(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Mylife, if she recovers by then. It's fine. She's sleeping on my bed tonight, hubby say so difficult for her to sleep with stuffy nose and phelgm, let her sleep on the bed lar, then she can sleep more soundly. Then he admire her sleeping pose and smell her all over. ;P

Wendy, how come you still up? So late liao. On leave ah?

no la the lumps are forever there.. sometimes daytime i can't pump for as long as i want.. rushing all the time. so night time i pump until totally floppy or my arms cannot take it anymore. some nights i can pump for 1hr while watching movie hahahaha. Avent manual hor. u say i POWER anot. =P
ya ya, your forearms SUPER power, I tried AVENT manual pump for less than 5 times, I buay tahan liao. They are still with me, now wondering if I should sell them. :p
I got two lor, one bought first hand at Metro SK. I'm sure you remember ;) The other one I bought second hand but in good condition. Use twin pump, hoping it'll be faster to have let down plus no leakage mah but in the end my arms can't take it...
Okie, got to sleep liao cos hungry again. I already ate supper once (cookies and milo), don't want to end up looking for food again. :p Good night.

u r POWERful! yr arms must b so strong now! next time if i shift hse will ask u to help

btw, u going holiday ar? super long weekend for u leh.
Gd morning ladies

ya, i am 24.... u are also quite young huh? hee.
what was ur ger doing? never see her lei... and ur house so quiet. was she napping

wats the topic of the day???!!
hmm... Friday should be bringing Javier to the library? Or see if there are any events or activities in the any national parks, then go play. Saturday go to my parents place to set up my mum's modem before she return from Korea at nite. otherwise going to hear her naggings. haha.... Sunday maybe leave Javier with my parents and go partor??

how about u?
Morning mummies, today i bring my girl to have MMR jab. ;-)

Jess_yew: am not as young as you are leh. ;) In my early 30s. ;-)
My girl was sitting on high chair and having her lunch. ;-) My hse is always quite most of the time only me, my baby and my maid at home. ;-)
next time we can let our kid meet. my mum's block is just beside u... we can meet at the playground and let them play together

i drove up and saw a childcare center there. Smartz playgroup. do u have any comments or feedback about that CC?

yet to decide. feeling very tired for this week as both my sons are sick n required more attention. initially wanted to have a popiah session at my hse for my MIL's family but then my MIL cancelled the session cos we are all tired. Nowhere to go cos I dun feel safe in leaving maid alone at my hse (esp when my sis's maid is temporary here as my sis went overseas). boring long weekend! confined to my hse!

Oh, you definitely look younger than your age, like maybe 28 or so.

My boy is up for his jabs (MMR + chicken pox) also. But I delay it till 20th cos that's the day for my detail scan. So save one trip :)


For my long weekend, we are planning to stay 1 night at JB, a golf resort, not that we play golf, but just to see more green and relax. Then Sunday rest at home. But haven't received confirmation from the hotel yet, aiyoh, hope I wasn't too late to book.

Initially think of going to Malacca, but don't want to copy wendyg's idea mah :)

I remembered i asked you b4. Cant remember ehehe...What childcare is Issac in now?? Is it in Punggol?? Is it good?? How much is it for half or full day???

Do u know if there is any PAP childcare around in Punggol??

I was at Anchorvale CC and i happen to see a childcare there. They are charging $450 for half day and $540 for full day. Is that expensive??
Aiya, wasted your efforts for the past 3 days. But it's true, more difficult when there's any grandparents around...they will start saying all kinds of things. When I decided to train my boy, I told my hubby to stay away and he didn't dare make any comments else he'll get it from me! Hahaha...becos it's already very tough on me and my boy so I don't appreciate any unnecessary comments. Then now my hubby gets to enjoy the results...easy for him.
i see.... then better stay at home and rest. just cook some nice food. last weekend i also stay at home. asked my hubby to cook crabs for me. so yummy.

wah. envy envy. i haven do passport for Javier yet. keke... i better go do it!!!

hmm... if it is PAP one, shldnt not be so ex. Bedok area PAPs CC charges about $250 - $300. From the research i gathered, $400 and above are those private ones and the school are landed property...
Hi Mandy

Q1 What childcare is Issac in now?? Is it in Punggol?? How much is it for half or full day???
>> sunshinekids.com.sg. Address and rates are there. His name is Isaac. It has 2As coz he's very smart =)

Q2 Is it good??
>> subjective. Good enuf for me considering my budget and logistical constraints.

Q3 Do u know if there is any PAP childcare around in Punggol??
>>> http://www.pcf.org.sg/

Q4 I was at Anchorvale CC and i happen to see a childcare there. They are charging $450 for half day and $540 for full day. Is that expensive??
>>> compare prices here http://www.childcarelink.gov.sg/ccls/home/CCLSHome.jsp
Kam: hehehe,Thank you. I'll BUY YOU LUNCH. ;-))
Oh I just check again, Johanna will have both MMR & chicken pox vac today. ;-) Like Haore, she has all the available jabs.

Jess_Yew, sure, we can meet up and let our babies play at playground. The one next to your mum' block is so small and i see many dogs pee pee there, the smell is horrible. I only bring my girl to the playground opposite which is bigger and the air is cleaner. ;-)
Can sms me next time when you are in my area. ;-)
Smartz playgroup: I never done any homwork on childcare/ playgroup before. So I have no idea whether it's good. ;-)

Serene: I only attend 1st service coz in this way, we can have a long good day at home after attending church unless we have other friends who want to meet up at later service. 98% we go for 1st service.
How to settle lunch for baby? last time, when my baby only ate cereal, I brought her lunch there if we plan to eat out. If we don't eat out, we will rush home and feed her food at home. Now she can take our food, when we attend 1st service, we will order something which she can eat and we share together if we eat out. It's easy. ;-)

How about Issaac? Is he in full or half day care??? Is he bath once or twice??


