(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

My gal also dun like the FEBM. I tasted it, a bit bitter and can smell the "fenugreek" that I took in the first month. I have to throw away the older one and refill with excess fresh milk. So "sayang"...but no choice la. Hope the new one taste better.

My gal is 2.5mth old now..She only take 110ml per every 3 hrs or 4 hrs. Total milk taken per day is ard 650-750ml only. At first I also worry, but her weight gain is normal.
My PD said if baby demand more, juz give, no harm. Might in the growth spurt stage, baby need to nurse more.

I also let my baby sleep on tummy most of the time. She sleep more soundly. She can turn her head ard and lift her head up quite high. If yr baby can't lift head up yet then u have to more caution.
Ikea gathering...
If not raining, I'll join you all. OK?? Meet at Which part of Ikea ar??
Hubby travel, alone take care of the little one. So if not raining and baby "guai guai", then i'll drive there and see see others chubby cute cute babies.
i feel so sad whenever i think of my baby who is in infant care. The teachers dont seem to take care of her well. They feel fustrated when she wants to be carried all the time. Feel like withdrawing her from the infant care but then again, i have no one to look after her. And I need to work!!
re: ikea gathering

I hope my girl will also be guai guai, so I will not end up having to pace up and down the cafe with her in arms :p

yup, why dont you look for a babysitter near your place? My mum used to be a babysitter and I see the parents will bring their baby over to my place in the morning then come back to fetch the baby after work.

Now that I am a mother, if my mum is not looking after my baby for me, my next option will be to pass on to a babysitter.

Your baby is on total FM too? How many weeks is he now? then do you feed Tristan any plain water in between his feeds? Mine super hates to drink water. He will move his head frantically about when he taste plain water and sometimes cry in frustration if we force him to drink. But I worry that if he don't drink any water, FM may be too heaty for him
i cant find a good babysitter too.
plus i thought that going to infant care will be better for her, thus enrol her in one.
maybe i should discuss with my husband n look for better alternative.
kitsune no leh ... cos now peak period time ... so come back to work and claim my ML after the peak period i still have 4 weeks + 4 days to go heehee
TT beri innocent...i like her tu tu mouth

Zander also hate to wear cap/hat, will fuss & close his eyes when i try to put on cap/hat.
hahaha .... steph innocent ah? i feel tat she kws am gg to work she refuse to let my husband carry her yesterday keep sticking to me

my boy also on TFM but he can only drink 120ml max at 3hourly. He is 10wks now. Yours at 6wks can drink 140ml, very gd liao. If u still find yr boy open his mouth, rooting or wanna suckle & cry = maybe he want more milk. You can top up another 20 to 30ml. If he doesn't cry, try burp him cos sometimes, they are not really hungry, just wanna suckle for comfort.
My MIL start to give water to my boy when he was 4wks old due to bad hiccups. When he is on TFM, we gave some water in between feeds, so far he don't reject drinking water.

Thank u for your encouragement. =) Today is my first day without my mum. My son has already managed to throw me off the ship with his crankiness. =S hahahaha..


Yes, I did try mixture thawed FEBM and fresh EBM. Hmm, my son was ok with it. He finished it unless the thawed FEBM.

Bathing and feeding is still ok. But it's quite a mad rush to feed and pump without any slipping in timing. =(

Talk about crankiness... my son has been throwing me off since sunday. He no longer was the little gui gui who follows a regular pattern of eat and sleep.

Today, he coudn't finish his normal feed for 2 feeds and fell asleep. Since this morning, I have been cluster feeding him. =( N that doesn't stop him from crying and crying. Dear me, really don't know what happened me.


Thank u for your encouragement. As long as my son doesn't cry, things are not that difficult. But once he cries, and like today, he doesn't eat properly and cried, I really don't know what to do lor.


Thanks. Will get my friend to help me scout for me. Can't leave home now that I am alone. *sigh*


For my son's case, he seldom fart like poo poo already. Perhaps situation will improve as your darling grows older? I have box of the liner but have yet to use it. =( Thought I will be using the cloth nappy u see, but that was before I gave birth. Didn't realise how frequent the baby can poo man. heheheh..
hello mommies,

its been a few days since i last logged on, i was "LAP-TOPLESS". i felt so dis-connected with the whole world, its so bored w/o the laptop...im going to hk tomorrow and will be meeting mylife and family... this is a vacation tat i longed for after giving birth to danelle. i really need a break.


TT really lost weight and now she resembles ur hubby more than u... gonna be another daddy's gal!


danelle also refuse to wear hat, will fuss and cry too.

