(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

i didn't mention fm or bm. probably fm. but when my gal on fm, the interval she ask for milk is the same as bm le. not sure why too...

anyway, the weather is really cooling nowadays. good for us. i have tahan 3 days not washing my hair liao. now end up my 'da feng cao' still got a lot of left over... going to pass it down to my friends who recently get pregnant

XiaoYun, I cringe everytime I latch her on, esp when she bites with her gums... or suck hard and twist her head around... that type of feeling is really terrible. Worst still cannot push her away...

It is sore to the extent that when i bath, i feel tear is coming.... dont even dare to use towel to rub it dry... just dab only....
Anyone wanna buy the Breast Pump conversion set? I have a brand new one:

Lets you collect milk directly from your breast pump
Can be used with both Avent's reusuable bottles and disposable bottles
Two breast pump converters for Avent Natural Feeding Bottles
Two breast pump converters for Avent Via Disposable Bases
Four disposable breast pads

Selling @ $20

i am into my 3rd week. i don't have cl and i not following the rule. officially, my mum wants me to do 40 days of confinement. don't know. see how...
re: feeding interval,
my baby is 3 weeks old and he keeps waking up every 2 hours at night for feeding but i'm not complaining coz he will doze off quite fast after feeding normally. i'm struggling with his feeding in the afternoon though coz he gets very cranky, think because he got a lot of wind in his tummy...starting to think he has colic coz for the past 2 days he's been crying a lot
very stressful for me...

yeah i share your feeling...even for me whose not going through confinement, i feel 'confined' in the house and having to be there for my baby every hour in case he cries...miss those times when i can just go out of the house anytime...also thinking that maybe i'm not ready for motherhood...sigh...

my mom told me baby still not stable yet and will be stable later after 6 weeks...just hoping and praying that's going to happen...worse after next month my parents are flying off and that means i'll be taking care of my baby alone with maid's help. feeling scared just thinking about it...
my gal oso dun like to shower and will cry v fiercely every time we shower her.. we start by wiping her eyes and face with cotton balls, then clean the inside of her mouth with a handkerchief. Followed by washing her hair. After that we will remove all her clothes and pat some water on her body first before putting her in the tub. The moment she is inside, she will start to cry loudly.. sigh..

she is so different from her kor kor who likes shower v much.. i remembered my son enjoyed every shower so much that he will smile every time we showered him and he would also kick his legs in the water as if having fun.. till nw, my son still like every bathing session, maybe because he can play with the toys/water.. sometimes he will even cry when we try to bring him out of the bathroom..
Bx: Regarding lochia..I also experienced bright red discharge yesterdy and today..like menses. Wondering if my period is back? Me not breastfeeding but exppressing every 4-5 hours.

Re: breastmilk vs FM
I feed my bb both FM and EMB, interval and qty is abt the same. BB takes abt 90-100 ml every 3 hourly ay 4 weeks, but somtimes will ask for feed earlier if I gave him EBM in earlier feed. To me, not much of a big difference if u wanna compre which i fuller.

Kelly, I asked my hubby to transfer to u tonight, will email u the details soon.
my confinement ends on 27th.

think your bb is not latching on correctly. you need to pull her mouth out from your nipple. else, very soon you nipple will bleed. you can use the small finger, put into bb's mouth to help pulling her mouth out.

if can, just do 40 days loh. think it's good for your body, too. though my cl will leave after full mth, i think i will still prepare some confinement food for myself for another 10 days.

for colic, normally there's fixed timing when bb cries. if i read the book correctly, normally it started around evening time and it will last for few hours.
you can try massaging bb's tummy clockwise, it will help to get rid of the wind and good for the digestive system.
at least your maid is around to help you. don't worry too much. women can adjust to new environment and challenges faster compared to men. it's not easy, everyone of us here is just trying our best to take care of our bb. jia you!
re: feeding interval

can get 3-4 hours damn good liao. i count myself lucky if she will give me 1b 3-hr break a day man.

sunny, yes. very tiring...n nowadays even worse. she very jittery n can't sleep for long. always get awaken n startled for no gd reason. even hubby cough she also jump.
winnie, i can already feel ss dropping these 2 days. that's y i still insist to latch her on at night.

tute, my bb also super cranky these 2 afternoons. keep on wanting to be carried. i suspect colic, but mil say her tummy doesn't feel hard. and she is drinking her milk well. so shouldn't be colic.

happymum2b, u use hanky to clean bb's mouth, got put any special liquid. i ask mil if we need to wash bb's mouth, she say bb on BM no need to wash mouth.
I am still struggling until now so some days we only towel-bath her. My bb was ok when the midwife shower for her on the day I gave birth to her. After that it is nightmare for hubby and I.

