(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB


wahh..e bite was THAT bad huh..poor u.. if e other side is still producing, dun stop bfg la..just throw away e bloodied milk fr e other side i guess (if u dun want him to drink that)..im sure ur one side supply can more than cover his current intake. in e meantime, u gotta nurse that wound! go easy on pumpg tat side too since e pumping prob hindered it fr recovering. once e wound heals, u can work it hard again..hehehe..

Orh.. ok thanks! Looks very presentable

No joke, I suspect, if my hubby can choose, he would want to get the pandan cake from bangawan solo leh!!
Jasmine, Dawn, Steffie
I am pumping the injured side (no latching) for 2 weeks already. Each time I pump, the wound tears further. Ouch! Ok today I shall turn the sucking power down further and see how. Tks gals!
serious! if my hubby had a choice, he wont even celebrate! But i manaed to convince him that we should do something, no matter how small. But he is the chin chye and practical type, so he said no need nice cake, just cheapo cake can liao... he really suggested pandan cake to me ok!! Faint

wah yr hubby also the pandan cake type har? kekek yah I told my hubby I will decide on cake (tell him nicely not to interfere lah). Lucky he too busy with work to get involved so I plan lor. Actually he only agreed to have mini party after he saw dylan enjoy a friend's bb birthday party...

dylan is wearing normal shoes from mothercare, pediped or other cheapo brands (with soft sole support) right now cos he can't walk yet. But I prepared one with a flexible but rubber sole (Umi brand) for him when he starts walking. Got it from a BP, price reasonable ($35) cheaper than those See Kai Run, Pediped Flex etc and those that I saw at United Square.

since steffi wants the last 3 bags, then nevermind for me
I will work something else out! Thanks anyway
My son wears both rubber soled sandals as well as soft soled covered shoes. He walks well in both. We didn't buy any branded shoes for him knowing the he is going to outgrow them in no time. You can try BubbleGummers from BATA or KiddyPalace.
haha, ur hubby so different from mine..He is the one who suggested to do a grand one for our son..After the event, he still can tell me:" next year we do at Singapore Flyer" ok?" Me then faint, straight away tell him :" No need la! U think so free to plan all these every year meh? Besides, your guest evey year attend your son's b.day party also sianz..wait all no show!" hahahha
Jean, wow... ur hubby power leh... macham wedding leh... pei fu him.. i say wanna hold party nearly fight with hubby le lo...

ytd went to order cake, we nearly fight at the cake shop lo... so pai seh...
Yes he likes the pandan one but too simple for 1 yo bd liao lah heng he did not suggest it. so does yours knw the exact price you are getting for dylan's cake? :p

I think your hubby is enjoying the party leh, re-live his childhood keke..
a lot of hubby also like tt.. my hubby also nv celebrate one.. even his own bday.. he also dun celebrate.. during our par tor, he din celebrate.. nearly broke off with him.. hahaha...

now, he try to celebrate lo.. when comes to anniversary, bday, he will b really stress up.... cos he is those anything type.. wont go think such things....
yr hubby so funny.. hehe every year also wanna throw big party! But since declan might be yr only one.. i guess can give him royal treatment Haha...

err better dun mention my cake price here hor.. wait my hubby 'spy' on me here and if he see the price, wait he fainted! haha...
tub, sorrie to hear abt su.. so poor ting ..
no worries, get her back to good health and make up an even better one =D

jean!!!! S$5,000!!!!! that's even more than wat i spent on my 21st BD & my ROM ... =P
geeez.. we spent almost $900 for our wkend getaway to pre-celeb for shirui.. and the BD dinner for family is jux hotel buffet @ merchant plus a cake from ecreative..

oh ya.. jane ur boy chinese BD on sunday wor.. din occur to me.. haa.. sr's on monday.. ur boy would b a day earlier!.. sotong me... hee...

sr chinese BD .. other than the stupid MIL wanting her in boy's attire which was the stupidest ting in the WOrld to do .. sr oso had a haircut.. (now she got spikey and short hair..) and she picked the items:
1) ruler (my sister interprete as be a teacher, take ruler hit students' palms!)
2) pen
3) calculator .. lucky not first, else b like mummy, an auditor =P
4) book .. jialat.. dun like to study???!

yes, he knows i am alwys hanging around here so he was curious before and came in to have a look! haha so must be careful. :p
mal picked almost same items as sr.
1) pen
2) ruler
3) calculator
looks like he might inherited fr his daddy & mummy in accounting/auditing line too :D
the 3rd item he looked at the drumstick and said "mum mum", then turned his head away and picked calculator.
i know this has been discussed before. What are the things to put together for baby to pick? and what each item means?
Ya lor, think hubby being overly "deprived" last time liao..now he always says what he dun have when he is young, he wanna give it to my boy..
Your photos are very persuasive leh. My hb is the chin chye type but after seeing your photos, he seems to be feeling something. He is now asking me about QJ's bd cake and ... the ultimate was this morning in the car, he asked if there are places to buy party packs. He wants to buy balloons and stuff for QJ on his bd!

