(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

happi, when bfing, try nt to take dom. A bit of ginger or rice wine is fine.
Ya, jeelo, currently i using nepia 4 day n mamy poko 4 nite. So far i quite happy w these 2 brands. Dislike fitti n dryers, fitti give my boy diaper rash n dryers leaks n e quality is nt as gd as nepia.
Jeelo, r u using aunty sadiah too?

linda, nope me using this chinese lady by the name of carolynn. she does something like pressure point massage & does whole body massage. today, went to weigh at gynae's... so happi. i'm now 59.2kg. 5.2kg to my prepregnancy weight kekeke hopefully the rest would go down eventually
don't be too upset over the incident. Being too stressed can affect your milk supply. I understand how you feel. Direct latching is truly very personal. But if it is EBM, I feel it is still better than FM. The lactation consultant at GlenE was telling us that in the States, parents pay up to USD10k a month for nannies to provide breastmilk for their babies. Last time in China, emperors have nannies to feed them too. So don't feel too bad about it.
Wow belle in labour le though her EDD on 01/01/08. So envy.....

Mine still got no signs only menustration cramps sometimes. Sigh... Gynae say bb too comfortable inside my tummy so might be out only on 30/12/07 (EDD).So sad wan to see her face to face earlier but chances seem slim

i tink what ur SIL did is disgustg, even tho her intention mayb good. to me, she has no utter respect for u as the child's mother n so what if she has enough milk????? pls kick her out of e house n she can jolly well bring her fat-ass boobs wif her. who cares if u dun hv enough milk at tis pt in time??? ur milk will come in sooner or later. if i were u, i rather feed my child FM than to hv e child feed fr another woman!!

why r there such ppl on earth?? my gawd.
Nepia NB for <5kg, S for 4-8kg. My bb now weighs 4kg @ 3 weeks, S size still too loose, sometimes have leakage, poo kena bedsheet. So for my boy, S size from 1 month onwards then just nice.

But take note, it all depends on your bb. If your bb is big (eg. 4kg at birth), maybe just 1 pack NB enough. (1 pack lasts 5-6 days)
Congrats to all mommies who have given birth.

I gave birth to a bb girl on 8 Dec at Mt alvernia, natural w epi, 3.05kg & 50cm.

Now in confinement, drinking mainly logan and red date tea (stealing sips of waters at times), showering everyday and doing total breastfeeding.

Want to check if any mommies have skin itchiness on breasts and belly? it seems to be getting worse for me. Also, is your perineal cut or tear healing? Mine is still painful especially when sitting down. (10th day)
what time did you massage? U can last till next day then remove... I will remove it by night time for my shower. I only reduce 1" after 4days of massage. *sigh.....
So envy you...can go back to yr wt soon...
I gained abt 30kg...dunno how much bal I ve to shed...

agree with you, I also dun like Fitti.
So far, it leaks twice.
Today is the worst, wet my mattress. Luckily got mattress protector.
what is perineal cut ?
I gave birth the same day as you...
I will feel the pain at the stitches if I sit at the toilet bowl...the feeling is like the stitch going to open up like tat
Thanks Higgledy ..

coco: i agreed with steffietan .. Ur SIL is disrepecting u .. Offering her EBM is out of goodwill but still i won't accept and rather latch on till my milk come in .. Let alone latching directly .. I read before every mother's breastmilk have their special smell which baby remembers .. If i am u i'll jsut tell her straight in her face that she is not the mother and stop shoving her breast in my baby's mouth!
Hi Hazel,

Perineal area is same as perineum the area between your vagina and anus.

Yeah, i'm still feeling sore too, gynae said the stitches will self-dissolved but i can still feel its there when appling ointment. Has yours dissolved? Wonder when it will be?
How are you feeling now?
I feel like my whole body is breaking down..with perineal pain, breast engorement, skin itchiness.

