(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

dat's our problem... the crying..
right now i hv problm with getting him to sleep. Sometimes can take 30min to get him to nap. sheesh. and not to mention all the incorrect sleep associations eg latching, carrying...
with my #1 it was much worse.. many times he was carried for the entire duration of his nap coz din want him to wake up when put down in the cot. *pengz*
with this fellow, most times can set him down when he's in light sleep.

qstn: when u put him down and he's crying crying, how do u know it's not coz of stomachache (ie needs to poo, need to burp) or some other physical reason other than needing comfort? Coz sometimes my baby can't settle for few hours, then finally he gave a huge FART or huge POO.. then change diaper & he will happily zzzzzzzzzzzz. If i left him to cry during those times, i think he wouldn't stop coz his discomfort wouldn't go away.

another qstn re: cradle hold in sling
does this mean baby's chin will be at his chest?
coz with #1 i only sling him upright, never tried cradle hold.
they were having this trial class at novena square 2 ( new location, just started , thats why they have trial to create awareness)so i brght my bb there lor! thot of signing him up but the class is every mon fr 2-2.45pm , it clashes with my bb's neonatal checkup cos he is a pre-term bb.
they also have mum + baby yoga, my fren n i am interested but need to get at least 4 mummies to start the class, any mummies interested?

u may call babybreeze at 63976716 to enquire.not sure if they are able to conduct another trial class if mummies here are interested?

oh ya, i forgot, whenever he cries, i will check his nappy 1st , c if it is wet or did he poo poo since he is wearing cloth nappy , it is very easy to check!
that's why it is very important to burp him aft every feed, sometimes couldn't get him to burp aft 5min , will put him down for 5-10min then burp him again, which is much easier, that's what my cl taught me.
my gal obviously hates schedules n routines. today totally off... even the amount of milk she's drinking! dunno waste how much of my ebm liao. i swear the next time she cries, i'm not going to hurriedly heat up the ebm liao. follow miracle, check diapers first.

miracle, i'm quite interested in the bb & mother...
novena sq 2 Juz walking distance for me..dun mind join u gals but hope bb cooerative..

miracle,mine pee ok, farts alot but poo can b once in 2-3 days. U pump after every feed? How u manage? How much r u getting now per session? When was ur bb born?

I juz worried if he hungry i let him cry then he also won't stop. Today he's been snacking n sleeping..where shld i start? My PD was saying his wt gain not fantastic so I worry I starve him if I start. Birth 3.1kg n 5.5wks 3.7kg. Bb can cry till wat state? How long was ur longest cry?

i'm a working mum. but i got my own biz so timing flexible. i also prefer weekday daytime cos weekends will be busier.

i also donno why she got phlegm. when she sleeps, i always hear got chesty breathing like that. finally the silly phlegm is out. think she feels much better, can sleep like a baby tat she is liao. zzz
How much is the Medela PIS?

I am a VS fan too. got sale ah??

Me also cant tahan, pump at 1.30am then 5am.. trying not to get hb help since he is leabing to Japan tomorrow. Then this morning so tired.. miss the 9am pumping. With mil ard, I can watch TV and pump at the same time.

My breasts hurt when pressed on. Hurt very badly when bb start boxing or kicking them accidnetially.

I am also interested in the baby yoga lessons, let me know. I am a SAHM, so anytime also ok.
if u don't hold baby's head with your arms, then will be chin on chest.

Vivo opened a naraya? not sure leh, long time never go shopping, if that's so, i sure go down and shop =P

i'm interested in the mother and baby yoga also but can baby so young attend? thought they need to be at least able to hold their neck. I'm a WAHM, prefer weekdays also.
If bb dehydrated n the front soft spot sunken, is it v obvious kind?

