(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

sometimes, i wanna tell my doc/gynae this and that...but later sure they say its normal, everything normal..so i just complain to my hb only, but he also say its all normal!
then i complain to my sis but she's having a worse time than me, kena drip twice aldy coz vomiting non stop..so i just tahan la..

blue gin - you're right!!

for me, have sort of decided that baby will sleep in separate room and i'll get a baby monitor. dunno whether can tahan having to walk up and down doing night feeds or not...but try first and see.

my hb opposite - everything i tell him he will ask me serious or not? want to see gynae? then after a few days if i still complaining he will nag me until i go and make sure i do a scan (even when he is overseas!!)
my hb, he's very practical and he noe i cry baby now but now think my hb start to listen to me more now, coz he can actually SEE the tummy big. last night, i screamed in pain while sleeping coz my leg cramp, he nearly jump and touch the tummy and then i told him it my leg and he massage for me.
so...got improvement!! hehehe
husband so nice... Not like mine. He even pressed on my tummy when he want to lie on his side of the bed. I cried out in pain he still slow-action lifted his hand off me. den he explained that he forgot I'm pregnant. @%#$@*&**(@!~~

Now I refuse to let him cross over my tummy when I lie on bed. ANGRY!!! Nv think of beetaimak.
hee hee bluegin, i think your tummy so small he forget lah.

when your tummy grows bigger it will be a constant reminder for him =P
maybe he just playing ard with u..men like to that la..they think they are so funny.
my hb sometimes like that also. see my tummy big now..he will call out..hey big tummy...then i will just box his tummy..hahaha...
for hari raya, i made a list and all the household cleaning, he have to do! all i do is just arrange the cookies..hehehe..
Hi ladies,

Haven log in for a long while. So happening here.. hee.

Detail scan
Just to update a little..I went for my detail scan last sat. Confirm bb is a boyboy. Hubby is over the moon... I enjoyed the session alot. It is so fascinating to see his little hands and feet!

I am interested in the watever yoga lesson. I am starting to have backache...hope this yoga will help..
bluegin, it's one session only right?

Anyone interested? I read that a group of 10 can get it cheaper. Anyone??
hey, this just appeared in the straits times!!

Eat fish while pregnant

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Women who want to become pregnant, are pregnant or breast-feeding should eat at least 12 ounces (about 341 g) of fatty fish such as tuna every week to help themselves and their babies, experts will recommend later on Thursday.

Fish including mackerel, sardines, light tuna and salmon are rich in omega-3 fatty acids -- components of fat known to help brain development. Walnuts, flaxseed oil and leafy green vegetables also contain the compounds.

Women need the nutrients to prevent postpartum depression and babies need them for brain and motor skill development, the National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies coalition says.

The coalition, which includes the American Academy of Pediatrics, the National Institute on Child Health and Human Development and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, says "90 percent of women are consuming less than the recommended amount of fish."

But these fish can also carry high levels of mercury, which is a brain and nerve toxin.

Because of this, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Environmental Protection Agency issued consumer advisories in 2001 and 2004 advising women who were pregnant, breast-feeding or trying to become pregnant, as well as young children, to eat no more than 12 ounces weekly of certain types of fish.

Estimates on the dangers posed by mercury come from people exposed in chemical spills. No major studies have shown evidence mercury from food or vaccines has caused brain damage to mothers or children.

Michael Bender, director of The Mercury Policy Project, an advocacy group that believes mercury exposure has damaged children, said women should choose fish not likely to be contaminated with mercury.

"While it's recognized that fish is an important source of protein, especially for pregnant women, this new emphasis on eating more than 12 ounces of fish per week, without mention of the need to avoid mercury contaminated fish, appears to throw the baby out with the bath water," he said in a statement.

The FDA and EPA "recognized that there is enough mercury in certain fish to pose health risks, especially for heavy and moderate fish consumers, women of child-bearing age and children.

Mercury is released mainly in industrial and power-plant emissions. It settles into lakes and oceans and builds up in the flesh of fish and the animals that eat the fish.

