(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

Nice cake!! I had wanted a No.1 cake too but need minimum 3kg to make and I only have 12 guests ... so it doesn't make sense.

Yay for Su!!! Don't be too worried about weight so long as she is healthy. Try giving her bread? I feed QJ bread (he loves bread!) whenever he fusses over his porridge.

yea yea!! That's good news!!

yesterday was the 10th mth, 29th day of the Lunar calendar.
Happy birthday to Cayenne!! Very sweet cake and I like the #1 balloon, so BIG!!

Glad that Su is cleared from hfmd. Xin Ku Ni Le!

Today is 30th of Oct in Lunar..
Tks CSI_Fan and Cocoangel
So tomorrow is the 1st day of 11th month right? That would mean QJ's lunar bd will fall on 16Dec (19th Day of 11th Lunar Month).
Yup! Mine lunar is this Sun!

For picking of items, I need to prepare Qin Cai, Cong, Ruler, Drumstick (wat does it stands for? gourmet? hehe), Calculator and Stethoscope right? Did I miss anything out?

Oh i see hehe..thanks! Yeah I will add in a book though i doubt he will be interested in it keke..
Btw huh, what is Qin Cai? Wat is it call in english? Or just any green veggie will do?
HAPPIE birthday all the babies.. cant wait for shirui's turn...
anyone got their cake from ecreative?
am i suppose to call them to remind them huh???
i added pen for mal to choose. in fact, it was his 胎毛笔 with his name/birth date embossed. so meaningful hor!? he picked pen, ruler followed by calculator. next time must be those working in office one. hahahahaaaa
hi gals, thanks for the YAYs! hee!

yeah when babies are sick, the "cham-est" are always the parents, especially the mummy cos we'll worry ourselves sick.

that day i pretended to feed su's fav bedtime bear her porridge, hoping that she'll be jealous and eat her porridge. but to my dismay, she picked up the spoon and helped me feed the bear, then turned around and gave mi a cheeky smile. she must be hoping that her bear will help her eat. *roll eyes.

time flies! our babies are all going to be ONE! looking forward to the terrible twos. hiak hiak hiak...

bluelily and val, she dislikes her cereals. sigh... the 2 things she has really shown interest are the BANANA and BREAD. guess i'll feed her more bread. do u gals spread anything over the loh ti?
Hi tub,

Normally I just give my boy plain loh ti - wholemeal or those multi-grain type. Sometimes when I'm feeling "generous", I spread Philadelphia cream cheese over it...hahaha.."evil mother"

dylan also refuse cereals + porridge. Sometimes i feed him bread or his biscuits. Occassionally when he is in a good mood, he also eats pumpkin or carrot puree but that's it!! Yes, every meal time is a huge battle... i'm tired liao, so i totally understand what you are going through.

I guess since her weight/height is healthy, there's nothing to be worried about. My PD said jus to continue feeding 2 times a day regardless of how much Dylan eats... he said that dylan already reach optimum weight so dun eat also can!?


my party only 10 adults! very small.. luckily the baker i contacted said she can stil do #1 for me. the cake will be big lah but not high, she reduce from 3 layer to a 2 layer cake.... compromise. So i said ok! if you keen, i can pass u her contact...
yeah i will throw in a pen for him to chose, can we try other items as well? for the fun!
hmmm.. like toy gun (police) or scale (lawyer)??

I think its something like corriander leaves but bigger..My mum bought it so I also not too sure..heheh..Qin cai means qin lau ..that's why must buy qin cai...

As for the items, its really up to u, u can put watever u like..
Happy Birthday to all the little ones who have turned one or going to turn one soon!!

Gosh, I didn't plan anything elaborate for my boy leh.. Now I feel a bit guilty...

Oh by the way, went to the zoo with Ryan today!! Enjoyed so much!!
happy birthday to all!

Mine is this Sunday.. going to be a busy one cos didn't celebrate his 1st month... most relative will cheong down for celebration. kekeke...

Dunno what happen, ah pui got the "Feng Moh"-rash... Didnt start him anything new or funny leh.
Yeah, Declan turns 1 today..Since he already has his bash, did not do much for him today. JUst bought a few mini cakes for "show" haha







xen's mum, aiya... most men are like tat la...

when su was diagnosed with hfmd, my hubby said better just CANCEL the celebration. he din even think about postponing it. DUH...
Xen's Mum,
Hey, relationship is a roller coaster ride.. Go out and take a breather.. Don't throw it towel so easily ya
Think of your little one..
Such a cozy celebration for Shawn

Hee, now I'm glad I'm not the only one not planning much for 1-year-old party
Recently been taking Ryan to places... going out with a vengence.. Think I'm trying to make up to him as last few months I was busy with work.