Mommies, do take good care of yourself after birth, its really important not to fall sick. I almost did cos was walking around the house alot the first week.
jialat .. my ger is oni <2 weeks old and i oredi sick le .. down with fever ..
any1 any idea if i can still BF her if i'm on medication?
i c a GP and did tell him i'm on BF.. he says will gimme less 'shiong' med .. wich will allow me to cont. BF.
I've BF her prior to taking med..
didn't check how many inches i have lost so far.. don't want to keep measuring everyday :p i bath in the morning. my massage timing is around noon time (before lunch) or 2plus in the afternoon (1-2hrs after lunch). timing not fixed. i tend to itch ard the stretch marks area. apparently it's supposed to be healing wor.. that's why itching. tahan until the next day lor, when i take bath then only take off the wrap. dunno la.

so far i had 6sessions. 4 more and no more liao, unless i want to continue.. itching to continue though. i think all of us would have the chance to go shed those extra kilos when taking care of the babies ourselves. i think after my CL go back, the stress would kick in liao.

sounds absurd but everyday i use one roll of toilet paper to keep clean and i change the pad everytime i go to loo. regarding the stiches, if you have been walking ard too much, try to bed rest at least for a full day, just get up if you need the loo and have your meals. to me, it made a lot of difference. my snip was pretty far back. plus those stopid piles to made things worse. i had to sit on a pillow on the couch so that i don't 'suffer' when i sink into the couch or get up. my gynae gave me some wash blue liquid and told me to rub it there daily and rinse. it's painful for the 1st wk, but the pain was reduced in the second week. she also gave me some spray which helped a lot to lessen the pain. just make sure you keep clean to avoid infection.

may be you can check with your bb PD if it's ok to eat the medic and bf. just to double confirm. i read that baby should be bf even though you're sick, of course if you don't accidentally cough/sneeze into her face. she'd get to build her own antibodies thru bf. take care!
CSI_Fan, your hb does the cooking of confinement food for u? For my #1, my mom & sis wld cook n bring the food over to me. This time round, I prepared a confinement menu so that my hb knows what to cook. He wld refer to the recipe books on how to prepare the food.

Petrina, how's your bf attempt coming along? I give up liao. My bb totally dun want to latch on, she wld struggle n cry a lot if I try to latch her on. I'm bottle feeding her now, mixture of BM & FM. My hubby lor, keeps saying she still got jaundice, so always feeding her wz FM.

Happi, Bt Batok Polyclinic is diagonally opp the Civil Service Club. Addr: 50 Bukit Batok West Ave 3, Singapore 659164. I'm staying in Toh Yi area.

My bb is waking up almost every 1-2hr now n seems to be wanting milk non stop. I dare not feed her every time she cries cos I think she's overfed as a few times she throws up after blurping (milk was even coming out frm nose). I bought a pacifier to let her suck instead. She wld suck for a while n then spit it out. Then she gets cranky n cries again. How much milk is a 2wk old baby usually drinks & how often does he/she asks for milk?
Hi Ankh,
So qiao hor.. always bumping onto you hehe.. saw u again today. You had PUPPP? I had very bad rashes too, esp my ankle, tighs and buttocks!! I scratched till there's bruises and cant sleep well at night either. Cfm PUPPP? Thot its normal itch/rashes due to not bathing.

Hi Petrina,
I went to TMC Parentcraft personalised BF class today, it cost $40 for 45 mins (please check rate with them before booking cos I delivered in TMC and has the FBI discount), I think its beneficial cos after I reach home, I tried BF my baby, has no problem at all with the latching
but of cos, I still do not have sufficient to meet the demand. However, I'm sure I can in matter of time.

One thing the lady (midwife) told me abt increasing the milk flow is that I can try decrease the feeding time to ard 1.5hr instead of maybe 2-3hr by feeding abit each time. That will regulate the milk flow and eventually the milk will start coming in. But the down side is that mummy will not have sufficient time to rest.

Oh yah, and I post my query to her and my PD abt drinking other ppl's EBM, they said that its not advisable cos we wont know what disease that person carries unless you know that person. Even then, my SIL's milk is already 8 mths old, the nutrition is not there or rather, not as good as mine, so whats the point of drinking hers? FM is good enough. Abt whether baby would prefer my SIL's smell to mine when feed directly from her breast, both of them was quite shocked when I told them but they din really say that its a NO-NO... it very much depend on whether I allow that or not.

