(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

hi missylan, my maid is philipino, so quite okie with her..just that sometimes when u see her do things, i scared of this and scared of that...keep nagging at her...tell her water cannot go inside ear, tell her must wipe bb backside during every nappy change...actually she already know all these, and didnt do any of these but i dont know why i keep repeating to her...i cried so many times infront of her telling her all these...think i really into post-natal blues...

like just now, had full-month dinner with family...bb dont know why cranky keep crying, no way can stop her from crying...for a 8 course dinner, i only had shark fin...the rest i didnt get a bite cos hv to carry bb outside...nearly cried infront of the relatives...wow...in the end, i hv to take out pacifier...this is my first time giving her the pacifier, feel so bad, me nearly in tears again...but at least she quiet down, but the dinner is already over and we paid the bill and left...
i am getting more and more worried that i cant be a good mother...without CL i already feel lost, and people hv to tell me that this cannot do that cannot, i really feel upset and demoralising...should i tell my gynae about my worries...any medication for my symptoms??
hi mommies,
jux threw temper on my hb...
He asked me why I m throwing temper suddenly...
Then I ans how abt u try taking care of the bb 24hrs a day..U ppl jux see him for a few hrs whereas I ve to take care of his crankiness...
Then he said dun take care lor...
Talk so simple...

my bb will be so guai when his grandparents are here in the evening time cos he has been cranky for the whole day. after more than 10hrs sure tired...So, they only see the well behave bb.
Whereas for me, ve to carry the bb whole day cos his engine starts at fr 2am or 4am till ard 11am.
Worst condition till evening time ard 6pm+.
My lunch is abt 3pm to 5pm...dunno to consider it as dinner or lunch. N its jux a bread or bun..something that I can eat fast N dun ve to reheat. There's a period of time that I cant even go toilet until my hb comes back fr work. Now I jux ve to be heartless to throw him in the playpen to cry for 10~15mins when I can go for my shower. Else I sure go crazy with his crying.. I ve to do hsework when he's asleep or sometimes I jux clean my pl with 1 hand & carry him with the other.
My whole body already tired out...Its really physically tire out. i scared that I will dropped him when I lost the strength suddenly. Now, I can see my legs, foot, hands, fingers...all the veins are surfacing.

To the "outsiders", bb r like that...
hi hazel, sorry to hear about your situation...

my bb also very cranky at around 6pm everyday...the rest of the day and nite is so peaceful, feed then sleep or feed, play then sleep...but around evening 6pm+, wow drama kicks in...crying for no reason...no matter what u do, keeps crying...wow piang...

now maid and i are training the bb, if cry, no carry...cry for a min or so then carry...when awake for play time, no carry too...just lie on bed and play with her, tell her story, sing songs...no more carrying...i wan to see what those people say abt "no carry, no shaking, no patting on backside really works"...

some pple says, "oh, when she wan to sleep, just put her down on the bed, she will sleep by herself"...ya like real...for mine, she has to be carried and yao yao to sleep in our arms...so now i am trying to see if all these words by these aunties really works...
phy and Elaine,
there are a lot of milk ducts in our breasts and each time when baby suck or you pump, only a few milk ducts will release the milk and hence you will see a few jets coming out. others will release at other time or when u do compression. it's not possible to have all the milk ducts releasing milk at the same time so 15 jets is not possible. 7-8 is very good already.
For the FM given at night, do you latch on before that and is sure that the baby is not satisfied before you give the FM? Do you pump in the wee hrs when your baby doesn't wake up to feed?
Since you are latching on, the fastest way to increase milk supply is to let the baby co-sleep with you at night and keep sucking throughout the night and eliminate the FM. you can also rest while the baby co-sleep and suck. You shld see your milk supply increase after 3-5days then u can move on to the next method which is to pump after you latch. this will signal your brain that your baby need more milk and this will also empty your breasts in case your baby doesn't empty them. even if your baby has empty the breasts already, cont to pump for 10mins when compressing and massaging your breasts. Another method is to pump one side and latch one side and after the baby is satisfy with the one side, feed him/her the side that you have just pumped. don't worry about no milk in the pump that you just pump, the baby sucking may simulate another let down and can empty the breasts better. if you cont this for a few days (3 days at least) for each feed, I am sure you will see a increase in supply.

