(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

i deliver ten weeks liao also period still haven't come expect that time deliver got come one month la.Then now never come le.I same as you not beastfeeding when my bb was one month old. Ya can resume to your sexual activties if you are feeling ok. I also do not like condoms but no choice eat pill i think quite ex ba.Aiya never mind what your mum talk about your face. Not everyone drink DOM and chicken essence face will rosy de.

Mom 2 dat,
I agree that there are definatley some GPS are good with kids.. not all are bad. But pardon me , I also the one that very skepetical with GP and prefer Ped esp my baby is only one month plus! ped are able to give far better advisee thats why we are paying more for his brains!! hahahha

For the costs of Jabs its really the same btwn pedectic and GP too.. Thats what my family GP told me esp the dose.. And Ped /GP the jab price are the same! Perhaps like a few dollars diffrent! In this case I rather see ped for all condition unless I can find a nice neighourhood doct who is good with kids will then make me change my concept. Dr Ong is no longer at AMK. I like him cos he is friednly and I really sacfircced gtg down all the way to TMC to see him as he knows my son best.. since birth hence I am willing to pay more! No forgetting that by right both GP /Ped advised me as much as we can child below 6 months no english medicine nor chonese medicine. will have many side effects. Like for my son, he has some pghlem but doct say normal, so he gave med but says its up to me whether I wana give the med a not. I chose not to cos I read up bks that phlem are fine. I really do not want my young child of one and a half months to take med for nothing! Unless fever or what then bobian! Agree? I personally feel that Ped for kids below 1 year is safer... cos they are speacialised and re jabs I've checked out the amt for ped/GP amts about the same.. GP just slightly diffrent.. So if someone has a gd gp who your bb is currenlty seeing and staying at sembwang area.. kindly recommned me or I will faithfully bring my son back to TMC to see DR Ong at all causes
To me, a right doct is impt cos the medication and dosage are all super diffrent and if we really wana save money.. I feel that our poor child is at risk.. hope you get what i meant

Got you! haha... you meant you were on pills all the while?? heard many side effects abt it leh! I hate condoms too! Love the withdrawel method.. but unsafe men esp taking risk esp now just given birth. Whn planning for first child, its ok cos its like any time thats fine.. But now we need to have children spacing right?? hehe! Also, me 7 weeks after giving birth and yet why havent resumed menses and me no more breastfeeding but not yet resuneed huh! Told my hubby scared wait preggie again! hahaha! althought wear condoms but not 100% safe rite! lol:p)
Mine is www.derene.blogspot.com

Same here. My boy also refuses water. My mum will try to feed him drop by drop and once in a blue moon, he will be ok with drinking from the bottle. If not, most of the time, he will spit out the teat and move his head away from the bottle when he noes it's plain water.

Thanks to those who replied me on the amount of milk they drink for those on TFM.

Baby injecttion
Can I check with you all... does your baby wail out loud during the moment the needle is injected?? Mine will let out a VERY LOUD wail the moment it is inserted, until his face all screwed up and red. After that loud wail, it seems like it is so painful. Then can see he is crying until no sound come out! Only when I hug him close, then he will like heave a breathe then ok. Is this reaction normal?? I donno if it's becoz my baby super scared pain or what man.

Also, when your PD injects the baby, is the needle slanted at an angle when inserting or is it straight down? As in 90 degree straight down into his flesh?

baby lifting head
Can your babies support their own head now? Mine still can't.
ya PD so expensive but still people dun follow what the PD advise ma. Dr Ong say dun give bb water, but elders insist to give. So how?

btw, i made some comparisons btwn jabs @ PD & jabs @ GP. Price is diffrnt by a lot hor. At PD, per jab = $150, works out to $450. At GP, whole package of jabs cost $300. So $150 difference, not just a few dollars.

what's wrong with condoms..? I just find them expensive, dat's all.

i think i saw before it's 90deg angle, but i dun really care as long as it's fast and without incident, ie needle breaking etc. I think they know what they're doing la. At least they dun just give us the vaccine kit and ask us to DIY at home! *hiak*
Some PD apply numbing cream abt 10min b4 injection.. it numbs the site, & when doc injects, the child doesn't cry. wah fantastic! But they'll charge more in the bill also la. $$$$

alrighty then, hope to c u laters.
Hey morning all,

Jurong side is raining heavily now. Mommies attending the Ikea outing, have fun & do bring along extra blanket to keep baby warm cos the weather is damn cooling.

