(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

i sent you email earlier with the info. you din call to reserve a slot for yourself? oh no..

my son not gaining much weight too. he lagi born big at 4.045kg. till today only 7.5kg. he was sicked for the past few weeks.. he drinks abt 180mls 3 hourly

your sumo darn cute leh.. i wanna hug him.. my towkay will looks like a "heibi" if put them together.. no fight no fight
wah missylan, ur boy boy can sit up on his own already.. mine still nua nua one...


eve/ jaz
my bb also 6kg only. drinking 4oz since 2 months ago. now already 4.5mths old.

Any babies coughing due to saliva? my gal has been choking on saliva... i think it's saliva cos when she sleeps on her tummy, she doesn't cough (and i can see saliva pooling in her mouth), but when she sleeps on her back, she coughs.
Hi all,
Dun like that say la... small shrimp, walao heibi... dunno why this one absorbing so well... 3hourly still 150ml since 2nd month old.

Oh, I was bathing for him then all of sudden the edge just nice for him to anchor there. Daddy was taking his picture, I was there getting ready to "hope" him if he sinks... XD Bad mummy!

wow yr sumo so cuteeee!!! he can sit up already! mine still nua nua!

if yours is shrimp then mine is ikan bilis lor! hehe!!
oh ya jus check my email, too late liao! din kn this shichida sch so laku! even preview also full hse!! u cfm signing yr boy or c 1st?
hehe.. sumo vs little shrimp vs heibi vs ikan bilis.. all funny funny nick name.. haha

yes, confirmed signing. just go preview to kpo abit haha.. the school near my place lah.. so no need to think twice liao.. are you signing up too?
din know that gymboree is also so laku!! called to book for 20th april and only 2 slots available. now putting cocoangel and ashton_mummy in waiting list.. sien
my ger still got the phlegm sound... smtimes i pat her lightly on her back, her phlegm seems to 'loosen' n she would spit it out... hee hee
Hehehe... brought my #1 to gymboree's trial before but that was years... think he was 8th mth old only, hmm... didn't really like it. Then the front desk staff pretty struck up attitude also. =)

But good that you all go in a group ...
anyone knows where to buy nice display cabinet? Have been buying crystal pieces but have no place to display. went to vhive over the weekend but nothing fantastic. If you've any place to share, pls do! Hope to put the display up before june hols
any updates??

Mums + Babies Yoga
Yoga Teacher: Rita (Indian)

Weekend Classes
Cost : $90 for 8 lessons ( sorry mummies not 10 or 12 lessons), 70mins/lesson, min 10 mummies.
Venue: A room in Bishan RC centre, Blk 154 Bishan St 13.
Date: Sunday 11am or Sat 1.30pm

Weekday class

Cost : $80 for 8 lessons, 70min/lesson, min 8 mummies
Venue:Rita's house (Blk 144 bishan st 13)
Date: thur
Time: 10am

Please indicate your choice date:
1) alien (Sun)
2) ankh (Thu/Sat/Sun)
3) botanist
4) cookiemz (Thurs/Sat/Sun)
5) petrina (Thurs or Sat)
6) cocoangel
7) lynzi (sat or sun)
8) linda (sunday)
9) Elaine (Sat or Sun)
so sorry to hear what u and ur bb have been going thro. Hope Cathrina will get well soon. N u stay strong k?

My bb has been a fussy milk drinker since nb. We are already used to it. Sometimes, if he refuse the milk. Dun force him.. in case next time he associte milk drinking negatively. let him play for 20mins or so.. then try again. It works sometimes for us.. but not everytime. No choice.. he 4mth+ just hit 6kg. now drinking 120ml every 3 hrs.. but if go out.. can only drink 100ml.. can never finish.

jeelo, that phelgmy sound.. my boy also has it. But recently not so obvious liao as he grows older. I rem PD said something abt his tonsils moving dunno up or down as he grows older? Dun rem the details.. :p

missy, ur sumo steady leh. His tummy fats aiyo.. v cute. haha.

gloomybear, mine always choke on saliva. He seem to have ALOT of saliva... his bed sheets, rompers, hanky.. everywhere also got. Eeee quite disgusting ah. haha.
alien, I'm here! Today 2 cols mc.. i almost feel like mc too. Last weekend like falling sick... too heaty. Eyes swollen like goldfish also. Then now got ulcer.
good morning mummies!!!

