(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

i kiasu and decided to make a trip down tmr for enrollment. dun wan to wait liao. i called them few times to check on slots availability but they refused to tell me which timing is still available. the slots are nearly full and they even asked me if i interested for Oct intake instead..

yes, frequent poo poo-ing is one of the teething symptom. my son has been kancheong abt teething and he poo poo-ing more than usual nowadays.. wonder when will his 1st tooth coming out
your gal looks so lovely & adorable! will pray for her to get well soon! be strong & do take care yourself!
fairylander, she looks really sweet wif her big round eyes. i'm sure the wt will be gained back in no time so no worries!

jeelo, i feed my bb 2 month old milk from the freezer. but my freezer is exclusively for BM la... cos neber cook ma... but i think i won't go beyond 2 months cos the quality of milk may differ. but hor... i oni feed her frozen BM on sundays... so as to clear my fridge. other times it's either fresh or latch.

mal's teeth come out already? Or still not yet peek out from the gums? cos my son been having loose stools for more than a week liao (last week, he wipe out 60 diapers within 7 days!) and i see the top front teeth coming out.. but its not technically out yet. wonder how much longer it will be...
not out yet. wonder how long will it takes? his lower gum hard hard and sharp sharp liao. i thot i saw soemthing white white on his lower gum..
just noticed that registration office not open today. woohoo.. got to go down tmr instead.. it is really pain in my neck

today, my boy is drooling alot more and fussing more also. noticed that tooth is coming out more now... guess he is going to look like bugs bunny soon

reg freq poopg, i assume u're feedg direct most of e time? how long do u feed emma for n wat is e colour of her poop?

if it's not teethg, it cld be she's takg alot of foremilk which probably cld result in freq poopg. n if her poop is e 'explosive' type, then tt cld b e reason.
Mummies: Anybody known of any natural 'remedy' for block nose. My poor boy nose has been 'blocked' for 2 days liao...resulted in difficult in breathing and he cant sleep well becos of tat. He will cry and cry. We have try to put him sleep at incline postion and even go without air-con, and oni helps a little. KKH dr oni gave us nose drop to ease the 'blockage' as they claim baby is too small to take oral medication and this nose drop like dun reali work leh hiaz...my heart reali pain when see him like tat, even we adult nose block oso feel sucks liao!
witty, can try letting him breathe in steam. hold a bowl of hot water near to his nose but be careful not to spill... then let him breath. worked for sumana
steffietan, oh yeah, forgot about foremilk factor. still feed directly. she's been having her own milk strikes, so some feeds become snacks instead. colour of her poo has been ok, mostly yellow, and very very very explosive! did same thing happen with your kids?
haha, h^5
me too! Actually it was my colleague who jio me. Getting the bedwetting sheets and trainng pants for my older girl.
seems like my bb doesnt like FBM. put in her mouth she'd rather use her hands and tongue to push it away. give her water, she'll happily drink and drink til she zzz...
like another mum was saying, v demoralizing leh. pump like mad then everytime give her 5 oz, she'll leave 2.5oz and refuse to drink.


try to let her feed longer if u can (since she's snackg instead of treatg it as a meal) or pump out some foremilk first.

if her poop is mostly yellow then its fine. my daughter's poop is yellowish greenish sometimes but PD says its fine. it also depends on what i eat.

oh, if her butt skin is sensitv, try to clean it with water (everytime she poos) instead of using wet tissues. wet tissues hv some 'soap' substance n cld b dryg on e skin. rem to apply a barrier cream each time u change her nappy. i am still using cloth nappies (in e day) fyi..so that her skin gets to breathe.

ah bie,

yea, explosive pooping cld sometimes b due to too much foremilk.
Last nite, bb very naughty. Woke up so many times in the nite. Thot I tanked her up at 1am, she'll sleep til 7am, who knows she still wakes up at 4am n then refused to sleep. Carried n sang to her for almost an hr, I was scolding her for not sleeping n she still smiled back at me!!!
steffie! THAAAAAAAAAANK U! i guess i know the benefits but it'll take some courage on my part. i dunno if i can face bb 24/7... and survive wifout an income. PLUS... my parents may compren that i'm wasting my degree. :x
Why not?

Though I do miss working (the $$$) but being here at home for the kids is more fulfilling. Tiring yes, but when they smile n hug u, it feels good...

I regret not being there at home for my elder gal n miss watching her grow from baby to toddler. Another reason is bonding. If you r there for them when they r young, the bond is stronger. My elder girl was not sticky to me when I was working, now that I spend more time wz her, glad that the bond is back now.
tub...ya agreed being SAHM is not easy and i really salute all SAHM! For me, I dun think i can make it cos oni last few days at home with bb (becos he sick) i find the time so draggy and I jus dunno how to entertain him for long.:p I was like "wat u want???" "wat can i do to please u???" and how i wish for him to take nap! haha me very bad mama huh..and full of excuses ekeke...awy, I do need the income oso lah, with hb sole income i dun think i can join any more sprees...oni enuff to put food on the table bah :p

it will def take a while for u to adjust to facing e baby 24-7 if u DO quit. it took me abt 2 weeks or so. u shld treat it as a new job! haa, tt's what i did anyway. except that this doesnt pay u for e extra hrs u put in and u dun hv any annual leave as such. hehe.. BUT it's rewarding! hen is right..their toothless smiles r priceless. err..my parents also complain abt my 'degree' BUT u can always go back to e workforce when sumana's older! i will at least b home for e nx 2 yrs. =P no income, no income lor.. just dun spree so much? haaa...