Yeah, going HK next week!! First flight with Ryan.. hope everything will be well..

Anyone got tips to share? I'm a bit nervours about it coz don't know how Ryan will be like in the plane...

My boy is one of the little ones who will turn one at end of dec... Pity him in a way, Xmas eve baby.. Many friends and family members won't be in town then too..
Phy, tks.. let see how.. things not getting better, it takes 2 hands to clap. See how lo.. sigh...

Ya, all our little ones turning one soon! YEAH!
I only give plain bread or butter rolls, but I know my mil sometimes gives wheat or fruit bread.

can PM me your baker's contact? tks ah!

I went to check out Room for Dessert yesterday. Found out that they will be closed from 24 - 28 Dec. So there is no way I can order from them since I need the cake on 28th.
phy, I wanted a xmas bb leh.. who knows jr decided to come out 3 weeks earlier. Haha! Tmr is his little party liao.. woo hoo! We also keeping it small.. 20+ ppl only.

xen's ma, quarrel with hb ah? Ya phy is right.. it's common to have some disagreements lah. Sort it out with hb.. or come complain to us k? We can lend a listening ear. ;)
tks for being so sweet. Ya, i am at a loss.. Sort it out? Cannot b sorted out.. he choose to live for himself, such thing can't b change.
Xen's mum,
Dun be sad... its common to have arguements, have a good talk with your hubby and work it out. I understand how you feel lah cos sometimes I also sian with the r/ship, tiring to quarrel. But for little one's sake, try to make it work yah? Jia You!
You can always come in and complain to us hehe..
<font size="+2">morning mummies!!!!! TGIF..yea!</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Xen's mum,
all relationships are like that.
i'm not an expert in this but all of us here can hear u out if u need to de-stress.

the zoo now very good rite!
i love going to the zoo nowadays.

this maybe a tad late but still...CONGRATS!!!!

whoa..your declan so lucky..
last week got big cake n cuppies..
now got some more cuppies!</font>
Hi all Dec 07 Mummies

I am new to this thread ....=) my boi is born in end dec last year and he is coming to 1 year old...any recommedations on where to order birthday cake and where to hold his celebrations

many thanks
jean.. where u got those cakes from huh?
feel like getting some for my ah lao wen he comes bk frm his overseas trip =D.. surprise him abit .. =D
hee.. thou its more coz i wan to eat .. =P

Which ones are u referring to? the ones on the bash or the ones I bought yesterday?

The ones on the bash is from Mongs, must pre-order..As for the ones I bought yesterday, they are from crystal jade bakery..But must tell u hor, I find them too sweet to my liking, cake also too hard..
I love that last photo... so cheerful!

Got my roller coaster ride recently too, just look at the brighter side. My hb can be unreasonable at times, but now much better liao. Communication is very important... so when I am buay song, I trash things out!

Yeah in fact very sweet, and the cake is not the chiffon type, its butter cake..so look nice but dun taste nice leh..But very cheap, $1.20 per piece nia..
din know crystal jade bakery got such cute cakes.. gd for taking photos! lol.

xen ma, ya lah. Anything not happy.. must say out. Dun bie inside...
Xen's Mum
Just cool off then talk things out. I think we all have been through some sort of rough patches in our relationships ... in the end all's well will end well. Stay positive

i'm in hk!!!!! woohoo.. i survived e flight there.. so happy.. both kids slept thru 1/2 their journey..am so pleased.

phy, weather is a little chilly so rem to bring enuff warm clothings 4 bb.

shryn &amp; dawn,

so sorry abt late paym! been bz these few nites fr all e packg! will pay when i return.. so sorry..

hi mummies!!

oh yah... next week tues is mikaela's lunar birthday.. gonna cook mee sua and egg for her.. hehe

xen ma,

hang in there yah? its usually like that.. espcially now with a baby.. more things to quarrel or disagree about..

leave bb with someone else and go out for 1 night together.. like patok times..


i wanna go HK tooooo~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!

do post some photos when u're back yah??
