(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB


Though he drink between 90 ml to 150ml per feed..He doesn't seem to grow very big leh, also dunno how much he weigh leh cos KKH never recommend PD one. Anyway, have booked the six in one vaccine and he will be going for the first jab on the 29 Jan..Maybe becos he poo alot..almost every feed, I will have to change his diaper..
how many weeks is your bb? He drinks so much milk! My bb going for the 6-in-1 also around 11 Jan (6 weeks). He also poo a lot. We clean until scared...

He is only 2 weeks and 5 days.. When he is 5 days old in hospital, he already started drinking 90ml..

Ya lor, I also clean until I scare leh...Now my life is pumping milk, feeding, changing his diaper and burping him..sigh..everything revolves round him..
eve, i think can only find the rainforest Fisher Price series nowadays, before that got Ocean Wonders cot mobile but haven't seen it around recently, unless maybe u try the US websites.
Hi all

Can I check whether need to take hep b jab in hopsital first before optin for 6 in 1 jab later? When is the first 6 in 1 jab to be taken?

I recall for my elder son, we took hep b jab in hopsital then later on clinic nurse told us then can only take 5 in 1 cuz taken hep b liao. So duno which is which now.

Can I also know for mums who c section and stay in 1 bedder room, how much did you pay for your hopsital bills?

If your baby did not take the 2nd dose when he is a month old at polyclinic, then he will need to take the six in one which he turn 2 months old. If not, he will have to take 5 in one..

KKH charges 450 for six in one plus 2 growth screening..

For me, staying in KKH 1 bedder, I have to top up another 3K in cash..total bill came close to 8k..But I stayed 4 days and its an induced birth..so maybe if you opt straight for c-sect, it will be cheaper.
hi sassymum,
my bb hospital bill at kkh for 16 days is abt 7k plus but we r under subsidy rate so its abt 1k plus which can claim from medisave.so i think we no need to fork out cash.
hi all,
i have a medela swing pump only use for 1 week and im selling at $100,it is in very good condition.i selling the pump coz i got medela pis from a fren so no need to have 2 pump. any1 interested can pm me or email me at [email protected]
Jean, thanks for the advice on the pumping.
wah, u have lots of supply...

Hmmm, I'm wondering, if pump out the BM, then will have to feed baby using the bottle right? Would that result in nipple confusion?

Also, anyone using the medela PIS?
this is the schedule that my PD gave me (she hand write it on a piece of paper for me to keep):

At birth:
BCG, Hep B

6 weeks:

3 months:
5-in-1 (coz of Hep B at birth)

5 months:

1 year:
***RE: Grunts and all kinds of funny sounds***
I realise my boy seldom cries, but makes all kinds of strange sounds like aaaarrrggghh, eeee, ehhhhh, oooohhh, to get our attention when he is hungry or when he is unhappy. He sounds like super irritated and frustrated, sometimes 'gek' until face red red. At 1st we were quite amused, coz he sounds like little piglet. But still we find it so strange lor. Anybody's bb like that also?

so far I also mix EBM and direct latch. No prob leh. Think my bb too greedy, as long as got milk, anything goes... :p

so good leh, your bb got good appetite, sure grow big very fast. I read somewhere that as long as you fully breastfeed bb, there's no worry about overfeeding. Do you take any supplements that's why your milk so much? And when you pump, do you always pump both sides together?
hmmm, okie. heehee...I'll try mixing. kekeke...

Yah, I was asking if anyone use the PIS coz it's a double pump (for simultaneous pumping on both breasts). and then I'm wondering, if I were to pump, gotta place both pumps over both breasts right? Then how to turn on or off the motor? or to press the "let down" expression button? hahahha...I only have 2 hands mah...
Higgledy (higgledy)
My bb also like that, he will "gek" until face red red when he is angry or wanna "poo gas" hehe..

I never take any supplements. I eat as per normal leh..Actually when I am in my 30 weeks, altready has some milk liao..

When I pump, I will always pump both sides together else they will start leaking..Then when I finished abt 100ml for both sides liao, I will switch the double pump to single and alternate between the 2 breast..