eh... i think the yoga thing i got to back out liao.. boh $$$ liao...

then i somemore want to bring my bb to shicida class.. really got to work hard for $$ liao ah!!


confirm u bringing bb for shicida class?? which day is your class? i heard that only july got slots is it?
Mums + Babies Yoga
Yoga Teacher: Rita (Indian)

Weekend Classes
Cost : $90 for 8 lessons ( sorry mummies not 10 or 12 lessons), 70mins/lesson, min 10 mummies.
Venue: A room in Bishan RC centre, Blk 154 Bishan St 13.
Date: Sunday 11am or Sat 1.30pm

Weekday class

Cost : $80 for 8 lessons, 70min/lesson, min 8 mummies
Venue:Rita's house (Blk 144 bishan st 13)
Date: thur
Time: 10am

Please indicate your choice date:
1) alien (Sun)
2) ankh (Thu/Sat/Sun)
3) botanist
4) cookiemz (Thurs/Sat/Sun)
5) cocoangel
6) lynzi (sat or sun)
7) linda (sunday)
8) Elaine (Sat or Sun)
niang jia boh lang coz Linda aka BP Queen's bb sick leh..

now both mother and child in kk hospital..

hope that both of them are alright..

the jumperoo is very ex right? if i'm not wrong about $299??

i want to buy a little tikes play house for my girl.. but so so ex.. so cannot liao.. cost $499.. *faint*
eve, ,my princess is also a very fussy drinker. can oni finish MAX 120ml every 3 hours. like bluelily, if go out, can oni finish 100 or less. and she never cry for milk one lor... sometimes we forgot to feed her after 4 hours and she is ok one... very strange hor... we also dun force her nowadays. wait till she "gan yuan" then drink. sometimes feeding time is over an hour!
update on linda's jovan,

under observation now and got to wait and see.. doc says its stomach flu and if condition doesn't improve.. got to be on drip for 2 days.. poor poor baby..

everyone pray for him okie?

thanks mummies..
ulcer? HFMD? dun scare me..

yes i confirmed sending towkay to the class. i also boh $$ but this is for his future, so hv to seng from somewhere else lor.. last week i went to the school, april classes has started. we hv missed the terms so got to fast fast chope chope for July enrollment liao. i will submit the enrollment form after the talk on this coming sat. we will opt for sunday classes at hdb hub

what day is towkay's class on? weekday or weekend?

are the weekday classes cheaper or got no difference in cost?

if july our babies are 7 mths old leh.. is it too early to send them there?
hi mummies:

of all places, last nite met Linda in KKH! Dwayne oso sick and was having very bad flu and cough till nose block and got diff in breathing! Actually he jus recover from fever, then damn sway think he caught the flu virus from his cousin! awy, My heart sank when they use the 'vacuum' to suck out the mucus that cos the blockage. Can hear him cry in pain! Now he's back at home recovering....Reli alot of such cases lately! Parenthood reali not easy, when our precious is sick mummy just couldnt sleep well!
Aiyo.. hope Jovan and Dwayne can get well soon!
Yest go IL's place.. SIL sick.. like recovering from flu. Still keep playing with bb.. gotta ask hb to ask her stay away.. so scared of the virus passing to bb!

i yet to decide on the shichida class! cookiemz also thinking leh! maybe we can form our own class hor!

as for the mum+bb class, still not enuf mummies!

dinut & petrina,

i just bght the fp jumperoo last week. 1 mummy organized a bp n she charged me $180+$3 delivey charge(collection is at tuas) +$1 erp=$184.
my boy love it n hb was happy when he saw his son enjoying so he din mk noise for paying almost $200! heng ah!
sale price was $239 during taka sale n $199 during isetan privte sale but heard vy fast sold out liao!
i'm trying to find lobang for cheaper price ;)
btw i want to ask you abt your dream bag BP...can you give me your e-mail addy pls?
we will go for sunday classes. yes weekend class more expensive. think abt $30-50 diff. 7mos consider late liao. 4mos can send in liao..

hey adult also can hv HFMD ok.. better watch out and drink more water. i just recovered from viral flu. siong ah..

