(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

hehheh i also join in thew fun!


wah, whole range baby care skills by hubbies out there huh? some of you very lucky leh, hubby can help so much. Linda, it's ok, u can keep ur hubby and bil haha!

babyterelle, i am onz for SAHMs gathering! er, but where u stay again?
elaine, etelle, bbngg

hah i not only got problem recieving email fr yahoo groups, also from other people!! think hotmail abit cuckoo already..

maybe it's yahoo server side.. slow?? that's why the emails from group are sometimes delayed?
hello mummies,

what is the correct way to disinfect the breast pump parts? if the instruction says "boil for 10 mins" what does it mean?
hi ah bie,

i think it meant that you need to either put in the water to boil for 10 mins or you use steam to sterilize the pump. they are equivalent but then not use if your pump can withstand the boiling method.

i'm using the medela microwave safe bag for sterilize my breast pump in office. Got to soak my pump with water and the timing depends on the watt of the microwave. At home will use the avent steam sterilizer for both my medela & ameda pump

Hope this helps
Hi Elaine,

thanks! I am worried that the parts will melt in the boiling water. sigh

i am also using the microsafe bag in office! very useful
ah bie! never boil! i once tried to boil for 10 mins and ended up a small part of my avent cap and bottle melted! i called avent and they said just switch off fire when water boils and put in parts for 5 mins. think it's the same 4 all pumps! now i use the steam steriliser. safer!
cookiemz(Baby JunRui) 14 Nov - 6.8kg, 64 cm
steffietan(Baby Alexis) 16 Nov - 5.3kg, 60cm
rach11(Baby Isaac) 18 Nov - 6.4kg, 61cm
fanny(Baby cayenne) 22 nov - 6kg, 63 cm
Elaine(Baby Gabrielle) 23 Nov - 7.14kg
CryStaLZ(Baby Amberly) 23 Nov - 5.58kg, 63cm
Witty(baby Dwayne) 26 Nov - 6.6kg, 64cm
Etelle(Baby Evan) 27 Nov - 8.6kg, 63cm
Gloomybear(Baby Arielle) 28 Nov - 5.67kg, 58cm
tub(Baby Sumana) 02 Dec - 6.2kg
lynzi(Baby Faiq) 02 Dec - 5.8kg, 60cm
Idah(Baby Adlan) 05 Dec - 6.3kg
Cry Baby(Baby Kate) 05 Dec - 4.4kg, 55cm
bluelily(Baby Jerrell) 05 Dec - 5.7kg
hentang(baby Kaylen) 05 Dec - 7kg, 60cm
jeelomeelo(Baby Shawn) 05 Dec - 6.8kg, 62cm
slimz(Baby shirui) 06 Dec - 6.1kg, 60cm
Tricianbt(Baby Shania) 06 Dec - 5.8kg, 61cm
Linda(Baby Jovan) 07 Dec - 6.5kg, 63cm
alien(Baby Malcolm) 07 Dec - 6.9kg, 67cm
CSI_Fan(Baby Louisa) 08 Dec - 6kg, 61cm
jaz23(Baby jazzell) 10 Dec - 5.46kg, 58cm
Baby12(Baby Clarence) 12 Dec - 6.2kg, 67cm
Momo32(Baby Chloe) 12 Dec - 5.6kg, 60cm
ankh(Baby Emma) 13 Dec - 5.9kg
Petrina(Baby Mikaela) 14 Dec - 6.1kg, 60cm
kat (Baby Zijun) 17 Dec - 5.8kg, 58cm
belle_08(Baby Xenden) 18 Dec - 7kg, 64cm
BBnGG(Baby Joshua) 18 Dec - 6.3kg, 62cm
Botanist(Baby Dylan) 18 Dec - 8.26kg, 66cm
constancet(Rhaines) 18 Dec - 5.3kg, 63cm
eve(Baby Ethan) 20 Dec - 5.7kg, 64cm
Noelle(Baby Natalie) 21 Dec - 5.6kg, 63cm
Ginger(Baby Andre) 21 Dec – 5.66kg
leejo(Baby Ethan) 23 Dec - 6.23kg, 62cm
Phy(Baby Ryan) 24 Dec - 7.1kg, 66cm
valeriet(Baby Qai Jinn) 28 Dec - 6kg, 59cm
claire_liu(Baby Yu Ru) 29 Dec - 7kg, 61cm
fairylander(Baby Cathrina) 15 Nov - 5.3kg, 63cm
yvonne (Baby Chloe) 30 Nov - 5.8kg, 60cm
ah_bie (Baby XuanXu) 5 Dec - 6.6kg
missylan (Baby JiaKai) 30 Nov - 8.5kg, 70cm
Joanne (Baby Rachel Wong) 28 Dec - 6.3kg, 61cm
Steffi (Baby Zhe Xuan) 19 Dec - 6.9kg, 63cm
Just came back from a trip to the zoo. super tiring... really a challenge bringing 3 kids out even thou there's me, hb n maid taking care of them.
was planning for a holiday later this year. think i gotta think twice again.... really a feat taking care of all 3 outside.
btw, the animal section at the zoo children's world undergoing renov. ready only in may 08.
the kfc n waterplay part still in operation.
Yo mummies!
Been a week plus since I last logged in..Well, was pretty depressed actually.. My boy's face had a very bad flare up a week back.. went to another PD for his first 5-in-1 jab and he referred us to a dermotologist to check my boy's skin.. AFter that rushed to see the dermotologist.. Turned up my boy has eczema on face
.. no choice, put on steroid again.... Then I sank into depression, kept wondering what I have eaten or done to cause such suffering on my poor baby...