Just now, my hubby and I spoke to my CL (she's recommended by my SIL), told her that we do not want to mix my SIL BM with mine, she understand and will talk to my SIL. I'm glad that she's understanding..phew. I hope this 'problem' will stop now.

Hi Missylan, Mongs, Higgledy, Steffietan,
Thanks for listening to me!!! I was really shocked when I saw my baby sucking her nipple
I did not react in time to tell her off, still stupidly stand beside her while she cont feeding, then I walked into the room to cry
hubby was really really pissed. But bcos we are staying at her hse now, I dun wan to be too rude either.. haiz. I agree with you all, even if she meant well, she shouldn't feed my baby w/o asking me lor..its just too personal to me! Actually hubby & I has been suspecting that her mental health is not good, esp after giving birth, she kept saying that she has depression. So we try to be nice all that and observe.
congrats belle!

my boy is 13days old. i'm feeding about 2-2.5hrly daytime. then nite time seem to stretch to 3-4hrly. no fix timing, coz it all depends on baby.

try bf-ing baby lying down. at least you don't need to get up and down. and you have a wound to nurse so you got to take care oso. and yes, shorter interval would help you to increase supply. are you taking papaya fish soup or fenugreek or some other supplement? those might help... eat more fish. i eat fish every meal, think that really help to sustain the milk supply. you take care and don't let that one incident affect you. take good care!
Hi Jeelomeelo,

I tried lying down but it doesnt work for me hehe so far I've been doing football and cradle position. Yup yup, I took papaya+fish head soup and Anmum milk (for breastfeeding mum)... think it works or is it my milk starting to come in?? hmm.. but my CL said it works. Oh, and she said black sesame paste also do the trick, those sold in sachet. I took fish everyday but not every meal
Thanks for your concern hehe..
jeelomeelo :
tanks for the advise .. shall ask PD tmr. wen i attended Mrs Wong's class she did mention can cont. BF but dun rem her saying if on medi can cont. BF

ya.. i agree that taking fish and papaya reali increase milk flow.. i was eating fish for 4 consecutive days plus papaya.. and milk flow was better dan wat i'm having aft i stopped eating fish n papaya for 2 days..
and more frequent BF will oso help stimulate flow too..coz i was sick the whole of 2day and oni pump milk aft a 12hrs break..the qty reduced alot..was reaching 140ml previously..and now oni 80ml..

u can alwys sup wif FM if BM not enuf..
at least u manage 2 latch ur bb on..my ger refuse 2 latch on (tink coz of my inverted nipples & she wan fast supply) & i ve to pump BM..reduced bonding wif her
I dunno if mine has dissolved...
I also ve been walking ard...cos I was doing my own confinement...
1st wk is visitors wk..
then now I sort of start to clean up abit...
just when I was feeding my bb just mins ago, I found that my tigh area has lots of veins showing...really jialat...

Is yr itchness at the stich area? heard fr my ex-colleague it means its going to heal soon.
Or izzit cos of the heat?
For myself, I tend to perspire alot even just after my shower.
So, now I back to shower twice a day.

I understand what you meant...its jux like maybe in the past u jux use few sq pcs of toilet paper...now u tend to pull out much more, maybe 3 times more paper to clean up.
Belle, Congras!!!

Wow, first day on leave is and your bb wanted out so fast!! Good for you

All the best to your confinement..

My boy also like that for his first 2 weeks..Always poked to test blood...So I alternate the breast milk and formula..Also My mum bath him in some chinese herbs and make some "man tian xin with red dates" drink for him, true enough, his jaudice droped from 256 to 139 in just 3 days..So sometimes listening to the elders really work..
Congrats Belle!!


It really depends leh..like my boy, he is drinking up to 150ml of breastmilk when he is 2 weeks old..But mostly he will drink about 100 to 120ml.. Think he got colic for the past 2 days and is cranky too but given him some medicine and he is better now...Will bring him to PD today to check...

I also feed my boy with my expressed milk..dun worry la cos the milk has your smell, so it won't reduce the bonding much..cheer up!
I am using the Wacoal gridle and a waist slimming wrap which I BP here. The brand got 1 piggy one.

