(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

Mummies who wants to attend GYMBOREE Class.
Max 10 babies in a class for 3-4mths old
So i've slipt the group into two

There is 3 days with different timing.
Thursday 1.40pm - 2.25pm
Fri 11.20pm - 12.05pm
Sun 3.10pm-3.55pm

Please choose a date and confirm that you are coming.

Group 1
1. Botanist (no voucher)
2. BBnGG (no voucher)
3. poohbaby1223
4.Bluelily (with vouchers)
5. mel (1 voucher) (3 days)
6. Slimz (2 vouchers)
7. Baby12 (no voucher)
8. Petrina (no voucher)
9. Belle (No voucher)
10. cookiemz (no voucher)

Group 2
11. alien (no voucher)
12. Elaine (no voucher)
13. lynzi (1 voucher)
14. miracle (no voucher)
15. constancet (3 vouchers)
16. fanny (2 vouchers) = weekend
17. *Raye's_Mummy* (no voucher)
18. Rach ( No Voucher)
19. valeriet (no voucher)


i also kena throat infection n fever few wks ago, told gp i m nursing so he gv me panadol for fever n sm throat medicines, he said safe to take while nursing. but i am kiasu so i called parentcraft n asked d lc abt d medicine n she told me safe to tk n continue nursing too.so i took d medicine n continue to bf my bb.
I wan to go too. At Novena Square is it ?

BABY CAFE - change in date and time
Date: Tue 8th April
Time: 1.30pm - 3.30pm
Cost: $6 (for drinks and finger foods)
Interested mummies pls reconfirm attendance
1. botanist
2. ankh - confirm
3. miraclebaby
4. Rachel Wee
5. babyterelle
6. Mel
ah ha...looks like soya bean milk does help to boost up supply *winks*

alien, if u really must dump ur BM, get someone else to do it. at least it doesnt hurt tt much. tts what i do at least. i guess its v psychological.

ankh, u mentioned that ur frozen EBM got contaminated. how did u know?

so wats ur feedg schedule like now? will u feed her milk at 7ish and then cereal at 9ish? i'm quite clueless here as my i used to BF my #1 last time every morning b4 i went to work n then MIL will take over fr there.

wat is cayenne's intake for e cereal now? 1/2 bowl?
yes, i asked my hb to dump my milk to our plants.. i no eyes to see... hey sobe soya bean milk really helps to boost up ss!! my ss increased ALOT!! no joke!

my hb actually called PD to check abt the med liao but he just feeling unsure. i hope i can give Mal ebm tmr.. meaning i must get well TODAY!

i hv finished my limited frozen ebm when i returned to work last month..

baby kept crying a lot, couldn't comfort her. in the end went to see PD, he asked if I gave EBM. Scolded me for giving EBM cos chances of contamination while preparing it quite high. So never gave EBM for one month and the crying lessened. Contamination most likely due to keeping frozen EBM packets with packed raw meat in freezer, but never separated them in different boxes then.
I'm interested but got to check if older kid wanna stop her Chinese class on Tue for good first. Her lesson is at 4.40pm. If she decides to stop, then ok to attend. Got to bring older kid n bb. Any objection?

BABY CAFE - change in date and time
Date: Tue 8th April
Time: 1.30pm - 3.30pm
Cost: $6 (for drinks and finger foods)
Interested mummies pls reconfirm attendance
1. botanist
2. ankh - confirm
3. miraclebaby
4. Rachel Wee
5. babyterelle
6. Mel
7. hentang (will confirm later)
Mummies who wants to attend GYMBOREE Class.
Max 10 babies in a class for 3-4mths old
So i've slipt the group into two

There is 3 days with different timing.
Thursday 1.40pm - 2.25pm
Fri 11.20pm - 12.05pm
Sun 3.10pm-3.55pm

Please choose a date and confirm that you are coming.

Group 1
1. Botanist (no voucher)
2. BBnGG (no voucher)
3. poohbaby1223
4.Bluelily (with vouchers)
5. mel (1 voucher) (3 days)
6. Slimz (2 vouchers)
7. Baby12 (no voucher)
8. Petrina (no voucher)
9. Belle (No voucher)
10. cookiemz (no voucher)

Group 2
11. alien (no voucher)
12. Elaine (no voucher)
13. lynzi (1 voucher)
14. miracle (no voucher)
15. constancet (3 vouchers)
16. fanny (2 vouchers) = Sun 3.10pm-3.55pm
17. *Raye's_Mummy* (no voucher)
18. Rach ( No Voucher)
19. valeriet (no voucher)

My mum's schedule

7am (the time she wake up) = milk
9am+ = go walk walk
10am = cereal time + some water
10.30am = bath time
11.30am = milk
after milk time will be sleep time.

