(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs


maybe your girl not ready to go diaperless at night? My girl will wake up automatically and ask to go to the toilet. I only dare to let her go diaperless after a long time when she does that even when she's on diaper at night.

do you ladies watch your diet when you're breastfeeding? I think i'm terrible, i don't even watch my diet when i'm preggy...haha
I pretty much eat everything n anything too. I only totally abstain from alcohol. even coffee I still drink.
Luvv, I abstain from tea, coffee, sashimi, mutton, sting ray, half boiled eggs for RA when pregnant and BF but she is the most wakeful n difficult baby ever. For RL, I eat n drink everything whether preggie or BF, and she was a much easier baby. Duh... -_-
I try and usually fail to let her drink at 9pm. She usually drinks only at ard 930pm and by 10pm, i shoo her to bed. So the milk haven't come down yet. Even if urine, also not the milk's contribution. :p

Yeah.. from what I see, she's not ready yet. She doesn't even wake me up to tell me she wants to go pee in the middle of the night.

I just wonder WHEN diaperless nights will be? Coz more and more difficult to find big size diapers.. so expensive too. I joke with her and tell her that I must buy adult diapers for her soon!
Mcfluffy, oic, I ask her to drink milk first and brush teeth first then 'reward' her eg. reading or drawing. Sometimes, she and her mei mei disturb each other and they fall asleep only at 1030pm or later so sometimes there is enough time for her to pee again before she sleeps. The ang moh way is no liquids after 8pm but since my gals don't sleep that early, I stretch it to 9pm. :p
if they sleep at 1030pm, what time do they wake up?

Ang moh way is no liquids after 8?! Haha.. not possible in my case too since my gal talks way too much. She'll be very thirsty by bedtime. ;)
HR has been off diaper at night for more than a year already. He drinks a lot at night, from 7pm-10pm, sometime can finish one bottle, and plus 240ml of milk before bedtime. I don't restrict his fluid intake, never monitor also, only make him to pee after milk. He is okay woh. Never have accident. And he doesn't need to wake up to pee, only a few times he woke up ealry in the morning like 5-6am to pee. Probably he has a big bladder :))) I don't have tips to share leh, cos my girl is also on night diaper and I haven't got a clue how to train her. BTW, boys are much easier than girls when comes to pee pee.

See you all tomorrow for those who will be coming to my place.

Pixie, you confirm already not?

For the rest, have a wonderful weekend, weather's looking good :)
my friends with older kids say its something that just happens. difficult to training unless u drag them out of bed at night to pee. my girl still on diapers at night, I tried diaper less before n she will pee on the bed without even waking so I guess she's not ready. for nap time my girl just one day said she dun need diaper n since then no diaper n no accidents
Yes weather these few days sooo hot! I want to jump into the pool but unfortunately dayima is visiting. Celeste down with slight runny nose. Ok with u all or not?

Same situation for my girl. One fine day she just decides not to wear diapers for naps and she really did it. Same for her thumb sucking... Now waiting for the night she tells me no need diaper! I shall take the lazy way out... Too tiring to wake up just to pee!!!!
Thanks to all mommies who have replied about diaper free nights. I guess I should take it slow and observe my son. We have 2 successful nights out of the 6 since we began this training. I plan to continue hoping 1 fine day, he will be trained.

Thanks again and appreciate your responses.

Re: Filipino maid direct hiring -- I am from Philippines and have done it 4 years back. But my friends who wanted to do the same have failed since the immigration in Philippines is quite strict now due to a lot of cases of human trafficking.
How was the gathering? Must be nice to see the kids bigger Liao. 4yrs old Liao leh.

Besides latching, how do u put ur babies to sleep? Mine dun wan to be pat, but my maid Bo pian just pat and sing, he cry, she sing louder! I cant imagine if I stop bf then how? How to let him sleep? Dun wan pacifier too.

