(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Are u asking for #1 or #2? Elliot is using pigeon wide neck bottles. I manually punch extra holes on the teats! He takes abt 3 min for a 200 ml bottle. I have seen him using 1 hole, too slow n soon he loses interest in drinking.
asking for both actually! trying to wean #2 so wondering which hole size to start.
#1 on avent, 4 holes but she takes 10mins to finish 150ml!
Sorry Sat can't join u guys. I oso hope can but schedule v tight. #1 has classes 9am, 1pm & 4.45pm. Then got dinner appt. I gotta go parent seminar at #1's Sch. Hb go church meeting. How to split? Need my mom n maid to help.

Is #2 ok with milk bottle? Mine taking the M teats. How I wish he takes pacifier! Cos he is not napping well.

How's ur bb with bottle? New maid here Liao?
Grumpus, RA still using Pigeon L, I never punch hole but she is ok. RL using Avent 4, she drinks faster than RA most of the time. I think it's not because of the hole but because RL gobbles and drinks fast whereas RA is a slow 'eater'. :p

Finished 4 lessons of swimming, though the coach is good but will be switching to another instructor since he recommended that RL not quite ready to learn and I am not prepared to pay $200 a month for RA to have individual lessons. So, I am going to let RA join an existing class by another instructor recommended by him. Still on Sunday morning but much earlier at 855am. Good news is school fees is just $60 per month. Maybe can let RA try out ballet again cos one of her CC classmates also learning at Crestar and the teacher agreed to let her join that class.
kitsune, do u hav menses when u bf? i still pump 3-4 times daily, n got menses eh...so sian. am in normal?
Aqua, my menses returned at 10+ months cos after 6 months, RL was more interested in solids than BF. So I latched lesser and lesser since she always struggle off me. When I started pumping lesser and lesser, my menses returned. But for RA, who was a milk lover, I had to stop BF before my menses returned when she was 13 months old...
kitsune, 10 mths still ok, my came when bb is 4 mths plus, v early eh... i dint enjoy perks of bf hor!

RA has so many activities, i dun even have time fo both kids now... so stress
mine just returned, so around 10+ mths as well...

she finish size S stage 1 hold NUK teat on pigeon bottle, ~5mins lor. but her intake is low, eg 100ml per feed so 5mins is actually very long? right? as compared to 180ml within ~5mins

as for #1....totally no more on FM for very very long time. now drink packet milk. my wallet bleeding. my dumex all in 1 900gtin opened ceremony for 1 week then no use liao...

WHO WANTS MY DUMEX ALL IN 1 opened? i can let go CHEAPLY!! i opened last mth (jan)
Aqua, maybe you are younger so more fertile than me. hehe. ;)

Pixie, I got him a present last week cos don't know if he has any plans for V day. A bit give up liao cos he always ask me where I want to go. No surprises at all. :p
ahhhh I'm trying to wean #2 but she refuse fm, refuse bottle, refuse from straw cup refuse everything!!!

I refuse to latch her n she cry n cry n them sleep.

how? how? how?
Hi Mom2nat,
My schedule and yours are jsut as tight. Now I can understand why you must go out for lunch with friends. Really need to maintain our sanity. I have been coop up at home cos of his feeding schedule.

As for baby bottle, can take a bit of pigeon but still no good. I tried from avent to Nuk to Pigeon. Seems like pigeon is the softest and at least he liked it a bit. Initially gave him wrong size teats and he spit the milk into my face.

Anyway, I'm planning to stop BF soon. Too siong for me.. He's drinking more now and I don't have the time to pump out diligently for him. Imagine he wakes up at 5am to drink and then wants to go out of the room to join my elder boy ouside as he can sense "activities" in the dining room. He used to fall back to sleep after drinking so that gives me some time to pump. Nowadays, the breasts feels very empty after feeding him ..even pump also no milk. Furthermore with my kind of schedule, how to pump 3 to 4 times a day like Aqua? Initially I thought there might be a chance of converting to full EBM..

BTW, I have more milk on my right side as compared to the left side, is it normal?

My #2 has drinking from cup since last year..no more bottles. Although a bit slow as compared to drinking from milk bottle.