Now my mum feeds her 3 tsp w water. U can follow the instructions stated at the Heinz box. I read from other threads that the Heinz cereal are oos at most supermarkets and kiddy palace.
Mummies who wants to attend GYMBOREE Class.
Max 10 babies in a class for 3-4mths old
So i've slipt the group into two

There is 3 days with different timing.
Thursday 1.40pm - 2.25pm
Fri 11.20pm - 12.05pm
Sun 3.10pm-3.55pm

Please choose a date and confirm that you are coming.

Group 1
1. Botanist (no voucher)
2. BBnGG (no voucher)
3. poohbaby1223
4.Bluelily (with vouchers)
5. mel (1 voucher) (3 days)
6. Slimz (2 vouchers)
7. Baby12 (no voucher)
8. Petrina (no voucher)
9. Belle (No voucher)
10. cookiemz (no voucher)

Group 2
11. alien (no voucher)
12. Elaine (no voucher)
13. lynzi (1 voucher)
14. miracle (no voucher) = 3 days
15. constancet (3 vouchers)
16. fanny (2 vouchers) = Sun 3.10pm-3.55pm
17. *Raye's_Mummy* (no voucher)
18. Rach ( No Voucher)
19. valeriet (no voucher)
Shichida Method School

Finally managed to make a trip down to Shichida school. The next enrollment for our babies will be in July (3rd quarter) as we have missed April enrollment which just started. A small group of 4-6 babies needed in order to form a class. We can form a private group if we are able to hit the head count, ie 4-6 babies. Below are fees involved, this one is more important right?

1) Annual registration fee - $50
2) Term fees (quarterly) - $780 (weekend), $745 (weekday)
3) Parent Edu course (compulsory) - $170/pax, $290/couple (at least one parent got to attend the course. Fee will be refunded if our babies are on their course continuosly for 3 terms)
4) One time deposit fee - $300 (fee will be refunded at anyone time we withdraw our babies from the course)

Where are the lessons held?
They have 4 centres, 2 at Springleaf Tower, 8th & 9th floor (near Tanjong Pagar MRT) and 2 at Toa Payoh HDB Hub, 12th and 19th floor.

They are having a talk on 19th April 11am at Springleaf Tower. I have registered myself, hubby and baby Malcolm to the talk. Interested moms, please call 6254-9555 to book the seat.

Pls fill in your name to the centre that convenient to you:
HDB Hub - Toa Payoh
1) Kim (confirmed)
2) Stephanie aka miraclebaby (confirmed)

Springleaf Tower
BABY CAFE - change in date and time
Date: Tue 8th April
Time: 1.30pm - 3.30pm
Cost: $6 (for drinks and finger foods)
Interested mummies pls reconfirm attendance
1. botanist
2. ankh - confirm
3. miraclebaby - confirm
4. Rachel Wee
5. babyterelle
6. Mel
7. hentang (will confirm later)

when do u plan to introduce solids to yr bb? what do u gv yr bb for 1st food? what are the equipements we need? like food processor? brand? food tray/containers to store food/puree? maybe we should start a spree to get all these stuffs now so it be will arrive just in time when we start introducing solids to our bbs in 1-2mths time. Hehe!! addicted to spree liao!!

Found this website - introducing solids to bb, very informative.
No one wants to try healthy times ? Went to the website and it looks good.

Alien, no choice u give fm first. Get well asap and continue breastfeeding.

niang jia got healthy times coming.. wait for linda..


i will intro my boy to semi solids around 5.5 mths, intending to start off with si shen brown rice powder. my #1 started with healthy times brown rice cereal last time.. yesterday i saw #2 staring hard at and drooling at #1's bread
#1 bery naughty, purposely walk around him waving the bread in front of his nose, think he's beginning to show interest in our food.

since u have a maid, can get her to prepare the food fresh every day. food cubes will be useful to freeze puree for working mums who do not have the time to prepare bb food everyday.
Mummies who wants to attend GYMBOREE Class.
Max 10 babies in a class for 3-4mths old
So i've slipt the group into two

There is 3 days with different timing.
Thursday 1.40pm - 2.25pm
Fri 11.20pm - 12.05pm
Sun 3.10pm-3.55pm

Please choose a date and confirm that you are coming.

