(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

re fish
My baby goes to kinderland clinic for check ups. 1 PD says 7mths already ah, can give fish lah. Threadfin (ngor hee) is good cos no bones, any others also can. Then I went to fishmonger to get fish. They say salmon is ok too. Can use salon bones or ang gor li to make fish stock. But so far have not given fish to baby yet.

Next round when i saw another PD from same clinic, I kaypoh asked about fish again. This time, this PD told not to give fish till 1 yr old. HUH?? Haha so I asked the receptionist, why do diff doctors recommend diff things. She told me the PD that told not to give fish has a wife who is also a doc and specialising in allergies. She recommends not to give fish till later.

so to play safe, I think I will only introduce fish much later.
Now I don't know what to do with the frozen fish. :-(


always cook fresh ones. consume on the same day.

i will get those dark green leafy spinach instead of those lighter green colour ones.
wow, so small you can see also, pei fu! ya, pigeon steriliser, avent warmer, avent uno pump, medela dual pump, milk bags, bottles, paci, portable bath tub, toys, neck float, combi stroller, beco.. you name it, kke.. 1 check-in size luggage 2/3 filled with mal's stuff. me and hb poor thing cannot fashion show... well, we enjoyed the trip anyway. haha..
thanks so much for the advice! I actually have similiar thoughts as you too, i.e. as long as baby is eating, sleeping and playing well, should be no worries... ;P Alena should be fine but Alonzo still have occasional loose stools, likely from taking the antibiotics. heard from other friends that its quite normal one... haiz, just hope for them to finish the full course of the meds soon and recover quickly!! btw, your pd needs to book appt one or not, or can walk in?

Wah, can bring so many things on board cruise? You checked in the playpen n yaolan too?

So far on my trips, I only bring sterilizers (but as of the last trip to Bintan last month, I stopped bringing liao), milk powder, diapers, wet tissues n lots of baby clothings.

If got gathering in North, I want to join leh! Easy for me to travel to North
Re: Trial class for Gymboree class

Sorry mummies, been busy taking care of my kids lately, din hv time to log in here or check wz Gymboree yet. My hubby been busy (n will be busy til aft National Day) at work n I hv to handle the kids alone for the past week. Very shiong lor.

Later today, I shd hv time to call them (I'll just arrange for the one at Harbourfront) n check the next avail weekend trial class date & time. Also whether the GAIA voucher can be used.
who is ur bb's pd at kinderclinic? My no 1's used to b terence tan. But his Q too long n clinic too far for us, so switched to Kids clinic liao.
waw, how long was ur cruise?? Ur veri good leh. If its was me, i wld have just latched bb directly. If engorged, then just kept feedin him. haha, he is my pump....
dodo, yes you can try calling SBCC at GlenE to make appointment. Some days, he is at MtA (waiting time is shorter here cos less packed).

Good to hear your kiddos are getting better
haaaa... constance.. tat's wat i do... my girl is my pump too.. heee...

my shriui seems to be teething le leh .. wat am i suppose to look out for other than fever huh?

milk intake & appetite will drop when teething, at least for my baby's case. factory bo business. sob sob

will hv running nose on n off oso.
salivate like mad... shawn's been salivating.. ugghhh... and he sometimes is cranky for no reason. when i put dentinox then he's ok. his appetite however is still good.
yu ru too, so liquid leaking out of her nose and mouth coz she's got a bad runny nose...gross. Keep having to change her clothes coz they get wet so quickly
Singapore Airlines:
Bassinet is provided for baby. It's like a small cot that you can let baby sleep in after take off.

They also provide Heinz baby jar food, but only a few flavours:
turkey dinner

I fly with baby back to Singapore every 2 months. So far I find their service very good. I always request for their meet-and-assist service, so upon arrival, a staff will help me through immigration and even take my luggage from the belt.
My baby loves sweetcorn (maize). I will puree raw beef tenderloin and sweetcorn, then boil with chunks of chicken breast and porridge.

After it is done, I will remove the chicken breast, and feed him the porridge only. Yummy....

Other ingredients that he likes: pork tenderloin, cauli-flower, sweet potato, pumpkin, carrots

But too much carrots, sweet potato etc makes my baby's skin yellow (like jaundice). PD says this is due to the carotene. No harm to baby, but not nice lor, baby looks like carrot! :D
ah bie, slimz,

yah my boy food intake drop drastically... he refuse solids completely now and milk intake dipped. his diaper in the morning not even full!!

took him to PD on saturday for flu jab and when I told pD that my son stopped eating for past week or so already, he said "VERY GOOD!! Your son is going on diet... !" *faint*
baby cot was provided. i only lugged his yaolan. we hand carried, din check in thou. it is like a golf bag long only, 12kg.

slimz & constance
yes haha.. alot of barangx2. mal doesn't used to latch. i pumped out and kept in the mini fridge. the last session i stored ebm in milk bag and placed in cooler bag to bring home. oh ya, i brought cooler bag too, hehee..
wah botanist,
your PD sure has one good sense of humour...hahaha. oh my...

hmmm...teething, my gal was cranky and would wake up in the middle of the night (every night), wailing (different kind of cry from her normal hunger cry). and both her eyes would be tightly shut and she'll be like, rolling around in her cot, trying to bury her head into her mattress.
i did a summarised on mal's intake per day (24 hours)

2x porridge (fish stock + fish + vege)
1x fruit puree - 75mls (baby cube)
5 tablespoon cereal
1x vege puree - 30mls (baby cube)
1 litre ebm + FM
100mls water/fruit juice

alot? or average?

yes my son also like yrs.. very cranky!! also wake up every night and wailing... my PD recommended that we give panadol to ease the pain. he said that the teething gel is not effective!

my son was screaming and crying whole morning today and after the panadol he calm down...