i will submit enrollment form this sat after the talk and at the same time request to reserve a grp for us for July intake. sui boh?
alien, oh.. din know that. Think I'm just too heaty.. had too much kfc yest. Then fri night had sushi, the eat durian puff.. then middle of the nite eye swollen. Dunno izzit wat food cant mix with durian??? Later going to buy liang cha!
take care, hope cathrina recovers soon. *hugs*

i heard july intake for shichida full already leh. which branch are u going to?

i still haven't heard when stocks will be available for singapore. if you need one urgently, you might need to order straight from US.

jus pm u her email. saw her post on wtb so i pm her. actually her bp already closed but she claimed 1 mummy back out n ask if want to tk over her slot, i agreed n she delivered to me on that day. I did ask her for her supplier's ctc cos my fren also want to buy 1 but she din gv me !

sorry I'm taking out my name... my son not 'stable' yet... maybe when he is older.

Mums + Babies Yoga
Yoga Teacher: Rita (Indian)

Weekend Classes
Cost : $90 for 8 lessons ( sorry mummies not 10 or 12 lessons), 70mins/lesson, min 10 mummies.
Venue: A room in Bishan RC centre, Blk 154 Bishan St 13.
Date: Sunday 11am or Sat 1.30pm

Weekday class

Cost : $80 for 8 lessons, 70min/lesson, min 8 mummies
Venue:Rita's house (Blk 144 bishan st 13)
Date: thur
Time: 10am

Please indicate your choice date:
1) alien (Sun)
2) ankh (Thu/Sat/Sun)
3) cookiemz (Thurs/Sat/Sun)
4) cocoangel
5) lynzi (sat or sun)
6) linda (sunday)
7) Elaine (Sat or Sun)
for the SM preview, better dun bring bb there. Cos later bb cry or fuss, then you have to tend to her. may miss out some of the details. afterall, SM is not cheap leh. gotta consider carefully mah.

alien/ cookiemz
you gals on for SM sunday classes?
I will be pulling my no 1 out of SM classes from next term. He wants to learn swimming, and hb doesn't want him to be tie down with too many lessons ( Now he has SM and piano lessons). Asked him to choose bet swimming & SM, he wants Swimming.

anyway, i am thinking of putting no 3 in SM classes next term also, since both of us adults can handle 2 kids. My no 2 will be continuing her sunday 8.45am SM classes next term, so most probably i will let no 3 attend the same slot. Which time slot r you gals considering?
hi mummies, i am back, not that I have gone away, just too lazy to come online.

My bb is going to be 4 months next week, and she also has been very erratic with her milk intake. Sometimes she needs to drink every 4 hours but sometimes she can wait for as long as 6 hours for her next feed. She weighs about 6.7kg and still drinks 5 oz/ 150ml. But during the day she only takes 3oz... 2 1/2oz... sigh... But as long as she is healthy I don't force her.
hi mummies,
tks for all the encouragement.cathrina may have to admit 2molo to prepare for friday surgery,wil keep u girls update.here i attached 2 pix of cathrina b4 and after her 1st surgery.b4 her 1st surgery she was 6kg,now only 5.2kg.
i din know july intake is full!!! alamak!! dun tell me got to wait till Oct intake!

yes, can bring baby along. see you there

eat hor liao over the weekend hor! envious envious!
i am with ok with that AM timing on sunday. i just called SM and they said July intake is full liao. how how??
hey mummies,
can I ask if anybody has tried this:-

pump out and then store in milk bottle (with screw cap, teat and dome cap all on) and keep in fridge for baby's next feed?

Coz what I pump out is only just nice for baby's next day's feeds. So was thinking, instead of transferring to milk bag each evening, and then for parent's maid to transfer to milk bottle, why not I just transfer straight into milk bottle? Afterall, I go to my parent's place to pick baby up every day. So was thinking of transferring my EBM into the sterilised milk bottle there and then keep in my parent's fridge for baby's next day's feeds. Then I also dun have to bring so many things up and down each time...
CSI_fan, I used to do so when supply dropping low! But usually i will let my baby finish it within 48hrs as oni keep in the cooling compartment and not freezer.

fairylander: Cathrina will be mummy strong girl! Take care.

fairylander, she's so adorable. Dun look sick at all. Must be v heartpain to let her go thro all the surgeries. Hopefully no more probs after that! cathrina is a brave baby and so is her mummy!
