(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

hi saw topic on maid, may i know those who have maid, do you know when should we increase maid's salary? is there a need to increase? if yes, increase how often? every 6 months, 1 yr?
I did the same thing - copied and pasted the article and emailed to be hb. Too bad MIL has no email account. Maybe I will print for her to read. otherwise once in a while she will make comments like "this baby don't drink water one. His mummy say no need to drink water." I sure hope there is no sarcasm or any hidden messages in the comment.
yah...my MIL also pass similar comments lorh. And definitely have meaning behind it one. And that is in front of me. I dunno how or what she says behind me to other SILs.

I also first time. but I dun intend to increase (think I print $$ ah? hahahahaha). Not until end of contract. When come to renewing time, then think abt it again.
I bought the Japanese sweet potatoes from NTUC. Haven't use it yet though. Thatz y asking the mummies here how they prepare puree. Gonna do it this weekend.

I bought my brown rice frm supermarket. Just now, met some experienced mummies at my girl's sch, one told me can go Eu Ren Sang to get, another told me to go medical hall opp Ginza Plaza where they grind for u, so more fresh. Btw, Eu Ren Sang also start selling organic baby food from Australia, I saw it at the branch in airport T3.

wrt to feeding bb wz water, its scaring me leh. Been giving my bb water

Thanks for sharing.
My parents-in-law bought this exact stroller for my son. They say my Quinny too heavy for them to handle. It is quite light and very manageable. Sitting position is ok too. There's a bucket to hold the kiddo in place. Think it costs under $100 from Baby Avenue (Balestier Road).
The other 'hint' is about feeding solids. My MIL has light ears, easily influenced sometimes. The maid has been saying (which I simply ignore) when going to give baby rice? *Faint* It is like haven't learn how to crawl want to run already!
hahaha...I think they are too excited and want to try to feed baby etc lorh. either never feed before, so can't wait to try, or looooong time never feed baby, so also cannot wait to try. Sekali once they try, the "novelty" of it wears off, then suddenly they not so interested in feeding baby liaoz.

my MIL opposite of urs. Not light ears, but she tends to want to do it her style. Heng I dun stay with her...hahaha...

Ah bie,
this is my view re the 2 books lah...

First foods - abt what to feed the kids. Includes recipes (largely recipies) for different age groups.

Feed ur child right - is more about the nutrition kids and pregnany mums need. So it sort of tracks ur diet / nutrition from pregnancy till after (including lactation period), and babies nutrition from weaning to toddler. I dun remember seeing as much recipies in this book.

Both have a meal planner as a guide in the book...

no prob. I just trial and error one. Hopefully it works for the sweet potato too...hahaha.
hi val,

my sis got a RED one from baby kingdom.. onli at $35.. i tried last sun for my son.. looks okie.. so i tihnk i will get one soon.. light and easy for carry ard.. else cham for me to take bus with tt big pram...
hen, dun worry. small amt is ok. i think the article is talking abt substantial amt and if baby is ok up till now, shouldn't be a problem.
i tot i was the only crazy one planning for my kid;s birthday liao... seems like i'm not alone! hehheh
ah bie,
I find first foods more on recipies lorh. hehs.
for me, feeding ur child right and all it's nutrition talk is good info lah. but er...I'm not the kind to go and remember what vege has what vitamins or minerals...hahaha. After meeting u yesterday, I went to Market Place (at the basement) to look see look see the supermarket. suddenly felt like buying veges and fruits to make more purees. hahahaha...mad liaoz.

u hv a point! i dun tink i can remember the vitamins n minerals of the vege as well. hahaha

u went market place shopping? kekeke fruits n vege there gd? tink the prices not cheap right, compared to ntuc etc...

talk abt purees, i still hvn't start little michelin on that. can mix purees with rice cereals?
Long time no post.. so busy with work. This week even busier cos my mum went to china, no one to look after baby, and my boss don't allow me to take leave. So me and my hubby alternate to take care of bb. sometimes even take bb to his ofc! (btw, we're in the same building).

Pretty, you have any plans to make and sell the hats you make?

Baby Arielle is finally half year old today! Took her for her 3rd dose of hepB jab today and she didn't make any noise! I was so surprise cos i was feeling really painful for her... haha

RE: feeding baby with solids
I've already started with organic rice cereals 2 wks ago. Just started pumpkin puree these 2 days. I haven't bought the U-like blender yet, so using the pigeon home food maker to grind it.
So far so good. I just steam it for about 10 mins, and put the pumpkin the collected water into the bowl and grind with a wooden "hammer".


No water before 6th mth

Think everything is moderate loh. But when we start giving solid, we got to give them water else the kidneys will get too stressed up.

Wa... okok IF IF IF kenna girl then I get from you. XD

Brown Rice is more heaty, but do not start your child with ikan bilis, dry scallop etc. All these are with seasonings. Buy plain rice cereal, not very easy to buy plain rice bb crackers too.
Photo Taking:

Rem tt time my fren took photos for my son? My fren is signing up with him.. He onli charge her at $70... Free flow of photos.. so excited.. she is gng to take her baby..

Gloomy : tt food maker, my sis also gave it to me.. my mum give it to mk food for my son...