My son is currently in his 19th day and he is also drinking 120ml. My supply also not enough to cope with his intake. Somemore don't knwo why milk supply decreases liao. Trying hard to replenish the milk supply, hoping it might be as high as before(180ml first pump in the morning). Now hor, trying hard to squeeze out 100ml within 30 mins. Haiz... Try massaging your child daily after bath. Massage his stomach anti-clockwise if you know he got colic. No colic days, massage clockwise.
Congrats Belle!

My doc never ask me to induce. Today's my EDD... but dont think he's coming out anytime. Anyway, started my leave today already.
Wondering if he'll be a Christmas baby....
morning gals.
MIA for a long while. my bb came early (11 days). :p

linda, could u pls update my details? many thks. i'm no. 34 on their list.

EDD: 21 dec 2007
Actual DD: 10 dec 2007
BB#: 1
Gynea: Dr Woo Bit Hwa
Hosp.: TMC
Gender: F
BB's name: Cheryl
BB's Wt/Ht: 3330g / 51cm
Delivery Type: Natural with Epi
any recommendation for wraps? my tummy's still v flabby 1 wk after delivery. i'm abt 4kg more from pre-preggie weight. wld like to firm up the tummy 1st. TIA. :D
hi gals, will update e list slowly once i bk home this weekend. Yup, cant take any further stress fm my dad, gog bk hm earlier than expected. Beside e loud issue, e fm he made 4 my bb was too hot n he didnt bother 2 check before passing e bot to me to feed bb. Den e other day, he cut 2 of my bb nails bled n he got e cheek to tell me n my mum he didnt put on his spec when cutting e nails. No wonder my boy keep crying non stop n i have hard time coaxing him. My mum told him in future let my hub cut e bb nails instead. N e other day, dono y, he keep adjusting my bb bed n got my bb startled n cried. Y cant he wait 4 bb to wake up 1st? He only know hw to play with e bbs, my mum complained that 4 the 1 yr, he nvr bother to learn hw to change diaper, etc, etc n let my mum do the job. When something happen to bb, who suffer? Nt my dad, he can just walk away by pushing e bb back to us to coax. I think if i continue to stay at my mum pl to finish my confinement, i will go crazy. Every nite i will tok to hub abt it n cried over it. Just hope i feel bttr when i get hm.
Just back from polyclinic. Yeah..Bb's jaundice drop from 219 to 201 liao. Next appt is on Mon. No need to poke every 2 days liao. Yest nite start to feed him with formula for 2 times.. the rest still on BM. Dunno if it helps.

Jean, wow.. ur bb jaudice drop v fast leh. 1st wk my CL also bath him with some herbs.. but dun seem to help. But I think feeding with formula helps it to drop faster. So I will continue to do tt and store my bm away. Still waiting for my milk bags to come. So long liao. Wah, ur boy drink so much? Mine only drinks 60-70ml of BM every 3 hrs. N CL say quite alot liao??!?

Congrats Belle!
I also feel like buying a wrap. But hor.. I feel so hot n sweaty everyday. Cant bear the idea of wearing the thing whole day leh. I still got a tummy... like inside still got air leh. Next Wed then start my massage. Hope it helps.
Linda, dun make urself depressed over this. Take care of ur body more impt! Dun stress k? 2 more wks till confinement over!!

How long ur u mummies doing ur confinement har? Have to bath in the herbs till how long? I feel like bathing normally b4 bb's full mth. :p
i do 1 mth confinement lor...after full mth cn bathe normally le.

maybe go home n do the rest of the confinement? hv ur hb help u n maybe go ya mum hse bring fod for u??? some of the mummies here no help also do confinement alone...think better than constantly worry wat else ur dad gonna do hor...dun sad hor..take care...

my tummy also flabby. now 3 wks le...haha cn put wrap or binder on everyday will help but u must be able to take the heat from it lor...
so your BB is going to be overdue already? Don't worry, maybe today somehow your BB would like to show face

Linda, think u better go back to your own place... better for your mental health and your bb's physical health... Take care k? Don't get too upset... must cheer up

Is is our hormones or what? Suddenly I feel very irritated with MIL.. but hor, she didn't do anything leh.. just the thought of her irritate me... weird...

