(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

congrats to all mummies who had just popped!!

ya,jeelo,i was surprised my weight had went down so much and i do eat well though....

for the pi sai, i didnt really bother much cos my boy sneezed regularly. As long he drink milk/pee/poo/active, mo fan xin...

it's similar to block duct. you need to use a needle to break the pimple so that the milk will flow. that was what the lactation consultant told me yesterday.

I don't need to remove stitches as well. guess diff gynae uses diff type of thread. my bleeding stop at around 4 weeks for my first baby. everytime when I breastfeed, I have more discharge. I can even feel the uterus contracting.

Just came back from the hos from feeding my baby. she sucks very well but the nurses commented that she likes to be cuddled. oh oh!
hopefully we will be able to bring her home tomorrow. it cost about 600 plus for her extra one night stay. it cost me about $4200 including gynae fees and pd fees for our 2 night stay. not very expensive. but if I go thomson, I think will be cheaper, gleneagles is really more expensive.

thanks for the encouragment. I will definitely persist. I think my milk can't flow wo seeing her. she was sucking so beautifully just now at the hos. I think the flow is definitely there. I can feel the engorgement coming.
linda, ya coz you on night duty at your mum's place that's one of the reasons that you tend to lose more weight oso :p kekekeee

mongs, great to hear that ur gal is doing well. hope that she can go home soon!
hmmm.. i jux poke it .. and milk free flowing now..tanks wor
did ur consultant say how tis come abt huh?
my bb not latching on at all de wor..tot would b idiot proof using pumps.. who noes end up still ve problem..
Hazel, i think i am like u lo...
before pregnancy: 58kg
when pregnancy: 85kg
after delivery : 78kg
now: 76kg
amt to lose : 18kg

any where to buy binder? Can private msg me? i lost track of this thrend liao...

Tks Gina for ur sms.. appreciate it a lot..

Constance, we delivered on the same day at the same hospital... hmmmm.... wondering if i have seen u...
Hi Linda,
pls help update. Thanks.
Due date: 15th Dec 07
Delivery date: 17th Dec 07
Gynae: Dr Phyllis Liauw
Hosp: Thomson Medical
Type: Emergency C-Sect
Bb Wt/Ht: 3.065kg/49cm
Bb's Name: Javis
He's my first child.

on the last check up, which happened to be bb's due date, I was diagnosed w Preclampsia- preg related hi blood pressure on bb's due date...
dr then advised induction to be done on 18th dec.. hoping over the weekend i can deliver naturally.

however, subsequent blood test showed complications and had to be brought forward to 17th dec..
On day of induction, found not dilating after 8hrs.... water bag found no water...?? dr suspected bb had already passed motion inside and cld hav complications... hence, emergency c-section...

The c-sect was just in time... my notti boy has really did his "business" in there... =p
Hi Linda,
Thanks for updating the list!
Like you, I'm also left with 4kg to lose

before pregnancy : 44kg
when pregnancy : 56kg
now : 48kg
Should I still engage malay lady? cos I find that it will hinder me BF my baby?

Hi Ankh,
Really? You feel better after applying the cream? I went back on Sat to clean my wound, the nurse said that I might be allergic to rice wine but I forgot to ask Dr Tan when she came in.. haiz.. am using antiseptic powder and mopiko to ease the itch now. But, the pubic hair is growing now and its VERY VERY itchy and uncomfy!! Should have waxed it before dely lor... so, for those who hasnt popped, you might wanna consider waxing
Na lah... the masseur will not hinder your BF session mah. I did my first postnatal package by Golden Wellness yet I don't see it as good as Mdm Rokiah's. Met my friend just now and she said,"Wa, your belly went down so fast!" =)
Hi Missylan,
Really ah.. I thot the wrap will make us feel uncomfy and the smell? How many sessions did you do? Thot will skip this and save some $$ cos I have already gave my CL $300 in less then a week on marketing leh... at this rate, I would have to give her $1.2k during this mth leh, is it alot?
Marketing... hmm... I dunno cos my MIL did the marketing for me and kekeke... FOC. XD
Think kidney, fish even veggies increased price liao. $300 should be on high side right? I don't do marketing leh. I only buy household detergents, toilet roll etc. =P
Wah so good, FOC? Can save alot leh.. :p
I think its abit on the high side though I dun do marketing, and this amount does not include household products ah...
What are your daily meal? Inclusive of what fish, veggies, soup etc? Maybe can calculate from there. No one to help you with the marketing?
wah so tired after breastfeeding for 1 hr. think half the time went to waking my baby up to suck on 2nd breast. i pray pray pray she'll sleep for more than 2 hrs. does everyone perspire a lot during breastfeeding? And get hungry quite fast?

