(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

pixie, lee jin long passed away liao, i tink they hav a few chinese doc ther, but i am nt sure if they r good. coz i onli went once or twice, find it so-so
I just called back and my mum just told me Tate vomitted after milk. Morning after his milk vomitted once then just now after he wakes up after milk vomitted again leh...

so later tonite cannot drink milk la hor... but wat can I give then ?
how about trying some cereal? Cereal a bit heavier, settle in the stomach better?

why tate vomit milk? is he sick?

EYS at rivermall plaza give me 7 days medication for the first visit. paid $62+. then 2nd visit $45+ or so with 5 days medication. can see improvements from 1st 7 days medication. but must take 3 times a day and cant mix with any other supplements/medication...have to be 2 hrs apart so end up i take only 2 pkts a day. so i drag the medication longer. had not since went back cos no time yet...going back soon. if ur coy can claim for TCM..then it is good to go. if not, pay 1 visit per month on own cost if it works for u.
I also want to send my girl for enrichment class liao. But still looking. Instead of focusing on language skills, I would like to explore her musical interests. Besides, Rhythm In Me by GK, is there any other musical classes for 21 mth???

I dun know as to how to comment whether good or not.I think if I go on a regular basis -i.e after every 2 weeks or 1 month should be better bah. But at least, at the initial stage, I can see improvements in my condition. $79 for 2 weeks medication still consider ok. PD charge higher leh. My colleagues visit TCM doc at Park Mall, cost $100 - $200 for 1 week medication. till such time, they had finish their medical claims limit. Ai yoh. EYS accumulate $300 in 3 months can take membership and get 5% off consultation fee. I am still keeping...expiry this monthend liao.
Saw Dr Joycelyn Wong today, 31 weeks and 6 days. Baby Raelynn is 1.8kg and I've only put on 500+g this time. And bb gained 400g so hoping my weight gain has reach a plateau, already gained 12 kg so far. ;) Dr Wong projects that my bb will be 3.2kg at 40 weeks. Bb's head is 29cm (average) and she's head down since 28 weeks so gynae said she'll stay down cos no more space for her to move up.
Morning all =)

Good to hear bb Raelynn growing well
When u preggie with RaeAnne, how much weight (total) u put on? I think you wont hit 14kg when full term for your petite size ya. Look forward to see yr bloom shots ok!
Btw, who is next to pop ah? Jacelyn follow by?

Hmm...i wonder if icy confirm gender buay?

My gal frd just gave birth to a bb gal on 10thOct. bb weigh 3.17kg. Mummy was discharged yesterday but bb still can't, need phototherapy for jaundice. Aiyo...when i saw the bb gal, i told hubby so cute hor...reminds me of Z & R when they were still a tiny baby...& i took the opportunity to ask if he's keen for #3 & guess what, he kept shaking his head left right left right left right......haha
LOL@ur post
when you say shake head left and right, my boy do it very often and he shakes his head so violently that he always losses his balance and fall down....all from shaking his head to say NO
steph, wow, so fast wana plan for bb#3?
i miss newborn babies, they r so cute and they hav a special bb smell...v nice.

i tink icy mentioned she may be expecting a GIRL???

Steph, I put on 10 kg with RaeAnne. But that time, symptoms a bit different cos MS caused me to have no appetite so I didn't eat a lot. For Raelynn, I got to keep eating every 2-3 hours so that MS won't be so bad. Even up to 3rd trimester, I still get hungry easily. Everyday, must eat supper. :p

Still got 2 weeks plus to my bloom shot. Looking forward to it. But scared that more stretchmarks will appear, my waist line is already 39.5inches. Faint! :p Also worried that RaeAnne will be in a bad mood to wake up so early and eat on long car rides. :p

Aiyoh, you ask your hubby so early, must wait until both Z & R are walking about then he'll start missing their babyhood and want no. 3? hehe. ;)
some of the 1st time mummy at the sep09 thread was talking to kill baby and then kill herself, due to the stress...... baby cute?!!