Check with you ladies, where does your BB sleep? In your bedroom or CL's room? My Mil says 2 let BB sleep with her so that both hb and I can have good night rest.. but I resent the idea leh, feel that she wants 2 snatch away my BB once he's born.. Haha, think I'm overly sensitive but I can't help it..

Another question, if BB moves alot, does it mean still not gonna be in labour yet?
Bluelily - re your question about whether need to sterilise the milk bags or not (in the Lansinoh spree thread), I think the packaging says the bags are sterile, i.e. can use straight from the pack. I'm also eagerly waiting for the bags to arrive ... although I haven't popped yet. Don't want to kan cheong at the last minute. Checked out the milk bag prices in the shops and I cannot bear to pay the price, so ex compared to what we paid via the spree.
thanks gals! Just had another tok w hub, i gog bk hm tmr instead sat. At least hub can help me at hm instead of travelling to n fro the rest of this wk as he be bk to work next wk.
Not to frighten you. But if EDD is today, best to induce within 2-3 days. My EDD was 29th Nov, I chose to induce on 30th. Glad that I made this choice cos my son poo poo inside already, which is not good lor. I did ask gynae whether bb poo poo inside is a very bad thing, bb comes out need medication or not. He just replied me,"Don't need medication, shall monitor".

The dad is your own daddy right, not your hubby's dad? Wa, your hubby didn't nag and grumble? You got your own room? Keep the bb inside your room and lock the door. Let the bb sleep with you in the afternoon IF bb is not restless type. My bb is restless and don't sleep well in the afternoon, wakes up very easily. Sometimes, I will give CL a break and bring bb inside my room. Let him latch on while both of us are lying on bed. Slowly will fall asleep and he could zzz through and forget about his feed. At least you can rest and mind will not be bother about what your dad is going to do next etc. If you dare to tell your dad off, tell him to stop handling the child or you are going to move out with bb. Please let you have the peace of mind to rest. If it is his daddy, get yr hubby to do the dirty work.
missycow, it my own dad. Bb n i in my own room, nw most of e time i b in e room ever since e incidents. I will let my mum or hub to care e bb if i nid 2 get out of my rm. Hub knew n he also keep asking me 2 move bk if i nt comfy w e way my dad is handling. Rite nw is i cant tahan e loud door sound when he close any door of e hse. Tat is e most irritating. Nw i counting down to tmr gog hm!
Hahaha... you are evil! Disliking your MIL when she did nothing wrong. XD *joking joking
I also leave bb with CL in another room cos like that then I can rest mah... I did that with my #1 CL too. BUT on and off, you got to wake up in the middle of the night to spot check. Like you know your child's last feed, later 2-3 hours you watch out for bb's cries etc. Some CLs very "sway" one, push pacifier when bb is hungry to delay the feeding time cos CL tired(especially in the middle of the night). Don't let the CL have the idea that mommy or grandma bochap etc. I woke up at 3am to see her feeding and changing my son cos he was sweating even with air-con on. So far my CL is quite responsible and on auto mode. XD
I understand the door closing part cos my #1 CL... regardless of the numbers of time reminding her to use the door stopper, she always FORGOT! Then my kitchen door will BANG ok... its BANG cos of the strong wind here. Once I TL already, ask her why can't she rmb to use door stopper and ask her not to close the kitchen door in the future.
It is good that you have decide to move back. At least have a peace of mind and will not get upset later postnatal blues... kekeke... looking forward to escape the main door liao?
milking cow,

For me, I always pump "dry" my breast one, cos once your breast is empty, your brain will send signal to manufacture more..So I always will pump close to 30 to 45 minutes before I stop..I realise its a gd way to prevent engorement also..Maybe u can try tat too..

I bought the osim brand binder, I find it quite useful...My massage lasy stopped binding me after I complained there's pain coming from my wound..She said she dun wanna take the risk to rapture my wound, so she advised me to stop but she asked me to continue using the osim binder..