I go out half a day, leaving 2 kids at home, my mom face black Liao, cant leave my kids with her and I go holiday. Hb and I go anywhere oso feel like... Shd have Brot nat here or shd bring elliot there, they will enjoy. How unhealthy hor!
I know that feeling..hubby says Bali not for kids, just want to laze cos his job is stressful. I osi Kenna face black black many times...haha
afternoon I hv to latch or carry n walk. night time I put her on the bed with me and she roll n sleep by herself
So easy at night? Mine must pat backside and suck pacifier, carry and walk. Previously Dylan will suckle my nipples every now and then before falling asleep.
I can hear my fat maid stomping her legs while dancing n singing to Darius! Lol!! Darius kicks, pulls hair n struggles a lot when resistIng nap. Sometimes after he falls asleep, she emerges from the room like she just fought a battle, hair all messy! I m too lazy to carry n pat. She go home leave dunno how!!

I can't co sleep w bb. He figgids too much. Wakes up anytime crying like in pain. Too scary Liao. I think is a bad habit. This nap thing is such a pain. If he naps well, my maid n I won't be so busy.
my girl not a good napper too. sometimes the morn nap I hv no time to settle her I juz pop her in the carrier n carry on with my chores.
the afternoon nap I time it together with #1 so I get a breather n a chance to lie down for awhile too
Even when I am lying beside him, he also screams and cries. Is like resisting sleep. He is also v sticky to my maid. Hardly can leave him to play on his own, cos once he sees her, he will cry for her. Think I need to bring him out on my own more often and handle him more, but not easy cos I already bf him, so tot the rest of the time I can give the other 2. Sigh...
I know wat u mean. I'm already neglecting my #1 more, can imagine u hv to divide yr remainder time by 2 somemore. not easy. hopefully darius will outgrow this phase soon
HOw many meals of porridge are you giving now? I still give 1, other other is cereal or brown rice. He doesn't like fruits leh. I oso not adventurous.
Mom2nat, jiayou! I also felt the same previously. Since I already spent so much time BF RL, others can handle her. But inevitably, those other times became maid-baby bonding time. Luckily, my maid went on home leave when RL was 1.5 yrs old only. She was still a bit blur blur, if not sure suffer from bad separation anxiety. :p
my girl is 13mths already. she has breakfast, lunch, dinner n snack. no porridge at all. she eats noodles, bee hoon rice etc
Wow! So many types of food for a 13 month old.

Btw, nobody delivered at TMC with female gynae? What about MT. alvernia?
Eunice Chua TLC clinic. She delivered Darius cos my Gynae on leave. She is v fast n pro. V popular too.

Wah! So much noodles. I only tried udon n he loves to snack on it. Not really a meal. Maybe I shd try mee sua 1st.

My #2 spends a lot of time with my maid for 2.5 yrs. but not sticky to anyone. No feelings when she left. But this bb ah, v sticky. Ay, still no cc!! Lol, sigh...
you seldom check FB?

Photos uploaded by me https://www.facebook.com/#!/media/set/?set=a.3059561082491.145448.1067314789&type=1

and by mcfluffy - https://www.facebook.com/#!/media/set/?set=a.10150547547832972.379942.754862971&type=1

Think the kids have fun. Ya, all grown up so much already. And each has his/her own characteristics. Very nice to see them play together. Should really do this more often!

My gynae is Dr WK Tan from TMC. Very experienced gynae, felt very comfortable with her. She's a celebritie's gynae :)
I just saw the photos you uploaded at the pool. Good weather and lots of fun! TOo bad I was v busy tat day, can't bring Elliot.
hi mummies, any recommendation which brand hand cream is best to aid my dry n peeling skin? jurqlique or crabtree?
Morning, mummies!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day.

Finally, my kids will be starting childcare this Fri!
Went to make payments and collected the uniforms. But many sizes are OOS so my kids have to wear home clothes for the time being.

Can I ask what is the list of things to bring/pack for 2 and 4 year old? While I am happy that this arrangement is settled, I am worry if my kids can adapt well... Will be taking Fri leave and see how things go.