<u>New maid</u>
I'm still trying to survive with the new maid and baby. Got to watch her cos she is still not very steady but kids are getting on fine with her. Daily housework still can get by.

I only have time to read the forum but no time to posts..see cham or not?
then bo bian lor grumpus. reckoned u bz thats why no time for pumping sessions. if i were you i will go cold turkey, really no choice leh
Blackbatz, i dun latch, onli pump exclusively since bb 2 weeks. Going to stop soon as bb turned 6 mth, wrk v stress n i cant managed pump session at wrk.

Wher ur maid fr? Now how much salary? My maid told me her sis wan cone sg wrk, anyone know if we can direct hire filippino?
yes can hire direct
my maid oso tell me her cousin keen to come. she is (i heard from my maid), good with kids n all
I can go cold turkey but my girl will end up not drinking any milk lor. cheese, yoghurt also she dun eat.
eventually will eat after few days of no food...bo bian ler....if you exhaust all avenue, then its the last resort liao
It is normal one side has more milk. Some pple's even double the amt.

I see ur boy quite chubby, looks like drinking well liao. I dun pump unless missed feed cos I am out or just b4 sleeping I feel full. Cannot feed 1 side pump another every time. Too tiring lah. I have the same prob in the morning. At 6am, I am worried all 3 are awake! I need to prep lunch boxes for Nat, then if bb cry for milk, really busy. Fri I ferry Nat and hb cos I need the car. So during the 1 hr I am out, oso pray bb dun wake up! Usually if I am home, I wont wan the maid to give bottle cos I lazy to pump!

Tmrw is fri, my shopping day, I am cooped up for 4 days. So sian. Oso, bb, maid, my mom and I all ill. I wan to rest oso difficult.

Since you at home, easier to monitor the maid.

Pixie/ Aqua
Direct hire filipino not easy if you dun go through agent. Cos got tests for 1st timer. I think they wan to maid to dunno wait a few months. I managed to get my previous maid to come back work for me. Paper work not easy, but she heng she smart, so not so bad.
Cannot cold turkey, cos some kids really can dun drink. Elliot can just survive on minimal amt of food. HIs rice for dinner abt 2 table spoonsful.
Usually they say mommy dun bottle feed, easier to transit. If you can, get your mom or mil help you 1st.
few days! I few hrs of crying already cannot tahan

i agree, my girls r the type tat can survive on minimal food. my elder also eats 2 tablespoon of rice only. my younger eats one.
I've heard tat is easier for someone else to give. but my concern is after tat when she comes back to me she will still associate me with breast then back to square one.
actually I feel so bad to wean her. cos the main thing is just I'm so tired waking up at night for her to latch for comfort. otherwise there's actually no real compelling reason to wean
My current maid is from Indo, no experience and her pay is $450 lor. Not that u will get a more intelligent maid with higher pay. Grrr..

It's like a busy merry-go-round. Turn until dizzy.

My original target is 6 months. Now 5 months, will slowly wean off. He will tug my tops and box my breasts if he is hungry. I don't remember my no.2 being so fiercely addicted to BM. Last time I went to HK, so #2 had to go cold turkey and was weaned off by mum. This round, mum is too old to struggle with baby. Sigh. Don't know how to do cold turkey..he cries so loudly that I cam hear when I am downstairs. Cannot Imagine police knocking on my door.

Just now, kept hitting the milk bottle as my mum tried to feed him.
The biggest joke is Dylan cam finish 90% of the milk when I bottle feed him but not my mum. I try not to do the transition but sometimes mo choice.
omg my #2 is exactly like tat. she will pull my shirt n if I ignore her she will start hitting my chest. imagine i had dengue fever n warded in hospital n she still refuse bottle from my mum.
how to wean like tat?
I just want to run away for my holiday in Bali and then return
Home to see my baby drinking from milk bottle happily. Actually it is a pity as he will coo and ooh and aah at me with his bright lit eyes once he is done latching. It's the bonding that we will miss for sure.
Today I see doctor cos sick. I told him I am still breast feeding so the medicine he gives gotta be careful. He went "are u kidding?? Ur baby is gg to be 1 yr old u still bf!!"
Hmmmm... Seems like a few doc told me after 6 mths not much nutritional value Liao. But bf ok for me now, so just leave it.
Grumpus, how old is your no. 2 now? If 1 yr old, can give fresh milk if she is willing to take?

