(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

Hi mummies

Got this from other threads

Carter's Warehouse sales!!
24th - 26th Jan
Gimmil Building, Tampines st 92, Near Safra Tampines, 9am till 8pm.

Lotsa of rompers and sunsuits going at 3 for $10!! Reversible blankets at $4. Got boys n girls one. Some of the rompers are selling at at least $9 in the forum. (look at the carters rompers b sunsuit in this website)

how do u all deal w your ebm when u go out? do u give cold one or find some way to warm it up before giving bb? any idea if there's anything that we can get to keep warmed ebm warm while outside?
my 6weeks baby still jaudince as skin still bit yellowish leh and also at the side of the eye corner...how ah?

goin back to take 2nd dose of hep b when in 2 weeks and afraid that pd will poke him again cuz the last time round did blood and urine test to check liver shows it is normal...

am getting lesser and lesser sleep each day till i kept forgetting things and cant concentrate much....am going to be another member in the zoo soon!

btw, any1 using warmer to heat up ebm? is avent or pigeon better and how much is it?
Think there is only one PN1 class right? Hahaha... if my son ins't withdraw, maybe I can see you there! My son's name is Jia Le, mahbe you can still see his name on those shelves. Hahaha...
Hi All,
Been soo long since i logged in!! so busy with baby and shifting to my hse...my boy's 6 weeks now, growing well, in fact he put in 2 kg since birth, 5kg + now. But since a week ago, he has developed reflux problem, vomiting out lotsa milk per feed
so worried.
i usually try to burp him every 40ml, either he refuses by crying & figetting or, burp then vomit. i have tried reducing his intake from around 140ml to 120ml and giving him abt 20ml of water but he seems hungry then will cry his heart out and vomit! i've also tried carrying him in an upright angel till he sleeps then put him on bed but he will woke up vomiting. Gave him rid wind water in his milk a couple of times but dunno if it helps. How huh? Should I see a doctor? Cos he seems uncomfortable and wants ppl to carry him most time. Any mummies here got advise?

I am using Avent warmer now, not bad, think cost ard 40+ bah.. hubby bought it so i'm not so sure.

Pei fu you leh.. got 3 kids!! How to handle? I already dun have time to eat and sleep or run errands liao

You mean we can put EBM in thermos when going out? any good brand to recommend?

Check something, is it common for babies to have milk rashes/ shedding skin on the face? My boy's face seems to be getting more "breakout". Seeing PD tomorrow but curious about this as most friends say that that is normal.. But I look at all the pictures you ladies posted.. BB's skin look so smooth...
phy: my daughter's face also has alot of little bumps. =( around e chin area n corners of her eyes. wat i do is to clean her mouth area after i BF her. sometimes milk overflows fr her mouth n when not cleaned properly, may cause those bumps to form. i dunno..my MIL says she's got sensitve skin too. see how it goes. if still no good, seek a PD's advice.

My boy's face does not just have bumps...he sort of rub his face and aggravate the condition... so sad to see his forehead, both cheeks and chin mostly reddish in colour with all those bumps..His eyebrow's skin now thickening with a layer of yellow skin..My mother applied olive oil on the area and some skin came off...
Heart pain

the yellow skin that is forming at your son's eyebrow is called cradle cap. If the cradle cap is forming at the scalp, u can use the cradle cap shampoo and then apply some johnson and johnson baby oil on it. And use a comb to comb the dry skin. It works very well on my gal's head.

dun worry too much. i understd how u feel. i guess all these r superficial n will go off over time.

when my daughter was born, she too had cradle cap. i used e mustela body wash n it disappeared v quickly.

oh, since he rubs his face, do make sure that his mittens r clean n nails r kept short.
what kind of thermos? can keep the milk at ard 40 degrees celsius in it? won't lose heat?

yr problem sounds like botanist's. she just posted her suggestion yest. u may want to give it a try.

mine also wants to be carried all the time, be it awake or asleep. think it's habit already. need to find ways to kick off this habit.

I thought cradle cap only appear on scapl? Ok, will try to use shampoo for his head and body wash for body...

Steffie, I bought Mustela facial hydrating cream to apply on his cheeks and forehead.. now those bumps are slowly drying up... hope they will disappear soon.. my son has got a tendency to use both hands to "punch" his face or rub hard.... I change his mittens twice a day... maybe I should change more regularly then.. at times he also put his mittens in his mouth...

I finally plucked up courage and trim his nails yesterday while he was asleep..

Eve, my boy also.. now got used to be carried.. yesterday I almost broke down coz he demanded to be fed every 2 hours, about 120ml of milk.. ultra cranky coz he couldn't sleep (neighbour's dog barking non-stop)...