I don't like taking care of newborn, if can skip the first 3 months or so, i don't mind having more. But now, we have put a STOP! 2 are just nice for us now:)
did u bring him to see doc? dilute his milk so dat his stomach can digest easier. hope he gets well soon.

this is not the 1st time ur hb said no to #3 right? give him some time, like wat kitsune said :p
kam, haha, newborn juz eat n sleep, still consider easy to look after.my girl was very guai during the first 3 mths ;p

2 is jz nice for u now, wait till haore n xiyu bigger , mebe u will change ur mind? coz i rem u very keen to try for a bb tiger? keke
Kam, Wa, that mummy must be suffering from post natal depression. At my lowest point after delivery, I only asked myself why I wanted a baby so badly, make myself suffer. But never thought of killing baby. :p
i tot you told us you and hb would love to have more...if finances allow...
the more the merrier lah heehee

hope tate recovers soon enough
Hello, I havent confirm the gender. :D Would be able to do so by next wed when I go for my detailed scan.. I am counting down.
not only just 1 mummy leh, a few of them. think bf has added quite a lot of stress on.

cham liao, so many people remember we want more kids. Yes, we still love kids. But think we are old already, and the main thing is we want to make sure we can give the best care to our kids, and so with us working and such, think we can only cope with 2. If have more, surely not enough time and effort to give them our best.

Tiger baby is definitely out of the question, cos must get pregnant by April/May 2010 leh, I don't want to have another 1 so fast, if we ever have another one. Now everytime ML, I make sure hubby put on protection, cannot be lazy, and even I am still BF actively, I can't allow accident leh, so sure use protection everytime :-
Hi ladies
thanks for your concern... he's perspiring now so the temp has gone down quite a lot... but you know la their temp very yoyo one... can shoot up suddenly de

will dilute his milk and give porridge water

aiya my single waterbed already thrown away le... so damn heavy leh even w/o water in it :p
X so cute! Z wont shakes his head violently but he loves to turn himself around n around n around until he looses his balance...blur...giddy but still able to maintain his cheeky eye contact with me & will try to walk very fast (in a zigzag manner) towards me! The one thingy that i am trying hard to change is his bad habit of liking to throw things...if u still remembered he threw toys at some of you during the trial at S&S...paiseh again.

aqua, kitsune,
#1 now 21mths & #2 now 8mths so if start #3 now & strike by Dec09, #3 will be due Sep/Oct2010 & #2 will be abt 20mths...walking & no longer on semi-solid food. I was just thinking if i wait till Z & R about 4 & 3YO respectively, i will be ard 35YO...lagi no energy to run after active toddler again leh & high risk pregnancy etc. By then, i got no momentum to start all over again with MS, Bfing, nite feeding etc. When Z & R goes N1/N2, we will bring both of them for vacation & not worry about having a much younger sibling (#3) to attend to.
Haha, Kam, we remember cos you said you wanted 4 initially but due to age will consider 3 mah. But it depends on you and your hubby on what the magic number will be.

Yup, BF is not easy, loss of freedom, pain, leaking etc. Somemore, after delivery, hormones a bit haywire. Think the mummies are overwhelmed bah. That's why admire people like Wendy and Mylife who can BF until almost 2 years old. Hee. ;)
Steph, agree. But cannot force if hubby not willing, must move your mountain first before you start your TTC. Or else your hubby ask you to abort again, then you'll be angry at him. :p
i think tods at this age sure throw things, they like to test boundaries. x also throws stuff very frequently...
x likes to run around in circles too until my head spins but he could keep it up.
yest my mil called us and said x bite my niece's leg until it turned bruised with blood...
vampire leh my boy
Aqua, Steph mentioned before that she had a scare when her menses was late by a few days a few months ago. She test water and ask her hubby what if she was really preggie, her hubby said abort wor. Think he is still quite firm on not wanting no. 3 now. Better don't play play. Wait strain relationship, no good. :p
Wahhhh X so fierce hor:p

not i wanted very much la...just that i dun mind having #3...i wan a gal gal mah...dreaming:p I must be mad to think of #3 cos it's really a brave decision to make leh!