Group 1
1. Botanist (no voucher)
2. BBnGG (no voucher)
3. poohbaby1223
4.Bluelily (with vouchers)
5. mel (1 voucher) (3 days)
6. Slimz (2 vouchers)
7. Baby12 (no voucher)
8. Petrina (no voucher)
9. Belle (No voucher)
10. cookiemz (no voucher)

Group 2
11. alien (no voucher)
12. Elaine (no voucher)= Sun 3.10pm-3.55pm
13. lynzi (1 voucher)
14. miracle (no voucher) = 3 days
15. constancet (3 vouchers)
16. fanny (2 vouchers) = Sun 3.10pm-3.55pm
17. *Raye's_Mummy* (no voucher)
18. Rach ( No Voucher)
19. valeriet (no voucher)
hi mummies,

yah.. we should start to do sprees on baby food items liao..

the baby cubes and food processor i think would be very useful..

more $$$!!!
Mummies who wants to attend GYMBOREE Class.
Max 10 babies in a class for 3-4mths old
So i've slipt the group into two

There is 3 days with different timing.
Thursday 1.40pm - 2.25pm
Fri 11.20pm - 12.05pm
Sun 3.10pm-3.55pm

Please choose a date and confirm that you are coming.

Group 1
1. Botanist (no voucher)
2. BBnGG (no voucher)
3. poohbaby1223
4.Bluelily (with vouchers)
5. mel (1 voucher) (3 days)
6. Slimz (2 vouchers)
7. Baby12 (no voucher)
8. Petrina (no voucher) 3 days
9. Belle (No voucher)
10. cookiemz (no voucher)

Group 2
11. alien (no voucher)
12. Elaine (no voucher)= Sun 3.10pm-3.55pm
13. lynzi (1 voucher)
14. miracle (no voucher) = 3 days
15. constancet (3 vouchers)
16. fanny (2 vouchers) = Sun 3.10pm-3.55pm
17. *Raye's_Mummy* (no voucher)
18. Rach ( No Voucher)
19. valeriet (no voucher)
alien - I always bfeed my elder one even when I was having fever cuz gynae n pd n family doc said it is ok. Jus hav to wear those mask to cover while direct nursing (though I din do tat).

for my 2nd one too, i had blocked ducts n high fever, still continue to latch him on to feed.

hope u recover soon.

carrefour having offer for pampers dry at 14.90 for the bigger pack M size, 62 pcs

wat symptoms did your #2 show when taking cows milk? rashes? vomitting? my son did okay for the 1st 6 days on Friso Soy, after that cannot liao...


ya, think i need to experiment more, my sequence was quite haphazard.. similac, then Friso soy, then mamex gold. he had mamex gold while in hospital, but now he also can't stomach that... think i will try Nan followed by goat milk next, but very heartwrenching to see him puke the feed

So now, i'm drinking nothing but lots of soya milk (hope it works, haha), fish soup and red date longan water, maybe have to start eating vinegar pork trotters to up supply
Mummies who wants to attend GYMBOREE Class.
Max 10 babies in a class for 3-4mths old
So i've slipt the group into two

There is 3 days with different timing.
Thursday 1.40pm - 2.25pm
Fri 11.20pm - 12.05pm
Sun 3.10pm-3.55pm

Please choose a date and confirm that you are coming.

Group 1
1. Botanist (no voucher)
2. BBnGG (no voucher)
3. poohbaby1223
4.Bluelily (with vouchers)
5. mel (1 voucher) (3 days)
6. Slimz (2 vouchers)
7. Baby12 (no voucher)
8. Petrina (no voucher) 3 days
9. Belle (No voucher)
10. cookiemz (no voucher)

Group 2
11. alien (no voucher) = Sun 3.10pm-3.55pm
12. Elaine (no voucher)= Sun 3.10pm-3.55pm
13. lynzi (1 voucher)
14. miracle (no voucher) = 3 days
15. constancet (3 vouchers)
16. fanny (2 vouchers) = Sun 3.10pm-3.55pm
17. *Raye's_Mummy* (no voucher)
18. Rach ( No Voucher)
19. valeriet (no voucher)
Mummies who wants to attend GYMBOREE Class.
Max 10 babies in a class for 3-4mths old
So i've slipt the group into two

There is 3 days with different timing.
Thursday 1.40pm - 2.25pm
Fri 11.20pm - 12.05pm
Sun 3.10pm-3.55pm

Please choose a date and confirm that you are coming.