Today feel so much better... after days of 'intensive' training, my boy can finally graduate from tummy time!! HURRAY!!

A quick update of his weight and length at 3 months.. He weighs 7.5kg and is 67cm long/tall.. 90 percentile... hee hee.. my frame pretty small so he must have taken after his dad..

Here's a picture I took just now.. I'm so happy that he can finally do tummy time well!!! Very very proud.. coz of his size, I'm really worried that his motor skills may be hindered..

cookiemz(Baby JunRui) 14 Nov - 6.8kg, 64 cm
steffietan(Baby Alexis) 16 Nov - 5.3kg, 60cm
rach11(Baby Isaac) 18 Nov - 6.4kg, 61cm
fanny(Baby cayenne) 22 nov - 6kg, 63 cm
Elaine(Baby Gabrielle) 23 Nov - 7.14kg
CryStaLZ(Baby Amberly) 23 Nov - 5.58kg, 63cm
Witty(baby Dwayne) 26 Nov - 6.6kg, 64cm
Etelle(Baby Evan) 27 Nov - 8.6kg, 63cm
Gloomybear(Baby Arielle) 28 Nov - 5.67kg, 58cm
tub(Baby Sumana) 02 Dec - 6.2kg
lynzi(Baby Faiq) 02 Dec - 5.8kg, 60cm
Idah(Baby Adlan) 05 Dec - 6.3kg
Cry Baby(Baby Kate) 05 Dec - 4.4kg, 55cm
bluelily(Baby Jerrell) 05 Dec - 5.7kg
hentang(baby Kaylen) 05 Dec - 7kg, 60cm
jeelomeelo(Baby Shawn) 05 Dec - 6.8kg, 62cm
slimz(Baby shirui) 06 Dec - 6.1kg, 60cm
Tricianbt(Baby Shania) 06 Dec - 5.8kg, 61cm
Linda(Baby Jovan) 07 Dec - 6.5kg, 63cm
alien(Baby Malcolm) 07 Dec - 6.9kg, 67cm
CSI_Fan(Baby Louisa) 08 Dec - 6kg, 61cm
jaz23(Baby jazzell) 10 Dec - 5.46kg, 58cm
Baby12(Baby Clarence) 12 Dec - 6.2kg, 67cm
Momo32(Baby Chloe) 12 Dec - 5.6kg, 60cm
ankh(Baby Emma) 13 Dec - 5.9kg
Petrina(Baby Mikaela) 14 Dec - 6.1kg, 60cm
kat (Baby Zijun) 17 Dec - 5.8kg, 58cm
belle_08(Baby Xenden) 18 Dec - 7kg, 64cm
BBnGG(Baby Joshua) 18 Dec - 6.3kg, 62cm
Botanist(Baby Dylan) 18 Dec - 8.26kg, 66cm
constancet(Rhaines) 18 Dec - 5.3kg, 63cm
eve(Baby Ethan) 20 Dec - 5.7kg, 64cm
Noelle(Baby Natalie) 21 Dec - 5.6kg, 63cm
Ginger(Baby Andre) 21 Dec – 5.66kg
leejo(Baby Ethan) 23 Dec - 6.23kg, 62cm
Phy(Baby Ryan) 24 Dec - 7.5kg, 67cm
valeriet(Baby Qai Jinn) 28 Dec - 6kg, 59cm
claire_liu(Baby Yu Ru) 29 Dec - 7kg, 61cm
fairylander(Baby Cathrina) 15 Nov - 5.3kg, 63cm
yvonne (Baby Chloe) 30 Nov - 5.8kg, 60cm
ah_bie (Baby XuanXu) 5 Dec - 6.6kg
missylan (Baby JiaKai) 30 Nov - 8.5kg, 70cm
Joanne (Baby Rachel Wong) 28 Dec - 6.3kg, 61cm
Steffi (Baby Zhe Xuan) 19 Dec - 6.9kg, 63cm
wow phy, indeed ur boy is a tall baby! 67cm born on 24 Dec.. really tall one..

