(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

hi, can someone update for me? i'm no. 15 on the list. my baby girl emma delivered naturally w/o epi on 13th Dec morning. Weight 3.32kg height 51cm.

was asking for epi during later part of labour though cos pain was soooo bad. had gas and injection for pain relief also no use. then baby decided it was time to come out after all. thank goodness! if i ever have a 2nd kid, i'll seriously consider epi all the way

hi claire,

saw u asking abt teachers benefits... hehe i kpo la, i think i read abt ur qn on thread for teacher mummies. i m not a teacher, but i m also taking NPL from my co.. by right going back to work in jun08..but 99% will quit, coz no one look after my bb.

for me i never experience back ache loh... Its like menses cramp and comes and goes... so it is quite easy to notice it.
And if u keep visiting the loo with loose stool.. also might be another indication that u will be in labour soon. Cos i keep passing motion... many times! Even when the nurse clear my bowels, i still go toilet leh.. shang nao jin...
he is now at 3.4kg, up 300g from last week...doc says a bit too fast.....

btw, i just pass out the mucus plug..wonder if contraction will be here soon...any idea?
the poly results for shawn was 269. then i called the PD, dunno how the translated into tens. then she tell me that it's abit on the high side.

congrats & well done ankh!

i have the same problem with u.. initially in the hospital.. managed to latch bb on a few times.. but of course.. no milk.. then on the second day.. she kept crying non-stop and nurse suggest giving her formula milk by the cup..

after that.. i realised that bb very lazy.. dun wanna latch on anymore.. today is my 3rd day and she completely dun wanna latch on anymore.. very very sad indeed.. so no choice got to pump out milk for her and feed via bottle.. coz wanted to stimulate the sucking in her.. via cup and she just licks..

dunno if able to latch her on at all anymore.. haiz... very sad right?

my baby was 3.2kg last tuesday, wonder how big he is now.. probably similar to yours also.

yah if you pass out mucus plug, then if got blood.. maybe got to go hospital liao? my doctor said to admit if there's blood.
Congrats to all the mummys...

i m from Mar08 thread.. jus like to find out more info on the billin from MAH n TMC...how much was the billing for 4bedding.. n how much did u top up?? i still cant decide which hosp to go.. mayb someone here can help me...

botanist, jeelomeelo,
would like to check with you your hospital bill. The way the cashier calculated my CPF deduction is: ($450 x 3 Nights)+ $450 ante-natal = $1800

Is yours calculated like that also? Seems like so simple leh. Other hospitals seems can claim more?

can't help you out on this yet... maybe jeelomeelo can. I haven't delivered yet!

the claim depends on how much you do.. if natural with epidural, cannot claim that much. think can claim more if assisted delivery, or with c-section etc.
Hi hen
dun be discouraged!
my colleague expressed out and managed to feed her bb for 6 mths, cos she wanted to monitor how much bb drinks each time. So dun worry. If you can manage it, breastmilk is the best compared to FM, be it expressed or direct latch.

Let's both JIA YOU for our deliveries tomorrow.
wow, seems tt so many mummies have alreadi popped... congrats to all those who have popped.. shld b very busi taking care of bb...

i just started my ML..still got 13 more days to go before my EDD. Did some shopping today.. first time since so long that i spend money though.
yap, I'm staying in the west. Not too far (but not that near either) from Crystalz...heehee...(wah, I've never met crystalz, but I know which area she stays at...hahaha...no lah, coz we using same massage lady. kekekeke...)

Hen, me same as you. HB and I doing confinement on our own. And now, I'm down with a bad cold. Sore throat and running nose. cham....feeling so lousy, but dun dare to take medication...coz means cannot feed baby BM mah! *sob* *sob*...
When's yr EDD? Mine is this wed. baby is already 3.4kg. I think my mucous plug also came out already.... last wk. till now no contractions.
Hi Ankh,
Fancy seeing you on last fri, reckon you have discharged?

Hi Mummies,
Can I seek your advice? Do you know if we can bottle feed our baby with other ppl's breast milk? I am currently staying at my bro for my confinement, his wife who is still BF my 8mths old nephew, insist that I use her milk to feed my boy cos my flow is still not sufficient to meet my boy's demand (only deliver on 12/12). Even my CL also said that baby need the antibodies now so its ok. I agreed reluctantly.

Then to my amazement, when I woke up from my nap yesterday and saw my SIL BF my boy directly!!! I was so shocked, politely I asked her why didnt she asked me to feed him, she said cos I was sleeping. Then I went to the room and cried
I dun wan my boy to suckle other ppl's breast and has confusion recognising my smell leh
Am I right to say this? Plus, this is so personal.

