(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

kel, hairdresser told me there is one good and cheap hair tonic called NeoLeaf that can be obtained at those chinese medical hall. rub a few drops after washing hair n massage. ;)

wow yvonne, ur boy looks big!!! 10Kg? already out of the percentile chart rite? how much milk he drinking?
I also dunno what he ate...haha...he's on Friso since birth and now drinking about 150ml-180ml for 6 feeds a day. But he drank ALOT during his first 3 months lah...maybe that made a difference?? When I bring him out, people always comment he look like 7-8 months baby
yvonne, he looks so chunky and cute! =) did you shave his head? got lotsa hair. my boy dropped soo much.

jan bb
yep me good with 26th jul. =) confirm mam mam session @ mayim later again

Wow, your boy is really chubby. He is very cute, I like the pic when he was sleeping, can imagine using this pic to advertise for some travel package..... something like a good day beside the beach type, so looked so calm and relax.

So you must buy new set of clothes much sooner, right? Still can fit in to those 3-6 months one ah?
Gd morning mummies... TGIF!! hee....
its been a long time since i logged in to chat.

Yvonne, your darling is really chubby and cute. hee....
Hi chermaine,

I was there at 6.30 - 8.15pm with a group of 4 pax sitting right behind the restaurant... haha.. are u the big family sitting juz behind me?? So coincidental?? Think i saw a baby in that table leh ; )I loved the fried wanton, calamari, duck meat.. yummy yummy..

Hi yvonne, your boy is very chubby leh!!! Thumbs up!! *Wanna pinch him...look at his tummy,wow wow...heehee ;p
Yesterday morning I wake up feeling my left side top right breast is painful. I don't know what happened. During work, I just feel uncomfortable headache and aches everywhere. In the evening about 6pm, I feel feverish and it is 37.9 degrees. Think it could be due to the breast pain. Seek for a lot of advise, ended went to see GP. So sian to have mastitis and now need antibotics. So painful but I can't feel any lump but I just keep on massage on the painful side.

Then my boy Willy keeps on refuse to drink milk.
yvonne, your boi boi sssooooo cute.. 10kg?? tats 2 kg heavier than my boi.. your boi boi wearing how many months clothes now? 12-18mth ? the pic of him swimming really make me wanted to bring him to swim too..
Re: Baby Jumper Gym
Payment will be made directly & personally to them on actual day. Is $37 per trial lesson

Mummies, we stick to 6 babies per class oki.
Here's the plan:
<font color="0000ff">26 July (Sat), 11.00am. Follow by lunch at Mayim @ West mall. ONZ???

1)Janbb (Any weekend in july, after 11.00am)
2)Evening (weekdays/sat)
3)Steph77 (Prefer last wkend in July)
4)godsent (Any weekend in july, after 11.00am)
5)violetice (Weekend)
6)Lyn78 (Any weekend in july, after 11.00am) </font>

Another class?? Pls indicate your preference, thanks.

2)Serene Ng (Prefer last wkend in July )
My boy got lots of hair so I "bu she de" shave...but brought him for a hair cut about a month ago. Aiyo, he was already wearing 6-12 months clothes long time ago...haha...now wearing 9-12 months clothes. I have already bought 12-18 mths clothes for "stand by" liao.

Me too...everyday also want to pinch him....hehe.
mandy> i also seen 'fridge to go', quite popular but not sure whether good or not. me never breastfeed in my whole life, usually is pump and dump..hence never use such product before...
i love the bumper mat too,but i dun need i can place it at home. cos my home got a huge "forever shedding" labrador retriever.. so its kinda difficult to maintain the mat.
Lynn, can u sms me again. Lost ur number.

Fridge to go is not bad unless u want to invest in a medela cooler bag which I find is very good.

Wow ur bb are so big. Mine I think only 6.8-7kg at 6m.

Violetice, the braun handheld blender is good and easy to use. Used that for my #1. Otherwise u might want to try looking out at isetan. They are selling this small blender which I thought is quite good and easy to maintain too. Bought 1 but haven't start using yet. It's comes in an orange box with 4 blender cups. Usually got demo. Can't remember the brand but it's japanese.

Maureen, my boy had been down for a week and his running nose doesn't seem to get better even when we sleep now without aircon at night.
Now my boy is only 7.8kg. Everytime reject milk also don't know how to put on more weight. Sleep also can't sleep well in the afternoon due to empty stomach.

Godsent, you try to apply some vicks on the chest, back, behind the ears, and the bottom of the foots. After that wear socks for him.
I bought the Braun handheld blender. Cost $39 and it comes with a plastic cup in the box. Quite easy to wash. Useful for making purees for my gal.
maureen, my son is also like tat lei. my mum complained that baby aston cant really sleep well during the day, and refuse milk sometimes..why huh? me also very worried to hear him cry at the background when i called my mum from my office..
Yvonne: ur bb 10kg.. i tink my bb almost e same but i tink my bb dont look so chubby as urs.. becos his weight is 9.2kg last mth. dis comin Mon gg for his jab, will check out his weight there. mine also on friso drinkin 150-180ml, bf him for 3mths only..

Janbb: i'm fine wif 26july too.

babe: i hav pm u my hp..
Braun Blender

I bought the simpler one abt $39. My mum told me that it's very good. I choose Braun over Philips cos it comes with a container, whereas the latter only has the handheld motor.

There is another braun model which is more expensive as it comes with a whisker for cake making.

I have the Braun Blender as well but haven't used it yet. Think I will try out this weekend doing carrot puree for my boy.

Yvonne, your boy chubby chubby cute cute.... feel like biting him ;p
nowadays my bb dun drink water, i can only managed to feed her water when she just woke up in e morning when she still blur blur. Or in e middle of e night when she's asleep. When she's wide awake she dun drink! Kept pushing e bottle away n make noise. :S
Me 1978 horse ; ) Any 78s mummies?

Btw, mummies that are going for that trial lesson, any babies drinking enfapro? If so, I can bring along &amp; pass to u cos they are sending to me &amp; i dun wan to waste it.

Hi JanBB,

I'm born in '78 too but is a snake....ha ha born before CNY juz like my son=)By the way,my son has tried the neckfloat last week. He enjoyed it very much coz he could move his legs &amp; hands rather than sitting on a donut float ha ha.