re: facebook
i've joined the January 2008 Babies/Mummies group and also added some of u to my list

envy envy...have a gd trip to HK. Btw, when r u starting work? I am planning to HK after the winter season end. I like spring season

re: bb refuse water
Try put 5ml of gripe with 5ml of water then bottle feed Danelle. Normally bb are prone to like sweet taste so if the water that she is drinking is sweet, maybe she wont reject. No harm trying la.

i BF for a month & menses return 8wks aft delivery. I hate condoms too but better than pills
u all shd migrate to australia. all these vaccinations free for babies

i saw the needle injected at a slanted angle leh. not 90degree. but does it make a diff?

i guess i was 1 of the lucky ones. no side effect fr pills. withdrawl method is really too risky now! even with condoms, make sure put it on 1st b4 any penetration hor. else oso got chance to get preggy one - speaking fr expereince!
Hi Mummies.
Pasir Ris side is pouring too! which means Ikea side also raining hard. I doubt I can make it. Have fun and take more photos to show us!
hi, my baby also reject bottle.

actually gave him bottle at 6 weeks,on and off. He was ok...then suddenly reject. My Mil went for cataract surgery when he was 8 weeks so cannot help to bottle feed cos must rest for 2 weeks so she didnt come over. Then FIL went for knee injury and never come back home ever after (he passed away last week due to infection not known to anyone).

So all plans did not work out due to unexpected incidents.

Now he really reject. I am supposed to go back to work next week but might have to delay cos of all the happenings at home

last time my number 1 will reject bottle from me but at least accept from my MIL. But this number 2 just reject from anyone....sigh

RE: tonic
my mum and aunt say that we can still eat tonic within 100 days of giving birth. My mum had made so many kinds of tonics or me...from cordyceps with wild bao sen soup, korea ginseng chicken soup, bai zhen, double liqour wif black chicken to he shou wu...ai yo. want to faint liao. The korea ginseng soup is the classic one...boil till that petite ginseng till it bloated to the size of a cigar. And my mum insisted on me on eating the ginseng. So I chew on my cigar after finishing the soup, after chewing and swallowing half...buay tahan liao.

I am on the pill now. What brand did u take last time? I will be on it for 3 months only. then we will start on #2 planning.
yah...the sleep part is not easy...she doesnt sleep for long in the day. Sometimes 30mins, sometimes 1hour. But i also read from the "What to Expect" series that not every babies will conform to the routine. They're so small, i jus do based on instinct and follow baby's signals. Some babies can only sleep short naps, so i reckon mine is one of them. And we got to rock and cuddle her to sleep everytime. Wondering how we're going to cope when she gets heavier, but will cross the bridge when the time comes. I bought the book but didnt have the time to fully read it.

last time i was asking if bb doesnt wake up at 3-4am liao, u suggested i wake up and pump to maintain the ss, rite? I was jus wondering then like dat, wats the point? Cos we try settling bb to routine so dat WE can get some sleep ma...kekeke...

got your PM liao...thanks alot!

u coming HK in may? Yay! Got another visitor, hope can meet up with u as well if u can find the time...u bringing baby along? <font color="ff0000">angelsky</font> also coming in Oct right?

Here in HK si beh jialat..i went to 2 major supermarket, diapers range very limited choice! Only have pampers NB, and their version of Pampers "gan shuang"...errr...shud mean Dry rite? But it leaks. Full of Huggies and Fitti, but more for bigger babies. I managed to find Nepia M size though. But yet to find a good one that can last her thru the nite. Dont have Pampers Premium here...have to go and find.

Mine was injected at 90 degrees. I thought it is a bit weird coz usually injections are injected slanted- from my layman's point of view but then again, I am no expert in peadetric study. I was just wondering coz my son wail until no sound and i guess it must be really painful for him. I know babies cry but i wonder if other babies also wail until like no sound during injection.

is there a numbing cream to apply? I am so ignorant. If there is and it is safe, I am willing to pay more coz seems like my son really v scared of pain.
but u want to maintain supply right? My fren did that.. her girl slept the whole night but she woke up 3am to pump. Bf'd 14months.
settle bb into routine so that it'll last beyond their breastfeeding days. in the long run it pays off.

were u asking how to get bb to sleep at same time every night? Start with a bedtime routine.. bath, feed, sleep... smthg like tht. Or even add in some story time. Keep at it every night.. bb will get the idea. Stimulation shld be minimal.. feed with dim light, talk quietly or not at all.
<font size="+1"><font color="ff6000">Ikea Tampines... </font></font>

i'm still going, rain or shine..
so if u're wondering if anyone will show up, the answer is YES. hahahaha
nowadays HK no more spring season liao. Technically, it's considered spring NOW, but after winter, it's only cooling for a while, then become hot and humid oredi. Now oredi 18-24C le.

