(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Hi mummy ,

for those going to celebrate ur bb full month , if u all need to print small little card or invitation card , i got lobang , with affordable price , nice n good printing ! And the card can be design to ur liking =)
Interested can email me at [email protected] for more info .. or can PM me =)
Card can be ready in only few days!

have you started using it? How is it? easy and comfy to use?

can share the name of the medical hall, is it the one at level one near to the dry market? $32.80 is cheap.

Cloth nappy,
i bought the cloth nappy to use as a pillow and blanket for my girl. Not using it as a diaper as washing is troublesome.
There's one on the ground level, opposite KFC/ Mac, which is big and busy. Step inside, you will see a wide variety of milk brands.
Very soon, you would be going there very often.
Luvv, haha, will be exchanging KP vouchers with WendyG's metro vouchers so solve my problem.

AhCapp, yup, I'm bf but need FM to supplement. But these 2 days, trying to TBF as much as possible cos BB still haven't poo since Tues. Oh dear, the shop assistant said she heard some mummies take up to 6 fenugreek pills so I also follow, taking 2 pills 3 times a day. But like still no effect leh. Sigh.

Went to Tampines Giant hyperstore today to buy disposable diapers since got some vouchers from colleagues. Checked out FM prices there too. Itok, Similac selling for $35.89 there so don't bother to go there. But Enfalac was cheap, I bought mine from Tampines Shop&Save for $35.80, only selling for $33.80 at Giant. Cheh, thought Shop&Save, sheng3 sheng3 sheng3 will be cheaper, bluff people. :/

Brought my daughter to polyclinic today for HepB jab but end up never jab. Hubby asked school clerk who recommended poly cos can claim more than going to pte clinic. End up HepB jab $28, 5-in-1 jab is $87+ and cannot claim a single cent. The PD clinic I asked only charge $115 for 6-in-1 so no point make BB kenna jab twice since not cheaper anyway. Plus take taxi to & fro to polyclinic already costs me $8, got to register, wait & wait somemore. PD clinic open at night so can wait for hubby to come home then bring her there. :p
hi mommies
whole day so busy, went to PD for a review on Rylee before we move to HK, she's now 5.5kg!
Brought a whole load of questions with me. Sigh..gotta look for another good PD in HK again. Then went to PIL's house for lunch. Just now packed until now. In between gotta latch bb on...so tired.

Dropping by just to say byebye to all of you...altho technically speaking, i have not met some of u at all...too bad our "impromptu gathering" didnt materialise. I guess when u all have any gathering by the time all our babies "stabilise", i will miss it this time! Anyway, as said before, if any of u making any trips to HK, do look for me yah! U gals got my MSN and email lo!

I certainly hope everything will settle down nicely with a proper routine when i reach HK. I reckon i wont have time to say byebye tom cos will be busy taking care of bb, bath, and final pack before moving off to airport...

Thanks for all the support and advices u've given/shared with me...of cos i will still be "hanging around" virtually, but will be physically in HK
Anyone wans to buy anything in HK, jus let me know, if it's "mail-able" will do so!

Rock on Jan 08 Mommies!
Mylife, pity didn't get to meet up with you before you go. Remember to MSN or email me your contact in HK ya? Already double hinted to hubby again to go HK in June, he never say no so got hope. Hee hee.
no mamalemon smell

the medical hall that verene is referring to
<u>Jin Tai Tang (Ren2 Tai4 Tang2)</u>
Ubi Techpark #01-50, tel 64423027
445 Pasir Ris Dr 6 #01-96, tel 65823027
118 Rivervale Dr #01-28, tel 68813027
735 Pasir Ris St 72 #01-354, tel 65843027
5 Tampines St 32 (Tampines Mart) #01-06, tel 64543027

*salute* u. still can find time to pack while taking care of bb. C u soon
i found someone who sells enfalac a+ at $30. can buy in bulk BUT have 2 wait 4 her 2 order, dunno how many 1 can order and collection is in bukit panjang.

alternatively, e medical hall opp my plc sells enfalac A+ at $31.30

e medical hall is at west plaza, not too far away fr Giant Tamp.
Kelly, still awake? How are you feeling now?

Where's West Plaza, not far from Giant Tampines? I don't dare to stock up on Enfalac A+ now cos BB haven't poo poo in 3 days liao, not sure is it because Enfa A+ is not suitable for her. :p
thks 4 ur concern. feeling somewat betta. managed 2 pump out 60ml at 9pm+.

goat's rue helps a lot. west plaza is at blk735, pasir ris st 72. very near 2 ikea/giant tamp.

yikes, rae hasnt poo poo? stella's on enfalac since birth (though not 100% lah), she was able 2 poo poo leh. ur girl not on 100% FM rt?
engorgement relief using cabbage leaves...