Carnivores such as tuna and sharks thus carry high levels of mercury in their flesh.
he din play play. he just forget. @#$@$%#$%^^

yalor. Hopefully beetaimak won't rem this. Let bygones be bygones.

one session $25 if sign up for 10 session, they will give u first session free.
thanks for the info, garfield!

but what to do, im not a fan of such fishes
dun think ive ever eaten mackereal b4...
purple, mackerel is quite nice.

you can get it at halal japanese restaurants. very yummy!!! they usually grill it so very healthy. it's not fishy and not that many bones also (only towards the tail end).

you may want to give it a try some day =) i just had a very generous portion today.
ya..whenever i watch jamie oliver, he always do mackerel..looks nice...hmm..maybe i'll drag my hb even though he doenst like fish. i'll pretend im having super cravings!
ohh...if he cook for me..lagi best!! hahaha...im so evil sometimes...
haha...if you go jap restaurant hubby can eat other things mah.

come to think of it, other than jap restaurants, hardly see mackerel being served in other places.

err....you sure he cook you want to eat?? =P
he is so much better cook than me! i give up cooking when he want to cook, i will just clean up after than coz he sooo messy.
garfield, thing is my hb doesnt like fish. he if he rather cook grilled mackerel in whatever, i wont complain..heheh...
i will 'test' him tonight..hehehe...
alamak... I don't eat fish.

Can pills supplement it?

My hubby is also not very concern when I complain that my back hurts.... only after I keep nagging before he will massage for me.

Stephie is one of those few rare species... never get fat type... he he he . We are the norm, he he he just saying it to make myself feel less guilty.

At this point of time don't want to think about my weight gain liao... put on too much to care for the time being. Will start dieting after birth.
Hello there, am new to this forum...everyone here is due in Feb 08 too? My little one (baby #1) is due on Valentine's Day. Am planning to deliver at NUH...is anyone else going there too?
I also free on weekend.
Anywhere also can... I dun mind, i can just ask my hubbi to fetch me there as long as there is mahjong to play.
Can some one email me the photos for the gathering?
My email> [email protected]
Thanks alot.
Hi dor,
I joining the session 1 with my hubbi.
Btw i taking the prenatal course at KKH.
Every sat for 9 sessions 11/2 hrs each, then another 3hrs for post natal if i not wrong.
Wow, looks like most people have already been for the detailed scan. I have also just found out the gender of my baby. THis is all so exciting.

(waves back at Cheryl)
hi Debbie, welcome!!!!

mind to share yr detail so that i can update?TIA

hip pain
girls, now my left hip veri veri pain!!!
can i put koyok on my hip...
i think no pt gg to gynae since this is a norm....

haha...u made my day leh.... stephie, sorry hor!!!

i duno can put koyok anot leh. but i put when i have back pain that time.... :p ya i think no point see gynae oso. cos they will say it normal zzz
hi cheryl, now veri veri painful... after sitting down n to get up... i need to support then can come up...
duh, like very jialat like that leh. ask hb massage???

i tat day oso left hip very pain, toss n turn when slp oso pain... ask hb massage, but duno hw lah, wan to lie on tummy let him massage oso diff ah
Seems like most of you gals have your detailed scanning liao. Mine is on the 15th Oct... still so long.

Can put koyok? Then I wanna go and buy some for my backache. My back is killing me....
ya... my hubby kept asking to go for mc... but how long can i go????

i can find/feel the source of the pain.... he/my gal tried to massage for me... sigh.... another 16 weeks to go

told hubby that if he wants no3... better have it fast fast....

me also still waiting patiently for my detail scan which is gonna be next tues...but seems like my doc very confident about the gender already... at the end of my scan she said 99% sure it's a boy! heheh..


i actually use bolster at my front side, i.e. i hug the bolster when i sleep instead of putting it at my back...i think it helps a bit cause otherwise i'll get neck pain from sleeping at the side. if you can get a thicker pillow it's also better....

