(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

I didn't order from gim poh... coz hb wanted to try the Penang kway Teoh from Mum's Kitchen, so no choice but to order from them lor... I've sent you the menu liao.

glad to know that some of you also face the same words from teh CL.....

I find that CL always make me very confuse... soemtimes she says i am a weirdo dont know why i pump, she says at home can latch all the time...

sometimes when baby fuss, she will say ayah she not enough, see if take from you all, wont know how much she drink... should pump then can see....

Feel so frustrating
my bb also like that, she seems full cos she detach herself, but then she will cry until i latch her on again. suckle few times, detach, cry again.. repeat..

the pd told us its cos of her reflux, the stomach acid make her pain/uncomfortable so shes comfort suckling n not reaaly hungry. mebbe u can try hold her or burp her in a more vertical position after feeding.. see if bb feels better? some pple say can try pacifier too..
thanks happymum and snowbelle.. received the mnu already..

stephie.. is there any highly recommended dishes that i should take from gim poh.. tehy only have i main dish.. like rice or noodles enuff for then guests?
baby on TBF, does your bb poo a lot? my bb seems to poo a lot and i got to keep changing diaper all the time... wonder wehther it's diarh? bb on bm poo not very solid one right?
bx, does yr hb know u r unhappy? cos my hubby juz said most impt is that i'm happy lor.

oscar, i told her that she will feel more comfortable in her own home, can sleep well. can have more freedom to go out etc. we told her no need to trouble herself to cook/do housework, just come and see bb if she wants. so end up she just din come already.

jeannie, my face slim down alot so i "look slim", but actually all along i'm the small face, big body type. haha.

kitsune, raeanne is always so smiley, hehe. same as bx, my jerome only smiles when he is dozing off. and i think that's not reali smiling, juz the lips moving in a way we think they are smiling. theoretically, babies can't smile at one month old i think.
for ebm that has been warmed up, can keep up to 2 or 3 hours. usually wat i'll do is to keep changing the hot water so that the ebm is kept warm.

hubby also like to assume that bb is hungry if he cries. last time i thot so too and kept feeding my gal, ended up she merlion on our bed. so now if i'm quite sure that bb had a full feed earlier, i'll try carrying bb around/different method of cuddling instead of feeding him. in fact my mum was the one who didn't think that bb is hungry when he cries. sometimes me tempted to feed bb after he cries for a while but my mum said that he wanna be carried, not hungry. and it's true cos he quietened down after my mum carried him and walked around the house.

i've listed down the dishes i ordered previously. all not bad. some of the dishes to order includes the pork/duck/sea cucumber. then you choose what style you like. for dessert, my all time favourite is bobo chacha or yam paste. 1 main dish is enough based on my experience.

hope gim poh won't disappoint you else i must go into hiding liao. remember to ask for a complimentary drink container (with ice) so that you can use it to prepare your own drink.

i started giving pacifier when bb was 2 or 3 weeks old. but he doesn't really know/like the pacifier. most of the time will spit it out or don't take at all.

meihao seems quite good based on your feedback. but after my recent experience, i won't dare recommend new caterer to my hubby anymore else sure kenna suan by him :p

i got this list of symptoms from this site http://boards.babycenter.com/n/pfx/forum.aspx?tsn=1&nav=messages&webtag=bcus1252546&tid=259

Symptoms can include
Frequent hiccups
Frequent spit-ups (sometimes large amounts or projectile)
Crying/screaming at various times of the day and night, for extended time
Inconsolable crying or screaming
Smelly, acidic breath (like vinegar)
Sleep issues
Cluster feeding/comfort nursing
Nursing, but then screaming/fussing/refusing to nurse but acting hungry
Congested or wheezy sound while breathing
Arching away/arching back, away from food or just “away”

For my bb, she kept arching her back when feeding and then making this 'grunting/wheezing' sound when we pick her up and her face will turn very red. she also kept choking when feeding and will cry and kick and squirm. actually i think all bbs will hv some form of reflux just depends on severity...not sure, just my thoughts
tongtong.. ebm warm up already must consume immediately..

and yes if bb on bm..think they poo almost after every feed.. my baby on mixed feeding.. so his stool is yellowish and kinda semi solid.. though my cl says such young baby stool shld be more watery..so she says maybe the formula not so suitable... am gonna ask pd during his 1mth check up..
hi i'm aso feb mum, gave birth on 15th. never post before but thought i'd contribute..

Re: Breastfeeding
i read n saw a breastfeeding video...cuz my bb ger is one of thos suck 10 min then fall asleep 10min n then wanna suck again. one way to give them more milk is to compress your breast when bb is suckling, let go when bb stop.