If you really want to see a lactation consultant. can call KKH 63948232 or 62934044 to make appointment with Yen Ping to see her. bring down the baby as well so that she can see if your baby latches well. need to pay about 20+ or 40+ for the visit.

seems like you are really quite upset and have a difficult baby. honestly, u are not alone. dont worry, this phrase will past. ya, maybe you should share with your gynae on your emotions and see how he/she can help. I also cried in front of my gynae at my 5th week visit after the delivery of my first gal and he was very concerned and surprised because I have always been a very cheerful person. he asked me to go back to see him if I really need medication. I didn't take the medication so not sure what kind of effect but it should be able to lift the mood. maybe it's good to take the prescription and only consume when you really feel down.

ya, as full time mothers now for the time being, think we can fully empathize your feelings. don't worry about complaining, it's good to share and vent a bit. think your bb is also a fussy one. dun worry abt baby crying. honestly, which baby doesn't cry, that is the way they communicate. don't be afraid to let them cry. if you really need to go away and your bb is still crying, maybe play some music for a while or play the mobile, do something to distract him.
dun bother too much about hse work. rest when u can and definitely make sure you have enough to eat.
I agree. Some people just don't understand how tough is it to handle baby's crankiness.

At the end of the day, you are already totally exhausted and yet there are people who try to stimulate the baby during bedtime. *roll eyes*
hi ladies, could some of your bb's evening tantrums b due to colic? i realised my ger's stomach goes "pong pong" when i hit it gently. colic is known to act up during the evenings.
pretty, hazel...
dun worry abt complainin, at least can let off some steam... my CL also leavin tom... dats where my "fun" episode will start...

ya lor, like wat ah bie says, some ppl tink its so easy to handle bb crankiness and tried to tel u wat to do when bb's wailing away.. as if they are e most competent person ard to handle...

sad to say, i gave up bf already... there's simply not enuf milk and i was pumpin like mad, each time only comes up to 40ml at most... on top of dat... hav to put up w sacarsm fr ppl who keep askin me: how come no milk.. why why why...
my supply dropped from 40ml to barely 5ml when i din hav time to pump for only one day on my boy's full mth... e nex day, the supply was like jus few drops... simply dunno how to answer when ppl keep askin me why arent u bf.... as if i had delibrately chose not to... feel so depressed..
hi i'm frm nov thread but cos my baby's born on last day of nov i sometimes also pop by to read dec thread too.

i think all those soothing baby to sleep also soothes us cos if baby eventually sleeps or queitens down cos of that we're also happy. i do all that too..actually my mil taught me to. i guess babies so young still need our closeness and cuddles. tho i do try not to use the pacifier so much, usually when all these don't work and i fed up, i'll use the pacifier, works a dream..but baby don't always sleep well..once pacifier is out she'll cry. sighz.

anyways sometimes baby cry a lot it's cos she got wind in her stomach and needs to be burped. my mil would rub the RuYiYou, then we'll try to burp her and carry her till she calms down. you tap his/her tummy to 'hear' if there's wind. happened to my baby a few times..cry v.loudly, esp during or after her feed. sometimes she does that halfway through her sleep even!
oh i also put the anti-colic in her EBM twice a day to minimize wind in her stomach
yup, mine is colic...
So music,etc doesnt help when he's crying..
I ve tried ignoring his cries for more than 1hr+, it doesnt help.
It will be a blessing if he doesnt needs me to carry N walk him round the hse to make him sleep..
esp when his grandparents already did that when he's 1wk old
nw then say dun do this n tat...Its already too late...bb used to it
Now my bb enceyzma is getting worst since Sun...dunno why...going to bring him to see PD tmr.
This is the 3rd time I bring him to see PD for the same prob.
Initially is getting better, all of a sudden, becoming worst..his skin is peeling off
instead if jus carrying him, mayb u can try patting him to make him burp at e same time...
i do dat to my boy sometimes.. not jus after feed... or when i feel he has more to burp.. and it works for him to reduce colic...