CSI Fan,

The pump will "stick" on ur breasts so u can off the motor lor...U will know wat to do when the time comes one la..hhehe

And ya, i bottle feed him, i find it more convenient and will know how much he is drinking and the feeding time is shorter..But sometimes i still let him latch abit and he so far also no problem..My boy very versatile one, use teat, my breast, spoon and small feeding cup, all he can drink one..hehhe...

me sama sama... I am expecting my No. 2 and first one popped 2-3 hrs afr water bag broke so gynae told me to go hosp once contractions every 5. but I dun even know what's contractions every 5 as every day also got contractions. Got alot of discharge and dunno whether to go hosp
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">Hello Mommies!!</font></font>

Sorry to interrupt....i have brought in a few very nice Disney Rompers and other apparels in the BP thread

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">All are authentic Disney apparels from HK. Designs not available here. Stocks are limited!</font></font>

Do visit the thread and check out the rompers for your babies for this Xmas/CNY festive seasons! Thanks for your support of this BP!!
Higgledy, my Pd nurse once told me tat can't mix 5 in 1 together with 6 in 1 le.

Will check with Pd tmr to confirm.

Thanks again.

Jus now used medala single pump dr hospital to pump milk for half an hour and ended up on less than 10ml
Also my nipples are gettin a sore n also kinda of engorged even though baby is latched on abt every 2 or 3 hrs.
Hi Constance,

I will pm you my hp number and you can sms me. I only need to admit for induction at 7am, so you will definitely see your baby 1st. I may get to see your baby after your op complete lei.
my contractions is now more regular...average 7-8 mins and the backache is really unbearable. called hosp, they still ask me to monitor till 5mins every contractions. saying that the back pain is due to bb down. wow i really dun think i can take it...the water bag has not rupture yet..now can just keep monitoring...feel like taking a nap, but the contractions is quite unbearable.
when I was in hospital, I specifically told PD that I would like to opt for the 6-in-1, so whether or not should have the Hep B jab during birth, and she said yes. Then after discharge, when bb 1 week old, went for check up, PD gave me the schedule as above. I was also quite surprised about the mix, but well, doc should know best...

4 days before my induction, I already had bloody discharge, and decreased fetal movement. That is the main reason why Doc went ahead with the induction although I was only in my 38th week. She sounded very concern as soon as I told her bb not moving as much as before.
I think you should just go hospital leh. According to my gynae, as long as contractions regular every 15min can go liao. Unless if you can "tong", then wait until past 11(or MN depending on hospital), so that you won't kena extra day charge. :p
i duno when i shld go down, i dun wan to send back home again. though the pain is unbearable, i think i can still tong. i will see how at around MN. wow why am i having such a difficult time?
Good Morning Mummies!!

Finally I have the 'Mummy' Badge too!! yeah!

Thanks for all the congrats!!

As i can see.. belle and bear has already updated u on my progress.. haiz.. quite disappointed with myself actually coz wanted to try natural without epi.. but labour was prolonged so no choice.. got to take otherwise i'll faint liao.. hahaha..

anyway, my birth process...

9am - Check up with gynae, did VE and realised that i'm already 5cm dilated. gynae advice to check in..

9.30am - Admit into Obeservation ward.. wait and wait.. contractions on and off but mild..

12.30pm - Gynae came to burst waterbag.. start to put on drip to quicken the process coz VE check only 5.5cm open.. labour pain starts to get stronger every hour..

3.30pm - VE check only dilate 7cm.. been in constant 3 - 4 min contraction pains since 1pm.. asked nurse how long more to get to 10cm and she said still got some time more coz my dilation is slow..

4pm - finally throw in the towel and request for epi..

6.45pm - 9cm dilated and push into labour ward..

7.05pm - 10cm finally! start to push..

8.03pm - Baby Mikaela is born!!

I didn't know that my labour was gonna be so tough but when she came out, gynae finally explained to me that bb was actually in a facing up position and not facing down, therefore, took longer time for labour and to push.. haiz.. notti gal.. give me such a hard time.. but at least she's healthy!

anyway.. can someone please help me update the table?