Group 1
1. Botanist (no voucher)
2. BBnGG (no voucher)
3. poohbaby1223
4.Bluelily (with vouchers)
5. mel (1 voucher) (3 days)
6. Slimz (2 vouchers)
7. Baby12 (no voucher)
8. Petrina (no voucher) 3 days
9. Belle (No voucher)
10. cookiemz (no voucher) = 3 days

Group 2
11. alien (no voucher) = Sun 3.10pm-3.55pm
12. Elaine (no voucher)= Sun 3.10pm-3.55pm
13. lynzi (1 voucher)
14. miracle (no voucher) = 3 days
15. constancet (3 vouchers)
16. fanny (2 vouchers) = Sun 3.10pm-3.55pm
17. *Raye's_Mummy* (no voucher)
18. Rach ( No Voucher)
19. valeriet (no voucher
Mummies who wants to attend GYMBOREE Class.
Max 10 babies in a class for 3-4mths old
So i've slipt the group into two

There is 3 days with different timing.
Thursday 1.40pm - 2.25pm
Fri 11.20pm - 12.05pm
Sun 3.10pm-3.55pm

Please choose a date and confirm that you are coming.

Group 1
1. Botanist (no voucher)
2. BBnGG (no voucher)
3. poohbaby1223
4.Bluelily (with vouchers)
5. mel (1 voucher) (3 days)
6. Slimz (2 vouchers)
7. Baby12 (no voucher)
8. Petrina (no voucher) 3 days
9. Belle (No voucher)
10. cookiemz (no voucher) = 3 days

Group 2
11. alien (no voucher) = Sun 3.10pm-3.55pm
12. Elaine (no voucher)= Sun 3.10pm-3.55pm
13. lynzi (1 voucher)
14. miracle (no voucher) = 3 days
15. constancet (3 vouchers)
16. fanny (2 vouchers) = Sun 3.10pm-3.55pm
17. *Raye's_Mummy* (no voucher) Sun 3.10pm-3.55pm
18. Rach ( No Voucher)
19. valeriet (no voucher
Mummies who wants to attend GYMBOREE Class.
Max 10 babies in a class for 3-4mths old
So i've slipt the group into two

There is 3 days with different timing.
Thursday 1.40pm - 2.25pm
Fri 11.20pm - 12.05pm
Sun 3.10pm-3.55pm

Please choose a date and confirm that you are coming.

Group 1
1. Botanist (no voucher)
2. BBnGG (no voucher)
3. poohbaby1223
4.Bluelily (with vouchers)
5. mel (1 voucher) (3 days)
6. Slimz (2 vouchers)
7. Baby12 (no voucher) = Sun 3.10pm - 3.55pm
8. Petrina (no voucher) 3 days
9. Belle (No voucher)
10. cookiemz (no voucher) = 3 days

Group 2
11. alien (no voucher) = Sun 3.10pm-3.55pm
12. Elaine (no voucher)= Sun 3.10pm-3.55pm
13. lynzi (1 voucher)
14. miracle (no voucher) = 3 days
15. constancet (3 vouchers)
16. fanny (2 vouchers) = Sun 3.10pm-3.55pm
17. *Raye's_Mummy* (no voucher)
18. Rach ( No Voucher)
19. valeriet (no voucher
phy, i guess zavier allergy to outside aircon! as everytime i bring him out... he full body will get rash the night itself.

Alien, have a good rest! hope ya get well soon.

i heard fr 1 mummy , healthy times has high sodium ! can mummies who are feeding their bbs with healthy times, pls verify! thanks!
I think yr son might allergic to dust rather than air-con.

Me too, that day sore throat... then causing the chillz... I faster go brew Ling Yang... Spend almost $100 on Ling Yang that few days... that is the only herbal I take when I got heaty. You can try it.
Though it is interesting and fun to start puree on our babies, it is wise to start near to 6th mth old. This is advice by quite a few PDs.

Not to start fish(still under seafood), eggs(white and yolk) until over 1 year old. Heard that chicken will effect their vaccination's effect.
anyone used the munchkin manual food processor b4? i heard from my colg that it's not too bad. got like only 3parts to wash. unlike those electrical ones hor, got a lot of parts.. any feedback on electrical processor, is very much appreciated. Thanks!
Mummies who wants to attend GYMBOREE Class.
Max 10 babies in a class for 3-4mths old
So i've slipt the group into two

There is 3 days with different timing.
Thursday 1.40pm - 2.25pm
Fri 11.20pm - 12.05pm
Sun 3.10pm-3.55pm

Please choose a date and confirm that you are coming.