Now I'm slowly weaning him off the habit of being carried.. I bought this infant chair called Papasan from Fisher Price.. My boy seems to like it alot and can stay in it for half an hour at least
but for afternoon naps I got to pat his buttock to help him get to sleep... My mother keeps asking me to use Yaolan or pacifier but I refuse...
mine has been feeding every 2hrs. sometimes still want just after 1 hr. can't seem to increase his interval. i only bottle feed ebm when i hv extra. most of time latch on.

they learn things v fast. mine was almost addicted to the pacifier. luckily i stopped it in time. as for yaolan, it doesnt work for my boy. need to constantly rock him. else will wake up. even if dont rock, he makes a lot of noises & fidget a lot when sleeping. doesnt seem to be able to fall into deep sleep. n he seems very giddy by the rocking.
hi phy,

i understand how u feel. i too, am not a fan of e yaolan n pacifier. i told myself that i will not seek e easy way out when taking care of my child. but pls know that u need ur sanity as well.

i finally gave in to e pacifier n yaolan a week ago. i used them to calm her down n prolong her naps whenever i needed to do some of my OWN stuff. trust me..even an extra 15 mins wld mean e world to u. u can take a longer time to wash ur hair, take a longer dump, paint ur nails, trim ur eyebrows..etc..! anyway, babies r super smart..if they dun like e yaolan, they will cry to be carried out of it anyway after some time. same for e pacifier, they will push it out after a while. in my case, when she's deep in sleep, i will just pull e pacifier out.

rem, u're not that indian god wif many hands. give urself a break.
After reading your advice about letting baby sleep tummy to our tummy, I tried it and we both slept soundly for 2 hours this afternoon! :)

Once cold milk from fridge is warmed up but baby doesn't drink it, how long can we keep it at room temp? Can we re-heat it again?

My baby will be 1 month old tomorrow. He's started cooing since he was 2-3 weeks old.

i used to feed every 2 hrs as well. but now tt our babies r bigger, they dun need to feed that often actually. try a 2.5 hrly interval for starters. i realise that my bb is sleepy most of e time, altho she roots when she cries.

previously i will just stuff my 'battered' nipple into her mouth n when e milk comes, she cries even louder n turns her head away. rem, hv confidence in e amt of milk u give them. try to cajole them back to sleep. it normally works.

dun give up. we are learning something new about our babies everyday, just like they are adapting to us.

things will only get better, never worse.

do rem to chk in more frequently when e bb sleeps on his tummy. it's a great position but do take note that their necks aren't e strongest at this pt in time. just b careful when they wake up n try to lift their heads up. if they fall straight down on their faces, it will b dangerous if they dun hv e strength to turn their faces to e side.

i agree with u... the extra minutes the sleep is so valuable. how did u get yr bb to sleep in yaolan? i tried a couple of times but he doesn't sleep long. normally i'll pat him to sleep in my arms then put him in. will sleep for a while n start making noises n fidget until he finally wakes up n cry out loud to be carried again. worse, his diapers somehow leakes each time i put him in.
hi mummies
my bb likes to sleep on the sofa with the tv on.

saw ur son's name on the list liao dis morning. you didnt bring him 2 since wed rite?

my dd better today. started to join the activities n minimal crying. but next mon gotta start again liao....

my no 1 also. want hb to tell him story b4 sleep. end up i have to coax no 2 to sleep, then take over bb from my mum
Sian lah... Grandpa and daddy object letting him to school alone. Think going to go back to Julia Gabriel those accompanied by caregiver one lor. Yalor, since Wed night decided not to let him go liao. Haiz... my $600+. Heartache! Think my son is the first grandchild for both side and no otehr older or younger cousins, sibling that time so he becomes quite reserved.

My son also mah, merlion the milk sometimes through the nostrils leh, then more uncomfortable, he will cry! But now getting better, I believe their stomach now bigger/deeper so can contain milk better. Sometimes, he sleep liao also difficult to burp so got to carry shoulder position to make him burp, if cannot got to change to tummy position(lie on bed and his chest down). That sure will burp, then he zzz. Not safe to sleep on tummy, got to monitor them. But he can sleep longer with that position.

actually my bb doesnt sleep v long in e yaolan too BUT i realise that to ensure a longer sleep, u need to have a certain SKILL when placing e bb in e yaolan. u cannot simply just lay them down - in my case, i need to lay her n tilt her slightly to her side. hvg a weighted pillow helps. once i put her down, i will continue to pat her bottom n start off wif a faster bounce. normally when i put her down, she will wake up but when i cont to pat her, she will drift off to slumberland. whenever she starts to fidget n cry after a while, i will repeat e same process till she sleeps again. i'll only carry her out when she doesn't stop cryg.