Borned 14/12/07 at 20:03hrs. Height 50cm, weight 3.040kg. Natural w epi..

okie lah.. got to go and bath her and try to breast feed liao.. breast very sore and engorged..

will come in again when i have the time..
today went to polyclinic for jaundice test. he's at day12now. apparently jaundice reading is about 15. should i be alarmed? my PD told me it's on the slightly high. she told me i could mix half FM/BM (but i'm not keen on this), reduce chinese herbs (been taking these for days liao though not very thick/bu ones) and no DOM (i never took). anyway i'd be going back to polyclinic on this friday again to check on the jaundice level.

what's the usual reading for high jaundice?
in fact above 10 got to admit for photo therapy liao. Mine 3rd day was 7.3, we went home then after another 4 days was 18. therapy for 2 days, discharged at 8. Now ok liao.
Hi Petrina
Hey, your bb's face up position is exactly like my no 1's. But i am not so lucky like you. I endured >24 hrs labour pain, then bb in distress, so gotta go for Emerg C. Heng you can deliver your bb naturally.

btw, my no 2 also same thing leh, so gynae immediately told me to go for C.

Heehee BBnGG
we keep in touch via sms okie?
btw, do remind your hb to bring a jacket. MAH's delivery suite is freezing cold. My hb gotta go out of the hospital to "defrost" himself every hour or so.
hi gals, i have oso given birth on 11 dec 8.10 am. natural with epi

10 dec: was leaking water , but didnt realised it. thought it was just the muscous discharge with a bit of blood.
had a bit of slight contractions but nothing regular.
8.30 pm: decided to go into hospital to check things out as contractions seems more regular but nothing alarming yet.

9.30pm: admitted in since i had been leaking almost 24 hrs
11.30 pm: doc came decided to induce mi and burst waterbag. only 2 cm dilated.
3.00am: contractions came so painful, only 3 cm dilated. decided to have epi instead.
6.30am: finally can start trying to push.
midwive asked to see how far bb head has come down.
7.10 am gynae came , start pushing.
8.10am finally bb Megan is out weighing 3.145 kg

no time to update till now coz of so many adjustments.
had block milk ducts so was bf bb on nothin for 1st 2 days. went back home and she cried the whole nite.
nx morn, went to lactation consultant to see what is wrong only to find out the block.
had to go for jaundice check and she was considered high so had to go back to review nx day.
realised it was 271 so admitted overnite. had to stay over in Kk since I was stillBf.
luckily the nx check was down so she can now be at home.
CONGRATULATIONS to all mummies who have popped!
i'm so envious...now in week 39 and no signs at all...getting anxious thinking i might end up being induced or have to go for c-sect...

SASSY...can you share your total cost delivering @ mount e by c-sect & GA? thanks...btw i didn't know if going for c-sect still be given enema...

MUMMIES...pls share how real contractions feel like? i've felt some unusual pain in stomach,but nt sure what it was? will i really know when the time has come?
jeelomeelo, milkingcoe, linda,

How to know Jaundice completely gone? When i went to PD, he says my baby only mild. But now after a week liao, baby gums still abit yellowish but the face ok aldy. Should bring baby to PD again?

Higgledy, Naf,

Which PD did u go to? What are the charges for the 6-in-1 jabs?
my girl also like that, always making grunting sounds and gek till face all red. we're using nappies, so everytime she's wet she'll ng ng, and all those funny sounds. sometimes she sleep and will stretch and make grunting sounds also. i'm quite glad i dun use pampers fulltime, too shiong on my wallet. luckily my maid know how to wash properly.

one more week then i'll be out of confinement! cant wait

to the other teachers here, do u intend to take no pay leave after ML? so tempted to take 3 mths til june hols, but then will lugi PB and july bonus issit?
happi, my pd taught me this: use 1 finger 2 press e bb cheek n release. If u c there is yellowish colour aft u rls ur finger, e jaunidance still there. Or u can take a look at bb eye white n it a bit yellowish, tat mean it still there.
I am also about 39 weeks now. Although my gynae says that my cervix is soft when I was 36 weeks but still no sign of baby wanting to come out. I don't really mind that because I actually hope to deliver nearer to christmas so that my 2 gals birthday will be close.

