(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

think not tight enough, at home use those type of cloth napkin to swaddle them... if too hungry maybe they can break free also. My CL swaddle my son very tightly, looks like a worm... XD
sigh.. yeah.. try again later. pretty tired of breastfeeding (latch on directly) but told myself have to carry on to increase supply. now only can pump out 70 ml from both breast in about 25-30min. :x how to increase milk flow???
Haha going to jot down my birth story~

On 23 Nov 2007,


Suddenly woke up from painful cramps (ahz.. like menses cramp). Wondering is it false alarm or the real labour... so i just ignore and try to go back and sleep.


Cannot get to sleep... keep going toilet pass motion.. aiyo thought i ate the wrong things.. how come keep visiting the loo. I started to count my contractions... every 5 or 6 mins the pain will come back. Aiyo.. is it i going to give birth today???


still keep counting and visit toilet... pacing up and down in my room... wondering what really happen. haha


Ahz.. better wake up my hubby. And i told him i having contractions pain every 5mins... and he wake up and time it with me.. so funny haha.


I called my mum, and told her dunno izit real labour leh... lucky she is awake and ask me to head down to the hospital. But i thinking the pain still ok leh... maybe can wait...


Me and my hubby decided to call my gyne. Ahz.. operator answer the call and ask who is my gyne etc and what happen. After less than 2 mins, my gyne called. He told me to go down only when i cannot bear with the pain anymore. So i waited and waited...


I decided to head down to the hospital, cos i worry abt traffic jam and dunno is it real labour. Haha


Reach the hospital. Do the admission and head down to the observation ward.


The nurse check my dilation. Oh.. 5cm ler. And the contractions is still not those intense type. My gyne oso came and check on me and say today will be the DAY! Haha But dunno when yet... Nurse say if i need epidual or laughing gas let them know... But i still ok with the pain so i wait and see...

9+ to 12

The contractions pain never get more intense and i keep going to the toilet and pass motion. Aiyo.. dunno y leh.. Nurse check.. ah.. still 5cm dilate. Nurse inform doctor and i'm push to the delivery ward and the waiting game started.

12+ noon

Ahz.. still can take light lunch.. haha i thought cannot eat leh... but gyne order food for me. So i eat happily haha.

1+ pm

The nurse start to put me on drip. Ok.. the pain is more intense now after the drip... The nurse ask my husband go and eat cos after the drip start, i will dilate very fast. My hubby went to take his quickie lunch kekek. Nurse told me not to take epidual.. cos my delivery will be fast.. since i can tahan till 5cm dilate. I say ok.. then i dun take.. just use laughing gas. My hubby back and Suddenly my waterbag burst! Wow... really can feel the bursting effect. haha really like balloon burst! Told the nurse, aiyo my waterbag burst. And the real pain its really painful loh! ABit regret never take epidual. ahaha But nevermind i use laughing gas and it is useful! And also requested and injection which can reduce the pain by 50%. When the nurse was out to get the injection ready... guess what! I got the urge to push the bb out! Called the nurse and she came. Oh no 10cm dilated! Call gyne and he is still queueing up buying his lunch wahaha. I can't wait leh.. the urge is so huge and the nurse ask me not to push and keep using the laughing gas. It was a real torture that i cannot push!!! I cried and break into cold sweat!. My hubby poorthing.. and keep holding on to my hand and wipe my sweat.


Gyne arrived!! I feel so good to see him! Like an angel is here to help me! Wahaha. Started pushing and pushing. The pushing game is not painful and it feel real good to push the bb out. haha


Finally, the bb is out! Yeah!~ and my gyne never cut me... he say i just have a small tear and he stitch it up nicely for me... The feeling is great! and i still can chit chat with my hubby after my delivery.
hi pretty,

i also had blood stains last week and some bleeding after my VE examination on Mon. Doc told me might be due in 1 or 2 days time. But until now, no contractions yet. Still waiting too...