of cz i dun let her sleep in e yaolan all e time. most of e time, she's in her cot or on my bed. somehow, she sleeps rather well on my bed too. perhaps there's alot of familiar smells around.

wow 2 hours sleep is fantastic! Yes, letting bb sleep tummy to our tummy really works. I had a one hour nap with my son this morning...

my son never wants to sleep in the afternoon... everyday, i'm fighting with him and trying to get him to nap! and becos of his reflux problem, have to carry him almost all the time. Super tired and whenever my hb comes home, I am desperately needing to express milk, go to the toilet, take a bath! aiyo!!

give up liao, tomorrow i'm going to buy a bouncer.. hope that bb will like it and wont demand to be carried all the time!
steffie, yes! we should meet!

cocoangel & eve, wat i meant was to buy the flask to warm up ur bm. can put bm in fridge to go when goinh out.
my baby went for her hep B jap yesterday and today I think she is more difficult. according to the nurse, there shouldn't be any fever. she also doesn't feel hot but somehow I feel that she is more difficult today. she cannot sleep for long in the morning and afternoon. 1/2 hr the most and she will wake up to cry. even when she sleeps on her tummy. just now she kept rooting and crying. I know she is very tired already and wants to suckle to sleep. once I remove her from my mouth, she will wake up and cry. finally she felt asleep on my shoulder after crying for a while.
any mummies experience difficulty after the injection?

she still has a bit of jaundice according to the dr and the nurse draw quite a bit of blood from her for blood test. she pricked both her feet to get enough blood. so heart pain to see her cry so pitifully.
It is normal to take so much blood, thought jaudice test only need to do a prick. the nurse say need to test if her liver is ok.

my daughter had a slight fever after her hep B jab. e fever subsided after a dose of panadol. i used to freak out whenever my son had fever but after a while, i learnt that's it's actually pretty normal for them to hv slight fever after jabs. it also shows that their bodies r reactg to e vaccine. babies like adults, will feel a little out of sorts after a jab. just give her a little more TLC. this is prob e first of her many jabs to come so dun get too worried.

is she on total BM? if so, she cld b hvg what they call breast milk jaundice. my daughter had jaundice till she was close to 2 mths as she was on TBM. if u want e jaundice to go away faster, u can try giving her formula milk for a couple of days. for me, i didnt hence e prolonging of jaundice. PD did tell me tt e BM will not harm e bb in any way, n as long as there's colour (yellow/greenish)in her stools, her liver is working fine.

Brought my #1 to PD cos was coughing and happened to reckon this leaflet. =)

Forgot to take photo behind this leaflet, stating do not jiggle after milk, carry baby in a upright position(spine straight) and smaller, more frequent feedings are easier to digest.

Fever after jab,
Normally I do not give the fever syrup when my son got mild fever after the jab. Cos fever is to fight bacterias. Unless measure liao, the temp is high. Normally, I do not give and he will recover pretty soon.
mongs, sounds like my girl's symptoms when she had wind in tummy on Tue and Wed. Her Hep B jab was last Tue 15 Jan, so i dunno if there is connection, or is it becos hep B jab given at 5 weeks, and colic also starts around this timing. I brought her to see PD yesterday, and he prescribed rid wind. Gave it to her last nite at 8pm, she farted at 11pm, and it's been near bliss since! gave it to her once more this morning, and trying again later when she wakes up. very siong if she doesn't sleep. i petted her bum from 1am-2am on Thu morning to get her to sleep. My leg kept giving way cos i kept nodding off
Hi Eve,
Thanks for highlighting, read Botanist thread liao... maybe i will try positioning baby tummy to mine. Today he did not vomit alot *fingers crossed* hopefully they will be better as time goes by.

Hi Blessed,
My scan is ok!! I did the MRI on 3rd day after my delivery, everythings ok so I can BF my baby
Thanks for remembering!

Hi Phy,
I also refused to give pacifier to my baby initially but we tried it 2 days back, my baby seems to sleep better with it. Anything goes so long as he can sleep.. hurts me when he woke up crying and seem in pain (think its the wind in his tummy). This evening, he slept for almost 5hrs, with occassional waking up & crying!! I will recharged just catching 2hrs of sleep.
hi missylan
my no 1 is also 1st grandchild of both side. so i guess may boil down to individual kid character too.

went for rebonding session on friday afternoon. so far had thrown away 2 feeds x 300ml EBM liao. heartpain.

