(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

I bought the book from Kino, I have extras, sealed, if you want, can sell to you

The float cost $18.90
hen, good-looking? hehe.. thanks!
maybe i oways 'entertain' him dats y he can speack well. :p oh yah, yr bb can really eat! haha.. was surprised tt she eat so much!

Moms, im using this to sign with baby. Found that its very good. Watch together with baby and learn with them! http://www.signingtime.com/index.php?cPath=41

Maybe can spree these from Amazon!
i went adidas today.. but nothign alreadi.. here is the photo on the items of things tt we bought!


Looks more like i am a seller...
Spent total bt $650...
This pair of shoes only at $19... heard from hubby it was gone on the first day... Really gd buy!


Really Sweet buy! Bought it for my colleague...
I got this on the first day.. Thinking u ladies might be interested, so i asked hubby to reserve 3 sets... (haha.. gt scolded by him.. hahah) Etelle took a set alreadi..

Anyone interested? Got deal i think.. onli at $19.. let me know..
By Fisher-Price & Adidas.. with toys.


Can sms me direct as 90680748. I stay in Tampines...
1 wan!! but mine is a girl. Do u still have the pink one? Really like it alot. When i saw your post on fri, i really feel like rushing down to the sales. Envy u alot. Wanted to go adidas sales today but heard is super crowded and no one could take care my bb for me...
hi cocoangel,

may i ask the title and the name of author for the sign language book for baby/toddler? i am interested to get it..will need to get someone to buy it from singapore for me.

you can email your reply to me at [email protected]

many thanks
morn mummies..
been b bz lately..work n new hse and all..seems to hav missed out on quite a lot of tings here in e forum.

my boy kena urine infection dat is more commonly among bb gals than boy.. sent him for urine culture test and due to go for ultrasound to check on his kidneys after this week.

kinda stress out by all these.

i cant track whether its e caregiver who dun changed his diapers frequent enuf or simply he's not in gd care in my own hands during weekends.

dun seems to hav enuf time for him always.
his either out shopping w us for our new hse stuff during weekends.. or dat his grandparents wan a share of him... haiz.

Wow, work, baby, new house, baby got urine infection, it must be tough on you. Take care!

Remember the Mamex Gold that you sold to me, haahaa, so fast left with 1 can. Probably gonna switch to Step 2 liao.
Pretty and Gabby's mum,
I have extra 2 sets only so can sell to both of you. I bought it at around $18+, still wan? Will email to you to talk on details

Still got the addidas baby sneaker? hehe... wat is the size?
cloverluv.. i understand .. me oso renovating new flat ... headahce... shopping for furniture oso veri headache coz now ve to consider bb safety ...

pet u here? learnt frm jas u'r gg to move in close to me too wor ... me at buangkok .. aspella ..
is baby at child care? just tell them to change diaper every 3hr. that's what shawn's child care ctr do but of course if got bowel, then they'll change immediately. hope he'll be better soon. don't stress up ya! i'm sure you're giving him the best of all you could!

what are the signs of urine infection for baby boys? color wise or the baby cry when peeing?
hi gals... am really new to tis thread. mummy to baby Arvin. DOB: 28/12/07

heheh.. those addidas shoes look really nice. still available?

hope u'll welcome me in. any mums wif premmies?
hi hen,
yep, yr cheerful bb.. wow so fast... stage 2...

ya, we'r gg to be close neighbours.. i jus got my keys... jus opened my door yest...

ya jeelo, told my caregiver to do e same.. but then.. sometimes i do hav "surprises" fr her when i pick him up... so dunno wat to say at times... hav to keep reminding her..

my boy was havin fever, so brot him to e doc for urine tests.. showed infection.. so hav to send him for ultrasound later nex week when he finished his antibiotics..
besides dat also noticed thr's a weird smell + he hasnt been urinating enuf... (dry diapers) which i told e PD... and dats when she suggested the urine tests and found infection...

i also tot mayb thr will b pain, but as far as my boy is concerned.. he's only in "low batt" when unwell... no redness or anything...
so i'm also not too sure... also forgot to ask my PD...

my boss hasnt been understanding enuf abt my leave required when i sent him to doc.. so its pretty frustrating....why cant e companies or govt also accept MC fr PD for mummies huh...??

Hi mommies,
this is the signing kit i'm using which my mom got it from kino. It has a baby signing bk, some flashcards and a music cd that I can sign with. I target to show my 1st sign - milk - to my mommy on my 6th mth 'birthday'.Just look at how serious I look in the picture. :)

I hope to meet some others who are learning signing too so we can 'tell' each other secrets of our mommy. haha

yours signing,
hi mimeole,

ooo u send to nanny ar...i c.. anyway, my boy nowadays oso never pee the whole nite, i get dry diapers in the morning. duno how he tong until the next morning then only flush out everything.

you got a serious boy advertising the package heheeee.. he's so cute!
Hope your boy will recover soon, dun worry!

Welcome to join us!

hahah so cute leh your girl, i must ask my boy to buck up to learn his sign so can communicate with your girl :p
Hi Mimeole
Welcome! My son shares the same birthday as your Arvin.

We finally realised why our son sweats even when the air con is turned on -- because we keep his room door open. Since we started closing his door when he sleeps, the room remains cool and he does not sweat in his sleep anymore. Yeah!