Cleaning of tongue
I tried to clean bb's tongue with hankerchief but seems like the inner part of the tongue cannot be clean. Do you have such problem??
i can understand how u feel.. my gal will cry so hard & fierce at every bath session as if we torture her like tat.. haha.. :=P
winnie, tute
lets all hang in there. i sometimes get v blue too cos i feel that i lost control of my life. can't plan anything, can't do anything - hv to always be there to cuddle/feed her. go shower/toilet also must pray she fall asleep first. i quit my job so am a SAHM n sometimes feel like no 'light at the end of the tunnel'... lucky this forum helps to keep me sane

my frens who hv older kids tell me not to think too much, just focus 1 week at time, bb will stabilise by 6-8 wks. they tell me to enjoy my bb while she's so small and cute. so jia you everyone!!

want to ask how are the other SAHM doing for food? do u cater or u cook?
hi ladies...

Winnie,Xiao Yun, Tute,
understand how u feel...im living with my ILs. after cl leaves, it'll be MIL and me at home all day. we get along very fine pre-birth but i dunno how things will be when i stay at home all day with her. previously was working so only see MIL in evenings and hb and i are out most weekends.

i dun think i'll quit my job for bb, at least not for now.dun think i can cope being a SAHM..unless im being made redundent when i return to work, which may be the case.

rite now im ok with the tasks of making and feeding fm and changing diaper. it's the 'inbetween' time that i cant handle, that is, when bb is cranky.no matter how i carry he is still cranky. currently the moment i try to carry and bb acts up cl/mil will rush to take over and he'll be smoothed immediately. i suspect bb is cranky becos im 'not used' to carrying him yet and neither is he being carried by me. but w/o this 'trial period' of him getting cranky while i learn, how am i supposed to be good at it eventually?

i'll just take bf-ing one day at a time for now althou i dun think i'll persist for the long run beocs it often makes me feel blue. i didn't take any supplements nor the papaya and fish soup (althou i did take fish soup and had fish every other meal). was half hearted about trying supplements and my mil/cl/my own mum dun believe in the papaya+fish soup recepie.
hi everybody.. carrying my bb and typing now.. she slept whole day now so wide awake...

bathing.. happymum and andrea.. my bb.. also does not like bathing.. same lor..she cries when her body touches the water. funny leh.. i always thot babies love water too.

piglettail, oscar, tute i also feel very scared....now i appreciate the prescence of CL. I keep visualising how i am goingt to cope alone. i dun think i got time to pump milk for her.. and i will be so scared when she cries.. somehow.. it seems that cl can make her sleep so easily.. i dunno whether i can do that. Now at least got a routine for her but if CL leaves i scared she cannot get used to me taking care of her...and i dun like to be a SAHM too. wish i can just go shopping.. but actually i sneaked out to watch movie w my hubby. think i will go out a few more times before my cl go.

BX.. u can latch baby at night??? How many times do u wake up?? Ur baby got enuff to drink?? Cause i think whenever i latch she suckle a while then fall asleep and wakes up after 10 mins.. so have to feed her EBM. u dun have this problem?

Xiaoyun and Sunny.. i haven bathe and wash my hair for 3 weeks. Got wipe body w herb water only. I think we are really lucky that the weather quite cool.. so at least dun feel so dirty.

winnie.. ur hubby leaving.. aiyoh... i think u will be quite stressed...will he be back soon??U bonded?? teaching??
although i keep having negative thots at times.. but when i look at baby i will have to agree with what oscar's fren mention.. now is the only period when we can watch them grow and they are still so small and cute. I think i will miss all these when she grows up.. so i keep staring at her when she is awake.. talk to her.. video her.. so i can compile a cd and watch her growing process.. soon.. she will grow up.