Anyone knows when my EBM is suitable for baby's consumption again? I was thinking of waiting for at least 24 hrs after rebonding, but my friend told me 2-3 days. Pls advise. TIA!
Was your #1 coping well in school? Cos my group of friends and his do not have child, so it is kinda all adults and no children in his whole 2 years +.
i'm using the pigeon one.. ve temp knob .. so i guess better coz apparently BM can not b hotter dan 40degrees..
but my gal seems to prefer her feed warmer n my ma/MIL oso .. so i'm now trying to latch her on .. so no worries abt heating up EBM..
the avent one costs $70+ @ kiddy palace.. pigeon is $60+
anyone knows how to make bb drink more milk? my girl is 8 weeks but only drinks 70-90ml every 3 hours. she gained about 2 kg+ since birth.

my bb is not a big eater either. since i BF her direct, i dun really know how much she consumes but i reckon it shld be abt 3 oz too. my MIL keeps sayg tt i shld b feedg her more since she's abt 9 weeks old (bbs her age r already hittg e 4 oz or more range) but she just doesn't want. she's gagged so many times already as i keep 'forcing' her to drink. her interval can be every 3 hrs too but if she cries after 2.5 hrs, i'll just feed her. tt's e least i can do i feel. i am too at a loss. it gets even more frustratg when she gets compared to wif other bbs. my daughter small eater, can or not? wth.. haaa.. even my PD said she's on e small side but she's healthy..she has gained abt 2 over kg as well since birth..i guess that matters more. no pt hvg a big sized baby when he's unhealthy.
i tink so long bb gaining wt can le .. wen i used to bottlefeed her previously, was feeding her 4oz n she poo almost everyday..sometimes more dan once a day..
but now i latch her direct, she poo once every 2-3days.. so i guess she's absorbing the nutrients more bah..
mummies with more than 1 kid..any of your elder child behaved differently after bb is borned? My gal has been crying non-stop and refusing to sleep at night. Simply wants daddy to carry her and walk around the house...not sure if its T2 or pure jealousy....
I know it is not advisable to force bb to drink when they do not want to. I rmb when my #1 is at the rebooting stage(4th mth old), he slim down alot. He refuses to drink even after like 6 hours. Was worried sick, brought him to PD and PD told me that it is his rebooting stage. Nothing we can do about it, just do not force them to drink. They will cry for milk when they are hungry. Though son is abit skinny, he is healthy.
my girl also had jaundice and after about 4-5 heel pricks, doctor at poly decided that he wanted to test her liver function direct so we went for a blood test where they still took the blood from the heel but a lot more..like two sticks of blood i think. i was very sad to see her in pain too..had to wait 3 days for the results (longest wait of my life!) but when it came back, everything was fine and doctor immediately discharged her from jaundice and declared her to be fine! so don't worry ok? i'm sure everything will be ok and once they confirm her liver is ok, then no need for any more jaundice check.

mommies..just to share..
a week after doctor confirmed my girl's liver was fine and no more jaundice checks, i went to take my girl for hep B jab. The silly nurse commented, eh..she still a bit yellow ah..i must refer you to the doctor ah..do some checks, and i said..but the doctor discharged her already what..then she look into the file..oh yah..discharged already hor..so you don't want to see doctor ah? and i said, no. i don't see the need. the doctor already tested her liver and discharged her from jaundice what..and she said..like that ah..like that..oklah..and i felt like..whatever???!! how can she anyhow pass such comments and without confirming past records of the kid, just want to refer anyhow..sigh..sometimes i think nurses can be quite insensitive and i think we as parents must stand our ground and speak up to them..
missylan, what's the rebooting stage?

i've been directly latching her on until recently as she would throw tantrums and refused to nurse after about 10 mins on one side. went to see mrs wong and she suggested bottle feeding to see how much she's drinking. but i think i would go back to direct latching once she increases her intake cos supply may be affected otherwise.

sigh. steffie and slimz... thanks dears...
well, i've come to realise that babies can't be forced too. she would scream her lungs out if i force her. learning to let go and let her be. was told by my sister in-law that we shouldn't pre-empt promblems but learn to detect them instead. in that way, we wouldn't be so stressed out.
total BF bb..
mommies, any of ur bb on TBF? may i chk r their stools totally liquid? no solids at all?
the past 3-4days my gal's been on TBF n she poo-ed every 2days .. and its totally liquid .. issit norm?
slimz, yes... bbies on tbf will have poo that's totally liquid whereas those on fm have more solid and adult kind of stools. i'm not sure if poo-ing every 2 days is normal. read that they should poo at least twice a day. but dun worry yet. u may want to seek medical opinion from PD.