I really suspect something must be damn wrong with my breasts. Each one takes turn to be engorged. I was only slightly later than the usual 3hr to pump milk last night as I was feeding my son with bottle. Not the first time I pump at longer than 3hr interval what. When I wanted to pump milk, my right breast has gone ROCK hard. =(

Couldn't get the hardness away be it hot rock or hot shower or massage. I spent about an hour in the hot shower massaging also no use. Now using the chilled cabbage leaves, and I am praying it will work. My massage lady will only arrive today afternoon. I hope I am still alive by then...

Anyway, those of u who have used chilled cabbage leaves before. How long do we leave the leaves in our bra for? Is it once the breasts become soft, we will still need to pump the milk out to relieve the breasts? I r'ber we can't use this method for many times or is it too long a period as it will stop our milk production. Is it right?

Pls help... feel so lost and miserable... =(
hi itok,

the medical hall is at 1st floor, just beside the DVD/VCD rental shop. they selling diapers at a cheaper price too.
Thanks for informing me about the price of Similac at Giant Tampines. Was still thinking of making a trip down to check out the prices.

Thanks for informing us of the branches of the medical halls that verene was referring to. Quite a few of them are in the east side... I'll go and check it out as I am staying in Tampines. Really appreciate as my boy is on 100% FM so need to buy a lot of tins. Do you know if the prices are the same at all outlets?

Did not get the chance to meet up or even chat much with you. However, here's wishing you all the best in HK and I'm sure everything will go well for you there. You are on my msn list- let's keep in touch.

thanks for informing me. Diapers cheaper too? Even better! i'll definitely go and buy.
Re: Small small world bumpermat

Anyone has bought or is thinking of buying the bumper playmat from small small world or BP? I always see the BP orders coming up and seems to be quite popular among mummies. Am thinking of getting one too as my boy is quite "wriggly" and turns his head and body a lot- thinking difficult to let him sleep in cot and sometimes I just let him lie on my sofa but need to be around to see he's ok. Hence, not sure if bumper playmat can serve as a mattress and if it is really useful.

Any comments so far?

the carrier is quite easy to use when u get the hang of it. I took out and try when I got home. It is quite comfortable I feel. Perhaps, need to wait for bb to be more heavier to judge the ultimate comfort level on our backs. i bought it from the 1st few years at Paragon 5th floor. there is discount for the original, air and active range. if u r interested, can go try it out there. in fact, the discounted price is cheaper than the BP price for air and active range, for original range, the price different is $10 if u choose certain colors (some colors cost $139, some cost $149, BP price at $149. Active cost $199 (BP price $210) I cant remember the price for Air but it is cheaper than the active range. there is another brand at KK hospital.

For Ergo, I saw it at Metro paragon. selling at think $189. the price tag is blue, so I suppose there is 20% discount on it during the Metro sale now. Didn't try that on as I prefer Babybjorn all along. :p

ya...diapers cheaper than supermarket (except they got special promo). but the brands are limited.

for Friso, this medical hall got bundle offer...on top of the usual price...think some brands, they haf the bundle offer beside Friso, cant remember which brands. but Similac dont haf. Btw, I will be switching to Nan...cheaper and I feel that it smells better. Hubby finds that bb poos dont stink so much when he is on Nan on a full day experiment (that day, I fed him 1 similac, the rest Nan). for Similac, the poo smell will be more obvious. initially, my boy constipated on similac, he onlys poos 1 per day, if not 1 in 2 days, and the poo is solid stools (not that hard though). but, now when I feed friso comfort (when his reflux is bad) once in between his similac feeds, his poos become creamy yellow color. even when I stops the friso comfort now, his poos remains creamy...dun noe why???

Usually, I feed friso comfort once a day. but when I feed 2 times a day, I find that bb poo is more watery. it really helps for those bb who are badly constipated. mayb some mummies here can try in it out. the tin mentioned that friso comfort is for vomiting, colicky and constipated babies. guardian selling it at $12 400g tin, din see any big tin. dont goo cold storage buy, though they belong to the same organisation, cold storage selling it at $15+!

RE: LG bumper mat

I also interested to get one. but will only get one when my bb knows how to turn and perhaps starts to crawl. currently, my bb naps in his play gym or his "sofa bed" in the living room during day time.

RE: Bouncer or Rocker
anyone to advise what brands u mummies buy? my mum wants to get one for his grandson so tat he can sit up when he is awake in the day. my boy loves to look here look there when he is active and wide awake. so this grandma wants him to have a better view by sitting up. hee hee

I want to switch to cheaper FM brands too- but I am afraid that my boy will not be ok with it. I have never tried any other brand as he was on Similac since day 1. So I also donno how other brands' poo smells like! His poo is creamy yellow colour too and he poos twice a day.