I told him the Dec mummies were spreeing on balloons and we missed the boat already. He kept quiet. Duh!

haha, then congrats cos now at least got some impact on ur hubby liao..Wahhaha...U can show him more pics in my facebook, then maybe he will consider even more!
its ok

wah good that yr hubby suddenly wanna do a small bash for QJ!
My hubby also initially said big NO for party but after he realised how much dylan enjoyed 'partying' he agreed to the cake & balloons! Yipeee...
No lah, there won't be any bash. Already decided that it will be a small do with immediate family ... except now can probably have balloons at home too
Hi5, my hb is those super bochap type. I planned to DIY the balloons deco ended up, he asked me not to DIY, so engaged someone to do up the venue. Maybe Ah Pui will the be last children(*pray) so doing up a bash for him, gorgor's time got no fancy bash, anyway, then gorgor don't know to enjoy also la. Now didi's birthday, he is so looking forward TO opening up didi's present!

Xen's mum,
Fought over the design of the cake?!? Hahahaha.. that is why I don't mind to have a bochap hb, cos I can decide most of the things alone. Hahhaa... actually it is great! XD

etsy got alot of cute onesie... Think me going to buy for Ah Pui CNY clothes.
mothercare now got sale ar.. most clothes going 50% off... going to top up his clothes liao, he's running out of nice clothes liao.
slimz ... my gal morning dun wan to sleep so doze off when about the cut cake. nearly wanna take her sleeping beside the cake hahahahaha

end up manage to wake her up to cut cake loh. she look very grouchy hee hee

Yalo.. well, he is also those boh chap kind. So he knows i wan his opinions then ending up our opinions differs.. haha... end up nearly fight lo.. hahah.... In end i decide lo.. hahaha
HAAA!! gabby's mum... dat's funnie..
she mux b excited in the daytime lar.. used up all her energy .. nite time bo energy liaoz..
wan c her fotos =D
elaine, photos! photos! hb next Mon fly liao.. he's going to take our home laptop over.. now i gotta share pc with my sis.. dunno got chance to upload jr's photos this weekend anot......
Think that site is sth like a ebay... dunno they can combine orders from different seller or not.

Wa, 50%, very tempting...

His name will appear under the Urogynaecology Dept. But dun worry he is definitely a gynae..haha..The doctors at KKH dun give u their numbers, anything u can call 6394 5071 (Private Suite) or u can call their central appt 6294 4050 to make appt. But must say u wanna see Dr Arthur Tseng at Private Suite.
celebrated my gal's lunar bday yesterday...
played that "picking out items" game with her...

She picked out the calculator, and didn't want to let go! hahaha...ask her to pick out another item, she'll pick out an item, and then pass it to you!! hahaha. she's probably thinking: "nah, dun touch my calculator. Here's something else for you...". muahahaha. We didn't have a stethoscope, so hb put the ear thermometer in place of it. hahaha.
yay! Su is cleared of hfmd. no fever, blister and ulcer so the docs can't confirm the diagnosis. her rash has also cleared completely so doc gave the go ahead for her birthday bash!

but i'm so tired lately cos have to spoonfeed her for EVERY meal and milkfeed. last few months, she would be spoon fed in infant care but could take the bottle for the first and last milk feed at home but now... every meal seems to be a battle. sometimes it's ok but sometimes it's not. we're varying her food and added ikan bilis, seems to work a little. but for milk feed, still have to coax. SO TIRED. anyone with this problem too? her ht is in the 75th percentile but wt in the 50th percentile. seems ok for now so relaxing a little.

Happy Birthday Cayenne! Fanny, ur house living room looks v similar to mine. haha.

tub, glad su is ok! Btw, jr's weight is 25th percentile loh.. or is it 15th? I cant rem liao. So urs already better than mine. Does she take cereals? If yes u can try adding more milk to her cereals so u no need to spoonfeed so cham.
