(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

mylvera u looked v fresh lor, cannot guess u hv bad MS.

ya lor, everyday i see until dowan to see liao.. kekekekeke

hope your MS pass quickly
some mummies get MS all the way till their 9th month. my ex colleague like that lor

i MS till 5 month+ and its almost 24/7
only when i sleep then no MS; awake time = MS
izit? alot of mummies caught a glimpse of tony leung already? hiya... i am so outdated lei!!!....
i also just went for health check up this morning.... draw 2 tubes of blood.

ur #1 and #2 also very bad morning sickness mah?
really bae tahan you lehhhhhhhhhhh

hey i ask you
punggol got park or not ah? those big sprawling ones?
punggol hv large patches of grass. do u consider it's a park?!
Proper park with pond and benches and joggers.. u can go Punggol Park located @ Hougang Ave 10. Or Pasir Ris Park hv nice playground too.

when i preg with #2, ard this time i already start wearing my maternity clothes liao.


thanks. i oso hope MS gone soon!


#1 n #2 oso got MS but not as bad as this. tis will definitely be my last preg! haha


relax relax ..come here to relax
You stay Tampines right? Can you tell me where is Tampines One (the new shopping mall)?. Is it near Tampines Mall/MRT??
Went to see RaeAnne just now. Poor gal coughing and has running nose liao. So small, don't even know how to blow nose and cough out the phelgm. Haven't even go childcare, I see her sick already heart pain. Next time, lagi worse. :p

Yvonne, yup, Tampines One is a combined building (from old DBS centre where SOGO was and old Pavilion Cinema). When you come out of Tampines MRT, Tampines ONE's on your right whereas Tampines Mall is on your left. It's huge and opening this week. I think the day before Good Friday or Good Friday itself.
oh haha, i dont mind east side (tampines) gathering as well Haha. But suddenly feel like 10days not enough in Sg cos half of the time, need to let Rylee naps in the house, she needs at least one good nap on the bed in order to be on her best behaviour

jus now i didnt call u, rylee did! Haha, she was playing with my phone, dunno why went to the sms page and press call! Sorry ah!
wendyg, sorrie la, my email got prob so dl super slow, so never managed to read ur email yet. each down almost going to finish DL, my gal will come and disturb me.

mylvera, same same, I also starting wearing my maternity pants almost immediately man. Now my stomach like a big watermelon.

yvonne, today I failed man, put her in the cot and did the same thing, but she cling on to me and i got to put her down again, end up, she cry and cry and cry, until my mum ask me to go check on her see her face got turn black from all that crying. Then I went to her room, realised she threw everything out from her cot including her pillow. So today I GIVE UP!!!!!!! Now she is watching her baby can read dvd next to me while I am typing. Arghh....

Pixiepixel, the MS feeling is horrid right, I had till 7 months, thank god this one history never repeat. Think my #2 gg to be bigger in size than her che che lo.
anytime when wendy dont have tony's company lor hehe :p

will u go shopping at town area 1 of this days when u still in sg? then u can meet us for lunch liao :p
nxt wk.... i'm on leave mon & tue, come back to offc sure got loads of stuff awaiting me. U gals just fix up and if i can join u then i'll be there la. thinking about the work makes me tired zzzzzzzz
Mylife, when are you in Singapore till? Maybe can meet next Monday after the hype at Tampines 1 dies down. ;)

Icy, thanks for sharing the link. I googled but can't find, must be because I type TampinesOne instead of Tampines1. Are you free to meet Mylife too? But I think Thursday sure got balloons and RaeAnne will love them. But she's still sick so I may not want to bring her to crowded place so soon. :p
Update list:

1. Yunbb_________#3 BOY 12Dec08
2. Steph77_______#2 BOY 08Feb09
3. Joyce_________#2 BOY 11Feb09
4. Superbee______#2 ?? EDD?
5. Janbb_________#2 GIRL EDD July09
6. Angelsky______#2 GIRL EDD July09
7. Kam__________#2 GIRL EDD 07Sep09
8. Jacelyn_______#2 TBC EDD 14Oct09
9. Mylvera_______#3 TBC EDD 16Oct09
10. Shannonbaby_#2 TBC EDD 04Nov09
11. Kitsune______#2 TBC EDD 10Dec09
mylvera, I want boy for hubby's sake but gal also good cos save money and RaeAnne will have a sister. I always wanted a sister to share clothes and gossip with. Hee. ;)
kam: i think superbee is expecting a princess.
so shld be 3 boys 4 girls
kitsune: hope ur wish come true
Hi, mom2nat, I'm hoping to bring my gal but must let her recover first. Weekdays/weekends between 3:30pm to 5:30pm is good cos it'll be after her nap and milk but before dinner.
wah you had ms till 7mths, super chamz rite

im at the raffles hosp now for the health review
super fiakedup!
i took xray, the lady asked me not to change out of my gown. so i sat and wait. and wait. and wait. patients came and went....i "ren bu zhu" liao then went up and ask the recept...told me to change out and can proceed to health screening dept liao
wtf!! might as well tell me in the first place! i even asked her "huh? dont change out ah?" she replied "yes"

not true to tat. my #1 n #2 quite diff symptons but end up boys.