Re: BM Poo
My bb ger doesn't poo very often actually - and i read that it's because the absorption of bm is good - in comparison to FM. At first i thought BM poo very often too. all this makes me conclude - diff ppl diff results.

Re: Pumping
i dunno how it's gonna happen - but i can't seem to pump much either and the one time i tried and got about 40-50ml, i tried feeding to bb after warming it but she refuse to take the teat. (I'm using Avent). Even now she not very 'keen' on pacifier. Mum has to hold it to her mouth or she'll just PUI out.
sorryy for the sudden influx of posts...i have no CL - supposed to have CL but she delay coming for one week...and then my mum and MIL say if can handle one week, can handle one month - and save the $$$.

Daytime usually alone - but lunch MIL or my dad will come cook lunch for me. late afternoon my mum will come over (after work) and help bath baby and cook my dinner and look after baby while i bath (herbal bath).
stephie, zoelim
if bb not very keen on pacifier, y still give har?

tong tong
to me, after EBM warmed up, i will let bb drink within 2 hrs.
my boy poos quite often, one day few times. sometimes when he farts, some poo will come out too. :p (sorry, a bit gross. keke...) it's mustard colour, soft.
june, hubby knows i am unhappy. but he tell me to bear with it. this sun will be the last day they are staying over. in fact these few days i have started to clean up my house bit by bit.

heating ebm:
lucky some of u mention that ebm that is heated can be kept 2 - 3 hrs. there was once i was heating up the milk, my bb fell asleep. i poured away the milk coz i thought cannot keep more than half an hour.

also, if i know my bb's next feeding time is 3pm, i will start heating up earlier, say 2.45pm. coz my warmer takes a long time to warm up the milk.

zoe, our delivery date the same and our bbs about the same weight
wow, u tahan so long without epidural. my labour was 2 hrs + so i could still bear with it. peifu peifu! ur hubby very sweet. recorded the entire birth story.
haha.. aiya, even if the food not nice, oso not ur fault wat.. cos everyone have different standard..
i juz wan a change of caterer and dunno who to order from.. no worries okie..
vernon's mummy,
if the milk leak alittle from his mouth, it's ok.. but if leak alot, maybe u wan to check if the teat hole is too big for him..
when i feed my gal, i seldom hv milk leak from her mouth unless she is v hungry and suck hard & fast from the bottle..
ladies, anyone knows how to wash bras & clothes if bb has thrush? the doctor gave gel for the bb's thrush, but a lactation consultant told me to separately handwash my bras with hot water & dettol to prevent the infection from passing back & forth.. but hor, sometimes if i dont wear bra.. only tshirt.. do u think i should also wash those with hot water?
hi all,
today tried to introduce cloth nappies. reallized that my girl pee 5 times in 3 hrs.
changed a total of 5 cloth nappies. if whole day use cloth, i'm going to be crazy....

i'm going back raffles for vaccination
taking package, 4 jabs @ $470
re: leaking of milk from bb mouth
i find that i've this problem when i feed her ebm but no problem with fm. think ebm more watery.
does anyone's bb rejecting water? mine doesn't like water. will always pui out the teat when feeding water. (just would like to introduce a bit water so that she won't reject it in the future)
re: nappies
i haven't tried using my cloth nappies.. becos maid not here, i also don't want to tire my mum with the laundry.. sounds crazy.. maybe when the stools n pee stabilise it's better?

re: water
my mum keeps trying to feed water to bb for the same reason like u.. cos she thinks he's heaty.. any idea confinement food cause BM to be heaty?
just to share - Nutrition during lactation

Calories - A breastfeeding woman needs to consume a minimum of 1,800 calories a day. If you are breastfeeding twins, you may need many more calories. The mother's appetite is the best guide to energy requirement. If you are losing more than 1 to 4 pounds a month while breastfeeding, you may not be eating enough. Overweight women, or women who gained a lot of weight during pregnancy, may be able to lose 4 to 6 pounds a month without compromising their breastmilk production, but rapid weight loss or slimming should be avoided.

Protein - Protein needs are increased during breastfeeding. Be sure you are including a healthy portion of protein with at least 2 meals each day. Meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, beans, nuts, tofu, and many low-fat dairy products are good sources of protein.

