(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs


any dept store like isetan, robinson, taka, tangs etc will sell baby stimulating toys..

i managed to buy some during taka baby fair.

think they are still too young for soft toys.
mummies: do u bring your baby to polyclinic to do health assessment? i juz realised tht ther r 2 pages in the healthbooklet for health assessmt to be done when bb is 4-6 weeks old.
nw my bb 2mths liao, is it too late to bring her to do?
me so blur....sighs

Oh, my friend's child not baby anymore. Pri school kid already! ;) So her course is about $2K! Very scary. She did say her daughter now can learn her spelling much faster than before. N if I rber correctly, the gal can r'ber the words for much longer period of time.


Thanks for the info. Will take a look at the flash cards when I go out tmrw. =)
Hi Shannonbaby, AhCapp and Shermaine, thanks for sharing your feeding patterns with me. Wow, looks like my baby is a small eater. No wonder she looks quite slim... well, maybe can be supermodel in future. ha ha. I think I will try to increase her intake to 120 ml again. Tried a week ago, but she was not ready.

Suggest you go to KKH website to check out vacinncation. They list out the different jabs for babies.

Wow all mummies are talking about sending their babies to classes!! Stress man... My hubby's nephew attended shichida class and my SIL claimed that it is very GOOD.. Value for money maybe.. but then again, the class is really very expensive...
California Baby
CB products are organic and they are available at the shops but they are quite expensive.

I'm using CB Calming bodywash and shampoo to clean my #2. As for #1, only use it as shampoo, bodywash is Johnson.

I'm not too sure if the calendula cream is effective in clearing the rashes.

Usually, I buy the CB products from a lady who does bulk purchase (on all CB products) on a monthly basis instead of from the overseas spree. Some how, her shipment is faster and her pricing is not too expensive.

Here's her website : (her thread in the BP section has disappeared)


No hurry to increase your gal's feed if she is not ready. My PD told me that if my son gets hungry in less than 3hrs, then it's time to increase the amount. Anyway, I think gals eat lesser than boy. =)

Wow, so the shichida class is good ah. I think it will create another craze like the abacus class sometime ago. I might consider but not now. =)


Thanks for the link!
hey mummies
since most of us are on tbf here, can we:
1) slap on hot/cold patches for stiff muscles, aches, joints?
==> tiger balm has a note on their packaging that pregnant and lactating women have to avoid. other brands did not state. can use other brands like e.g salonpas?

2)take collagen supplement?
==> brands like plush! has a note on their packaging that says check with doctor before consumption for pregnant and lacating women too...

will above affect the quality of our bm?

paiseh, anyone has 1 avent via adaptor for sale/giveaway?, thanks
hi mummies

pls let let me know where is the cheapest place to buy fash card?
I heard we can buy from hiap moh?? anyone has contact details of this shop???
Thanks in advance

is $3.50 consider cheap for a box of flash cards? i bought the Alphabet, Numbers and First Words for my baby. i got it from one of the shops at paragon level 5 (opp first few years)
Hannah here is the contact of my PD

E.H. Low Baby N Child Clinic
319 Joo Chiat Place #04-01 East Shore Medical Centre
Tel: 6344 0583 Emergency: 6535 8833

Thanks a lot for the info.
I will try it out...
If his charge only S$50, its pretty good. Other PD would charge S$80 for 1st visit.

BTW, r u a working mum? stay in the East 2? which part?
I wonder if there is any mums gathering in this eare if i could join??
I am a new mum and my bb is 3 months old.

Hiap Moh sells blank flash cards in bulk. If you are thinking of printing and making your own flash cards, then you can order from them in bulk about $200. Probably need many mummies to join together to buy the blank cards. You can run a search for Hiap Moh. Some mummies from other thread has bought from them.

Otherwise, go to Brash Basah Complex, there are two shops (not Popular) which sells children books / flash cards at a discount. One is on the 4th floor, near the Delivery lift, the other is on the first floor (Yunnan Bookstore)
Thanks Blackbatz
useful info.
I am totally blurr on this as 1st time mum and my daughter is 1st grandchild in the family.
I always have to seek help from friends and very blessed to find this forum and i feel at ease now.
Hi mummies,

I have 22 packs of 6oz frozen EBM (Feb 08) packed in Lanshinoh milk bags to exchange with 22 brand new Lanshinoh milk bags.

If need more, i have March 08 ones as well, but would like to clear my Feb 08 ones first.

Pick up point is at TMC, and please bring your own storage to transport the frozen EBM.

some are at Pasir Ris, Tampines, Eunos area. Which part are u?

why not u org your own gathering instd of waiting for someone to do it. hee hee.
hi mummies,

hmm, the guide for milk intake is given by doctor la....the range is 100-150ml per kg.

My boy at 12 weeks is 8.5kg....super overweight liao
hi, how's everyone coping?

ernmum, wow your baby weight 8.5kg at 12weeks. that's very big and must be very tiring for you to carry him. do upload his recent pic and show us. must be very chubby.
hi mummies,

was busy house hunting and too tired to post.