Yeah, it can be a challenge to face bb 24x7, quite a few times I also can't take it. Whenever it gets over me, I quickly leave the kids for few minutes, do some breathing n think of their smiles or scream into the pillow (so as not to scare them off wz the screaming) n then come back to them when I cool down. Sometimes, I bring them out so that I'm not confined to the 4 walls of the house. And I also bring them to visit my parents, so that I can take a break there.

Haahaa... til today, my MIL keeps telling me that I study so much yet don't want to go out to work. When I quit a year ago, my own mum too thinks wasting my degrees. But now that she sees how close my kids r to me, n how I'm able to spend time to teach them, she thinks it is a good decision to be home for them. She said better for me to look after the kids now, can go back to work when they are in late teens (by then, don't need anyone want to employ an old lady liao, maybe only can work in foodcourt or supermarket, haahaahaa)
hen, i like being wif her but i'm the super kancheong kind. My hubby says i'm the type A kind... so he's afraid i may worry myself till death wif my paranoia. (and indirectly affecting him. haha)Plus i think cos my ger was born with a condition called neonatal lupus, being at home all the time may cause me to worry more than i should.

witty, ya lor... finances will b tight if i dun work. maybe have to sell off the car wor... then we won't be so mobile liao. dun need to think of sprees at that time, prob have to tighten the belt...
steffie, yeah! i LOVE those boh geh smiles... so cuuuuuuuuuuuute... think i'll mull over this and discuss wif hubby. maybe take no pay leave till end of the year b4 i decide if i should quit.
tub: aiya, think abt it..even if she's down wif a runny nose, u will also worry urself to bits. same difference. BUT to b honest, i do like e fact that only i know wat she wants n am e only person who can pacify her. my hb says i take my mothering job as some kind of challenge! i do!! it makes me want to perfect myself in watever i do for her.

hen: how many freaking degrees to do hv? haa..

No lah, not many freaking degrees lah. I spent a bomb on overseas education lor (I don't come to well-to-do family and am not well-to-do myself, so its a lot of money to me). One was full-time degree, while the other was part-time when I came back to work.
steffietan, u only took 2 weeks to adjust to being sahm??!! i'm still adjusting leh. yeah, i also treat it like a job. It's OT 24/7.

something's weird. my kid hasn't pooed today.

botanist, forgot to mention this - u're also taking care of one expensive butt hehehe

yea.. amazing rite? somemore i used to work in a fast paced environm (read: advstg). i thot of stuff to do w him every single day. made my time pass more quickly... heh..
if u can afford to b a SAHM... and financial wise hubby can upkeep... why not? i tink being e first one to witness our little one's milestone means so much as a mother.. tis is something dat is inmeasurable...

unfortunately.. tis is not e time for me yet... keke
u were in advertising too? me also. now sahm...

its def worth it. like steffie says, must find ways to entertain n do things w yr bb....if u dun, will be stressed cos bb also bored n frustrated...
even though i left a well paying job behind i hv no regrets. thankfully, my parents agree with my decision. some of my IL do comment that i wasted my degree but i dun care lah...let them say watever they want.

tell me abt it...lucky this week is slightly better. pooping 3-4 times a day now. wonder when this teething thing will end!
steffie, bingo! somehow i was guessing tat u were from advertising. dun ask me y i know... feeling i guess... i used to work in the media industry too... corp comms & journalism b4 i switched to teaching.

wah! i super motivated now. muz go home tonight to talk to my boss.
dylan's mom,

they always say..the cut for e 1st tooth is e hardest! hang in there...dylan's prob feelg more irritated abt it!

ya, there are times where i really missed wat i used to do. but e kids keep me uber busy..before i can dwell on it further, i'm always busy doing other stuff already. haa..
hi mummies, how u know bb caught a cough and it's not due to choking on saliva?
my gal has been "coughing" for 3 days, and started sneezing today
tub: wahh..some ppl can guess birth month, some ppl can guess horoscope..but job industry?! u're e first man..haa..mayb cz u were fr e media as well..so it takes one to know one..haaaa
if finances permit, i would encourage you to be a SAHM too. I never thought I could be one, but now I am enjoying every moment, even though I get negative comments from ppl. My parents think I've wasted my education too (including my hubby!!), but now everyone tells me not to go back to work!

Like hentang mention, when I can finally go back to work, prob can only work in supermarket!!

Its not an easy path, esp the initial period when you feel lost and alone. Overtime it gets better, but you have to believe in it, before you go into it.
hope it works out for you!
hey gals, thanks for all the encouragement! U GIVE ME CONFIDENCE! hehheh

wow! good lor.. next time we all apply for job at NTUC. also dunno can get or not ah! se-car-ly also want job experience then we pengz...
hi gals, my girl friend is now in algeria as her hb works there. they r looking at collecting clothes for the kids there. would you like to help? Please let me know so I can co-ordinate. Interested parties please PM me. tks.
This is her msg:

Hi people,

We are currently looking for children's clothes (age range from 5 ~ 13). We will be sending it to an Algerian school. These kids are desperately poor and what they have do nothing to protect them from the merciless cold. Therefore, my friend and I have decided to do something about it and do hope that you will pitch in too.

Many thanks,

Hansiong, Janet and the very cold kids

*clothes should preferably be of a less revealing nature, they are a muslim country after all.
re sahm:
ahh.. me oso so tempted .. aft this 1 mth bck to work.. wkload is getting heavier too .. so sian .. been telling myself to tahan till bonus (july..) aft tat either sahm or change job .. audit + family = not possible .. or mabbe i'm not capable enuf to handle both ..