Group 1
1. Botanist (no voucher)
2. BBnGG (no voucher)
3. poohbaby1223
4.Bluelily (with vouchers)
5. mel (1 voucher) (3 days)
6. Slimz (2 vouchers) = sun 3.10-3.55
7. Baby12 (no voucher) = Sun 3.10pm - 3.55pm
8. Petrina (no voucher) 3 days
9. Belle (No voucher)
10. cookiemz (no voucher) = 3 days

Group 2
11. alien (no voucher) = Sun 3.10pm-3.55pm
12. Elaine (no voucher)= Sun 3.10pm-3.55pm
13. lynzi (1 voucher)
14. miracle (no voucher) = 3 days
15. constancet (3 vouchers)
16. fanny (2 vouchers) = Sun 3.10pm-3.55pm
17. *Raye's_Mummy* (no voucher)
18. Rach ( No Voucher)
19. valeriet (no voucher
Hi miracle,

HT brown rice has got higher sodium(10mg) then the normal heinz rice creal(6mg) I feed. But Nestle brown rice cereal's sodium content is much higher!
So dun be so alarm.
hi mummies
when you are on breastfeeding & menses come, will the menses come again like a cycle again, like next month will come again?

Coz my mense came last mth, but this mth not yet ..
I was using Braun one. Easy leh, not many parts to wash. The container, the lid and blade, also 3 parts. Next time can make minced meat also.

Hahaha... He don't sleep, you don't get to sleep also.

How is yr son's poo when he is soya? Mine quite ok leh, slightly harder not as muddy.
jubeck, could be your hormones still adjusting? Gotta check with your gynae. My cycle seems to be every 10-14 days. Went from lochia straight to menses. Solid hor?But it's always light flow
my menses still MIA leh? no news from her yet. normal?

can take pic and show me how your Braun food processor look like? i hv one Kenwood de for my kitchen uses. also small small type.. thanko!

re: sick/ebm
i hv convinced my hb to continue give ebm from tmr onwards.
I've indicated my preference below.. although I dont think I can attend any of these classes until end of April (when I have more time on my hands).

Mummies who wants to attend GYMBOREE Class.
Max 10 babies in a class for 3-4mths old
So i've slipt the group into two

There is 3 days with different timing.
Thursday 1.40pm - 2.25pm
Fri 11.20pm - 12.05pm
Sun 3.10pm-3.55pm

Please choose a date and confirm that you are coming.

Group 1
1. Botanist (no voucher) = weekdays ok
2. BBnGG (no voucher)
3. poohbaby1223
4.Bluelily (with vouchers)
5. mel (1 voucher) (3 days)
6. Slimz (2 vouchers) = sun 3.10-3.55
7. Baby12 (no voucher) = Sun 3.10pm - 3.55pm
8. Petrina (no voucher) 3 days
9. Belle (No voucher)
10. cookiemz (no voucher) = 3 days

Group 2
11. alien (no voucher) = Sun 3.10pm-3.55pm
12. Elaine (no voucher)= Sun 3.10pm-3.55pm
13. lynzi (1 voucher)
14. miracle (no voucher) = 3 days
15. constancet (3 vouchers)
16. fanny (2 vouchers) = Sun 3.10pm-3.55pm
17. *Raye's_Mummy* (no voucher)
18. Rach ( No Voucher)
19. valeriet (no voucher
Ladies, I'll try my best to come... still dont know if I can cos my HB is asking me not to bring bb out cos got so many incidences of HFMD so said to lay low for a while..

BABY CAFE - change in date and time
Date: Tue 8th April
Time: 1.30pm - 3.30pm
Cost: $6 (for drinks and finger foods)
Interested mummies pls reconfirm attendance
1. botanist - TBC!
2. ankh - confirm
3. miraclebaby - confirm
4. Rachel Wee
5. babyterelle
6. Mel
7. hentang (will confirm later)
hi cookiemz

I was reading previous threads and u mentioned that your darling puke big time after taking FM. He is on EBM usually.

I have the same experience with Enfaclac A+. Gave my son only 2 times, 2 times he also puke big time about 2hrs after his feeding, while he was taking his nap. I seriously don't know what's wrong. My son has been taking EBM since birth. Only ate Enfalac A+ about twice since he was borned as I was trying to establish my supply that time. Anyway, with EBM, my son has no problem, no such puking.

Can I ask if u have managed to check with your PD if this is due to our darlings not tolerant of cow's milk?

I have not tried other FM yet. Should I? I really don't dare man. =(

Pls kindly advise.

Thanks so much!

any mummies' darlings have the same problem like mine? Pls advise. Thank u!

my dd's whole body bcame red as lobster after her first feed of cows milk based fm. Brought her to A&E in the middle of the nite.

went to pd the next morning n she advised us to test again 1 week later if we dun wanna do the prick test on her. same thing happened when she took fm again the next try. even now, at 2 yrs old, her lips and skin surrounding her mouth will bcome red instantly if we just let her taste a bit of ice cream. very poor thing. my No 1 has to hide in the kitchen to eat ice cream.