Are u refering to the rainforest series? Saw a few on their website but only saw the rainforest series in dept store.

I'm still not on leave. Prob will work for 2 more days on Mon & Tue, then will start leave on Wed which is my EDD.
wow, a nurse from mt a just called this afternoon to check on bb and me. talk abt after sales service
today mil not around so i latch bb on whole day. tiring lei, coz my supply not very sufficient so every hour or so she will have to latch on. hope it'll be enuff to up my supply/
just went to see gynae this morning... again, he nv do any VE leh... so sian.. i a bit sian of his service though. Just say "okie, we will see you in one week time"

Today he almost do the scanning for the bb's weight, do halfway then i think the machine restart on its own.. then he jus practically din wan to redo the measurement. =(
oh ya, wanna check if you mummies.. i m buying pamper newborn for my boy. For "pamper newborn", is there different types? cos i dun see the word pamper premier written on the packaging? wondering if there is any different not...
U still have some time before yr EDD, prob that's why yr gynae dont do the VE. Anyway, it's not comfortable at all. My gynae also did not do it for me. Only last wk when I'm 38 wk and had some bleeding, the covering doc did for me. After which, I had more bleeding and he stopped for the last few visits including today.
Eve: i m into my week 38 alreadi. just normal checking.. got to see him in 1 week time and pay him $55 for nothing... was telling hubby tt prob we jus wait for the waterbag to burst instead of seeing him.. see liao also nv get to know anything...
milkingcow (missylan),
tanks for ur advice sometime back wrt my inverted nipples..i'm having a happier time now le.. my advent manual pump is giving my ger enuf milk for each feeds =D

May i chk issit normal tat we feel pain at the bottom? (not resulting from the stitching?) i've been experiencing much pain..

i gave birth @ MA last thurs & dey called today 2 chk if me n bb doing fine.. and the lady said over the phone dat i can take normal panadol to ease the pains & wont affect breast milk wor
hi happi & Clarie,
I actually start to get engorgement on day 4. Worsen at night and thats the day when I brought my bb back. So ve to handle my bb n the big stone "waterbag".In the end, asked my hb to go NTUC to buy the manual pump for me...temp relieve of the engorgement.

Yesterday mgt to pump out 40ml of milk and today 45ml. N my armpit finally not so swollen but still gt one lump there.

btw, ask u all..when will our breast goes back to our pre pregnancy size? Now mine is bigger than during pregnancy.
Are you seeing Dr John Yam now? or yr current gynae?
Someone had mentioned that drinking water will cause water retention.
but I still drink lah....

I even shower immediately once I reached home. Just that I made an effort to dry myself after my shower.N to use hairdryer to dry 90% of the hair cos my hair quite difficult to dry which I dunno why.
as requested:
pre preg = 51kg
b4 birth = 64kg
aft birth = 58kg
1 week aft birth = 57kg
hahhaa .. not doing anyting except for malay massage to lose wt .. my MIL aka my CL making me eat alot ..
but tummy size went down quite abit aft 1-2 days of massage ..and farting quite abit (massage lady says its normal)
as requested:
pre preg = 51kg
b4 birth = 64kg
aft birth = 58kg
1 week aft birth = 57kg
hahhaa .. not doing anyting except for malay massage to lose wt .. my MIL aka my CL making me eat alot ..
but tummy size went down quite abit aft 1-2 days of massage ..and farting quite abit (massage lady says its normal)

my MIL made me chicken soup last nite and added in XO to it.. but i'm allergic to liqour and is now having terrible rashes.. any idea will affect bb if i BF ?
Yup, had seen Dr Yam 3 times this wk already. Everytime i go, he put me on the CTG. Is it his usual practice near EDD?