So piglettail, winnie, tute, oscar..lets think positively and enjoy the whole process.
jeannie, ya i latch on bb at night. every night her schedule different. last night she woke up 10pm, 1am, 3am, 5am followed by 7am. so abt 2hrs interval. some feeds she will suckle longer. some shorter. so far i din give her EBM.

i dunno whether she has enuf. but now daytime i feed EBM + FM, so i think still ok la.
Thanks... at least now I know my bm is normal... don't be demoralise... at least you still got 10ml after latching... I only able to get 10ml combined from both sides by pumping, no latching at all... take goat's rue or pump every 2/3hrs also no increase...

My bb full month is this Sat and I didn't order from Gim Poh. Coz my hb wanted to try one of the dishes from Mum's Kitchen, so we are ordering from them instead.

I'm also doing 40 days of confinement... till now going to be end of 4 weeks liao, I haven't shower or wash my hair yet... really damn surprise I can tahan for so long... my mom will only allow me to shower this Fri, just before bb full month...
i received ur $$. thks!

mummies in batch2
i still waiting for LV 2 reply 2 me abt e partial shipments. i wont b ordering yet for batch3, cos skarly kenna different shipments again. i worried shipping charges may b ex then.
<font color="ff6000">LV's Goat's Rue at USD19.44 excluding int'l shipping charges &amp; domestic postage+envelope - <font size="+1">CLOSED</font></font>

Batch3 - PAID
1) sweetpea PAID $28.56
2) tongtong PAID $57.12
3) tongtong
4) eileengoh (postage) PAID $28.56
5) Thankful PAID $28.56
6) yanyen (postage) PAID $57.12
7) yanyen
happymum2b and I stay in Sengkang.

You are not alone. I also pump out BM every 3-4hrly now. For no. 1 I pump out BM din latch on for 15mths. Hopefully no.2 I can perserve that long.

Shaving bb hair
Any mummies with gals also shave bb eyebrow? Heard that aft shave eyebrow will be nicer. Any comments?

Any bb here have phelgm in the throat after every milkfeed? Will vomit out those particles after milkfeed? Heard that it's normal and ok. True?
kitsune, the handprint set looks nice.. but it's a bit on the steep side.. will ask hb if he want to do also.. heh heh..

snowbelle, i went to United Square.. the website http://www.taimaobi.com
clayset - available @ taka/isetan.. cost $49.90.. think it's not as durable as kitsune's.. but it was fun doing it..

washable ink - bought mine from robinsons.. should be available at most departmental stores.. quite ex also.. little stamp pad cost $23+.. but haven't got time to stamp his hands yet.. must do when sleeping.. he fidget too much and fist clenched tightly..

june, i got box for free leh.. actually, i didn't know we have to pay for the box and that it's so ex.. i just said give me a box.. she said ok, give me a normal one..
stupid hb n MIL also keep calling bb botak botak.. it's freaking irritating..

today went back ofc for 1/2 day.. MIL came over to help.. when i got home, n went to look at bb, she was tending to him.. then she said to bb 'mummy come back already never carry u'.. wa lau.. kena bang big time.. she was carrying la.. then if i come back immediately snatch back from her.. wonder if she still can make this kind of remark.. damn..

wah, u all can tahan confinement food for so long? i was like having diarrhoea towards the 4th week, so my mum stopped 3 days earlier..

just now spotted 1 streak of blood in bb's poo.. cannot figure out what i ate that caused it.. anyway, i just drank a glass of fresh milk see if bb will have any reaction tomorrow..

lezy, i think u need to let yr ger go without milk longer.. maybe u can try to stretch it for 1/2 hour first.. then slower increase.. when she cries, carry her first n refrain from feeding..

snowbelle/piglettail, BM at first is thin and almost clear.. which refers to foremilk.. after this, u should be able to get thicker milk..
re latching:
Yeah I am thinking I am may not latching properly that is why i find it a painful. But i see the gums moving against the aerola and later the aerola becomes redder.... also sore :p

re blues:
CL is leaving on this monday, though i very not happy with the way she makes me confused whether latch or pump, but i really appreciate the way she handles all the housework for me..... now hubby aunt came over to learn, already feeling the stress as i am not sure if she can cope....

and worse still hubby is leaving on this sunday and going to re-appear only 1 month later... wonder if i will come to a breakpoint of enough is enough and run away from home hehehe

but of course, have to admit that baby is really very very precious and cute heehe, but yesterday after latching, she still ask for a bottle of EBM in the morning 70ml and night 90ml.... really wonder if i can keep up with her....

re confinement
I have ordered from the natal essential to continue another 7 days of confinement food.... cos best to hit 40... but then till now i think i am very heaty and prone to flu easily...