got to tk care of urself.. dun over stress urself. Ur bb needs u to tk care of him.. so dun fall sick k

Thanks.. ya,I broke down and cried a few times... now feeling better... Think partly because it's such a change of lifestyle for me.. indeed it is very difficult to be SAHM with no helper.. Although I have a part time maid to come in weekly, I still find daily chores hard to handle.. got to breastfeed BB, got to pump.. got to bathe him, got to play with him etc etc.. after that where got energy to cook for myself?

Finally I raised white flag, cried for help.. Now my mother will come over to help out whenver she's free.. then I asked MIL to stay with us for 3 days a week... At least I get to breathe..

Next thing I wanna do is to leave BB at either my mum's place or MIL's place for a few hours on weekends and go dating with hubby..

Wow, seems that I have alot of KOU SHUI to vomit out
Phy, i think i can understd. When i was doing confinement also like tt. Cry n Cry... with a new maid too.. worst!! Nearly wanna die.. haha..
but glad i din...

Yes, i think b gd to have ur mum / MIL ard to tk care of ur bb so that at least u have some rest.. Can imagine really tired taking care of bb urself, feed, pump, clean hse, cook, etc etc... really tiring.. i tk care of bb myself over the weekend sometimes alreadi draining myself too...

Schedule some hrs tt u can rest and sleep. Lack of sleep really can mk one go "mad" easily.. tt happen for me.. Then i left my boy at mum's place so that i can shop a bit.. at least do smth i like.. else will go crazy...

i dun think i can be a SAHM, else i will go crazy... Took leave on Fri - Mon so that i can play with my boy alreadi v draining.. heehee.. glad i got maid to help out with hseworks. Clean up the mess, etc.. mum will pop by to tk care of my boy too..

Really gd to have someone ard to help u...

Enjoy ur life!! Tk care k!!!

hey haven't heard from you for so long. Glad to know you have help from your mum and MIL now - that way you have more time for yourself. It's tough being a SAHM.

Congrats to yr son being able to do his tummy time! I knwo u have been so worried.. dun worry, when its time, he will naturally be able to lift his head, do tummy time, flip over etc. Not all babies develop at the same rate

btw, i noticed that u have the CARS playmat in yr home. Very niCE! I'm envious!!
wow... a few days didnt log in and see so many postings. So many cute pics.