How's yr delivery by him?
aiyoh, allergic still take liquor? not gd for u. the rationale is if the XO is added in after cooking, then wait 2 hrs before bf. if added in during the cookng, the alcohol would have evaporated off liao.

farting is gd, get rid of wind
yep, they say that drinking water will cause water retention.
very hard to ans yr ques cos I was admitted to hospital after my 1st official CTG at the clinic.
My 1st 2 times were due to an accident so I was put on CTG to monitor the bb.
Then when I was wk 38, my 1st "official" CTG as its closer to EDD; I was asked to admit hospital immediately due to low water level.

So far, his delivery quite gd. Quick in making decision cos my bb heartbeat stop. So he vacuum it out immediately and saved my bb.
I believed he will know its me, if u asked him...the one who still wants to go shopping when water level was already low
Hi Mummies
I am selling Pigeon Empty Container at 3.50 & Pigeon COntainer Wif 82's Pcs wipes at 6.00. (Kiddy palace selling at 7.20 Pigeon COntainer Wif 82's Pcs wipes.) If u are keen pls sms me at 97979554
I see... Went 3 times and each time has to pay $45 for it... a bit heartache. Going to see him again next wed which is my EDD.

Did realised his "stressed up" look which u mentioned the other time... kekeke.. But i find that he's quite pro natural and epidural avoidance, is that right?

Anyway, glad to hear that his delivery is good. Yr EDD was later then mine and i was quite surprised when i learnt that u hv delivered shortly after we have last chatted here. Now is depending on when my bb choose to come out. Still hoping he can wait a bit more until my gynae is back.
hey, I will be going for my chk up on next wed too. maybe will meet u there.

mine is sort of last min delivery...
My hosp bag nt even fully packed...I just admit to the hosp with my IC.
nope.. at GlenE.
I think he's supposed to be in Bedok in the afternoon but he told his nurse he's changing. Ur appt in morning?
I called up yesterday..the nurse said wed afternoon in bedok..
but wants me to be in GlenE..so I ve to be in the morning.
maybe I called again on Mon to chk cos no pt asking my hb to take full day as the timing is bu shan bu si.

I also drink lotsa of water especially after pumping milk cos we need to replenish the fluid in ourselves. Cos if we dun have enough fluid, it will affect the "quality" of our milk which will in turn affect bb also..But of cos I have heard stories of people having water retention, but dunno how true is that..
hi mommies,

me too popped liao... :)

date: 15 dec
time: 12.13pm
hosp: mt E
gender: girl
bb's name: danelle
weight: 2.215kg
delivery type: c-sect with GA

i went to the hospital w/o delivery bag. im glad tat i listened to the mt E gynae and do it today cos the umbilical cord is actually "rotten" therefore not delivering enough nutrients to the baby.

quick run thru of wat happened today..

9.45am reach mt E clinic
10.30am went in to see gynae
11.00am reach mt E hospital delivery suite
11.15am done all the q & a, had enema, remove nail polish and clear my bowels
11.50am pushed into the operation theatre
12.13pm baby is out
1pm mommy bk in the room
Congras sassy mum!

My c section wound was so painful yest when I took my 1st step n also happen that need to go to restroom.

Almost broke into tears.

Mummies who had c section-could you advice how long the pain will be there? Am afraid of movin my body n walkin at times but my sil said I hav to in order to quickly recover.
Hi naf
your sis is right.
You have to start moving and walking around in order to recover faster. The first step is always not easy. But JIA YOU!

I have already booked my induction on 18 Dec, 7am at Mt A. So if I dun deliver earlier, I will get to see u there.
Naf, must use binder after c-sec so when you move around, will not feel so pain.

My sil wear that after her c-sec and she feels better and is more mobile.
Thanks constance n bbngg. Am startin to walk more n also did use the binder. Probably it is loose tat is why felt more pain.

Will get nurse to adjust n also take painkiller.

Just bfeed baby to relieve breast soreness. Think becuz I last fed him was yest at 7am then tis mornin at 8.30àm.

Felt so happy to see his little baby. Really looked like his kor kor.
My op is at 745am on 18th Dec. So you have to check in by 5am, like me, or even earlier??
I guess i will c my bb first, cos mine C-section.