Talked to my girl about the new school and had a prep talk on her to be more independent in new school, like eat, shower, dress by herself. She seems ok and excited. While for my boy, I just leave it since he does not really understand... :p

Nice post you wrote in your blog.
Yes, I agreed that we all have a very special friendship.
May it will go on for many years. It is definitely a friendship worth treasuring!
you should try physiogel

mom2nat, grumpus
i am still the same - struggling to put my bb to sleep. nowadays i delegate this job to my maid. i have issues with this. anger issues actually. i dunno why, but i get very angry/frustrated easily when she still dont sleep after eg 1 hr of putting her to sleep. FYI, we only pat. no rock, no sing, no carry, no walk. she can take 1hr or more to go into sleep state. simply wasting my time. so now daytime even on weekends, my maid puts her to sleep.
at night also my maid put her to sleep, then like 2 days ago, bb woke up to play and laff, even though i have scolded her and she knows that im angry, she still sit up after my 100th time of putting her back down. i smacked her few times ok. last time she still will cry. now she laff at me (thighs too fatty issit?!)
i felt so guilty that i smacked her. not that she will remember lah...yesterday i saw her, she so happy to see me (forgot the smacking episode liao)....but i feel guilty lor. why i cannot control my bubbling anger? why i can lie down beside xandall when he was younger and wait for 1 hr for him to roll and get to sleep himself?
i have came to manage my expectations of xandria liao leh, since i know she is a "bad sleeper"....if she dont nap, fine with me, i wont get upset. but i still get angry when it takes v v v long for her to sleep.
that 2 nights ago, finally she slept at 3am liao rite...then i went up from the bed to switch on the fan. immediately when i went up, she woke up...spent another 50mins getting her back to sleep. i sleep with her i v stress. i dun dare to turn from left to right etc "violently". i must do so gently so as not to stir her. then i dun dare to touch her. if she touches me i will slowly extract myself away. coz she will wake up at the slightest sound. even when i change my clothes in the room, she can wakeup from clothes rustling!

sighs sigh sighs

i cannot smack my bb liao, its unhealthy but yet i am struggling with my demons. sometimes i get so angry right, i have images in my head of me smacking her and it gives me instant gravitation. but i only fantasize lor, so as stop myself from doing it really...

i even have nightmares that i was holding her and dropped her onto the floor, the floor was sloping and she rolled very far off and became lifeless when she finally stopped rolling

i think i too stress with her liao. but i have to admit that i have started to love her lots more as compared to eg 3mths ago. now i cant wait to spend "me" time with her lor...

am i confusing everyone??!
hi krystle,

if gng for full day, following items nd to pack in their bag
1) 1 / 2 set of clothings for change after bath
2) towels
3) blankets to cover during their nap time
4) milk (to drink before nap)
5) diapers ( nt yet toilet trained)
6) water bottle
7) toothbrush, toothpaste, mug
congrats on finally getting your children into CC!
they should have a list of what to bring rite?
my son's stuff didnt change from 2y+, 3yr+ and now 4yo...
2 sets of uniform + undies
1 blanket (keep in school, take home every friday
water bottle
fm, cup, spoon (for younger time); packet milk (for 4yo onwards)
powder, cream to be provided by myself and put in school cubby hole
bath towel

i label all my son's stuff, even school uniforms coz it gets mixed up sometimes...

btw, brightstarkids.com.au having 15% off till thur, who is keen to order pls contact me!
female gynae: xandall oso delivered by eunice chua, but i didnt like her that much (for a first time mummy)
got jocelyn wong oso, very experienced. her another gynae in same clinic is who liao? adelina something surname? shes quite ok also leh
about food hor, my gal oredi on mee suah and pasta etc since shes's 6mths old liao. she dun like rice cereal, so we jumped straight into semi solids for her

i got organic alphabet pasta for her, i bought from a health food store. a big packet only 4-5$, cheaper than heinz, and its organic vegetable pasta lor....way more worth it

mee suah, got many brands, some are more saltier. i got the brand i cannot remember but its 80cents for the smaller packet; red colour and transparent plastic. get the smaller packet one rather then big one coz once open must quickly eat. dun get the cardboard box type, its mean for adults portion...when starting, you can give 3/4 of a bunch. just crack it so that it gets smaller during cooking. saves the hassle of using scissors to cut them smaller for bite size

