(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

eh.... anyone tried just scraping off the sweet potato/carrot using a spoon n feed directly? With the exception of spinach lah... I lazy. Then no need to wash bowl la.. blender la.. :p

Any mummies and daddies plus bbs want to attend? It's cfm liao, payment of $265.00 deposit to HRC le. I will need a cfm # of pple going by this thursday, 2359hrs as I need to let HRC know the exact# of pple so that they can do the arrangement.

7 Jun 2008 (SAT), 3pm onwards

3. baby12+bb (hb - KIV)
4. bluelily+hb+bb (will be late)
5. elaine+hb+bb
6. ankh+hb+bb
7. cocoangel+hb+bb
8. missylan+2 kiddos+helper
9. hentang+hb+bb+#1
10. fanny+hb+bb
11. Jaime+hb+bb
12. alien+hb+bb
13. pierced+bb
14. petrina+bb
15. zu+boy+bb
16. lynzi+bb+hb
17. fairylander+hb+bb
18. bbngg+hb+bb
19. steffietan+bb (hb+#1: not sure)
20. tub+hb+bb
21. rachel18+hb+bb (rachel cheng)
22. slimz+bb+hb

Note: The cocktail menu is at S$20++ per pax. (They have $25++ and $35++, but don think we will eat a lot). Free flow of coffee/tea/coke and sprite is at S$5++ per adult.
(Children between the ages of 5 years to 10 years will be charged at half price per child & children from the ages of 11 years & above will be charged at adult price per child for the buffet only. Children from the ages of 5 years & above will be charged at S$5++ per child for the freeflow of coke/sprite/coffee/tea).

HRC require me to make 30% non-refundable deposit as a form of confirmation. just fyi, so don sabo me hor, hehe!

Cocktail Menu
- Chips & Salsa
- Mini fish & Chips
- Assorted Sandwiches
- Vietnamese Sugarcane Prawns
- Pandan Chicken
- Spring Rolls
- Mini Burger
According to d news, infant's kidney only fully developed after 6mth. so feeding water early may cause some serious complication. don rem d details... but i play safe. don feed water loh. anyway she is turning 6 mth soon and all d while i didnt feed her water cos pd said no.

u bot d si sen brown rice from medical hall or those ready type from supermkt?

u bot d bb cubes to store pureed fruits and veg? how long can be stored them? put in freezer?
another masterpiece

Hello ladies,
tks for ur sweet msg.. so happy.. last nite i got a spare kit.. but we spoilt it. Tis morning went to buy n did the test at library.. so happy! Not pregnant.. but my mense really late... it nv happen before... (might need to see gynae cos after removin the stitches, suppose to go bk again to check but i din.... )

u mean u wanna get pregnant again?

Jean, u also late the other time? hmmm....

Missylan, my sis fren kena before.. she took the medicine then her mense come... in the end, still got baby... so harmful for the baby ... (tt wad i heard)

Tub, tks for ur concern!! Ya lo.. we were so worried ... ok, jus me.. need to be financially stable first... i wan go europe leh....

Naf, tks for ur sms!

oh ya, toking bt ADIDAS THINGY! Some of u might b intersted... i got new stuffs to post.. cos i think i really buy a lot...

Adidas Sandal that i got from expo! cos i bought too many.. cos hubby scolding me.... anyone interested? Very comfortable with cushions.

Don't think anyone see this in expo.. cos onli got 1 pair in Expo Sale..i took it before they open the door.. hahah...

Box size UK:6 (i usually wear 7 for normal shoes)
Anyone interested, pls sms me k? 90680748
i stay in Tampines

my mum feeds my boy with the one with ikan.. his poo poo so far ok leh.. everyday also poo poo.. i think becos he eats a lot.. ahhahaa....

for sweet potato, i suggest to use a strainer after u puree. At first i never use a strainer then my ger like get choke when i feed her the sweet potato puree. I realise they have those stringy thingy inside...

i oso start planning my ger 1st bday.. haha siao hor.. already know what theme i want and the cake supplier liao wahaha

beng ma

i think the puree can last longer than 1 week according to the super baby food book. But then i feel its better not to keep so long... like not fresh liao haha. can do it every sat or sun for a week supply...
kim, both me n hb dun like the idea of freezing food. Prefer to give it fresh. I dun really like the Super Baby Food mtd.. maybe I not used to the idea ba. Still think eat fresh better (Anyway my mum's doing most of the feeding tsk tsk. I only weekends no prob at all.haha!)

crystal u so fast give ur gal sweet potato liao ah. Ok.. gotta buy strainer then. U use blender or just mash urself? I tot just scrape off shdn't have those stringy things. I asked my mum to let bb try banana today.. she scrape off using spoon. But my naughty boy dun really like. haha!
no la, not celebrating.. just hotel stay la. afterall shawn probably won't understand wat's going on oso...just found out my another fren most likely having her wdg on 6ec @ rasa sentosa too! hefty weekend man....
wat r u starting on the puree? i heard abt japanese potatoes. supposedly tasty n nutritous to baby wor... i wonder how it looks like?
hi keki, my girl is 5mths 1wk 3days old today...during my last visit to PD, he adviced me to give rice cereal for first week, if bb can swallow the food, the following week can try some fruits puree or potato puree...PD said dun be anxious to try different type of food...stick to 1 week 1 type...

so what i did was 1 wk brown rice then 2nd week wanted to start carrot puree, but she didnt like..so back to rice cereal, and this week is 3rd week, so i start fruit puree lor...i used heinz type today...this sat i will try apple puree, homemade type and see if she likes it...
linda, updated and confirmed attendance.
my hubby not attending so one less adult.