Blackbatz, wa you going to Bali? March hols? Who will help look after your 3 kids while you are gone? :p
Hi Mommies!

My son was born Jan 2008 as well and it's only now that I am starting to go diaper-free at night. He has been potty trained in the morning since 2.5 yrs.
I tried limiting liquid intake after dinner which is 7:30pm. However, he still drinks milk before bedtime around 9-9:30pm. I cannot convince him to drink earlier as he is used to drinking milk to lull him to sleep. I make sure he pees before sleeping.

Before I go to bed around 12:30-1am, I wake him up to visit the toilet and pee again. However, I noticed this isn't enough. He will still pee around 3-4am and another one around 6-7am.

Any advise how to make night time potty training easier? Do you think he is ready to be diaper-free or I should go back to diapers again at night time and wait for few more months.

Thank you.
tat dr is so not pro bf la. when I had dengue I told dr I still bf I had full support lei. my chart put big big on red breastfeeding so tat everyone will be careful with prescribed meds.

prob is my girl got cow milk sensitivity so can't give fresh milk. actually pd ask me to contine bf at least another 3 mths
Blackbatz, i dun latch, onli pump exclusively since bb 2 weeks. Going to stop soon as bb turned 6 mth, wrk v stress n i cant managed pump session at wrk.

Wher ur maid fr? Now how much salary? My maid told me her sis wan cone sg wrk, anyone know if we can direct hire filippino?
Mine is Indo $450 per month. I think it is not so easy for the maids to come here directly. Otherwise, most Filipino maids will surely bypass agents as they have been working here for a long time.

My mum lor..still wishful thinking on my part la! If can, will go March holidays..then my parents will go for their break in April. :D She 'applied' for her leave today...
Grumpus, oic, sigh, then maybe u got to xinku a bit more bah. Cos once u weaned off, n she really has bad cow allergy, also mafan cos how to find ebm.

Blackbatz, oh I see, your mum stays with u? If we travel anywhere, got to drag whole family along cos now with no maid, no one keen to look after 2 kids for us. :p
i also wake up to latch bb leh. i think im used to the minimal hours of sleep a day...how many times can Aly latch in a night? mine is avg 4x...or...got as many as 10x....
Mom2nat, how can doc discourage bf? Its suppose to b best n natural, pls continue as long as u can! I tink bf bb n fm bb reali v different, i can see the goodness of bm.

Pixie, oh my god! U latch bb so many times??? Still can work? My las pump 10pm then i will tong till nex morn 630am, v lazy! Bo pian, i cant pump at nite else i no energy to work in day
I kowtow u...:D

I was also latching like 12 times a day.

Yes, I stay with my mum at her house. That's why we could take turns to go for holiday. But hubby and I would only go for max. 3 to 4 days trip. Too long quite taxing for them.
Good morning mummies!

Any of you here bake?

I'm a novice in baking and want to try out to bake a small birthday cake for my hubby. Anyone has a good tried and tested recipe for me? ;)
re: diaperless at night

Sorry, I have no answers. Just have questions :p How (oh howwww...) do you guys wake up to wake your child up to pee?!! Set alarm clock? Is there a more natural way?
My girl still has a diaper full of pee by morning even though I try to ask her to pee before bedtime. But usually, she also has to drink before bedtime so not much use.

blackbatz, that's good. Wish I have that kind of family support too. ;p

Mcfluffy, I try n let RA drink milk earlier at 9pm, then brush teeth, drink storybooks n let them unwind in the bedroom. Just before sleep usually around 10pm, then ask her to pee. If she pees a lot, should be ok. If she pees very little, I will tell her she must wake up if she needs to pee later. Sometimes, she will wake us up in the middle of the night cos she needs to pee, then she will ask for milk again to go back to sleep. Accidents do happen lor. :p