CL says if want to pu3 do pu3 within the 40 days, once it is over, you can never pu3 back liao....

saw another post earlier talking about EBM color, mine is beige...
your gal hasn't reached full mth? did you swaddle her? this will reduce the frequency of startled.

the lactation consultant also said BM bb no need to clean tongue. but the PD told us to clean it to prevent thrush.... my cl cleans bb's tongue when there's lot of whitish remained in his tongue.

if there's no one boil papaya soup for you, other type of fluids e.g. milo, red dates tea, other type of soup will help to increase supply, too. just make sure that you drink a lot.
jia you.
though i am a 2nd timer already, taking care of bb is still like a brand new task for me, especially when bb is cranky and i don't know what he actually wants. this really makes me depressed.

ya, luckily the weather is cooling. feel so lucky! At least this makes my confinement period more pleasant. haha...
i am also doing 100% latch on. at night need to really awake to feed bb. else once bb doze off, i got really hard time to wake him up to continue feeding.

you are really good! can dong for 1 mth!

re: feeding interval
did you set a feeding routine for your bb? e.g. 2 hr or 3 hr interval?
me now feed on demand. how to set the feeding routine? and if bb cries in between the interval, what should we do?
eliaw, omg your mil said that to your bb?! You must be quite pissed off, I know I would be.

oscarthegrouch, I am currently trying out tingkat catering (dinner) for hubby n myself, but I'll still cook for my older DD. I plan to start cooking again in maybe a month's time when everything is more settled down. If u find it hard to cope w cooking, maybe can just order tingkat too? Then dont need to worry about dinner, can help lighten your load for a while.

piglettail, oscar, jeannie,
I think almost every first time mum will feel these, its part of the normal adjustment period. On bad days when I feel that I am losing grip and feeling lousy, I remind myself that if caring for my precious and healthy kids is my biggest problem, then this problem may very well be the dream of another person out there. This too shall pass, and one day when u look back, you're gonna be glad that you did this (cared for bb) for your bb.

pigletail, can u try to see if u can take a breather when hb is around? Or maybe get your mum/MIL to bbsit for a while if they are willing. u could take 2-3 hours to do some shopping/pedi on your own? Its good for the soul.

thrush- sigh, my bb has oral thrush (and my DD has a sore throat + bad cough! but thats another story altogether.), will have to bring bb to see PD in a while. Hope he recovers soon and wont catch the cough from my DD.
morning ladies!

yes, agree with u on cl. mine also made me irritated with her with regards to feeding bm or fm...but overall i really appreciated her help in caring for bb and household chores for this 1 month.

thanks! yes i drink red dates tea by the gallons and lots of all other soups...but ss still like that. i think its fated my bb needs to drink fm..

thanks! yes lets think positively....

salute u...can dong for 1month! after the first 10days, i was about to have a mental breakdown cos i didnt bath/wash hair. so started washing on 10th day and every 2-3days after.

my bm is always close to clear in colour and watery...maybe mine is mostly foremilk and not much hindmilk?
hi berry,

thnks for your encouragement...i do try to think positively but sometimes it just flies out of the window when bb is chewing on my nipples or demanding for (yet another) feed within 1hr...! but u r right
hee tink forum is really a place for me to pour out my frustrations.... cos seems like all of us are going through the phase together.... really hope it is a passing one and it will be over soon....
winnie, i agree with you. initially i thot only my gal is a cry baby....but looks like it's quite common for bbs to cry so much

i think my gal has colic. cries inconsolably...only offering my breast can calm her, so now i'm like human pacifier. she's at my breast close to 12hrs a day
jeannie, ya very tired. have not slept properly ever since bb arrived. regretted not getting CL. but then again it was me who insisted to latch the bb at night...

wash mouth:
i guess i must start washing bb's mouth. haven't done it before. can i use the wash cloth which i am going use to bathe her?

my bb got outbreak of pimples all over her eyebrow area and scalp. need to see doctor? i have been cleaning dilligently for 2 days but still have. and it is her full month celebration this sat! tmr we bringing her to hubby's office. aiyoh, her face like that...
my bb also has plenty of pimples. my pd says leave it....unless it's really bad then she will prescribe cream or anti biotics
garfield, my gal also treats me as pacirfier, so yesterday when i cannot tahan i gave her EBM, so that i can just leave her a while....