7 Jun 2008 (SAT), 3pm onwards

3. baby12+bb (hb - KIV)
4. bluelily+hb+bb (will be late)
5. elaine+hb+bb
6. ankh+hb+bb
7. cocoangel+hb+bb
8. missylan+2 kiddos+helper
9. hentang+hb+bb+#1
10. fanny+hb+bb
11. Jaime+hb+bb
12. alien+hb+bb
13. pierced+bb
14. petrina+bb
15. zu+boy+bb
16. lynzi+bb
17. fairylander+hb+bb
18. bbngg+hb+bb
19. steffietan+bb (hb+#1: not sure)
20. tub+hb+bb
21. rachel18+hb+bb (rachel cheng)
22. slimz+bb+hb

Note: The cocktail menu is at S$20++ per pax. (They have $25++ and $35++, but don think we will eat a lot). Free flow of coffee/tea/coke and sprite is at S$5++ per adult.
(Children between the ages of 5 years to 10 years will be charged at half price per child & children from the ages of 11 years & above will be charged at adult price per child for the buffet only. Children from the ages of 5 years & above will be charged at S$5++ per child for the freeflow of coke/sprite/coffee/tea).

HRC require me to make 30% non-refundable deposit as a form of confirmation. just fyi, so don sabo me hor, hehe!

Cocktail Menu
- Chips & Salsa
- Mini fish & Chips
- Assorted Sandwiches
- Vietnamese Sugarcane Prawns
- Pandan Chicken
- Spring Rolls
- Mini Burger
Meet up at 6 jun, 1pm onwards at Motherhood show in expo -

1. Linda
2. Naf
3. chjas
4. Witty
5. Hazel
6. baby12
7. cocoangel
8. Eve78
9. lynzi
ya i oso dun like the idea of storing food...i prefer to give fresh too...duno y i buy the baby cubes...sigh guessed it's the BP thingy...always see pple buy i oso wanna buy...then buy liao duno for wat...hahah..
is a pretty hat... u shld start a bp... i will b e first to buy from u...

ya lol... i wanna get preggie again.. i kinda of miss the privledge i got during those 9mths... haha

wah... now, u all planning to go motherhood ahz... me haven been out for a superd long time... m always cheong here n there... so envy
Meet up at 6 jun, 1pm onwards at Motherhood show in expo -

1. Linda
2. Naf
3. chjas
4. Witty
5. Hazel
6. baby12
7. cocoangel
8. Eve78
9. lynzi
10.jeelomeelo (most likely to pop by for awhile to say hi)
Drinking water may harm babies
May 22, 2008 10:33 AM

Babies younger than six months old should never be given water to drink, physicians at Johns Hopkins Children's Center in Baltimore remind parents.

Consuming too much water can put babies at risk of a potentially life-threatening condition known as water intoxication.

"Even when they're very tiny, they have an intact thirst reflex or a drive to drink," Dr Jennifer Anders, a paediatric emergency physician at the centre, said.

"When they have that thirst and they want to drink, the fluid they need to drink more of is their breast milk or formula."

Because babies' kidneys aren't yet mature, giving them too much water causes their bodies to release sodium along with excess water, Anders said. Losing sodium can affect brain activity, so early symptoms of water intoxication can include irritability, drowsiness and other mental changes. Other symptoms include low body temperature (generally 97 degrees or less), puffiness or swelling in the face, and seizures.

"It's a sneaky kind of a condition," Anders said. Early symptoms are subtle, so seizures may be the first symptom a parent notices. But if a child gets prompt medical attention, the seizures will probably not have lasting consequences, she added.

Water as a beverage should be completely off limits to babies six months old and younger, Anders and her colleagues say. Parents should also avoid using over-diluted formula, or paediatric drinks containing electrolytes.

Anders said it may be appropriate in some cases to give older infants a small amount of water; for example to help with constipation or in very hot weather, but parents should always check with their paediatrician before doing so, and should only give the baby an ounce or two of water at a time.

If a parent thinks their child may have water intoxication, or if an infant as a seizure, they should seek medical attention immediately, she advised.