re fishes,

yeah, i actually read along that line sometime back at babycenter.com so i now try to avoid fishes like tuna...but if we're eating fishes for the omega-3 substance then by right if right now we're taking fish oil tablets should be ok right? actually, me also a bit confuse how much is 12 ounces...maybe if eat tuna sandwich still ok hor...

re koyo,

i don't see why we cannot use it...as long as not around tummy area ? i use massage oil for my legs.
it's okie. no need to be sorry. :p

you mean put those big big plasters used when body aches? better read the instruction first cos those neck/muscle rub produced by tiger balm indicated that the ointment is not suitable for pregnant lady. since those plasters contain similar ingredients (that's what i thought), better to read the instruction first before using.

i also don't want to go on mc just becos i'm pregnant (in case pple think i geng mc). thank goodness so far have not been on mc due to me being pregnant. but if really sick, then no choice loh.

the article initially said good to each those kinds of fishes, but ended up saying not so advisable to eat too much due to high level of mercury esp in sharks and tuna is it? don't know if my comprehension pass.

Debbie - Welcome

Oh ya, think i forgot to update after my detailed scan on last Sat. Should be a boy (i said that cos that's what the Radiographer said).
i think better dun put koyok. what stephie says is right - some koyok not suitable for pregnant women. why don't you call the KKH nurses' hotline to ask what you can do to relieve pain? maybe they can advise without you having to consult dr. loh.

i'm meeting dr. loh this afternoon after my detailed scan btw. if you want i can ask him on your behalf then SMS you later.

pass with flying colours!!!! =) ya, certain types of fish not advisable in particular larger fish as they have lived longer and would have more time to accumulate the toxins. that's why shark and some types of tuna are "blacklisted".

smaller fish like pomfret (chang1 yu2) kun ning etc. all ok.
hi ladies!

so can confirm our seats to the Avent event already? cuz i going to call them later.

Optimizing Sleeping Newborn & toddlers
-live! baby Massage Demo
session 1
2)garfield -hubby gg?
8)stephie + hubby
9)moi_dar + hubby

Successful Breastfeeding from Birth & beyond
-Live!!Baby Bath Demo
Session 2
3)moi_dar + hubby
last time my gf told me don't take white pomfret (hei chang ok). can't recall what's the rationale. so when my mum steamed white pomfret i ate very little and told her fren said cannot eat. keke..
anyone started looking at that yet?

hubby likes quinny cos he is the sporty type, fantasizing of going jogging / bladding with baby. but i find it sooooooo super bulky for normal day to day use. prefer the maclarens / combi / aprica type.

don't want to end up with two leh...one for normal use and one for sports use.

garfield, thanks for the contact... is u can rem later, can help me to ask dr loh...

my advice is dun buy 2... cos u dun know that how long yr bb will sit in it... fyi, my gal stop after 8mths.... i was using a combi then
hey wanna check with you all, my tummy becomes very hard and not very comfortable especially after i eat. is this normal? i still wanna eat but seems like i cannot continue eating..
hi morning all

finally its friday! can relax over the weekend. such a tiring week.

i have bgt a stroller frm mothercare. the maclaren buggy..can use from infant and its not so heavy and big like the other models.
my hb also liked quinny zap but we found not worth it coz the rest of the accessories like the sun sheild have to buy. and the wheels look very big, kinda scary looking.
dor, you're welcome. later i ask.

your gal hardworking lor =P some of my kid's children 3, 4 years old still sitting in prams!?!!?
garfield, i called the hotline
the lady told me to call for earlier appt but i got no time to go leh....cos next week, shift office

heehee... ya... cos i brought her to hongkong when she was 8mths... carried her pram there... but she refused to sit....

hey purple, the maclaren buggy is it called MX3 or something like that?

the quinny zap is like 10+ kg. hubby likes the quinny speedie. even heavier 12+kg. suits him lor (cos he's quite muscular and all). but i told him i'm the gu niang kind, how to handle such a monster when i'm out with baby alone....

hi tong,
same here. i was just feeling my tummy last night in bed. very hard leh. but after i cleared my bowels this morning it became softer again. so i guess it's the "rubbish" in our system that causes it to be hard lor =P