bx, mine too, cos got milk over her sometimes... cos sometimes i squeeze to see if got milk then spray out hehehee.... heard that can use the morning first urine on nappy to wipe. my CL also buy jin1 yin2 hua1 boil then mix with the bath water.
thanks for the tip...my boy gets cranky usually in early afternoon, suspect it's colic coz his tummy quite hard then my mom will massage using oil (some oil commonly used for baby in indon) and after a while he will fart and poo poo big time, like 3-4 times more than normal...that's why think he's cranky due to his tummy...but hor, when i do the massage for him doesn't seem to work
only when my mom do it then we see result...maybe i've got to try harder...hoping it's not really colic but will observe and see..

i know about the "in between" activities thing... right now my mom helping out in that department, when i get frustrated with him howling. so feeding, changing napies wise i'm ok...i'm even fine with night feeding and sleep deprived ! but can't take it when bb cries...eventho ppl around me say it's normal for bb to cry...

yap, need to think positively... oscar's friend gave very good advise...i will start to think differently and just let one day pass at a time...maybe i'm used to be very organised and with a baby things can get disoriented and i'll feel very frustrated... today i'm just happy it's thursday, tom friday and weekend i'll have hb to support me when he's off work

ok bb woken up liao...he nvr sleep for long during the day wonder why...but no prob at night... thank goodness for this forum, keeping me sane and giving each other support ! let's persevere mummies
hi all,

I need to buy 2 boxes of full month cake set (preferably got ang ku kueh and glutinous rice), and a few cake voucher.
anyone knows which shops entertain such small order? also, i need to cake set on saturday...
re: pacifier,
have started giving pacifier to my boy this week...coz when he's cranky he always wants to suckle. scared he'll vomit if drinks to much so we give pacifier. question, how often you clean/sterilise pacifier ? i'm doing it once a day only now..
thanks for the info. it's good bengawan solo entertain a few vouchers.

i learnt from garfield that ecreative can entertain min order of 5 sets. i will also order 5 sets from them too. not sure how's the taste.
Hi gals,

I'm back after a week plus of struggling with my baby's feeding schedule. :p She feeds and then eyes big big don't want to sleep and we have to carry her around until she dozes off.

Here's a picture of her at Day 10:
(This is in the middle of the night after a feed)

Now she is a bit more settled down but her night feeds are still a nightmare as she is very active at night and especially doesn't want to sleep then.

Her full name is Danica Tng Sok Kiang (唐肃娟). Not sure who is currently updating the list.

Do I owe anyone anything? ViNE_Gal, do you have the shipping costs of the Desitin cream and toothpaste I bought from you?

Danica also has quite a lot of pimples on her face. I have taken to wiping my breast before feeds and wiping her face with sterile cotton wool and distilled water afterwards.

I am going through an unbelievable amount of diapers and wet wipes. :p She poops after every feed and sometimes twice in a feed. Not sure when to change her also cause if she is dirty, she doesn't want to suckle properly and just fusses around.
garfield - BM fed bbs should not have colic.. r u sure it's colic causing her to be cranky?

nowadays, my bb getting cranky at times too.. halfway thru feed, will start to pui out teat n cry.. don't know what's wrong.. anyone has any idea?

berry, yes.. very pissed lor.. but must REN!! anyway, now she's fussing over bb again.. carry non stop.. yet keep saying bb cannot keep carrying.. she carry can la.. all other pp cary cannot.. sheesh..
that's what i thought too....PD says colic is inconsolable crying. if bb has been fed, changed and well, but still cries non stop
re:cries inconsolably
my boi also cries inconsolably for the past 2 days... check everywhere. fed him still like that... aiyo....
tried pacifier cant help also....

hee.Danica looks like u...
hello.. it's thursday! few more days to weekend.. can't wait for hubby to be around.

re: when to change bb nappy - i change bb before her feed. altho it's tough, cos bb always wakes up screaming for milk, so when changing nappy she is screaming like i'm torturing her like that. sometimes during feeding she poop, then after that i change her nappy again. cos she got bad diaper rash - bright red, raw looking - so even if she's sleeping in the middle of the night, i still wake her up to change her diaper.