Somehow I think I very rough...bb head keeps banging into me, esp when carry upright n he struugles..

ic.. so confinemt is actualli 30days.
btw, i ask grace for her rates liao, she is charging $70 coz she say my hse v far for her
quite costly rite? i tot mkt rate is $40-$50?
most prob i am not engaging her la, she gave me the impression tht she is not keen to do biz.
but thanks for sharing her contact

old bird liao... so do u intend to transfer her back to ur in-laws?


can we use mama lemon to wash bb's stuff? i thot we are suppose to use the bb liquid soap?
me too, when holding baby upright, her head keep banging on me :p

yes with deduction of pay and she reluctantly agree else we'll send her home cos she told us initially that she wants to go back. Got to make her learn her lesson, she's getting lower then what she's getting previously at my inlaw's place now.
any mommies here hrd of st. james church kindergarten at harding rd? apparentlyt, it very famous... hrd from my cousin. she already register her gal for the nursery in jan 2010 and also register herself to be a volunteer in Henry Park primary sch/nanyang pri sch. unfortunately, my danelle is on the wait list. very kiasu lor... any mommies register babies for nursery already?


im surprised tat she is willing to take a pay cut.. even lower than wat she was getting b4.
i am also staying nearby sq 2. i only managed to pump aft each feed when cl was around for 40days.aft she left, ss more or less established so never pump aft each feed. only pump in mornin n nite. each time can express abt 150mlfrom both side.
my bb was born 21st dec., edd was 15th jan.
the most i will let him cry for 5-10 min then try to pat or carry him, last resort sleep on tummy.

I am still trying to finish the whole Gina Ford book now. So her way is to fix our baby a schedule is it? When put on schedule, baby will cry?

My baby very regular, nowadays he demands feed at roughly the same time. The major problem I have right now is evening time. Doesn't want to settle from 6pm onwards to 9pm. Super cranky. =(


Very heart pain when my baby can't finish my EBM too. I pump until dry up already and yet my baby can waste it. =( But my baby will waste like about 5 to 10ml per feed, so still ok. Sometimes, I will change his diaper to wake him up so that he can continue to finish up his milk. But not successful all the time though.


Oh yes, yesterday my breasts were in a bad state. His royal highness still fight and move about. So painful when he acccidentally boxed my poor breasts. As I say, my breasts will never be the same again now that I have him. ;P
yes, i heard of st james, according to my frens, it is vy good but a bit ks to register now rite! u mean u r already on waitlist at st james! thot pri sch will not allow parents to be volunteer till yr child is at least 4yo?
miracle, where u stay? who knows we neighbours...haha..
I wasn't hardworking to pump during confinement n juz latch...was feeding bb like 2hly or less n even cluster feed..until 1 mth chk then realised his wt gain not ideal. Now trying to pump as often after feed n hope ss will incr. still can right? Wow each session 150ml after feed? V good leh...when will I reach that stage? Is this ur first or 2nd child?
no lah, 150ml is without latch on.
when my cl was ard, to increase bb's weight and also my ss was low, what we did was after latching on, i will express while cl will bottle feed bb with ebm. thats why his weight gain was abt 300g/wk. cos this pd that i went to at united sq said mayb my bm quality not so good that's why bb's weight gain no good too! my cl said no such thing! stopped seeing this pd liao!
windy, babe n icy,
i just called babybreeze abt the mummy n baby yoga, she said we can form our own class, she will check with the yoga teacher abt the schedule. i also asked if we have more mummies joining can she reduce the charges, she said will check with her boss. anyway, this place is open by two newly retired midwives from mt e, talked to them while i was there during the trial class. gave very good tips with regards to bottle feeding, which is the problem i m facing rite now.
there is a relax area at babybreeze so while we are there we can consult these two midwives too!
actually baby yoga is more like us performing on our bb. during the trial for positive infant, we did a bit of yoga play, we tried half lotus pose on our bb, i fold his legs then move up n down n etc.

yes!!! im gonna be on the waitlist. there's ard 10 or more ahead of me.... didnt know tat parents are so ks now. during our time where got like tat... im not too sure abt the volunteer service for primary sch. there is also no gurrantee tat u will get a place for ur child should u be a volunteer in sch. still gotta ballot.
yes cos we were going to send her home then she requested to transfer back to my inlaw, don't want her to think that she's very demanded in tht family that we let her have her way everytime. that's y pay cut.
Steph & Icy

I seem to have this block in my left breast which I can't get ride off even though I have tried using hot towel or hot stone. I suspect it's giving me aches and pain in between pumping sessions. I have msg massage lady Mdm Rokiah to drop by for a session to check and clear the block for me if possible. Feel very sian every time I feel the ache in my breast =(
Heard St. James Kindergarten is so popular that their class siz is about 30 kids.