Jeelo - yes, he sweats buckets whenever it is feeding time.
tks jeelomeelo & cocoangel..

Is baby signing really gd? din strt my baby on it. He's currently only into Brainy Baby cds.

jeelomeelo, moi baby doesn't pee thru e nite too.. he strtd doing so once he established into sleeping thru e nite.

Went to visit my cousin's baby yesterday. Seems like his baby also develop rashes on the face like yours. They din apply any cream cos the doc told them its normal, some babies r like that. As his baby is yet to be 1mth old, so guess its better to let it be.
jaime,... phaiseh.. it's a gal! bleah.. din see that it's clara! :p

shawn found his toes to suck liao! cham.. suck until got chukchuk sound...
My son's fingers always 'sng sng' one ... hee hee. He's also found his toes recently but haven't started savouring them yet.

I delivered at TMC. Premmies can catch up very fast. Don't be too concerned. Just give him more TLC.
hi valeriet, ya my girl one oso sour sour one..i always told her "chow chow"...but hor, i quite like the smell leh...heee...
today I'm a SAHM for just 1 day. Wah... really kudos to all who r full time SAHM. It's not easy. When bb is awake, got to keep thinking of how to entertain him. If leave him to play on his own, he seems like very pathetic. And now taking care of him at this age is different from during the maternity leave period. Realised that my boy now getting naughtier.

Tried to feed him milk and he cannot finish all at one go. Has to break into many many times. And he always just play with the teat. Will cry when force feed him. Thought it was his habit as he also like that at times during weekend. But my mil said he usually finish all at 1 go when she feeds him. She said he's bullying me. And when i "beat" him on his buttocks and use an angrier tone, he will look at me and cry out until like very cham. Then he will keep looking at me while crying waiting for me to comfort him. Ai yo... i almost want to laugh out but i keep holding back cos scared next time he thinks i'm playing wif him only.

Really scared I'll lose control of him or he becomes a spoilt child.

Haiz... Think working will keep me more sane.
<font size="+1">Sucking of toes</font>

Oh my god, old ah mah's tales... sucking of toes means.... you all going to get pregnant again SOON!!!

ya missylan, tat's what my aunties say too...hahaha...they simply cant wait for me to get preg again...my god...

btw, i got a good news...no i am not pregnant...i am going to be a SAHM for 6 weeks!!! Yeah!! I am going to have 6 weeks of full solid time with my darling! i am looking forward to it.
my mil n mum also said the same thing when my boy sucked on his toe.
but i just shrugged it off cos i'm on yasmin now.
so no worries...hahaha!
for sure i'm not ready for another one so soon.
my hubby even commented the other day...now got 1 boy oredi bought so many things from niang jia n bp.
if get a gerl even worse wor...hahaha!!!

great that u get time off to spend time wif your bb.

go and apply online or thru mail.
u cna get the form from any NPC.
its cheaper by 10 bucks.
if u wanna go down to apply long queue eh.
baby must only be present when collecting.
hi mimeole,

welcome! your pic looks like it was taken at the KKH SCN? my boy was born preterm at 33+ wks in Nov 07... he's now 6.5 mths old
sorry for all late reply. i went to JB todae with hubby..

keki, gabby,

Ya got pink one tt day.. dun think they display out. i got it before they started the sale... i got 3 boxes of blue ones..

sorry all mummies, blue ones all taken. forgot who msg me... i forgot to reply.. apologise k? I might got more adidas thing out to u all... i need to do a run check cos i bought jus too many things alreadi.. some got extra.. can share with you all...

Oh jas, oh.. u managed to get the pink ones? Onli a few set.. i tot they nv display.. cos i went ard checking all the boxes behind the counters.. haha... like supervisor.. hahaha...

tell u all smth sad... i think i m pregnant again.. i think so.. i miss my mense.. oh my god.. super depress now.. i got the extra kit at hm... guess wad, i spoilt it jus now while trying to fix it.. shows error... Nearly cried.. sigh.. help!!! super depress.. wont see ur reply till later... sigh....

so angry with hubby... stupid fellow.. sigh... anyone got gd gynae in East? Tampines/ Bedok? I too lazy to travel to orhard again... sigh.. can sms mi pls...
eve... me gg b sahm tmr too ... ur post makes me veri worried ... tink i wont ve time for smh forum tmr le ... and of course niang jia as well..

belle..y sad news ..ur darling gg ve a playmate soon mah.. cheer up k =D

Haha, my boy not sumo lah.. look at the real sumos here, so big size ones

Ya, your little one can really eat
I was amazed that she can eat so much
Hmm, for my boy's rashes, PD said it is eczema so I applied the cream again lor... but I got the Desowan that Missylan recommended. Apparently it is not as strong as elomet so will switch to that if the need arises..

Zu and Hen,
Wanna come my place with your little ones? I still have 2 weeks of leave.. then will be returning to work.. 2 more weeks of life as a SAHM

Don't frighten me leh, my boy has been sucking his big toes big time leh.... but I don't want another baby so soon...

Really may be false alarm.. don't frighten yourself ya.. unless the kit confirms it.. but if it really is, then must take it positively ya..