Calcium - Calcium needs for lactation remain elevated as in pregnancy. Continue to choose at least 3 to 4 calcium-rich foods every day.
General Eat regular meals and snacks, and eat a variety of foods - try to include the following in your diet every day:

Milk, cheese or yogurt
Meat, fish, eggs, bean or pulses
Fruit and vegetables - at least five portions
Starchy carbs - bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and breakfast cereals

Fluid - Producing breastmilk requires water. Drink at least 8 to 10 cups of fluids each day. (But drinking extra fluids will not increase your milk supply.) Both caffeine and alcohol are passed through breastmilk and negatively affect breastfed infants.
Hi All the Mummies,

I need some experienced advice, as I am due in Apr, am thinking about my BM supply now.
Is there any food to increase the supply?
My MIL intend to feed BB FM but I'm rather against it.
She said BB cannot be hungry de, need to be fed immediately.
I am thinking I rather BB cry awhile than FM, 'cos I knw for the 1st few days sure the supply will not be enought right?
So is there any thing I can prepare myself now for the supply later after I gave birth?
Hi Girl,
BB has reserves in the stomach upon delivery to last 2-3 days.. yr MIL is wrong to say that they need to be fed immediately.. BM only kick in 3rd day onwards..
cuz my mum wanted to get her abit used to something OTHER than my nipple! cuz after my maternity leave mum will have to bottle feed her EBM and she doesn't want to have too much problems with that.

bx...most of the time only 3cm dilated quite bearable. only after that i cannot take it then take the gas n pethidine. i think pethidine helped speed up the dilation!
don't worry so much. after i gave birth, i also allow the nurses to spoonfeed some FM so i could rest for the night. my supply wasn't affected and baby still latch on ok after my little break.
hi girl.. from my own experience.. when u are in hos.. u can just let bb suckle and tell the nurse u are on TBF. The baby can tahan for 2 to 3 days ( that is abt the time u in hos) . By the time u reach home... if u got gd ss.. by rite should have suffuc milk to feed baby by latching however for my case.. my milk ss was quite low.. so on third day when i went back i still latched her on but she cried even after feeding so in the end i fed her FM that i got from the hos. Then she slept better. So bo pian for my case.. but i still try to latch and pump..now ss constant at abt 80 to 120 ml per 3-4 hr pump. But at nite i still feed FM cause my CL taking care.

In case u thinking of nipple confusion.. my ger is quite alrite w it. perhaps cause i introduce bottle quite early.. so now she can take nuk teats, pigeon and avent teats and also can suck my nipples. She does not reject it.
Thanks Jeannie, so do you take fenugreek to increase the SS? So as long as at home I try to pump or latch BB, should be alright right? But how do I knw is my SS is enough for BB? By looking at the no. of diaper change?
Hi Xiaoyun

I used cloth nappies for the past 3 weeks in the day..but since this week I gave up. Too many nappies to wash liao..so now everytime I change BB diaper I give in to disposables. Cannot tahan all the washing...some more the nappies got a lot of fiber coming out after washing..affects all the other clothes.

I also give my baby water. Sometimes he takes it but most of the time he will phui out the teat
KKH feed bb FM even after birth leh. I only latch her on 2nd day and she's feeding 30ml FM already! After that I tried to latch on and express out on 3rd day after having engorged and blocked duct.

Did you pump out during the wee hours after midnite like 3am morning? Meaning to say every 3hrly in 24hrs per day.

Gim Poh Menu
I also interested in Gim Poh Menu. Anybody can PM me the Menu?
Thankful, hee, nope, tried but didn't succeed except in the beginning after delivery. I got so tired that my SS was affected, giddy, headache etc. Nowadays, my last pump is usually 12am unless I sleep at 3am cos I can't wake up to pump after just sleeping 2 hours cos I don't fall asleep easily. Next time is when I feel engorged, usually 6+am, sometimes 9+am. :p
re: reflux

my bb has 9 out of the 11 symptoms listed. i also noticed that he seems to be really uncomfortable and not being notti, so I'm very worried for him. will bring him to see a pd to see what can be done.

bx, my hb opposite la. i said i can bear with it, but he said it's impt to let his mum know how i truly feel so we can have a better relationship in future. but i don't agree with him lor. after this incident, not just my relationship with her affected... all his sisters also seem to think i'm a horrible woman controlling their little brother.

xiaoyun, my bb doesn't like water either. hb said cloth nappies are useless, but i got all my bumwear ready... not sure when and how to start using. scared tat i can't manage...
my bb gave me a big scare...first she started to pass green stools last fri. deduced it's due to foremilk-hindmilk imbalsnce.

then yesterday i saw bloody mucus in her stoools and feaked out. rushed her to PD and PD said likely to be allergy to cow's milk. so no diary products for me at all...

got to continue to monitor.
my light brown discharge became reddish and heavier last night. anyone experienced this before? just wondering is it my menses came?
morning everyone...