when my boy's colicky, he will jus let out a sharp cry as if he jus had a nitemare... and it freaked out his grandparents... and a drama of coeorcing him will starts...

Saw your facebook and found your friend's name and your name familiar. Maybe i know u too. Can i know that are u working in UOB which is same as me?

I tried to burp him if I am "allowed" to sit down...
He sleeps very little even if he dun cry...
think abt 8hrs per day jux like adults...or even lesser..
Hi Cloverluv,

I somehow feel more relieved after reading your comments. Like you, I also do not have much breast milk. Initially, bf directly but my bb dun really latch on well and keep crying so I started pumping. But, realize that each time I pump not alotsa milk also.

They say must increase the frequency of pumping milk then the supply will be more. But easier said than done, sometimes, I am so drained after cuddling bb to sleep that I just simply dun have the energy to pump. Now since supply dwindling, I have given him total FM. At least, can see my bb more full after each feed than just relying on the small amount of BM.

Was also depressed initially but got alotsa encouragement from my Mum and sis. They told me that not everyone are blessed with good supply of BM so dun let that worry me...to be honest...was so depressed that I think almost went into depression. Ma and sis also told me that so long bb is healthy is more important. My sis also was not blessed with a good supply of BM and was on FM after a short while also. But I see my niece growing so healthy and brighter by the day. After the encouragement, felt abit better. So cloverluv, you are not alone...I guess this is a trying period for all new Mummies..so Im glad there is this wonderful forum for sharing our experiences.
Hi ladies
I think all of us face similar problems. I'm so glad this forum is here for us to vent and share with and console each other.

My mum, whom I've been complaining about the last few days, will be leaving tonight. At the last minute, she needs to tend to her business and can't continue to help me with confinement. I'm filled with very mixed feelings. I had earlier said I wanted her to go home, but now that it is really happening (so suddenly), I'm beginning to feel apprehensive about being able to cope by myself after tonight.

Well, I guess this is inevitable, just that it is happening earlier (before the end of my confinement) ... I'll just have to brave myself for the days ahead.

Jia you everyone!!!
I guess at this point of stage, quite common for our babies having colic. My boy's colic was so bad that I have to admit him to KKH for 2 days stay cos he keep vomitting like merlion after feed. Thank god that he is ok..Been cranky and of cos first time grand parents like my mum and dad will tend to carry him alot when he cries, so now he also very smart, he will will cry for awhile and observe, if no one comes he will start his "orchestra".

Feeding time also very notti..now can close mouth so tight even fly alsoi cannot fly in if he dun want milk, else he will hold in his mouth and spit all out after u take out the teat. Aiyo, really headache.. Guess this is just a phase we all have to go through..
My CL also going home soon. In fact, this weekend will be her last day.
Need to ask, if she started on Sun and she is doing 28 days confinement, her last day is on Sun or Mon? If it's sun, should it be sun afternoon or night?

my baby is exhibiting similar pattern as yours, she will sleep very peacefully in the daytime but from 6pm onwards, will be cranky and can't settle down. she doesn't really cry but she will make a lot of noise, maybe they sleep too much in the daytime? I am going to try to keep her more awake in the daytime after my CL goes home next week. at least my CL still can help out at night so I just leave it till end of the week.

