin, thanks for e advice, will try to follow let baby sleep and eat full then go out but sometimes timing a bit difficult... hmm.. today will try to bring her out to town.. lets see how it goes..

Cheryl, does vernon make noise on e mrt.. if he cries.. inconsolably how har?? u can carry hi, and push stroller??

<font color="0000ff">Re: outings</font>
a) Gar.. i think today a bit rush.... we can plan for next week.. mon can?? since apple and eliaw will be free

b) Fidgets( Turf City) on Mon, 23rd feb, (2pm or 3pm?, after their lunch and nap?)
1. genice
2. Jas?? ( wanna go since u r temp sahm now?)
3. Apple

c) pauline, i dun mind sat( 28th feb) but u signed up for mygym rite? mygym is the one at Grace's KIds?

d) 1 IMPT QN!! A bit sensitive.. but i am just wondering how all of ur hubbies take it if we meet once a week? Will thy be upset that they have to spare 1 weekend to gather? or they would not mind as long as it doesnt eat into the weekends.

I think generally guys are not into all these.. i mean they dun mind attending once a while prob.. once in 2-3 months but every week.. think my hubby will be mad.. :p . What abt ur hubbies?

Of coz i dun mind meet every fortnightly, be it weekday/weekend

XY... i have to agree w u that lady bosses can be very temperamental.. i mean there are nice lady bosses but i think being females.. we tend to have certain traits that are different from guys.. like emotional and very into fine fine details.

MY No. 1 boss is a female.. i think nobody likes her.. cause she is unapproachable and also we need to see e 'weather' when we talk to her. Sigh.. i am glad.. i dun need to predict e 'weather' now..
Hi February mummies,
Hello hello and happy birthday to all the other February 08 babies! Am new to this forum - my son was born 7th Feb 08.
Garfield: Tue ok! What Time?

Leila: I have the pics in kodak. give me your email and i will send u the link

Genice: 3pm ok! Good leh your girl slept so long! These few days dunno what happen, my girl always wake up at 3.30am and cry for milk...
Re; Bringing baby out alone
i have never brought Gervaise out myself.
Even for Germaine, the first time i brought her out was when she was 3. and the whole event is just to go to tampines to buy tickets!

Happy Birthday to Carrie and Gwen!

pauline, np!!! can also meet at tamp.

re:sleep thr
Genice, congrats!!! me still waiting for this to happen!

went on a sun late afternoon... not bad place. but air-con veri cold... IMO, more suitable for age 3 n abv
RE. California Baby®
Calming™ Shampoo &amp; Bodywash 17.5 oz USD15.99 each

I wanna do a spree on this! Anyone interested in joining me? We need 8 bottles to qualify for free ship within US. Let me start the ball rolling..

1. Andrea (2 to 3 bottles)
i got one question to ask..

Its better to let baby wear shorts/pants to JWt Birthday bash instead of dress? There is a lot of crawling activities/physical activities all that there?
i'm interested! but only great world city is convenient for me, or marine parade might be possible depending on timing

think i might bring him to the tumble tots near my place at bukit timah for trial.. last time we went for the below 6 months trial he enjoyed so much!
finally loaded arielle's studio loft shots onto kodak gallery

dor, tute, stephie, leila,
could you send me a PM so that I can send an invitation to you to view arielle's pics on kodak gallery?

ooh, which one did u go to? sounds like you liked it, but how come u din sign up leh?

i miss being SAHM, i'm sure can fill your day going for all these lessons, hahah.

anyone got try enrichment classes at montessoris?
okie i send you the invitation in a while!

can can! pls send me a PM so that i can send you the invite.

err...cos the timing on weekends coincides with my hb's dragon boat training lor, and this mummy is too chicken to bring her babe out without the hb =P *kekeke* but i signed up for their membership, just didn't take up the package
Thanks Vinegal, tong, dor and gar and e rest of the mummies too.

apple and gar.. i also wanna view ur pics!! i will send e both of u a pm k.

Re: sleeping thru e night
tong, erm... i dunno what is ur def of sleeping thru.. Hmmm.. cannot cry for water? Mine will cry for water, feed a few mouthfuls then she will sleep again. Today i was surprised cause she slept almost 12 hrs!! unbelieveable.. but i think cause i fed her milk at 7 plus so she can tahan longer.

iso.. i also haven gone for gymboree trial.. i wanna go...

Re: trials

Iso... actually can fill our time w all these classes... BUT my Vitamin $ is super low if i am a SAHM.. so cannot go lor.. HH income drop by half leh.. must be selective.. can only go for trials.. haha.. as for courses.. must think first.. think i shall just stick to trials/ park/playground/lib for now.

Montessori got many versions.. which sch are u talking abt?
apple, vine,
invite sent liao!

i wanna see your "mini wedding" pics too! can send me link to [email protected]? kum sia

can can! send you link when you PM me. wow power sleeping...i'm so envious!! i never experienced that before...

enrichment classes,
i'm also thinking of starting to look-see, since our babies seem to understand us better and more responsive. anyone done any research on the GUG, julia garbiel, monterssoris of the world yet? can share?

thanks! so kind of you
...makes me feel less foolish spending so much on her pictures

dor, may,
sent liao!

can can, need your email address - either PM or post her k? =)