last night she was so fussy from 7.30-11.30, cry, feed, then dun want feed, then poo, then want feed, cry cry cry... everything except sleep. i switch breasts until both breasts soft soft feel like no milk liao. dunno what's wrong, hope it's not going to happen tonight again. tired..
could it be teat problem ? have you try a different teat ? my sis baby had that problem one time and she change the bottle's teat to another brand and after that the baby is happy.

same here...baby been having which i think colic for the past 3 days, coz in the afternoon will cry inconsolably for like 10-15 min and only stop when he's tired...thinking of bringing him to see PD, see if can give him some colic relief medicine.
You only pump out BM, no latching on at all for yr no. 1? Your ss can increase by just pumping?

I'm just thinking how to get bb to print her hand on the clayset... very challenging leh... foot still ok bah... kitsune's handprint set is really nice but really ex, will feel heartache to do it leh...

washable ink - do you think popular will have? You got it at which dept in robinsons?

BM - Does that mean the bm I pumped out is only the foremilk? Then where's my hindmilk gone?

Tomorrow is my shower day after 1 mth... last night actually dreamt of me taking shower and washing my hair... :p

sunny &amp; piglettail,
I also surprise I can dong for a mth... but think no choice, my body seems weaker... first few days touch tap water, already kenna hands pain and whole body shiver... so I don't dare to play-play and challenge my mom to let me bathe earlier...

When my bb cries, my hb carries also no use... once I carry, she will fall asleep... then my hb so bad... he said die liao lor... now bb so used to my stinky smell, wait once I shower liao, dun want me anymore... coz smell nicer liao... I asked him to keep one of my stinky shirt, just in case... :p

pimples - don't worry... it will go away by itself, no need to apply anything... my bb also has lots of pimples... now getting lesser... just try not to touch bb's face unless wash hand liao

They are finally going back on Sun liao... appreciate their help but really can't stand them sometimes...

bb makes noise,
At night, bb makes some noises, mil will rush in... she scared bb will disturbed my hb's "beauty" sleep... then next day I told her I'm going to train bb, I'll let her make noise for a while until she really cry out, I dun want to make it a habit that once she makes noice, we carry... Then my mil said ask my hb to sleep in the next room, but hb refused... now I'm trying to take control back...

swaddle bb,
I really dunno whether did they take care of their own bb or not? Really feel very flared up... Both of them keep saying it's a torture to swaddle bb, should let bb stretch... my mom and I kept telling them 1st 1 or 2 mths need to swaddle bb to make them feel safe, they just don't understand... Then hor, bb can't sleep because they didn't swaddle her, ended up they kept carrying bb (they told me not to carry bb too much or got used to)... until I cannot tahan, "snatch" bb back and swaddle her, immediately she sleeps liao... today history repeat again, but this time my mom swaddled the bb after my pil took turns to carry bb... *roll eyes*
colic - seems like BM also not fool proof for colic.. sigh..

tute - can't be teat problem.. from day 1 until now, also using the nuk teat..

snowbelle - i couldn't do the handprint.. but my SIL managed to do for her bb.. kitsune's one really nice w frame too.. i think if u not too particular, print w ink good enough la..
maybe will have.. i bought it in the baby department in robinsons.. must be those non-toxic type.. bb now sleeping.. i go n try now! let u know later..

BM - hindmilk is later.. u pump first, foremilk.. after foremilk will come hindmilk..

yr MIL very happening leh.. how come at night can rush in one.. just lock the room!!

swaddle - for my case, my bb's hands cannot be swaddled.. he will wriggle them out.. n he's fustrated if he can't get them out.. so really need to know wat ur bb needs..

dor, tute,
so fan2 nao3 right? tute - your bb cry 10 to 15mins very kuai already. mine cry whole day until mom and i surrender. nothing seems to stop her crying except when she is at my breast.

now, i just sit in front of tv with my nursing pillow and bb on it. hungry offer breast..let her suck until she is sleepy and then i hug here to sleep. so i'm a human pacifier + human bolster. was stuck in front of tv 3 hours this morning....tiring, but at least stops her from crying non stop.

you had a tough night! hoepfully our bbs will kuai kuai and not cry so much today/tonight.

why don't you approach a lactation consultant to get some advice as to why your ss is still low in spite of everything?