Re: LG Bumpermat
Yup, same concern as you- was also thinking it might be more useful when he learns to turn and crawl.. so perhaps I will still KIV for now.

Re: Bouncer or Rocker,
I am also thinking of getting one. I am currently using the traditional kind with the net backing- not sure if you know what I am talking about. The traditional one comes with either the blue or pink net. However, my boy dont really like it - he will lie for about the most 15 mins then he will fidget.

My CL told me some people will use the carseat as the "rocker" though technically, it can't rock haha.. but baby will have a better view when sitting up.

I did some research and found that some mummies bought this Combi Rashule - baby chair cum rocker- seems quite cool. But ex $242.50.When the chair is laid flat, it becomes a rocker that swings front and back.

check it out here

re mahjong, i played alot of mahjong when pregnant. so over CNY whenever i play mahjong, baby will be quiet. hehehe... think she finds the shuffling of tiles familiar.

Pamela anderson lor, but only the right side. =( Painful and sian. So hard. I hope I am still alive when she arrives today afternoon to help me unblock the ducts...

kekkee.. ur descriptions always make me laugh. not say i laughing at your plight lah... i also always kenna ah! wad to do... massage hard hard and keep pumping lor.. maybe cos u're blessed with abundant milk supply which will be like an open dam once the ducts are cleared? :D
Windy, no wonder my girl likes to be outside in the living room, coz I watch alot of tv when I was with her, she loves the sounds of tv and us talking.

Mylife, have a safe trip back
. All will be well once u settle in, lagi better can bring bb to shop in HK. I may go there end of the year if I can managed bb, see if can meet up.

Rocker, I got the fisherprice, have not tried it yet, because it looks quite tall.

Dreamsleep, my mum fed my girl last night while she was sleeping at 12, but after her feed, she was awake and continue to be so for about 1 hour and before sleeping and waking up at 4. Although from 1 to 4 is a long time, but still she woke up after her fed. The whole day, from 3 onwards she did not sleep. At night, we were so busy carrying her, I latch for 1 hour from 8 to 9, then after that thought she slept, put her to bed, then 10 minutes later, she started crying again, then realised she poo and pee, so got to change her, then after that, she hungry again, then bottle fed her 3 ozes. Really dont know if she is over eating.

Rashes, she has been having red spots on her head, is it becoz of the wine I am taking with the soup? Or just normal heat rash?

O, when we finish the dream feed, do we change their diapers if dirty like poo, or just put to sleep?

What's dream feed?

For my boy, if he poos while drinking milk and fell asleep, after he has finished the milk, my CL will still change his pampers coz she say will kenna rash if dont change.

My boy also had rashes appearing on his body, something like small red dots on his thighs, ankles and neck due to the wine I take coz his skin is quite sensitive. Yesterday brought him to cut hair and after that, got small red dots on his face liao.

Last night, my son was able to sleep thru evening after I put him on his bedtime routine at about 6pm+. Our first peaceful evening since he was borned.

I fed him milk at about 1030pm to 11pm+. But he still woke up at about 2:30am+ and again, 5:30am+ demanding for milk. Hmm.. I think I have to feed him more in the daytime today.

For morning, I find it difficult to feed my son the 7am feed as by the time he finished his 530am+ feed this morning, it was close to 7am.

Guess I have fine-tune here n there since Gina Ford only talks about BF babies and formula fed babies. Not EBM babies like mine. =P

But I like the bedtime routine. I drew all curtains and left the room. Initially he will make noises. But after a while, he fell asleep all by himself. I hope he will continue to do so this evening. =)

Wish me luck!
itok, I read some of them talking about it yesterday, I assume was drinking milk in their sleep?

I also thought must be the wine that I take, but I dont take a lot le, but she got small rash on her forehead and when she gets too hot, she also get rash.

Anyone not going to cut bb's hair? I dont intend to le, but scare she got little hair next time. My friend say, cut hair, shave eye brow, cut the eye lash, next time very nice one. But dont grow how?
re: LG mat
I just got mine yesterday. Bought it early coz my SIL has it at home too and I love it! Haha.. Good for baby when learning to crawl etc. Can see the baby try to "swim" from one end to the other. Very fun! Hehe..

re: dream feed
tried the dream feed yesterday and......... she vomitted everything out the next feed. Think my gal is "special". She can keep her milk somewhere (dunno where) for a long time. Sometimes until next feed then hear her gulp gulp gulp it down or choke on it and vomit it out. Heh.
So, dream feed not successful for me yesterday.
will grow one la! in fact, i think sometimes grow nicer. Especially for babies with sparse eye brow and eye lash. Grow out more and longer. Same for hair!
I'm not shaving my gal's hair nor eyebrow coz her hair a lot and eyebrow well defined. But KS me wants to cut her eyelash so that will grow even longer! haha...
mspiglet &amp; blackbatz,
Windy &amp; grumpus self collecting from me. PM me for my address k! And do collect soon, so that if the G.oon diapers are good, can order more to stock up before the promo ends on 29 feb.
mcfluffy, how to see got a lot eyebrow or not? My girl one still quite light le, but the shape is quite nice. Eye lash, hmmm, hers quite long also, but then some still stuck inside. How to cut?
hi all
long time no come in here. so busy with bb. how u all find time to surf still huh??