Finally got a unit in tampines st 32, boo hoo, very she bu de sengkang now! hope we'd made the right choice, now going ot get busy sourcing for renovations and prob be moving over in july.
life is getting more fun with my girl, she's responding more to my talking now and she enjoys talking to me too!

know when they'll start flipping over? my fren 2 month 3 weeks old is trying to flip over already, very fast. mine also same age but no sign of trying yet.

just ordered flashcards to try on my girl, shall be arriving next week.

you enroling your baby in shichida? so expensive leh, is it necessary at this stage?

icy / angelsky
called up babybreeze, they asked me to join the monday class this monday as a trial or sign up for the remaining lesson if i like. See you ladies there on monday!!

parking at Sq 2
any mummies can enlighten me whether parking at Sq 2 is easy? i'm very scare of narrow path/turning, so now thinking of whether to drive there or take taxi over.
RE: delaying last feed to 10+ 11

errr, in the afternoon when my bb is sound asleep i try to delay half an hour here and there lor so instead of feeding zhun zhun 3 hrly sometimes i delay till 3.5 or 4...like tat last feed become abt 10+ sometimes 11 lor...1st feed at 6am

but not everyday successful lah, sometimes she zhun zhun 3 hr screaming for milk already then no choice lor...on those days there'll be 7 feeds with the last feed abt 12-1am
flip over abt 4-5m

ya my baby also wearing his gorgor's 6-9m clothes liao. I prefer to dress him in roomy clothes
Congrats!! Finally found your dream house. Which part of Seng Kang are you staying at now? Tampines is nearer to your mother.

Parking at Sq 2
The parking is quite easy except that you need to drive up the circular path till 4th floor.

flipping over
No need to worry about whether your baby is flipping earlier / later. Each baby is different and they progress differently. It is a concern if baby still has not flipped over by 6 or 7 months. Then baby will need further medical attention as there may be other problems. You can always use the health booklet as a guide. The milestones are stated clearly there.
Hello all mummies,

Busy to take care of my twins baby, so seldom log in.

i have a brand new car seat (3 month onward)gift from friend, willing to sell $80. who interested can pm me.because my cousin had give me 2 car seat.
thanks! was only saying that my fren's girl is really fast, now trying to flip already..hehe

staying at rivervale crescent now,have feelings for this place now..wahaha..my hubby say i siao, cannot have everything i want. ya tampines nearer to my mum and my sis who's been helping me jagar the maid when i work sometimes.

thanks for the info on parking at Sq 2, hopefully i won't add colours to the car then.

Last feed of the day
i still feed on demand, so last feed will depends on when she wants to drink, if she's still sleeping after 10 plus and haven drink for 3 hrs or so, i'll so called dream feed her. Usually she'll last till morning. Sometimes she'll fuss till 1am then went back to sleep..headache.
you're in the class also? great! must be very fun..hehe will be going with my fren and her one month old, pardon us if our babies gets too cranky..lol
luvv, my boy trying to flip when he was 7weeks.

babe, what r the class abt? now i'm more free, maybe can join in.
<font color="aa00aa">hey mummies,

im from mar thread, selling away unopen new GNC fenugreek pills for $20, expiry date 08/11. anyone keen sms or call me direct @ 91466419. thanks.</font>

My son is also having 7 feeds per day. Last feed will be dream feed at about 11pm+. At least yours sometimes last thru the night. Mine will chun chun wake up at 3:30am crying for milk. =S This morning, he didn't go back to sleep. He started crying for milk at 6am! Can u imagine! My hb and I become panda today =(


Does the shop u recommend sells flash cards for babies or much older toddlers? But thanks for the tip-off on the shop. I hope I can venture out soon..
See you on Monday! The carpark is quite wide, just that have to go rd and rd until 5th level..

joyce &amp; Fern
You can refer here for the Positive Infant class that me, babe and angelsky are taking with our babies at Baby Breeze.


Positive Infants (2 – 6 months)
Combine gentle yoga play, careful sensory stimulation ideas, intentional touch, positive affirmations and lots of musical moments, expressive communication and you have here a program that engages young infants, creates and strengthens neural pathways and aids their growth. All these while accompanying parents develop the skills of positive parenting through guided parent forums.

Duration: 45 mins x 8 sessions
Want to ask mummies who are still breastfeeding, either expressing or feeding directly.

As my breasts are expressing out diff volume. left breast has more milk than the right, i also notice that left is bigger than the right. When I stop breastfeeding, will my breasts remains 1 big 1 small??

We discuss before that after 6-8 weeks, milk supply will be 'stable' What does it mean by stable?
A)can decrease number of expressing and still have the same amount of milk?
B)can skip expressing at times (say when out shopping) without reduction in milk
C)don't need to have any tonic for supply to increase with BB demand?

My son is now at 9.5weeks. I don't pump regularly at every 3 hrs already. But I noticed my supply is quite stable. 50ml+ (combined) every 1hr. So every 3hrs is about 150ml+, every 6 hrs is 300ml+. To me, it does seem to be stable already.

My friend who did exclusive pumping for both her children did mention to me b4 that I can actually slowly lengthen the duration between each pump. So instead of pumping every 3hrs, I can pump every 6hrs.
Any mommies latching on for dreamfeed? Does it work? I haven't tried but notice my son during last feed if sleep while on breast then mouth won't such anymore no matter how I stroke. Just finished feeding him juz now but then he only took 1 side and abit more..dunno wat time he gonna wake tonite..

Hi, Icy, thanks for dropping off the Goon diapers today.

How do you attach the baby car seat? We have a used Maxi Cosi bassinet car seat given by friend, my hubby asked his colleague but he said can only wedge it from moving the front seat backwards but I find it so insecure.

AhCapp, tell me about it, my gal also wake at 3:30am and 6+am. Last feed is usually around midnight. :p

Finally brought my gal for her vaccination jabs today after her ear infection cleared. $115 for 6-in-1, decided to also give rotarix $90.