Re: BB refuse WATER

HELP!!! Danelle is on total FM and refuse to drink water. The 1st attempt failed terribly when i tried to force bottle feed on her, she merlion out all the milk. thereafter, i dun dare to force her to drink water anymore. now i resort to using syringe... anybody got better solution???
kekeke sassy ya loh ... she looks more like my hubby .... still certain angle will look like me kekeke ... guess all gals resembles their daddy
Hello mummies,
Am a 1st time mom to baby boy Wei Yu delivered on 2nd Jan in MAH. Hv been following this thread n learning from all. Would like to join n share the joy n woes on bringing up the little one.
Wei Yu has been down with flu (a lot of phelgm, cough n his voice has chged) since last Friday. Has not recovered n has been carrying him whole day today.
Re : 5-in-1/6-in-1 jab
notice that some of ur bb already gone for this jab. but from the health booklet, the jab should b on 3rd month. i've got appt with polyclinic in april but would hope to get the jab earlier if possible as hubby will b gg oversea for 6 months before the appt date. hope to hv hubby around to help else will b handling alone. Can someone advice me?
hi mummies, just passing through, i have bought the avent sealing discs at mothercare, so can call them and ask. it comes 6 in a packet. hope this helps.
anyone's babies been sleeping a lot today? My son has been sleeping quite a fair bit today. He was more interested in sleeping (after his crying) than eating. Don't know if it's because it's dark and gloomy today. N he think it's night time. =(
Anyone wanna buy the Breast Pump conversion set? I have a brand new one:

Lets you collect milk directly from your breast pump
Can be used with both Avent's reusuable bottles and disposable bottles
Two breast pump converters for Avent Natural Feeding Bottles
Two breast pump converters for Avent Via Disposable Bases
Four disposable breast pads

Selling @ $20
hi mummies

there is a private sale at OG, storewide 30%@
lots of babies clothes on sale, some r $5 per pcs from disney , richie etc
avent & pigeon got 20% too
i tink the 20% disc is available to public tomorrow...

is any babies here taking 6-in-1 jab? suppose to take at 1.5mth hor, juz wondering if any bb got fever after tht?
my bb is a nite owl leh, sleep ard 1am everynite, and onli wake up in the day after 11am...2pm went to nap liao, till now still sleeping.
v scare tonite she eyes bigbig, then i die liao..

qq: why r u going to work so early? i tot maternity is 12 weeks? btw, hav u gona bac to dr heng for pap test?

My son for his first 6-in-1 jab when he was 6 weeks old. Hm... no fever, just a bit heated up that's all.

Anyway, for your info...I was told to monitor for fever for the next 24hours after the jab. If no fever by then, that means ok already. But if there is a fever with the 24hours and the temperature doesn't go down after 24hours, need to go back to the PD.

PD said only 5% chance the baby will have fever. So no worry.

Oh, your baby also sleeps a lot today. Mine too! I also worry he will be eyes big big tonight. =(
so its not only my girl that is sleeping quite a lot today. But she was quite cranky today, maybe like the weather
. Or maybe she just find it strange. Anyway, she is now sleeping soundly, hopefully she will not be eyes big big tonight.
I seldom give Tristan water, but he's okay with water when given. Water was introduced to him by MIL before he's even a month, then he was feeding on partial BM. Initially,when his feeds were 2 hrs - 3 hrs apart, I didn't give him water as he sleeps after each feed. but now with 4hrly feeds and he plays after each feed, occassionally I'll give him water if he fuss.
Oh, Tristan is 8 weeks. He's on TFM for the past 3 weeks. Tat's the time where he starts to prolong his feeds from 2.5 hrly to 4hrly.
<font size="+1"><font color="ff6000">tmr Ikea Tampines, meet at cafe. Pls arrive between 2-3pm. Early birds who can't seem to locate anyone, pls find good seat and place baby toy on the table as a form of identification, thank u</font></font>

Rain or shine, the outing will go on! But most prob will rain.. crummy weather just like today.

ok, will prepare 5 pcs Sealer "S".
mine is liquid fenugreek. i stopped since wk 3. if i continue taking, my supply will keep increasing. i just want to maintain.. currently daily excess when i express twice a day

i guess it's always good to be prepared for the worst... if rain outside, the cafeteria may get cold too.
if i'm not wrong, mcfluffy created a group in Facebook when we were still pregnant..
search under January 2008 Babies
The class got learn some exercise which is good for babies health and then teach u to talk to your baby, create confidence with urself and baby.

my bb cant sleep on his tummy, somehow will lift his head and keep kissing the mattress.

nice pix of TT!! so cute with kissable lips!

My son took the 6-in-1 jab and got fever in the afternoon. He recovered at night after take 2 dosage of medicine.
Hi Wendyg
thanks for your reply. I don't even dare to carry #1 nowadays.

Some time ago, u all have been discussing abt implementing daily routine and sleep time. May I know by how many weeks then can really settle bb into the daily routine? My bb now still very erratic in her daily routine. How to enforce bb to sleep at same time every night if she don't want?
Hi Mummies,
Been MIA for a while. Busy looking after my children until I am coming down with flu. The school hols is a nightmare. #1 will want me to play with him. After that, it's BF #2. This goes on and on...Of course, my parents are around to help but time flies.

Don't think I will go to Ikea. Don't want to pass the germs to the babies.