Wanted to PM you my hp, but you dun accept PM. Will get my hb to bring his laptop there. Update you again in forum.

Hi Naf
No prob. Yeah, i think binder helps to relieve the pain too. But dun make it too tight, later you may end up having rashes around your tummy area due to abrasions.
congrats sassy.

use the milk to wash your face or for bath la very good deh neh....

my baby head oso 34cm, big head & tall baby but not so bak bak. and i see that obviously got a big cut down there where the stiches are. uggghhh... luckily past few days not so pain liao.

i curi curi drink plain water. i oso add plain water to the red dates drink when no one is watching. my massuer told me that it's not because of the red dates drink that may cause UTI. in fact you should drink more of it, i oso dunno le... the only drink i drink endlessly is the rice tea. that's easier to drink coz it's almost tasteless.

i pray the scale at home doesn't cheat me... otherwise i'm just fooling myself ah..

shawn got enzcema on his face
, think it's from the milk because the whole of yesterday, i fed him side lying down and last nite i tot his face was clean before sending him to cot. This morning when woke up, saw the rashes very heart pain. anyway, today we went to see the gynae again to check on the jaundice, still got moderate jaundice. tomolo going to polyclinic to prick for blood test to confirm the level of it. anyway, we're quite happy as he's gaining weight. he's now 3.255kg total EBM pays off! :p
what a day for me. yesterday saw the brown stain and small mucous, called nurse and told me to wait for regular contractions or rupture of water bag. this morning around 554am, a gush of water came out and wet the panty and liner. not much though. tot water bag rupture, called hosp, they asked me to go down to A&E. Took my time to bath and had breakfast, reached hosp around 7am, was on CTG for almost an hour before a medical doc came to do a VE. i wasnt dilated much and apparently my water bag hasnt broke. he says that water that gushed out is "high water", not water bag. duno wat it means. anyway waited till 10+ before my gynae arrives. he told me to go back home and monitor the contractions and fetal movements. Contractions should be 1 in every 5 - 10 mins. then admit myself again. wow piang. i really confused now, when should i admit myself again. i hv not much pain except backache that comes during the irregular contractions. up to now contractions is still irregular. sigh!
dear mummies, i delivered baby eshan by emergency c sect on 6 dec at tmc. my doc was dr jocelyn wong, who i must say took excellent care of me. baby eshan weighed 3.7kg and head measurement was 37cm. glad to hear all of u are doing so well. can i enquire, what is a good breast pump that i can buy? i heard kk hosp got disc now cos my cousin works there. i just want recommendations if ameda is better or medela is better. appreciate your advice.
wow..from wat i've been reading it seems like i've had a rather smooth delivery of my 1st ger compared to some of u ..
went MA @ 0130hrs (4cm dilate) and 5hrs later (0648) my girl pop out le .. no epi oni laufing gas .. and i was able to go toilet an hr aft delivery .. even went nursery c my girl .. push her to my ward to admire ..
but so long bb out healthy can le .. smooth or tough process doesn't matter @ the end of the day
i've done up a blog jux for my girl @ http://slimz4ever.blogspot.com
wonder will i still ve the time 2 update it wen i go bk to work :s
Claire: Okie, noted. Pamper newborn got premier word written on it? Pamper and pamper premier got different? I dun seem to check it online...

Jeelo: No worries la.. i m sure cant b too far from the exact if really got different lo...

Congrats to Mums to have popped...
can I check with you the full name of the acne cream? Thanks.

I on aircon most of the time. I don't think it's heat rash, coz it's only on the face, none on the neck or body.

wow! you can pump out 300ml each time? So much! How big is your bb already?
pamper premium is now called pampers stages new baby. Yellow packaging, $17+ for 36 pieces. But I would strongly rec Nepia instead. $15 for 60 pieces. I find it just as good. BB uses about 8 everyday, very siong. I ordered from the supplier, 2 pack NB + 2 pack S. Realised I should have ordered more NB instead coz S still too big for my boy...