Contraceptive Method
I was on the pill for 6 yrs last time...no side effects also. After given birth, gynae also asked me wat type of contraceptive method i wan cos she said she doesnt think i'd like to get pregnant so soon...gave me 2 choices, "mini pills" which are safe for BF and some IUD insert. She told me the IUD is good, but when i spoke to her asst, she said she did it, but withdrew cos when ML with hubby, hubby can feel the insert! I dont wan to take mini pills even though it's safe for BF, dislike any medication intake...so have opt for condom bah...altho it's not as safe as Pill, if really "tio beh pio" then it's fated lo...but i dont think i'm THAT fertile bah...
how ur gf wake up? set alarm clock ah? my bb sleeps in the same room as me...if i use alarm clock, sure wake her up also...

My friend found the sealing discs at Mothercare @ Plaza Sing. It's a pack of 6 selling for about $14+.

Yes, that's what my PD told me. To go back to see him if the temperature doesn't go down within 24 hrs. They gave me some syrup to feed my son if the temp is more than 37.5deg C. If not, don't give. I felt my son was a bit heated up, temp was about 37.4 or 37.5deg C. So I gave him 1 dosage. That's all I did. After that, ok already.
i had IUD inserted for 5 yrs prior to conception. No side effects and serve us well, on top of that, it greatly reduce my super duper heavy menses.

i'm had only taken black chix soup once and chicken essence on and off, friends and relatives still say i look good :p

my girl just wailed a while and fell asleep after PD injected her, i guess it also depends on her "mood" then? my girl can support her head but not steady though, since birth she has been exerting strength on her neck, sleeping on tummy also help her exercise the neck area.
the PD applied for my elder boy when he was taking his jabs. Not everywhere have. Maybe u enquire with the clinic reception?

u will cope when your girl gets bigger.. dat was my situation with my elder child. Now he's 2.5YO, thankfully no need to carry 14kg to sleep.
mylife, yes I coming in Oct,
with the family. hehe. hope the weather will be good and my hubbie can take leave to go. cross my fingers.

raining over here at my side. my girl was startled by the lightning.

re: playpen

anyone bought playpen? I looking to buy to put in the living room, so we can be around to watch her, anyone has any suggestions? Besides playpen what can we put in the living, with border so she will roll and move around the specific area?
Ah capp, ok thanks.

Blackbatz/Wendy, I am still taking fenugreeks. These few days my supply didn't increase much due to menses. Today is already the fourth day. The flow still quite heavy. Me really regret taking the hormone pills to stop the lochia. After taking it regulate the menses.
Me hope to bf as long as I can, this is my last chance to bf liao. I want to hit over bf my 2nd child record.

Now also not enough sleep cos my 2nd child is sick. Last nite he got choke by the phlegm. Luckily he is on puff, easier to clear the phlegm.
today dunno wat's wrong wif my bb...carry sleep but put after 10-20min cry..until i dunno is time to feed or put her back to sleep...haywire day..

wanna go ikea but rain non-stop..
hi hi!! how was gathering and barter trade?

angelsky, other than playpen, u can also put baby cot or there is a kind of mattress which has border (like a box) available for purchase.
Hi Maureen

Must be tough on u that ur #2 is sick now.

My #1 was sick 1 week ago, and it's really stressful and challenging, esp got to make sure #1 don't get into contact with baby. My PD even advise we should handle the kids separately, else the germs may pass via our body/clothes. If really need to, got to take bath and change clothes first. Otherwise baby fall sick very jialat
Whats you new ctc no huh? Since you lost your hp. how to sms you lah? Me same like you.. Elias also cried until no sound then sleep. my heart so pain.. I ask ped a very silly question. like can use the tinest needle or any lubrincant can make elias not so pain. money not an issue as long as elias doesnt feel the pain! Imagine the poor boy cries till no sound then sleep with teary eyes! I almost cry when see him like that too.lol

Contraceptive methods,
When I had first child I didnt plan at all. Loved withdrawal method although I know that prone to getting preggie but am fine since its like need to start planning then aniwaie right? But no now cos my bb only 1 mth plus leh!!! Intend plan next year at least for 2 years gap. We are not into pills cos I dun like intake of it lor. So condom safest... Must defonatley ear b4 penetration or too late sia! Am i right! Me now 7 weeks and menses not resume.. feel like getting pregnanacy kit to check.. am i over worried or you think its normal. By right when will menses resume? Me now kinda of stop breastfeeding yet no menses yet. why huh?? Can experieced mummy explain?