Anyway this incident has really stressed me out so today I called to sign up TMC parentcraft personalised BF class tomorrow, to 'perfect' my BF and ask them abt this.

Would appreciate if any of you has answers to my queries! Thanks in advance!
Not to further distress you but I think your SIL is not respecting you lor. She can jolly well waited for you to wake up or just simply wake you up to ask right? So angry to read your posting! Anyhow this is your child mah. If you know your SIL's health and understand that she has no problem then it is safe to let yr child drink her bm. Even a breastfeeding mom is sick, she is advised to continue bf her child cos virus might have already spreaded to child but continue bf will provide the child with anti-bodies.
I had 10 sessions and now my tummy is flat liao... no more "just delivered" tummy. Most important is to wear the binder to sleep or if you are uncomfortable to wear to bed, then wear a gridle.
Milkingcow: Tks... wowo, i also hope i will be like you.. heehee.. i got a lot of excess fats to go ... heehee...

anyway, got to wait for boy to come out first...
Hi Coco, yep discharged on Sat. Find this so comical - wanted to see our gynae on last Wed but clinic said she was operating (must've been you!
) When i popped on Thur, i did think we may bump into each other.

About your SIL BF your baby directly, I find it very weird. Furthermore, BM changes to meet demands of a baby at different ages, so maybe you can check whether BM for a 8mth old is suitable for a newborn. But do hang in there with the breastfeeding. It's pressurizing when surrounding people keep commenting we don't have enough BM. Cried buckets over this. In the end started supplementing my baby with FM last nite, and thankfully baby still latches on direct today.

Mummies, any one in confinement suffering from the rash PUPPP (Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy)? Would greatly appreciate any advice on how to deal with it, especially if expected to follow confinement practices? I'm suffering from it and now can't sleep well at nite, which leads to other problems. Hope to overcome this so as to BF my baby well.
Coco, in addition can call TMC nurses at 91193502 regarding BF advice. Also very comforting and supportive. One of their pointers is that first time mummies usually take longer time to establish BM flow. So hang in there!
Mums who went thru c-section, could you advise whether we still can do malay massage? Only know they won't massage wound or stomach area. Eh then massage where ah?
hello mummies, i whole nite nv slp again.. experience pelvis bone pain quite badly while i lie down. Aching back and those feeling like menses cramp like tt..will stomachache feeling...

are those signs for delivery? i bit worried cos i am alone at home... and i am super tired....
Belle, me too.. infact.. yesterday I started with contraction every 10mins for the whole day from 10am - about 8pm.. did CTG shown 10mins regular contraction too.. thought will deliver yesterday night.. but nothing.. me also consistently mense cramp and backache.. when is your edd? my is 3rd Jan.
wher are you now? i jus called my gynae, was ask to go down hospital now.. but i m pretty reluctant though... so pai say if later nothing happen...

i lie on the bed and pain keeps coming bk. like gng to poo like tt... sweating all over...

do u experience the same? i am still counting ... to see if i shld go a not...
GOSH! I also sweating like dont know what like that
ya lor.. they anticipate that my contraction will hit 1 in 5mins from midnight onwards.. but no lor.. still the same. you got any show etc? water bag intact? me still seeing patients. I guess by walking it is good. how big is your baby now?
oh no.. i m not sure wad is contraction is like.. but the gynae ask mi go hospital sia.. i feel like i am having menses cramp, backache, need to go poo every 5mins.. after a while, it will go off... no idea if becos ytd i walked too much, went shopping for abt 5hrs....
are those signs contraction??

where are u now? In hospital??

my bb is at week 38plus/ coming 39 soon... my edd 010108....
me still working. I am working as a nurse. huh.. then you better go hospital earlier to check. for me no problem. I am working as a nurse and I will deliver in my hospital.. if anything I just go up to labour ward.
contraction is liken that of menstrual cramp, and tightening of the tummy with backache. As tired as I am, I am forcing myself to work, cause walking helps with delivery.
I am in my 37weeks plus.
yoru hubby leh? think you better go for some monitoring?
deer, tks for that.. i m timing now.. it comes bt every 5 - 10 mins. sweating like mad.. cos my gf has pain for 2 weeks before delivering.. guess there is no way to slp man..

my hubby is at work, on standby to rush to hospital.. my gynae din wan mi to go down, wan mi to go hospital now... but i dun wan to look stupid leh. later go down liao, nothing happen...argh!!! thinking wad to do now??
you wont look stupid... better than you deliver at home! although ours is first baby. my cramps also damn pain.. you got those hardening of your tummy? me damn shag too.. but still got so many patients. go to hospital for at least a CTG. it will measure your contraction etc.
you opting for epidural?
deer, no idea wad is hardening of tummy leh.. but seriously i dun think i gng to deliver leh.. oh no.. i m really confused.. thinking whether shld go hospital a not...
we are still considered early though, but good for you to do a CTG ... and if yours is a fast one. .you wouldnt have time for epidural.
which hospital you are delivering? if your doc ask you to go down, you better go have a check. otherwise anything happens, the doc can say she/ he already advise you, but you dont wanna take his advise. going down doesnt mean you are going to deliver. just for monitoring purposes.