No wonder she didn't want to help you with your babies earlier cos sian. Take care of babies very troublesome, no freedom.
oh poor u ! that's why mummies are the greatest. so much sacrifices to ensure the best for their babies! which hospital did you deliver your baby? i delivered mine in kk. so whenever i have any problem with breastfeeding, i will call up the lactation consultant at kk for free consultation on the phone but she will ask for my ic # so i guess it is only free if u delivered in kk.
hmmm...do ur bb cry, latch then go back sleep? Mine seems to b doing this the whole week. How to keep him awake after feed? Looks like after morning wake up, stay alert while I have breakfast then 8plus 9am nap, wake up onwards it starts till evening washup time abt 6or7pm. babies that tired or am I feeding when I shldn't? Do u all feed bb once they wake from nap? Mine will wake crying all the time.
Thx I think I give it a miss this time, dunno what to buy, now tops, bra and bottom sizes are so unpredictable.

Got see if any lumps? Must massage it off. Maybe get hb to help. I always feel pain too.. sometimes bath and towel dry also hurt.
<font color="0077aa">miraclebaby</font>

cool.. will wait for your good news then

erm... half lotus pose? fold her legs in a weird way?? she SCREAM how?! *panic*
How many times can baby drink RidWind? It's stated on the box 4 times a day but my PD told me to give twice a day, 0.2ml. Possible to increase to maximum 4 times?

Seems like my gal often have gas in her tummy and can cry loads. Must get rid of the wind before she can drink her milk or go to zzz.
not so scary lah! we don't force our bb lah! at first my fren's bb was crying, refused to lie down on the yoga mat and just want to be carried by his mummy then the teacher said it is ok , he can do the moves while being carried by his mummy.after awhile when he is more relax then put him on the mat and he seemed to enjoy cos he was laughing!
have you tried using ruyi oil on yr bb. my cl said never apply the oil directly on yr bb's stomach. pour some on yr palm then rub it till hot and press it on yr bb's stomach .
miraclebaby, me also SAHM, free all the time
. count me in too for the classes, but i scared my girl cry, i cant manage her on my own
. update me k.
my girl's habits also quite haphazard, she will wake up like 7am to drink, then bath at 9am, then she will be wide awake all the way till 11 plus, then drink then go to nap till 1pm, then drink. But the worse is from 3 pm onwards, poo and pee after she drink, then she needs top up again, then after that hard to get her to sleep till like 5pm. Which is now, I just latch and put her down, I dont even dare to burp her now becoz usually after burping she dont wanna sleep already. Then at night, refuse to wake up to drink, but will wake up at the wee hours and wake everyone up
. Going to try the dream feed tonight.

My girl also starting to make very loud noises, like ergghhh, ergghh, until my CL also say she so rough and ungracious not lady like at her. Like wanna "geh" shit,but no shit. Sigh.
miracle, yup, we rub on our hands first. we put for her after her bath every morning n give her ridwind. but, still will have gassiness.

angelsky, my gal can make noise the whole night n keep me awake.
dunno why she makes such noise also
i will store. try to let bb latch on as long as possible. think bb's suckle is stronger than any pump, it will stimulate our ss.initially,bb always dooze off cos milk supply so low n flow so slow!so i kp waking him up by stroking n tickle him.at the same time also keep on squeezing my breast while bb is latching on. so siong n stress!
mcfluffy, worse is my CL always rub it in, say my girl very noisy, impatient. The noise is really loud, sometimes I will wake up and check if she breathing right, is she choking or not, coz the sound can be quite scary.

Guess what she needs me to cuddle her to sleep, cham, I dont want her to be reliant on me le.
my cl said only apply when necessary, don mk it a routine.she said don apply aft bath cos the warm water open up the pores so lagi more wind will enter!i also don kn true or not!


my girl also like that... always make the un-ladylike gek sai sound but is not poot poot wan. just sound only. what's becoming of our girls.... tsk...