Source: Reuters
hmm.. maybe i will try to make some food on thurs. which is the EASIEST food to start with???? at least i can use my baby cubes.... otherwise will be white elephant.
Beng ma,
Eh I made a mistake, the book I have is "Feed your child right" also from same publisher

regarding meet up for motherhood show, how many of you are bringing your baby along?
Do u mummies still meet up? I can join you girls next week cos not working liao hehe... please let me know if its still on ok?

And wat abt our mummy and baby yoga huh... anyone joining?

i already given her sweet potatoes and carrots ler... now is green peas. wonder she will like it anot haha. the sweet potato i use a blender to puree it 1st... actually the idea of freezing is good if you are doing it in bulk. Actually should be ok lah... cos i think when abt 9 months or so, dun need puree ler (correct me if i'm wrong). you can puree it for ur mum to feed loh. Its quite troublesome to puree food a little at a time and most old people won't do it... like for my mil case, my nephew taken care by her since 4months old. last time i never see her feeding all these food.. only porriage, fish when he is younger. Thats it.

i feel that sweet potato and carrots are the easiest to start with keke.


jap sweetpotato: i think the skin is red in colour.

beng ma,

i'm oso using the first food book. haha easier to digest.

I only started with apples. This weekend planning to do sweet potato. I cut the apples into quarters, remove the core and stem etc... then steam the apples for about 10 to 15 min. After that, scrape out the apple flesh (i.e. separate apple and skin), and put the flesh in the blender (I'm using the U-Like blender). During steaming, there will be some juice / water collected in the plate (the plate that I put the apples on to steam...). So I'll add the water / juice from there, into the blender with the apple flesh...and BLEND! hahaha. Turn on blender lorh. Blend until I think it's smooth enough. Then scoop some to feed baby. The rest, store in baby cubes. haha.

As for the skin...hb and I ate the apple skin.

Dunno how it will be like for sweet potatoes. But I plan to do the same lah. Steam first, scrape out, blend.

Re the news on water...Thanks Jamie for posting the article here. I copied and paste into my email and sent it to hb. Told him to forward to MIL. Coz....I will never forget. The day my gal was born, my PIL wanted to give her water already. She was only a few hours old then!! heehee...I'm evil...hahaha
beng ma, crystalz,
I use first foods book and Gina Ford's book on weaning. Have the super baby food book too, but never really follow that lah. hehs...
jeelo, oh u not celebrating shawn's 1st bday ah. I'm thinking of keeping it simple too. Though I wld like a chalet.. hb say troublesome.

haha pretty, u so funny. See BP just buy ah.. cham liao.

crystal, my mum say just chop chop all the food to tiny pieces n put in slow cooker to cook porridge. Sounds alright for me. :p Fruits can just scrape off loh. I havent try b4 lah.. so dunno how that will work out.

CSI_Fan, scrape liao still need to blend ah? Scrape alone not smooth enough?

Regarding drinking water
My bb dun like to drink. But now since started cereals, cannot dun drink leh. Else he'll have constipation. I just feed water whenever I have the chance to leh. Anyway, coming to 6mths le.

after blending, it will become like smoothie like that. I find that easier for baby to eat. Scrape horh...maybe I bad at scraping. hahaha. But sekali scrape a bigger than acceptable piece, then how? coz scrapped pieces may not be soft soft still. blend, definitely soft. coz all totally mashed up thoroughly. heehee...

Re water: aiyah, they also never say how much is too much lorh. I dun think 1 drop will result in all that the article mentioned. There must be some threshold level...
Steff, mine was regular after i stopped BF.. ie, after first month...

anyone got any comment is it safe for my kiddo to sit in pram like this? tot of buying cos it is lighter and easier to carry on bus...


This kind... more a sittng position rather and lying.. wondering if it will affect the bb not.. since our bb gng 6mths alreadi.. safe to use?

for me, it came after 3 mths for my #1 as well.

this umbrella kind of stroller is safe. in fact my bro used it for his 'big sized' boy when he was abt 4 mths......cos its more cooling than the usual kind of bulky stroller
wah lau!!
I wanna complain! hahaha...

just back at my desk from a milking session.

While at the room I usually pump, was pumping halfway, let down reflex just came...then suddenly....electric supply got cut off!!!!!

Very strange. Got lights etc. Just that electric sockets all got no power. So frustrating! The power came back on. So pump started from beginning again. Lucky thing mine is PIS, so I can just press the button for the let down suction (skip the stimulation suction bit). But then, in a short while again, power got cut again! faintz.....
my sis got the net kind.. got holes kind... more comfortable.. tt day i used my sis's one.. he is quite comfortable in tt.. easier to push too...

jus afraid will hurt his back
yes e pic of baby was in scn..

arvin's 5mths today. Yeah! hv not strtd him on solids yet. waiting till 6mths.. coz aniwaez corrected age wld be 4 then.. tks for e info on e brown rice n purees.
anyone got any dealing with JPB Maid? Any refund done before?

They are just ridiculous... trying to delay this n that... and refused to do a refund for me... My hubby super mad...