I agree that your SIL is really quite funny. I think she enjoyed breastfeeding but it's really too much to breastfeed your baby directly. You need to let her know that this upsets you.
some mummies who have problem breastfeeding and have babies who is allergy to cow's milk and soya based milk actually asked for BM from other mothers. I think it's alright for mothers to give away their milk to babies of same age. It's better than FM but to drink BM from a mother of a different age baby, maybe it's ok, maybe it's not so beneficial. I intend to give extra milk to my 2 year old gal if I have excess but that is really for supplement and not to sustain her growth since your baby is 100% on BM and your baby is still so young, it's better than you really simulate your milk supply and latch on as much as possible.
You can also go to lactation consultant at KKH, I have been seeing Yen Peng (62934044) and she is very supportive. I BF my girl till 17 mths.

u can consider to massage a month later but i started 2 weeks later after my c-sect. It was a wrong choice loh. After my massage, there was pain below my wound and i went back to my gynae. My gynae said the massage lady broke my blood vessel and there are blood clots.

So till now, i still scared whether to continue my massage or not. I scared by the time i go back to work, have to buy clothes again.
hi mummies!!

FYI.. belle is now in labour ward and may deliver by tonight!!

and also she wants me to thank deer deer for asking her to go to the hospital.. heee


can i find out how much is the personalised breast feeding session? i think i need it too.. baby and i are quite frustrated with latching on.. and it seems that i'm not providing her with enough milk.. so rather depressing..

do let me know so that i can also go for it yah? many thanks..
yup yup, i oso chk w aunty sadiah, she will prefer mummies w csect 2 do massage a mth aft delivery. Anyway i will b bk 2 my own hse aft xmas 2 do my confinement. Reason is tat i cant stand my dad shuting e doors loudly n doing things in a loud way. Bb already kana startled a few times though my mum had told him nt 2 do or tok so loud. I told hub n we decided it bttr 4 me 2 move bk, if nt i end up having serious post natal blues.
Hi all,
My bb also still having jaundice at day 12. So far every 2days have to bring him to polyclinic to do blood test n check. I see liao v heart pain leh. Now on total breast milk. I'm thinking of just feeding him formula let his jaundice fall faster. Now his reading is 219. But doc still say the benefits of breast milk outweighs the slow drop in jaundice. But if it's not dropping.. then every 2 days to poke.. Dunno how. Any mummies in the same situation? How?
ya, i think the medisave deduction is calculated that way.

i agree that nepia is as good. i oso bought one pk of NB size only. regret oso coz bb still too small for S size. my plan to use cloth diapers were dashed coz of the poor weather since we brought baby back. instead, we're using the diaper cloth for swaddling and during breastfeeding.

what brand of girdle did you buy? i bind from massage time till i bath the next day. currently using what my masseur is providing. quite happy too coz tummy shrunk liao.

ya, let ur SIL know that you're upset about it. otherwise she might just jolly well do it again.. better let her know
Wow, Belle in labour ward already!!

Good graccious, I'm tired of waiting.. Yesterday went for weekly checkup, everything is fine.. so I'm still waiting for signs.. Only got constant crampy feeling but no loose stools nor backache etc etc..

Getting a bit depressed waiting... although EDD is 25 Dec, really really dunno if can tahan till then.. just a few more days to go..

Now most of the topics are about BFing.. for those of us still waiting to pop, really green with envy leh hahaha

Is this your first baby? I was like you when I was carrying my first baby but now for my 2nd baby, I will be very happy if I can carry her till her EDD on christmas. You will actually feel quite different after your birth.
I felt a bit lost after giving birth and overwhelmed with the crying baby so I think it's good to be able to enjoy my elder gal's company for now. Be patient and enjoy the peace for now.

Haha, ya, I know what u mean, enjoy the peace for now
Think I'm just venting and ranting coz really want 2 meet bb face 2 face
First time mummy so don't know what 2 expect yet...

thanks ya