kitsune is right! Wah...kitsune u got gd memory leh
Yah my hb very firm, he 101% dun wan #3 now, so no play play. Actually the more kids you have, indirectly will add stress & challenge to a marriage/relationship. At least this is what i think cos i've heard from my frd's frd, the husband cheated outside as wife may have neglected him as she need to care for her 3 kids at home! We woman very poor thingy...put family first while husband betray/stray.
Same mentality. Already thinking that if #2 is a boy then I will try again for girl. But then now pregnant with a toddler, I realized it is no joke lor. This is so tiring. So even if I want to try again also wait #2 is 3yo.
hmm, so many mummies dunmind trying no#3 to 'complete' the 'HAO' word. i tink onli janbb,krsytle n kam hav 1 girl1boy, izzit?
i very very peifu u gals,i tell myself, i wana try for another bb, but always chickenout las min! u all are wei da mummies
yalor steph

tat's y tat day my hb ask me where does he stand between him and the kids leh. I told him he's 1st place followed by kids but he says he feels tat he is of 2nd place now :p:p:p

very difficult to jaga work, kids and hb one leh.. who shd be in the first place ? To me la.. I feel hb shd be in 1st place, followed by kids and 3rd work, if any. Cos w/o hb we wont hv kids and w/o hb we cannot move on tog as a family. I feel that hb is the main support of the family
so I will try to spend time with him alone but I do feel guilty leaving the kids alone with mum n maid too... tat's y I say very "mao dun"

do u ladies share the same views as me ? hehehe
chaye, same sentiments. hubby will grow old with us, but our kids will leave us when they grow up and set up their own family. end of day, onli two of us alone again.
biting must nip in the bud hor....make sure u tell X firmly no biting.
i used to bite when i was young, until 4-5YO still biting my poor cousin who got bruised and marks everywhere.

eh, my cot leh?

i am opposite of yr hb leh...i asked my hb where i stand between me & the kids & his work. For the past 4 months, he is required to work OT until 1 or 2AM...sometimes even on Sat or Sun! I hate his job! He has neglected the family especially ME. I was pretty upsad at some point & sms-ed him to tell him how i felt since he was forever so busy with work, we hardly see each other cos by the time he's back home, i'll be in bed with Z/R. To me, i oso feel hb shld be in the 1st place, follow by kids & work last. Cos hb will accompany me grow old while kids when they grow up, they'll have a world of their own, their own frds & get marry with spouse later.
actually i see differently leh. i think kids first, hb second. hehe...
kids are tied to us by blood. i believe, no matter how we must bring them up well and ultimately they will be filial.
i think i will be very upset if i lose my kids, but if i lose my hb (due to he unfaithful) then i will tell myself this type of guy is not worth it anyway.
most counsellors will tell you that family is build on the foundation of the relationship between wife and husband. their life needs to evolve around this relationship, and not their relationship evolving around the kids.
thats what i understand after hearing/reading from the experts.
just my 1 cent worth
For me, it's hubby first, kids second. But sometimes my hubby also complains he feels HR is always first in my heart, he feels HR took over his place already :p

For me, juz like most of u here, I'll also put hb 1st then will be my son. But for hb, it's diff lor, i asked him that qns b4, said he'll put his job 1st then kid, I'm so upset upon hearing that u knw!

Rem got once whn we quarrelled, i told hb that after "sacrificing" so much for the hse and being a sahm, i really dun deserve to be 1st in his heart? Guess wat he replied?? he asked me bk "Wat'd u done for all the sacrificing" %@#$%!!