just brought my boy for his 3mths assessment. He's only 5.9kg but 66cm tall. Seems like he has lost weight after i go back to work. Only gained 200g this mth. Now need to pump him up with more milk.
cookiemz(Baby JunRui) 14 Nov - 6.8kg, 64 cm
steffietan(Baby Alexis) 16 Nov - 5.3kg, 60cm
rach11(Baby Isaac) 18 Nov - 6.4kg, 61cm
fanny(Baby cayenne) 22 nov - 6kg, 63 cm
Elaine(Baby Gabrielle) 23 Nov - 7.14kg
CryStaLZ(Baby Amberly) 23 Nov - 5.58kg, 63cm
Witty(baby Dwayne) 26 Nov - 6.6kg, 64cm
Etelle(Baby Evan) 27 Nov - 8.6kg, 63cm
Gloomybear(Baby Arielle) 28 Nov - 5.67kg, 58cm
tub(Baby Sumana) 02 Dec - 6.2kg
lynzi(Baby Faiq) 02 Dec - 5.8kg, 60cm
Idah(Baby Adlan) 05 Dec - 6.3kg
Cry Baby(Baby Kate) 05 Dec - 4.4kg, 55cm
bluelily(Baby Jerrell) 05 Dec - 5.7kg
hentang(baby Kaylen) 05 Dec - 7kg, 60cm
jeelomeelo(Baby Shawn) 05 Dec - 6.8kg, 62cm
slimz(Baby shirui) 06 Dec - 6.1kg, 60cm
Tricianbt(Baby Shania) 06 Dec - 5.8kg, 61cm
Linda(Baby Jovan) 07 Dec - 6.5kg, 63cm
alien(Baby Malcolm) 07 Dec - 6.9kg, 67cm
CSI_Fan(Baby Louisa) 08 Dec - 6kg, 61cm
jaz23(Baby jazzell) 10 Dec - 5.46kg, 58cm
Baby12(Baby Clarence) 12 Dec - 6.2kg, 67cm
Momo32(Baby Chloe) 12 Dec - 5.6kg, 60cm
ankh(Baby Emma) 13 Dec - 5.9kg
Petrina(Baby Mikaela) 14 Dec - 6.1kg, 60cm
kat (Baby Zijun) 17 Dec - 5.8kg, 58cm
belle_08(Baby Xenden) 18 Dec - 7kg, 64cm
BBnGG(Baby Joshua) 18 Dec - 6.3kg, 62cm
Botanist(Baby Dylan) 18 Dec - 8.26kg, 66cm
constancet(Rhaines) 18 Dec - 5.3kg, 63cm
eve(Baby Ethan) 20 Dec - 5.9kg, 6ccm
Noelle(Baby Natalie) 21 Dec - 5.6kg, 63cm
Ginger(Baby Andre) 21 Dec – 5.66kg
leejo(Baby Ethan) 23 Dec - 6.23kg, 62cm
Phy(Baby Ryan) 24 Dec - 7.5kg, 67cm
valeriet(Baby Qai Jinn) 28 Dec - 6kg, 59cm
claire_liu(Baby Yu Ru) 29 Dec - 7kg, 61cm
fairylander(Baby Cathrina) 15 Nov - 5.3kg, 63cm
yvonne (Baby Chloe) 30 Nov - 5.8kg, 60cm
ah_bie (Baby XuanXu) 5 Dec - 6.6kg
missylan (Baby JiaKai) 30 Nov - 8.5kg, 70cm
Joanne (Baby Rachel Wong) 28 Dec - 6.3kg, 61cm
Steffi (Baby Zhe Xuan) 19 Dec - 6.9kg, 63cm
phy, don't blame yourself for your son's skin condition. i, too, face the same problem and i guess my girl's condition is worse. when she was born with neonatal lupus, a rare skin condition, i was blamed for (guess what...?) pasting things on her room while i was pregnant. although her condition has been diagnosed, pple r still blaming her condition on wat i ate or do during pregnancy. i think all these don't matter anything. it's just like we hv a duck and wish it's a chicken. now, the most impt thing is to make sure baby takes the rt medication and recover. don't blame yourself for anything. u r a good mother!
miraclebaby, we stay nearby! me in whampoa, about 5min walk away from the cc. maybe we meet at each other's places first?

babyterelle, think should be able to go to yishun. just wondering if my baby will sleep or cry in car??

any sahm staying between yishun and whampoa who dun mind us meeting up at her place?
ankh, miracle

i dun mind meeting up cos i stay near miraclebaby, but err.. my son is a super touchy baby so really depends on his mood. if he is cranky that day (which happens often) then cannot liao, cos he can spend half the day screaming at home..
jus let me know when u guys meet up, if i can come.. i will. hehe
I understand how u feel... me too a SAHM without any helper. Since I'm a 2nd mummy (I was still working when I had my nbr1), thot I'll be fine. How wrong! When this bb came along, she cries a lot. When hubby went back to work after staying wz me for confinement, I cried a few times when I'm alone wz the kids. Also, I was sad that I couldn't latch my bb on directly n stop bf so soon. But I learnt to take it easy. On Fri, I wld bring the kids to my parents' place so that I can have a break.
Morning mummies,

All Dec babies so adorable.

Missylan, I want to hug your sumo tight tight. So chubby esp the thigh. I love his puke milk photo. Kekeke...
Mucus suction by mouth

Sorry when should I get it? Useful?

Next time see you, I shall get ready an untouched thigh for you to chew... anyway I chewed everywhere liao
missylan ... e one i have suction not so powerful.
probably you might wanna get e one zu recommended. me consider whether wanna get one more or not. hahahaha

else can get from sbcc too but e one from sbcc need to go all e way into their nose to suck out e mucus
Hi, I'm so shy but I would like to join u mummies...
My baby was born on 8th Dec, and I scrolled thru the baby's statistic... oh no... Joshua is 8.8kg and 64.5cm 3 weeks ago...
hi all,
dont mind me asking, just curious to know, mummies with "heavywgt" bbs, are ur bbs formula or breast fed?
mums giving ebm:
I gave my girl frozen ebm last wk and found that when heated up, there was a layer of oil on top. Is that normal? Coz when i give chilled, there's no oil, just thicker milk that floats up. Is it some reaction that happens when ebm is frozen and thawed?
Luca, my baby was fed with mummy's brand milk, though supplement with formula during the early days due to demand>supply. Now he can go fully on breast but sometimes to save time I'll use FM still, not more than 250ml of FM a day. He do not fancy FM too.