anyway just wondering if anyone got problem introducing bottle to bb? i mean, for those who latch bb on 100% one lah. cos i only start to intro bottle again few days ago n she seems to be rejecting!
Re: Latest update on Similac milk powder price at Jin Tai Tang

I have just called the chinese medical hall at their outlets. Similac milk powder has increased price to $34.80 per tin, not the old $32.80.
all the best to your move to HK, keep in touch in this forum, though no impromptu meet up, we can still meet up if you return for holiday.

i surf when i'm pumping :p
Thanks for the feedback, I think I’ll bring my girl to try tomorrow, don’t want to buy the wrong thing. Found a 2nd hand one, the active model, owner selling at $100, not cheap also, so got to make sure.

I bought the fisherprice one with vibration, not bad, bought it at $99 from KP.

Re milk powder
My girl’s poo smell also when she’s on similac and her fart also very smelly! When she was on friso, no smell for her poo/fart but she’ll get constipated. Btw, is it ok to just switch brand like that? I already switched once from friso to similac.

Re Bumpermat
Can we just use normal mattress? It’s so expensive.

I have a play gym but have not started using, maybe I’ll try that 1st.

I saw the combi rashule at baby kingdom. Not bad but expensive considering it doesn’t simulate baby’s senses but can serve also as a high chair next time.

Can put one tv inside your bedroom now…your girl sure like to stay in the room..haha
Luvv, I just shifted the Tv and scv out from room, coz I was concern that the Tv will disturb her.

She likes to look out of the window also, especially when my CL change her on the mattress next to the window, she will gaze out of the window.

I bought the synergy range carrier, though it is more expensive. My bb perspire quite alot so i prefer the cooler one. since it is the combination of air and active. that's one i find it is better. more support due to the active feature and airy due to the air feature.

RE: milk powder
I tried Similac, Friso Comfort and Nan now during a day feed..he is quite alright on the milk powder switching. In a day feed, I will give like similac and nan on alternate feeds. had hold on the friso comfort now since he's reflux is not as bad.
since similac is so expensive now, seriously thinking of switching for the long run savings.

My gynae says enfalac is good too...is it expensive? how's bb poo for those mummies using this brand.
I went for my gynae appt yesterday. He asked me when I want to have a 2nd bb...if not too soon, wat kind of contraceptive i wanna use. He told me that during this period, we are more fertile so can get preggie easily since period havent come. but if u r BF, it is a natural contraceptive but of cos not fool proof. I just took the pill for 3 month supply for the time being. He show me the patch too...but much more expensive but tat's more suitable for pple who have irregular sexual intercourse, just stick on as and when required lor...in this scenario, not so expensive to use tat.

anyone using contraceptive now?

pampers - good but expensive (not economical in the long run)

huggies ultra - similar to pampers, slightly cheaper i think (tried the samples)

nepia - used to be value-for-money

goo.N - value-for-money

merries - very good better than pampers. only available in japan.


glad to know tat your boy is better and off friso comfort. nan is good, you can be rest assured. i thought of getting the baby bjorn as well but it can only hold up to 10kg and certain models 12kg babies. which also means the lifespan of this is very short... how do you find it so far? how much did u pay for urs?
weight of baby supposed to triple when they reach 1yo. and that's abt the time they can walk. So technically no need to use carrier liao. Also, can your back take it... still carrying such a heavy bb?

also.. i dun think an active 1 year old is gonna hold still while u strap the carrier on her....?
we watch tv every night before sleeping and baby just sleeps besides us, oopz...bad habit.

thanks for the feedback, shall see them tommorrow. hope my girl will like it.

My gynae say i can't get preggy for at least 6 mths from delivery. Anyway, my hubby not keen to have a 2nd baby :p me too not keen for now.

agree with wendy, by the time baby can walk, don't think she'll wants to be strapped in a carrier. and gonna be really heavy to carry for long hours.

im not using any forms of contraceptive now. only had it once after delivery... im praying hard tat i wont kenna
where can i get the patch from? are they selling in pharmacy?

i dun think its worth the investment then... so expensive and yet cant used for very long. i will give it a missed.

i also got the fisherprice rocker!! the itsy bitsy spider wan right? keeps kayla happy for a good 5min.. then she realise nobody talking to her, she will du lan and make noise liao. =p