Hi Coco, yep, my rashes went down after 2 applications of the steroid cream; one on Tue and one on Wed. No herbal baths either from last Tue onwards. Still have slight rash on arms and legs but don't dare apply more steroid cream in case accidentally get it on my girl too. Guess I was quite allergic to the herbs cos by last Thu rashes went down a lot.
My 3 meals usually consist of a bowl of herb soup, a dish of veggie and a dish of meat (either fish, pork, chicken or frog legs). I do not know the cost of the food thats why dunno how to calculate. No, only she's doing the marketing cos she knows what to prepare and I must say that she really knows how to select fresh food.

Yes, after BF, will be very hungry!! I will try to drink milo, milk or red date longan every time I BF, to replenish the lost fluid. I usually BF in my room (air con @ 25 degree) so does not perspire much.
My rashes is better today, will monitor a few more days.. if allergic to herbs, then I cant bath liao, will be worst I think hehe
Think weekly $300 is very high liao. Cos hor, salmon is ard $10 per piece can separate 2 meals. Make it $80 for weekly fish. Veggies are the cheapest. Kidney, hmm... dunno how much leh. Think very high bah... any mummies graduate in "marketing"? XD

Not to frighten you but think I read sth about steriod... will it affect yr child cos you are still BFing?
coco, jiayou! We hv 4kg left to lose, but i hope i can lose even more if i can, hehe! N i hv stop e massage aft 3rd session as my tummy had flatten alot.
As for marketing, imo, think $300 is a bit high. Nw that i do my own confinement, i did some marketing n in fact for less than $200, i bgt e food to last a wk.
$300/wk is quite alot if your CL is only cooking for you and your hubby (and CL). best is to get your hubby to bring CL go marketing and let hubby pay. unless the $300 includes cordyceps for your tonic soup.. hehe.. cordyceps are super expensive now. my weekly marketing costs are $200+ and includes the ngoh her and codfish for my #1 + food for my CL and maid. but then, i dun eat much fish, so dun spend so much

your MIL so nice to you
i dun go marketing but know that pork is also quite expensive now. kidneys cost abt $9 per pair, the buah bak perhaps $10-$15 per strip enough for 2-3 meals. pork trotters around $5-$6 for the front trotter.

congrats to the mummies who have just delivered!!!
hi cal, i thot the stitches are self-absorb? i dont hv to go back to remove the stitches leh. that's what the doc says. today is my 7th day and i am still bleeding bright red colour. is it normal? pain comes from the stitches. other than that, i feel abit tired due to waking up several times at night to look after bb.
hi cocoangel/missylan, on marketing, i was so shocked when i give $200 to my CL n maid to do marketing, they came back with $10.50 change. thar's only for a week of food. amazing.
man...this is so cliche i know, but this waiting game is killing me, my No. 1 was 13 days early so i really didnt expect No. 2 to be so relaxed that he doesnt want to come out...EDD tomorrow and no signs man...thinking of asking gynae whether can induce by 27th lah, dont want to wait so long wait anything happen inside...

i have been pumping for one month ler.. my nipple still feel sore leh... y hah? so long still haven toughen up?
milkingcow, the steroid cream should be ok la. think if it's applied on skin, doesn't harm the body as compared to eating steroid. to be on safe side, i also applied sparingly. some more my gynae pro-BF, and so far i've counterchecked all the meds she gave me are safe. But even then, I still refrain from eating any meds.
hi all,
my nipples are sore and bleeding..
can i still con't to bf?
i am stoppin for now.. *stress..

is thr any recommendations for nipple cream?
can we apply the cream and still latch on directly?

thanks for any advise...
Got to stop when there is open wound. Let it heal first, use pump first. I got a brand new Lansinoh Nipple cream. Bought at $7(TMC), you want? I sell you at $5 cos I don't need extra liao. First tube hasn't finish but now nipples toughen up liao. The cream is after breastfeeding, apply. It is also safe to use when latch on.
oo, so happy! i just weigh dis am while bringing my gal for chk up on her jaundice level... so, happy dat she has been discharged...

Pre-pregnancy: 48kg
pregnancy: 62.5kg
Now: 52.3kg
Left to lose: 4.3kg

s wad milkingcow has mentioned.. dink u gotto stop bf.. i use my breast pump to pump out e milk to let it heal first... i bought medela nipple cream.. is said to b safe even though they r latching on straight but i do clean my nipples first b4 letting my gal latch on..

can help me update? my girl name is jazzell. thanks

anyone has any idea y my girl got small pimples on the face? how do we get rid of it?

anyone ever order ecreative cakes o melrose cakes b4? which one is nice?

my mum r doing the confinment for me.. till date she refuse to take a single cent from me... i never realise marketing is so ex.. gotto give her an extra big AP at the end of it...
Hi cloverluv
try applying medela PureLan 100 nipple cream
you can still latch on directly after you applied.