For contractions, it will feel like menses cramp but it's the whole tummy cramp and you get backache. if you get some crampy feeling at the bottom of your tummy and no backache, it can be false contractions, braxton hicks so not to worry.
3 more days to my EDD .. Rather worried now cause last friday went to see stand in gynae and he said that my cervix not opend at all and baby heas is still around my pelvis bone .. Looks like not into the pelvis bone yet .. Since week 36 his head has been there .. So he is not moving down .. My gynae did mention that most likely will deliver on 16th or 17th after VE but don't expect anything after VE last friday .. Now i'm starting to worried if i'll end up with c-sect .. Maybe my pelvis bone is too small for baby's head ? I'm very petite in size ..
hi mommies,
an anybody advice, where i can get a hospital grade electric pump for rent....i delivered at sgh...there i used the medella lactina and i was able to express around 30-35 ml on the 4th day...but now i am back home, and even after latching baby for 40-50 minutes, i have to supplement with formula else she will cry non stop....i want to check out with the hospital grade pump, as to how much milk i am producing now after 10 days...

I think not worth to rent..u might as well get a set of medela pumps..I am currently using medela electric plus..Really worth buy cos u need to pump out the milk every 3 hours..So I think its really worth it lor...
Its just me or what, I've been trying to post on this thread but I keep getting thread under maintenance. When I managed to access the thread again, there's so much to catch up on.

Congrats to sassy, pierced n all mommies who have popped.

My baby dun want to latch on, maybe like what the midwife said lor, my nipple too big for her. No choice we had to introduce the bottle to her in the 1st few days, after which, I think it made her even more lazy to latch on. Now, got no choice, had to pump out breast milk n feed her using bottle. Each pump, the supply is abt 200ml frm both breast. Anyone bf through bottle for half a year before? Will the effect be as good as breastfeeding directly? I feel so frustrated & miserable.

I went to Bt Batok Polyclinic for baby's jaundice. They gave me the readings in hundreds. Kaylen was 135, then went up to 165, 167, then came down to 157. This Fri got to go back to see if the level goes down further. How come some of you got readings in tens?
same here. I also went to Bt Batok Polyclinic. And the readings are in the hundreds...so now I'm also confused. got readings in tens one ah?
The GP at polyclinic has this chart where it shows what are the low risk reading range & high risk reading range. As long as it does not hit 260, bb doesn't need to be hospitalised for phototherapy.

CSI_Fan, u staying in the west too?

As my hb & me r doing confinement on our own (didn't want parents to be ard else I scared I suffer post natal blues frm all the restrictions they post on me), I've been "touching" a lot of water & carrying the baby a lot. Old folks said I'll get body ache & headaches when grow old. Is it really that bad?

i dun have backache leh... i only have like menses cramp. And i deliver on that day ler.. If cramp every 5mins gotta take note ler
thanks mongs...now everytime i get some kind of cramp i get confused...trying to figure out how it feels like,whether it's like menstrual cramp or not.
is it possible that it wld feel other than menstrual cramp-like eg more like want-to-pass motion feel but somehow a bit different or like a bad diarrhoea?
so the contractions won't necessarily comes with backache as well?
I'm at my 39th week too. Baby has been engaged for weeks and I'm still not delivering. Dr said my cervix has soften but that hasnt help! I'm getting really agitated already!
Will be going for induction this friday...doc says bb is growing a bit too big....so decided to let him come out earlier...
hi mummies,

i'm from the Jan-08 thread. Can I ask for some advise here pls?

I took the strep B test during wk 34 and just got to know that I failed it. The nurse told me to go down to get the medication (antibiotics) - 1 week course.

Can anyone tell me what are the implications during natural labor? Are there additional tests that need to be done or additional medicine that will be administered during natural labor?

Can anyone shed light on how I could have contracted this?


i'm at my 39th week too. Supposed to be due this coming Sunday.
Just being patient at home now...

dinut: yah i'm also confused.. have been having cramps/contractions but so far it hasn't come to a contraction every 5 min for 30 mins... so just trying to take it easy. Also like u, sometimes feel like its stomach gas and sometimes menstrual cramp... confused!

steffi: how big is your baby already? Friday will be here very soon! good luck!