(Advise from KKH on FOOD)
Oh ya, toking bt giving food.. my gd fren working as dietian in KKH, i asked her a lot of qn...i jus met up with her jus now.. She said the latest advise for feeding baby is 7 months. Reason being : To prevent bb fm getting allgery...
ah bie,
yah...went there to window shop. hahaha. the fruits and vege look good, but like u said lorh, prices are more ex. So I never buy also. hahaha. Just see see only. According to Gina Ford's weaning book, can mix rice cereal with fruits and vege puree. Think Asians would mix it with porridge (put rice in slow cooker, cook liaoz, mash up and mix with puree). I haven't tried mixing for my gal though. hehs...

harh, now it's even later?? It was 6 mths, to prevent bb getting allergy. Now it's 7 mths? ooh...

Anyway, I think there are 2 schools of thought. some say it's not when you start to feed baby with solids. Rather, it's what we feed baby with. I think coz most pple tend to be excited when baby is starting solids, and they tend to want to feed bb with different kinds of foods (that may not be suitable at all). Hence, the onset of allergies. So, I think at the end of the day, start slow and steady. and monitor the babes...heehee...
I also dun hv the u-like blender, I got the Lucky Baby manual food processor set, similar to yours. My bb is sitting on high chair when I feed her, haahaa, she can't fit into the bumbo chair cos her thunder thighs.

So funny, yesterday was chatting wz my elder gal. She was telling me more children better. I asked her how many, she said 3. I told her mummy old liao, no good to have baby, then she told me quickly do it now and pray to God. I told her but daddy doesn't dare to have another one. She frowned. Sometimes, all these kids talks dunno whether to laugh or cry.
hey, just want to ask opinion...

Just found out how my new helper puts my baby to bed for her nap times. (hb happened to be off today, so he saw).

When it's nap time, she'll darken the room, turn on fan (as per our instructions). Then she'll carry my baby, hold her, sit on the chair in the room, place the bolster (the bean sprout bolster - narrow, small) over my baby's eyes. No patting, no swaying to the side etc. Just sit there quietly like that. And in abt 5 min, baby will drift off to la la land.

I dunno...hb and I dunno whether we shd be angry with her or not for doing that. On one hand, it works! on the other hand, it's the putting the little bolster over the eyes...as though the bolster is the eye mask thingy or blindfold (those kind we get on planes...). What do you gals think ah?
CSI, ya... tt wad my dietian frien said.

Phy, oh ya.. u got baby gal rite? I jus went to adidas sale jus now.. onli open to staff onli... i manage to grab a new box of Sweater Set for you. u wan?

I got more adidas thingy jus now.. help u all ladies to buy.. especially for kiddos.. i got 2 sandals & few shoes... some are reserve for some mums.. anyone interested?
csi fan, my bb like to cover his face when he zz also leh. He no small pillow or bolster cant zzz! He'll take n rub rub it.. then bury his face in the pillow. Then can zzz. Sometimes I wonder if how he can breath... I'll pull down the pillow everytime he falls asleep.
All the sales profit goes to the Si Chuan's earthquake...

Will take photo tonite and post it. (Some are reserve)
- 2 sandals
- 3 kiddos shoes
- 2 bags (myself) at $25 each
- 2 jackets at $30 each..
- 2 tops at $ 20 each..
ooh...so it's ok ah...to put a bolster over the baby's eyes just to get them to sleep...? My gal never wanted it before lorh. She could always just close eyes and sleep like that when we hold her. But the helper did that. Now I think my gal cannot sleep without it liaoz. She has "inputed" this habit in my gal now...

so, actually I dunno what I'm upset about. hahaha. Maybe I'm just upset she introduced a habit to my gal, ba...

ur fren charges so cheap? Hehe can sign up with him anot ah? But i prefer to take photos when my girl know how to sit.
Pretty, i forgot who got gal gal.. so dun dare to buy.. else who gng to pay for tt... cos if i see really nice, i jus help u ladies to buy lo..
hmmm.. i forgot if i got grab tt pair not... tt day i posted a pink sweet shoes rem, todae onli saw it at $20. i think...
csi_fan, haha. It's ok lah. As long as she doesn't cover her nose. Wait till she zz then take it away loh.

belle, I wanna take photos for my bb when he's 8mths. Ur fren take pics at our home ah? But I see my home nothing much to take liao.. boring settings. :p Have to let my stingy hb approve 1st lah. I so angry with him. Cold war now!
Pretty, i forgot who got gal gal.. so dun dare to buy.. else who gng to pay for tt... cos if i see really nice, i jus help u ladies to buy lo..
hmmm.. i forgot if i got grab tt pair not... tt day i posted a pink sweet shoes rem, todae onli saw it at $20. i think...
crystal, ya i think his quite cheap leh... i planning to pay him as well..

Bluelily,yup he goes to our place to tk... older better at least can sit... rates are okie..

Oh ya, the sandals above is reserved by Etelle. Got another pair ... coming up tmr

Josh has to sleep with his bolster. He will cover his eyes when I didn't dim my room light. And looking at the way he hug his bolster (hug until so tight), I also worry that he may suffocate himself. But so far ok lah. I also move his bolster out of his face after he sleep.
BBngg, okie. pls remind me tt u wan also okie.. cos cos i got extra 2 pairs of shoes & sandals... also helping rest to buy.. (i bought better ones, so that when they older they can wear..)

if u all wan then i call hubby to go grab now... Pls advise...
hen, i really envy u whenever u post your "conversations" wif ur #1. seems so adult like. she's 6 right? wonder when i can conduct such conversation wif sumana. sigh...

i m tryin to ask hubby to mms the sweater set for me. It is in a box (Top & bottom)..

Following are orders:

Sweater Set
1. Jasline (Pink Set)

1. Etelle
2. Bbngg Confirmed?
3. Baby12 Confirmed?

If yes, i ask hubby to find see got not... not guranatee have k