My son has problems going to bed, keeps whining nonstop. takes a lot to coax him to sleep.. sigh
wow alien, mal is eating very well! That's very good..

my dylan is super slow. plus now dun eat... very sian. I almost dun wanna try feeding him anymore cos he whenever he sees food, he just close his mouth tight tight... sigh
jr still bo geh.. aiyo.. he's already v small size.. if teething so cham dun eat again.. hai...

Last weekend let him try baby yoplait. He LOVES it! I see him eat like eating ice cream.. can finish the whole thing super fast. BUT, after that he dun want his milk. Sianzz... Yoghurt v filling meh? Think next time I give him after his milk...

Jr's have 2 meals of porridge, + 1 meal of cereals now. Or last weekend I give him 2 meals of cereals + 1 meal of yoghurt. In btw got fruits, biscuits, juices etc. Milk wise still on 3 hrs basis.. 135ml. So each day 5-6 milk servings.
botanist, pD says give panadol?? can huh ..
i understand ur fustration wen bb dun wan feed...
i'm immune le.. coz my girl oso refuse..spoon feeding of cereals .. other foods she ok wif the spoon .. jux cereals she wan bottle ..
i conclude she's lazy.. wans the faster way out ..

alien, ur mal eating well and lotsa of variety leh .. i'm veri scard my girl not getting enuf vitamins etc..
her daily diet is jux ebm, cereals (whole grain..) and water .. and alternate days have fruits (papaya, bananas, apples) ..
ever changed her cereals to mixed fruits but she dun wan .. urgh...
was at suntec on sat saw yoplait.. but duno how to differentiate baby yoplait leh..

wat kind of biscuits u give him huh?
slimz .... actually you able to see baby yoplait on the packaging, only vanilla & banana flavour. the other smaller ones are for 1 yr old & above but have more varieties.
slimz, baby yoplait is at the corner there. It states clear on the box, Baby Yoplait. Comes in 4 small containers in 1 pack. For 6mths and above.

Biscuits ah.. I tried Baby Bites, and 1 forgot name. Arghh.. getting forgetful.. I buy from NTUC/Kiddy palace. Still got many kinds stock up haven't give him. I enjoy buying baby food. lol!
mummies how do we choose avocado huh? wantd get for my girl to try tat day at suntec.. but duno how to choose =P
slimz, did u try other types of cereals? Maybe she just dun like tt flavour? Or mix fruits to her cereals if she like fruits. My boy also v fussy.. I got alot of frisocrem at home.. but recently he like dun like anymore. So sometimes i use banana/apple to make him eat. 1 mouth fruit, 1 mouth cereals. But after a while he also frustrated.. then cry like mad. :p
issit!.. jialat.. me old ah ma lar.. din c the wordings on the package .. urgh ..
anywhere else got sell huh? wonder if sun n moon @ raffles would ve.. ..
dat day i fed her banana wif spoon she was ok..
den the nxt day, i wanted to feed her cereals and as usual she rjects.. so i took out another banana, tinking of feeding her one mouth banana one mouth cereal.. in the end she reject BOTH the cereals n the banana.. ={
but she's ok once i pour bk into bottle and she suckle fast ..
can give panadol? Got baby version? heehee...I didn't know. But yah, the teething gel got no effect one...

I give my gal fruits everyday together with her cereals...once for breakfast, once for dinner.

in between your baby's meal times, u give other stuff like fruits, biscuits etc? Then can still eat the cereal/porridge when it comes to meal times? Like that then the stomach got rest or not? Like, always churning the food leh. hehs...
fruits as n when he wants or when we eating. Only abit lah.. so still ok. Biscuits he eat liao no effect.. wont make him more full leh. He v tam jiak.. see us eat he also wanna eat. haha.
hi constance,

i go to kinderland at siglap. i usually go to Dr Lim Kwang Hsien. The other doc, Dr Cheng, is the one that do not recommend fish till 1 yr old.

going PD is so ex. cough & cold = about $90 sigh
hey mommies,
how do you clean the steriliser? I'm out if the cleaning powder satchet. I hear vinegar can be used? How much to put? n leave it ti steam?
Kids Clinic also waited till siao... Now I patronise Paediatric Centre in Rivervale Plaza. Not packed cos pretty new clinic there.

Finally his food intake has dipped! Too bad, cannot control one, else we will be pumping them up like balloons! Wahahahaa... My son can take 2 small potato(the packet of red, purple and cream potato selling in Cold Storage) plus ard 4cm long carrots puree, mix with milk. He completes it!
the moment i say "mum mum", mal opens his mouth wide wide liao...

re: baby yoplait
besides suntec, any other places selling?
Baby Yoplait,
I thought many places selling like NTUC etc?

Mine super Tam Jiak too, whenever we eat, he will walk(using walker) in front of us with the mouth opened or moving the mouth, licking his upper his lip.
Wow... slimz.. agree with you! time to spend money again... hahahah

I went to the toys fair last week.. some toys are really cheap... good buy...
Wow, you packed so many things for your darling!! Peifu peifu
The cabin looks big leh... can accomodate so many items, including a play pen and a yaolan!!

Seems like your Mal has very good appetite, that's very good

CSI and Botanist,
Same here, Ryan is teething and keeps waking up crying/wailing (machiam like got bitten by ants)in the middle of the night.. Been waking up couple of times a night to coax him back to sleep..Panda is my middle name now

Do update us on the trial class ya.. I'm keen to go too

By the way, no more meeting up at Zu's place?