I am going to learn how to bath my baby today.... Cos i think I need to do it for the next month...

bf, yes still keeping up with BF, but nipples still continue to be sore.... thanks for the list of symptons to look out for.

CL, she will be leaving soon, though i hitnk i will miss her help, but i think it is time to clean up my kitchen.... cos our stove is those built on top of the kitchen cabinet, i think she wash with lots of water and let water over boil, end upthe cabinet beneath it is wet.... worse still yesterday it causes the whole house power to trip when turn on the stove... called electrician in this morning and it is working!! cos water dried up liao... paid for nothing .... find it angry and funny.....
Allergy Elimination Diet

These are the top allergy causing foods and how to eliminate from your diet. I need to go on milk free diet...no more chocolates =(

Avoid foods that contain any of the following ingredients:

artificial butter flavor
butter, butter fat, buttermilk
caseinates (ammonia, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium)
cottage cheese
half and half
hydrolysates (casein, milk protein, protein, whey, whey protein)
lactalbumin, lactalbumin phosphate
milk (derivative, protein, solids, malted, condensed, evaporated, dry, whole, low fat, non fat, skim)
rennet casein
sour cream, sour cream solids
sour milk solids
whey (delactosed, demineralized, protein concentrate)

Ingredients that MAY indicate the presence of milk protein:

brown sugar flavoring
caramel flavoring
high protein flour
natural flavoring
Simplesse A "D" on a product label next to a "K" or circled "U" may indicate the presence of milk protein.

Avoid foods that contain any of these ingredients:

egg (white, yolk, dried, powdered, solids)
egg substitutes
lysozyme (used in Europe)
Simpleese Note: A shiny glaze or yellow baked good usually indicates the presence of egg.

Avoid foods that contain any of the following ingredients:

shoyu sauce
soy (flour, grits, nuts, milk, sprouts)
soybean (granules, curd)
y protein (concentrate, isolate)
y sauce
textured vegetable protein (TVP)
tofu Ingredients that MAY indicate the presence of soy protein:
hydrolyzed plant protein
hydrolyzed soy protein
hydrolyzed vegetable protein
atural flavoring
egetable broth
vegetable gum
vegetable starch Studies show that most soy allergic individuals may safely eat products containing soy lecithin and soy oil.

Avoid foods that contain any of these ingredients:

bread crumbs
cereal extract
acker meal
enriched flour
high gluten flour
high protein flour
vital gluten
wheat bran
wheat gluten
wheat starch
whole wheat flour Ingredients that MAY indicate the presence of wheat protein:
gelatinized starch
hydrolyzed vegetable protein
modified food starch
modified starch
natural flavoring
soy sauce
vegetable gum
vegetable starch

Avoid foods that contain any of these ingredients:

cold pressed peanut oil
ground nuts
mixed nut
Nu-Nuts artificial nuts
peanut butter
peanut flour Foods and ingredients that MAY indicate presence of peanut protein:
African, Chinese, Thai and other ethnic dishes
baked goods (pastries, cookies, etc..)
chocolate (candy, candy bars)
egg rolls
hydrolyzed plant protein
hydrolyzed vegetable protein
nougat Studies show that most allergic individuals can safely eat foods containing peanut oil (NOT COLD PRESSED PEANUT OIL).
Peanuts are very allergenic and can cause a life threatening anaphylactic (general body) reaction.

Avoid foods that contain nuts or any of these ingredients:

brazil nuts
filberts / hazelnuts
gianduja (a creamy mixture of chocolate and chopped toasted nuts found in premium or imported chocolates)
hickory nuts
macadamia nuts
marzipan / almond paste
Nu-Nuts artificial nuts
nut butters, i.e. cashew butter
nut oil
nut paste, i.e. almond paste
pine nuts (pinyon nuts)
walnuts Nu-Nuts artificial nuts are peanuts that have been deflavored and reflavored with a nut like pecan or walnut. Filberts are
hazelnuts. Avoid natural extracts such as pure almond extracts, and natural wintergreen extract (for filbert/hazelnut sensitive).
Use imitation or artificial flavored extracts.
hi ladies!

When should we change the teats for milk bottles? my bb is currently using the NUK latex teats, im not sure when i should change to NUK silicon teats.

it appears that my bb 'flattens' the latex teats when he sucks (thus difficulty in getting the milk flow) but CL says the silicon teats may be too 'hard' for him now.hmm..plus i cant really see what baby's doing with the teat in his mouth so i can't gauge....??