I remembered u saying that u did not need to bath Har Re when u bring him home....The childcare that i checked out had only one bath for the child.

No, Pulai Springs Resort at Skudai.

You leh, which hotel you booked in Malacca? My SIL stays near Malacca, so hubby feel pai-seh if we don't stay at her place but at hotel instead. But I only want a family get-away, and enjoy my stay at a nice hotel, and don't want to "entertain" relatives leh. So no choice lor, opt for JB, easier.
vernon has high fever again.. thre freqrency is so scary. from feb to now. he has fever like 4 times liao... this time the fever come with cough

vernon infantcare bath him twice a day.
aiyoh! ran out??? Is it just the tincture only? Are the capsules form still available there? Is the tincture supposedly more effective than the capsules?

also dunno when tampines1 will open...is it Good Friday or tom?

check with PD. see if it is throat infection. nowadays quite common. my both sons kena throat infection and quite bad too.
yes i think the tincture is more readily absorbed and thus more effective. The KKH Lactation Consultant also recommended the tincture. The capsules are also available @ TMC Pharmacy, but more ex ley.

Holiday Inn fully booked, btwn Equatorial & Renaissance, I chose Renaissance. Similar price, but i think renaissance is newer altho it's further fr the main stuff. So maybe we'll hang out a lot in the hotel rm.
You going Fri-Sun? what time u setting off on Fri?

Isaac (1s, 2As) is in full day cc, he is 4yo this year, they shower him once a day abt 11am after their outdoor play, before lunch.

I'm sure u don't like me to misspell your Jayden's name to be Jadon/Jaydon etc.. u would hv your reason to choose it to be J-A-Y-D-E-N instd of any other combination. If u can't remember my kids' names (and i don't expect u to), u can refer to them as #1 and #2. thank uuuuuu

I am not sure how many times they bath the kids for the toddler class though. When they get older, I suppose we want to wash/bath them after they reach home or after dinner or before bed, cos the older they are, the more they get contact with germs? So doesn't really matter the childcare bath the kids 1 or 2 times at school?

For Hao Re school, the charges for the toddler class program (for 18-36 months) is $700 full day or $550 half day (before subsidy).
Tampines One soft launch on 09th April, which is tommorrow. The Uniqlo advertisement is splashing all over Tampines MRT station as it opens on the same day..lol..so far i saw coffee club, bakerzin and secret receipe :p

Kam / blessedbaby,
my girl has also taken all the available jabs except Hep A. Just went for the last dose of MMR and Pneumococcol Jab on monday.
blessedbaby, yup she is in town.

kitsune, ya lor, i was also telling my hubbie even if both are gals and #2 gets all the hand me downs from che che, she should also have some of her own stuff, else its like always hand me down while che che gets to wear new stuff
. But my gf, her #2 and #1 1 year apart, end up the younger gal was bigger in size, so che che wore hand me downs instead. Your new purchase is nice le, the duckies are so cute, boy or girl wear also adorable
. I dont intend to buy till my 7th month scan, so i know at least how heavy she will be at birth, else like my #1, I had to go out and get smaller ones like new born and 1 month, coz she is so small.

if meeting on monday, mid afternoon, i dont mind joining after my doc's appointment.

how u going to spend the long weekend?
Hmmm friday pak tor with hubbie and gwy, maybe go kino walk for a while, since its been ages that I get to go town and shop with peace, so hes gg to watch her while I browse happily.

Sat, its early birthday celebration for me with family at sun with moon.

Sun, its to the airport again to drop my hubbie off, so its going to be dinner there again.

Yvonne, ya lor, dont know why, yesterday it was super duper difficult, she cried for like 10 minutes k, then end up I gave up and went in and carry her out, coz she was standing at her cot and waiting and sobbing, till her whole face all puff out. I think partly my mistake also, coz I just change her pillow to a new one, so she also not used to it. Guess what happen, the both of us fell alseep on the sofa watching TV subsequently.
re: how are you going to spend the long weekend?

have a birthday party to attend on friday and sunday planned to visit the birdpark. Bought park hoppers when we went to zoo earlier this month, wanted to go birdpark last sunday but it was raining heavily, hopefully this sunday present a good weather for us.

haha, you so particular about the spelling of IsAAc. Okay I will be super careful when I type his name next time, I knew it's double A, but somehow when I type, it's usually ended up double S, keke. If you remember, my friend's son also named Isaac, I often mis-spell his name, usually 50-50 chance get it right. Okay, I promise no more mistake from now on :)

We go Fri-Sat only. Usually we arrive Singapore custom just before 9am. For the past few weeks, the traffic super duper smooth, no waiting at all, not sure this long weekend leh. Check the LTA website before you go. One tip is we don't use the BKE, we use the old route, the route that the bus 170 takes, via kranji station, not via the town, if traffic is heavy, usually (though not always) this route is less congested. But sometimes there are traffic police blocking the road, only allowing lorries to use this road.

OIC Issac is in full day school....opppsss....i spelled it wrongly again. Isaac....:p Heee.....me bad at spelling name.....:p