Cloverluv, milkyal,
it's a dilemma that a lot of mummies have. on one hand, we want the best for the baby and breastmilk is really the best, on the other hand, the fussy baby and limited help is not helping with the supply so a lot of mummies gave up bfing reluctantly. actually bf is only a small part of motherhood and I always believe that it's impt to enjoy bfing. if the baby is not happy, guess the mummy won't be happy and she won't enjoy the baby so as long as you have tried to give your best. don't be too hard on yourself. Of coz, there are others who tried very hard to bf and are successful but that is really quite individual, so it really depends on yourself. don't worry about giving up, it's your baby.
my weight is still the same as the day I discharge from the hos. In fact, think I have gained 0.5kg. still have about 10kg to lose. my CL cooked a lot every meal and kept telling me to eat more so that I have enough milk. I can't imagine that I have consume close to 3 big bottles of sesame oil. got to work hard to reduce the weight after she is gone.
my no 1 also like merlion almost everytime he finished his feed last time. didn't occur to me that it might be colic. Alot of pple tell me his stomach may be too shallow. Actually until now, at 4 yrs old, he will still merlion if he eats too full. Hence we can't force him to eat whenever he tells us he is full.
Yeah, my CL also served me big bowl of rice and other dishes. Worried i wld be hungry.

I have consumed 2 bottles of DOM. was shocked when i c the empty bottles at the end of confinement!
I still got 4 kg to lose. Hope bfeeding will help during the next 4 weeks. CNY coming!!
Since you are so worried about yr maid, why don't you take care of the NB yourself for the time being, meaning you bath yr NB, maybe teach her how to feed and burp NB. You know what, if you got cranky baby, try to give whatever can make bb comfortable and stop crying. I give my #1 pacifier and he kicked the habit before 2 yrs old. Think it made my motherhood life smoother. Maybe mummies don't give this, don't give that, don't do this, don't do that etc cos when meets a very cranky baby, then boh bian liao. Don't feel guilty about giving pacifier if cries too much, wind gets into the stomach then more jiatlat colic! My son grew up with nice lips and front teeth. =)Try to have a open mind, relax. Have you heard of old ppl's saying "Dirty big, dirty eat?"
Some elderlys got those old folk's tale, listen can liao, some also meant well just that the current mood is not accepting those goodwills. Hahaha...
Your CL came on that Sunday, you must count that Sunday as day 1 liao. Sunday she came in the morning then that 28th day, she will leave in the morning. My CL came on 2nd Dec's morning and she left on 29th afternoon. She is quite nice, she cooks the lunch and dinner on 29th before she leaves, ask my maid to warm up my dinner.
I have consumed 1 and half bottles of DOM and also 3 bottles of "ang mi jiu". My mother also gave a bottle of hard liquor to her to add into my soup or fish but I stop her from using it because the alcohol content really too high. I have red face after drinking the soup. also, I start to have a bit of sore throat.
Breastfeeding is not helping me a lot. I think I consume too much oil and carbohydrates. must really cut down on that.
thanks for sharing. I think it will be better that she doesn't cook the confinement food for me. too much oil though it's really quite tasty. I shall talk to her regarding her last day. thanks.
during my last weigh at gynae's clinic, i lost 13kg. hv 5kg more to lose. that was 2 wks ago. everyday eat the confinement food, i wonder if i've gained too. plus i didnt do any massage. tummy still there... looks like 5mth preg. wait 4 confinement to be over then try to control diet. but also worried dieting will affect milk ss.