6-in-1 jab
I must say I did not do as much study on the 6-in-1 jab and 5-in-1 jab. Brought Zachary for the his injection yesterday. As he was already 2 months old, PD says can only opt for 6-in-1 jab. However, 6-in-jab might cause fever. According to PD, they will not prescribe fever medicine to babies below 3 mths. So if Zach has a fever, I can only sponge him.

Since I didn't want to go through the hassle, I opted for the modifed 5-in-1 jab ie sequence modified. He will start off with Hep B jab. Next month, DTP.. He will go for a total of 4 jabs (6-in-1 only 3 jabs).

I hope the PD is not trying to pull a fast one one me with regards to the fever medicine.

Enjoy your trip to HK. Lots of shopping. Somebody mentioned that Coach is cheaper there, not sure if it's a lot cheaper than here. Can check? Will be going in May.

Take good care of yourself. The flu bug sounds bad..

I'm still taking fenugeek cos want to BF for as long as I can. Trying to cut back on the night latching after reading all the mummies' experience.

I think you need to wake your baby up in the morning, instead of allowing him to sleep till 11 am. Kind of like setting a routine for him. After 1 week, should be fine. If not, you are the one who suffer as most babies take only 1 long nap.
My PD gave me fever medicine after the 6-in-1 jab. Part of the package that she has. However my girl didn't develop fever, thankfully.

Enjoy your shopping in HK and the meet up with mylife.

your baby really sleeps a lot!! 1 am to 11am? how i wish my girl will sleep that much. Babies grow up faster by sleeping..hehe of cos with milk too.

i added you in my multiply some time ago, wonder do u know it's me??

I'm scare my fussy baby will act up her crankiness tommorrow also, that's why decided to bring my helper along..keke
Hi all,

Means definatley no GP for our darlings at this age right? yesterday I sent him to a newarby GP for his pghlem... but didnt give him the med at all cos I checked with Dr Ong his peedctric at Singapore baby clinic at TMC that the medication should not be taken as pglem is normal in all babies.. I was so thankful that I didnt give my Elias the medicine... I live at sembawang and dun know of any good baby doct around my area. Can somebody recommend me please? Must be a pedectric. I dun belive in brining my son to GP at such a young age at all. Can somebody advise me on this. Id not I will bring Elias to Dr ong to TMC for all vacinations and all illness but really kinda of far for us but like bobian cos I dun know of any good Baby pedectric around my area here.. Can some body please recommend me? thanks!

All- Can I check wih you after confinment, my mum keep saying I look a bit pale not like rosy healthy colour so tot I may have not very gd blood circulation. What is good huh? My massage lady recommend me one chinese med hall which I unheard of hence dun dare get things from there. I usually get my herbs from either hock Hua or Eu Yan Sang. Do you ladies take any after confinement tonics now like once a week? What is good to nourish our body at this stage? Currently I am just taking DOM every night still and chicken essence every day too! Hope not too heaty as my mum expeceptionally concern over my after birth health matters lor.

Lastly, Its been seven weeks after delivery... but my menses havent resumed.. Very worrried leh . For you gals have your menses resumed? Tot of checking with gyne but scared sound silly lor.When esactly will menses resume huh? I am no longer breast feeding.. its like off and on one lor..advises please?????

Umm...And a very personal question, can sex be resumed liao huh? what contraceptive are you pple using now? Condoms safe?

Hope can hear comments from you pple asap!

Hi Fern,
PD vs GP
There's no hard and fast rule stating that out babies must be seen by a PD. I think it's more of a personal choice. I have friends whose babies are seen by GPs all the time, some even by GPs at polyclinics.

There are experienced GPs who see more babies at their clinics cos they are located in the new housing estates.
of course can resume intercourse, so long as u feel comfy
me using condoms cos still BFing n its the safest choice. else i go back to pill liao. i hate condoms!

I have just updated the links to all baby blogs in my blog. Apologies as I have taken the liberty to just include all baby blogs and I have not asked you personally before adding the links. Coz no time to ask one by one

I'll read through the posts again later coz baby going to wake up soon! Meanwhile for those having the Ikea outing today, have fun!

There are some GPs who are good with kids. There is one near my place, he works at KKH on Sats. I think Kelly(wedding fairy) goes to him.
Well, I wont say Sure a NONO for babies to go GP. Cos NOt everyone can afford to go PD. Some even go Polyclinic. In fact, to save $, I think those jabs go poly clinic or GP and illness go PD sounds more logical than jabs go PD and illness go GP. Cos jabs are just jabs, the PD administer only mah. It is illness tat you need more of the PD's expertise.
Having said all this, I think it is individual preference, and how much you can afford. Just rem, not a must all babies see PD, I think many can't afford to bring their babies to PD. But for me, I prefer to see PD, cos sometimes I am skeptical abt the GP's judgement. HOwever if weekend and you really need a doc, wat doc oso can liao lah! Hee...

Your PD told you tat after the 6in1 if fever dun subside after 24 hours to see him? My son's fever went up and down for abt 2 days. The doc and staff outside told me it can take a few days to subside leh. Hmmm...