I also suffered from bleeding nipples on my 2nd day of delivery. I refrained from latching and expressed directly till nipples healed. Now (on Day 6) can resume latching already.
Hi cloverluv
try applying medela PureLan 100 nipple cream
you can still latch on directly after you applied.

I also suffered from bleeding nipples on my 2nd day of delivery. I refrained from latching and expressed directly till nipples healed. Now (on Day 6) can resume latching already.
Hi cloverluv
try applying medela PureLan 100 nipple cream
you can still latch on directly after you applied.

I also suffered from bleeding nipples on my 2nd day of delivery. I refrained from latching and expressed directly till nipples healed. Now (on Day 6) can resume latching already.
cloverluv, put on the the nipple cream after every pump/feed/b4 bath. it helped for me. So far (touch wood) no sore no bleeding nipple.

coco, so far my mum survived on $250 for one week marketing. max 4ppl eat per meal. I have fish/soup+meat/veg every lunch/dinner. but breakfast i usually eat bread/milk or oatmeal/fruits

tub, me total latch on until today (baby is 19days old). CL tried 1st bottle on baby few hours ago and he finished the bottle. now sleeping like a log. later i'm going to latch him on n see whether he got nipple confusion bo. hopefully no la. my plan is alternate bottle and latch.
I am also using medela purelan 100. I think it's better than avent's. If you are have sore nipples, probably your baby is not latching properly. it should be painless after a while. initially, a lot of mothers not used to the sucking even if it's correct but if your baby latched correctly, there should be minimal discomfort.

brought back my baby from the hos. the nurse fed her 50ml of FM at 8am and I fed her at 10am one side of my breast and because I can't really empty the breasts, I think there is a lot of milk. she slept till 2pm just now and then I managed to wake her up to drink the other side of the breast. I think this is going to affect my milk flow but hopefully everything will be ok after a few days.
I am also using medela purelan 100. I think it's better than avent's. If you are have sore nipples, probably your baby is not latching properly. it should be painless after a while. initially, a lot of mothers not used to the sucking even if it's correct but if your baby latched correctly, there should be minimal discomfort.

brought back my baby from the hos. the nurse fed her 50ml of FM at 8am and I fed her at 10am one side of my breast and because I can't really empty the breasts using pumps, I think there is a lot of milk. she slept till 2pm just now and then I managed to wake her up to drink the other side of the breast. I think this is going to affect my milk flow but hopefully everything will be ok after a few days.
Hi jasmine, melrose cakes nt bad, but i nt ordering from them as my cousin in law just ordered from them a mth ago when she give birth. Chocz is also not bad too if u want to consider but too bad i can't order from them either cos another cousin in law of mine had ordered them 3 mths ago. hheee, we have 3 piglets in my hub's family this yr, :p.
Anyway I had just ordered sweetest moments. They'll be increasing price w.e.f. 1.1.2008, so if any one of u plan to order from them, pls order before 1.1.2008. I'm not too sure how much they're going to increase though.
Hi jasmine, melrose cakes nt bad, but i nt ordering from them as my cousin in law just ordered from them a mth ago when she give birth. Chocz is also not bad too if u want to consider but too bad i can't order from them either cos another cousin in law of mine had ordered them 3 mths ago. hheee, we have 3 piglets in my hub's family this yr, :p.
Anyway I had just ordered sweetest moments. They'll be increasing price w.e.f. 1.1.2008, so if any one of u plan to order from them, pls order before 1.1.2008. I'm not too sure how much they're going to increase though.
hi all,
thanks for the advises...
yep, hav stopped bf for now, using pump only.

thnks for e offer, my hubby has already went out to get for me nipple cream...i'll see wat he comes bk w later.. thanks thanks..

btw, is anyone having numb fingers? i had them while preg in e last tri but they dun seems to go away after i delivered... haiz..

Me just hold my son's full month yesterday..CAkes are from sweetest moments..No regrets!! Nice package and tasty..Worth the money!
thanks... but bet chocz o ecreative o melrose... which is act better?

thanks... i like sweetest moments 2 but prob is i need e traditional cakes wif the AKK, Red eggs n Glutinous rice... so, sweetest moments act out for me...

Hi Jeelomeelo,
I dunno if the marketing $$ I gave includes meals for my hubby, my bro & wife and my CL herself.. but its burning a big hole lor

Hi Linda,
I was also thinking of getting from sweetest moment, have you tried their cakes before?