my mil even say, if the nipple of the child is inverted = gal. but not true too .. haha cos my #2 got 1 inverted 1 protruding. cannot be twins cos only 1 heartbeat.
Monday is great for me too. I also dun want to let Xavier be in to crowded places, he also just recover from his cold. He just had fever 2 weeks back and I bring him to the Flyers last sun and he came back with a fever.. sigh weather is really bad.

For me, #1 and #2 same symptom (ie, no symptom). And I have 1 girl 1 boy.


Don't understand leh, you mean you can see how the child's nipple is like before he/she is born? Through the scan picture or what???

drink more water, massage yr breast b4 pumping, latch more, pump more frequently, drink milo b4 latching/pumping, drink green papaya soup with fish, rest more.

I mean the previous child
drink lots of fluids, soups, papaya fish soup, milo, red dates tea etc. abt 3litres a day is required.
some mummies take fenugreek or MMP (more milk plus) supplements
aqua, spotting is new for this one lor.
but rest of symptoms too early to tell. I'm waiting to see if my nose grow bigger. They say if nose grow bigger than is boy. :p

thanks, joyce. How's your number 3? Ü

icy, sounds good. Wait for mylife to reply ba. I also dun know when she flying back to hk.
thanks aqua for remembering mine is princess.

4. Superbee #2 GIRL EDD Jun 09

regarding pregnant symptom
actually i don't really agree that different symptom means different gender. cos my #2 is totally different from #1, be it sympton, preference, tummy shape and got light spotting for #2 but dont have for #1 wor, etc. Up to today, strangers or anyone who see me, tell me that is BOY but no leh, it's girl wor.. so to me, all these are just a myth loh.
Pauline, mylife is flying back to HK on 13th April. But there is one time she mentioned that she might change schedule to go back on 14 april instead.

Jess_yew: no need to say thanks to me. Nice to meet you too. you are very young huh. ;-)

anglesky: any idea whether shooting_star is in town?
Superbee, so you have light spotting for #2 too? How long did it last? How many weeks are you now?

Angelsky, I'm waiting to be surprised for baby's gender. Last time so many people guess mine was boy but she's a gal. Hehe. I can't resist and bought a new Carters duck sleepsuit set, unisex colour from BP. So cute, and only $10. Even if it's a gal again, should at least have 1 set of coming home from hospital clothes lar, zi wo an wei.

hi mommies

blessedbaby, wahhh, u can rem my return date ah. Yup, me flying off on 13 apr, mid morning flight.

So cannot meet up at tampines 1 on monday liao. Dont worry about it, babies health more important. Take care of them first

I also dunno when or where i'm going to be every day...every day jus wake up and see how. All i know is i want to bring Rylee go zoo, marina barrage, east coast beach, while me and hubby also want to go eat lots of local food. Sigh...like i said, suddenly 10days feel soooooo short.

Sometimes plan plan plan, kena sabotaged by Rylee. For eg, yday night, for some strange reason, she woke up around 2am+ and refused to go back to sleep, i patted, nursed, everything, she just kept sitting up and mumbled lah, rolled all over me lah, just didnt sleep. Aiyoh, only slept aft she did this for 2 hours ++. In the end, i also dunno when she slept. Today slept late and woke up at around 9++, close to 10am. All plans haywired and gotta change cos her nap time also changed...cos we try to let her have a good nap comfortably on the bed for at least one of her nap (she sometimes take 2 naps a day)...so u can imagine our frustration...
which is the one u usually buy from TMC? Motherlove More Milk or Mother's Milk Tea? Is it capsule format? Or the liquid one? I've a friend stay very near TMC, he's buying for me and passing to me on Thurs. u wan can tompang buy also. SMS me ok?

i just went today to buy the last bottle of Motherlove More Milk Plus (tincture) $48.40 per bottle which can last me 3 wks if i take 4 times a day, 1 ml each time. The capsule form is more ex.. 120 capsules $85, also to take 4 per day.

unless your friend ALREADY bought for u, o'wise sorry! i bought the last bottle and they dunno when new stock coming. Try Camden pharmacy of Vivocity Vitakids or smthg. Call before going in case they ran out too. Apparantly KKH lactation consultant has been recommending this to their bfg mummies, and the lactation consultant there don't charge for their services, so u can guess how popular this product has become.