i've facebook too... [email protected]

u just type the email add in the search function. it'll show u the person if match. then click on "Add as Friend"
bear with it... i also blared at my hubby last night. hv tried to control raising my voice but just cannot help it. we face the crankiness the whole day but no one just know how hard it is. they just come back fr work n face for a while n cannot take it liao... my hubby still say he needs to work the next morning. i was thinking as if i'm v free the next day.
hi everyone,
I've not posted since i've given birth. Simply no time. Anyway, just want to ask if any one of you has this same experience as me. My baby moves a lot, kicks and moves arms, during her feeds (breastfeeding. Is it normal or could it be due to something i ate that made her so edgy and hyper? The only thing that I can think of is chocolates. I abstain from coffee and tea.
hi sereneyap, my CL charges $1800...she is a very nice lady, i like her alot...as i am not a fussy eater, i am ok with the food she cooks...as for taking of bb, she is very experienced...the only thing is she sticks by the rule that bb must drink water...though i told her PD says no need water and i dont want her to feed bb water, she will still feed bb water very often...so it depends on you whether you can take this or not...initially i couldnt take this, but after a week or so, i gave up...but now i end up giving my bb water quite often...if you are interested i can send you her contacts...but she is already occupied in Feb...but i think she has friends who can recommend should u need a CL...

hi fanny, nope i am not from UOB...i hv UOB credit card though...hahaha...most of my friends are either from BASF, HP or SHELL...as these are the companies that i worked in before..

hi tub, tks for highlighting about colic...it didnt came to my mind that it could be due to colic...i will see what happens tonight...guess from now on, everyday is an experiment and a lesson for me and bb...no one method suits all, so i just hv to try and see what suits us...

hi missylan, i do bath bb myself, change her clothes etc...except bottle feeding, as i still do latch her on sometimes...i am not worried about the maid, just that seeing other pple handling your bb, there's this feeling of anxiety and fear...so ends up worrying for the least impt thing lor...in fact, my maid is an experienced bb caretaker...more experienced than me....but still being a mother, i tend to tell her what to do what not to do...as if i am so experienced like that...hahah...

Chocolate contains a variety of substances, some of which have an effect on body chemistry. These include:

Sugar: Chocolate bars (as opposed to cocoa) contain large amounts of sugar.

Theobromine: This is the primary alkaloid found in cocoa and chocolate[37], and is one of the causes for chocolate's mood-elevating effects. This mild stimulant belongs to the methylxanthine family, which also includes the similar compound caffeine, with which theobromine is frequently confused.

Tryptophan: An essential amino acid that is a precursor to serotonin, an important neurotransmitter involved in regulating moods.

Phenethylamine: An endogenous alkaloid and monoamine. Often described as a 'love chemical'[38] However, unlike its synthetic derivative amphetamine, it is quickly metabolized by the enzyme MAO-B, preventing significant concentrations from reaching the brain.

Caffeine: This stimulant is present mainly in coffee and tea, but exists in chocolate in very small amounts[37]. The amount of caffeine in chocolate is roughly 6 mg per ounce (about 30 g) of chocolate bar[6]. Compare with 100–150 mg of caffeine in a cup of coffee.

Chocolate also contains caffine and some other things which can make a baby hyper.


Saw in your facebook that shows the mickey mouse restaurant. Where is the resturant located?


its at anchorpoint, opp ikea. food's rather pricey n not great tastg too. but if its for e kid, i guess tts secondary.. my son wasn't tt wow-ed by it anyway. but maybe hes not a fan of e mouse.
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hello ladies,

I am organising a bulk purchase on the following baby sling.

It's very useful, fuss free with no tying. Interested, pls pm me . Retails at $42.90, selling now at $35.90 (include normal postage)


Oic. I ever saw this restaurant being shown on tv, but the hosts never mention the location. So did they sell any of the mickey figurines in the restaurant? Me already start to think how to plan for my gal's 1 year old birthday.

hi mommies

I have a Ferrari Stroller to let go @ $350 (bought it for $439) used it once only during bb's full month on 12 Jan. Interested mommies, pls contact me at 9007 2223 or email me [email protected]

Condition: Almost Brand New
Reason for selling: DH's friends gave one for bb's full month and I dun need 2 strollers.


- comfortable newborn stroller
- mutiple recline positions
- suitable from birth up to 15kg
- large under basket
- removable front saftey bar
- handle height adjustable
- This is an official licensed product