Any one keen in buying.. Me can sell to you cos me already stopped BF and taken that once or twice only. anyone keen ah?

Hi! Would like to join this thread. I delivered my gal on the 6th Jan at gleneagles naturally.

Would like to check.. how much milk does your baby drink? Now at 9 weeks, Ashley can only drink 90ml. I tried to increase her intake to 120ml but she takes a long time to finish.(45 min)Sometimes, got reflux too. So switch back to 90ml at 3hrs interval. I'm afraid she's not drinking enuf. Her last visit to the PD was before she turned 2mths and she weighed 4.8kg.

Any advices?
hi! you mummies so oN!I wna join mummy and babies outing too lei since I have have to start work! Lets have something for mummies staying at Sembwang or woodlands lei.. K meet like causeway point or Sun pla.. I am more then keen men! hehe!!!! Always feel so left out leh!
ya men.. steady sia...

ALL- me looking into lap top... the dell latest one... multicolour kind. Is that gd? any body has gd recommendation on a gd averageweight sleek reasonable price lap top to introduce huh?
Sorry ladies, raining heavily just now so didn't turn up for the gathering. Hope all mummies and babies had fun.
kel, my co. peak period so i come back to work 1st loh .... after tat then I cont my maternity leave ... I went back for pap smear liao ..... and i have last dosage if Hep B so gg to her on july time

Luvv u roughly kw who u are heehee

itok my baby can lift her head when she is 4 weeks old .... very strong ... now she like sitting position wor ... like to see ppl
Terrier, that true very tired.Last week was my elder kid sick. She sick for more than a week. See gp on and off and then to PD. Recovered now is my #2.
qq:how much does she charge for pap smear?consultation is $50 rite?
tongtong drink onli 110ml per feed? my ger can drink 125ml per feed now, and she wans milk every3hr.
re: breast milk

if I bring down the frozen breast milk from the freezer to thaw in the fridge, how long can it last in the fridge before I have to throw it again? Supposedly I have not used it?
sucking fingers/ thumbs vs pacificer

Do u let your babies suck fingers/ thumbs or pacificer? I read that it's normal for babies to suck their own thumbs as it's self-comforting. But I worry if it will be difficult to wean off later.

I have not introduced pacificer to my son at all. Just wondering which is a better option.
Mum to Ashley

Is your baby on FM or EBM? My son is 8 weeks and drinks about 150ml to 160ml of EBM per feed. He needs to drink every 3 hours, but at night, can stretch for up to 4 hours.

Hiya. It's great to see u back online. I remember u didn't have internet access during your confinement. =(

I am using Dell PC, but desktop. Quite good and I like it. Not sure about their laptop though.
Hiya, nice to meet the mummies at Ikea today. Post photos soon ya?

Went to Isetan private sale, queue super long, the stuff I bought so heavy, carry like siao. Anyway, bought the following:
Allerhand Black tote bag ($69.90)
Pigeon bottle cleanser refill (2 for $17.50)
Avent Teat travel pack ($10.10 less 20%)
iPlay baby bib ($13.15 less 20%)
2 sets Pigeon M teats ($6 less 20%)
1 set Pigeon S teat ($6 less 20%)
1 Pigeon Y teat ($3.40)
Endo Thermal lunch set (19.90)
Tiger thermal flask &amp; lunch set ($55)

Mylife, my CL is in Singapore these 2 days, she bring her son here for holiday and visiting me and BB tomorrow. What's your friend's name hah?

Wow, looks like u have a grea time shopping today! ^_^ Too bad I can't go.. mum is out of town, no oned to look after my son.

Can I ask what is the avent bottle cover did u get?

AhCapp, I have Avent ISIS pump so got 2 bottles with seal cover but no bottle cap. So, I bought the bottle cover (transparent cover plus the white ring) and 2 pigeon teats so next time if I use my Avent pump, I can screw on the (bottle cap plus teat) and baby can feed directly.

Oh, just checked the box, the correct name is Avent teat travel pack.