i also make my own pasta sauce for pasta and meesuah...add a spoonful of the sauce inside + usual ingredients of spinach, brocolli, potato, carrot, fish, blah blah...can be a mixture of ingredients, may not be all

i make a 3day worth of soupstock for the meals, either ikan bilis stock or pork stock. my gal havent touch chicken yet though
I think you made a right decision to delegate making your girl to sleep to maid at this moment, until you've more patience with her. Maybe it's only a passing stage? Are you very stress from your work too?
my girl's been eating rice, noodles, mee sua since she's 12 months old. She still eats more when we give her cereal with purees so i keep those on standby just in case she munch too little on our table food. I'm a lazy mum when it comes to cooking, so their food for lunch quite routine :p Porridge, rice, steam fish/toufu/veges, noodles with fishballs..etc.
Pixie, cheer up! Imagine my RA until now 4 yrs old, still like Xandria. I also lost my temper countless times liao. But I learn that if I just keep quiet and ignore her after saying good night or keep answering her with "Don't talk, sleep" she will find it 无趣, then start to wind down on her own and slowly fall asleep. Another trick is that while waiting for her to fall asleep, I plan my next day's stuff eg. whether to wash the clothes, what household stuff is running out and my shopping list for NTUC, plan what to eat tom and what fresh produce is left in the fridge that I need to cook soon, which clients I need to follow up on, how is my viewing schedule etc. So that I don't waste time and I don't feel so frustrated.

Krystle, you can also bring their favourite soft toy to help them fall asleep in school. Of course, it depends on the kid. RA needs all her comfort items to fall asleep and will always bring her teddy bear or pig to school. RL doesn't bother. She can even sleep with no pillow, no bolster, her bed is bare.

Btw, is bright stars cheaper than those BP iron on labels? I always wonder. :p
Kam, just read your FB post. Thanks for your friendship and sharing too.
not cheaper but i find the quality very good. and best thing is, durable. the label on the bottle can stay there for at least 1-2 years., tried and tested. the quality is good, the print never fades, vibrant colours. and best of all the delivery is within 3-5 days from OZ

when i was training my son, also same. no liquids before bedtime, or minimal. since he dont drink a feed of fm before bed, i dont have diaper full problem. i get him to drink water with his snack at 7.30pm...and i give him not alot of water kind
then at night, i wakeup myself to bring him to pee
took me few weeks
Good your kids in CC liao. I am still searching for mine!! Faintz

I understand your struggle. Last night Darius woke up at 12mn, can't sleep! Then decided to poo... play... Thank God I have my mom to sleep with him. She dong him until 2.30am!! Then pat then he sleep. Last time bf can doze off. Now bf liao will turn over, climb here and there. Aiyo...

U beat your bb, you are teaching her to beat other pple next time hor. U are not teaching her anything by beating her, only venting your anger. Next time leave her to cry, then you go toilet and freshen up.

I gave him threadfin (ghor hee), his mouth area a bit reddish. In fact I give chicken earlier than fish for my kids. Cos I read fish can also be allergic. PD oso advice fish to be later, but most singaporeans give fish v early. His poo v hard these days, cos he doesn't take fruits. I think I gotta be more dillignet with his food, try diff things. Do you still blend the food? Or she chews the pieces?

I oso same like you lah, just give porridge and a few variations. Maybe I can try tomatoes then can make pasta for him. My boy oso likes cereal. but dun like bottled purees.
my #2 is allergic to threadfin too. the area ard her mouth n anywhere the fish touch her skin will turn super red rash. same with cod, salmon, yoghurt n fm
pd said its indication of food sensitivity. ask me wait at least 3 mths before trying again
can, you can include chinese names by using international text
its SGD29.95, not AUD leh. btw its plastic labels, not paper

no worries, i find it good. can last very long. to each her own bah

i give threadfin or salmon....no allergy
she can chew quite abit of things liao so i dont blend the food at all

cod mercury level is higher than threadfin and salmon i heard....i dunno true or not but my mom dont wanna supply me codfish. she either give me threadfin or salmon
