(2007/11) November MTBs

Hehe, ueno and michviv, how do u all intro new food types ha? I tried giving him rice and egg but he eats the egg then spit out rice grain by grain. Haha.cannot tahan, and porridge is getting more of a challenge to feed. Sigh.

Cindy: Just start lor. hehehe. Ethan is very greedy as you will see first hand in January! =P Maybe you can start adding some gravy or soup to the rice to soften it first before giving Travis?
Oh, but you must remember to give only 1 new food a week to observe for any possible allergies.

Can try something soupy like bee hoon soup or macaroni. I cut the noodle up till its very fine so I can use a spoon to feed him.
i just intro the food as it is. so its either he eats or dont eat. Haha..i serve the rice dry n he loves fried rice! he also takes it with soup. the tip is to try each dish 10times, think i said that before. cos eventually they will eat it. Initially when i gave L rice, he spat them out too. so dont give up!
Ueno - You are such a patient mummy and L has always been a dear boy! I wish I can cook like you

Well mummies - it will always be a trial and error process for us as well as for the toddlers

As what ueno says - DONT GIVE UP!!
Kittybride: Just wondering, do you usually go for midnight mass on Christmas eve? Are you going to bring Chloe? I'm not sure if Ethan can tahan until then leh... so I may consider going to the children's christmas pagent at St Iggys at 6pm instead. Anything similar at St Mary?

Ueno: just saw your blog post with the chicken and cheese fries! Looks so yummy! I dun mind cooking that for Ethan but I'm really afraid that he will reject everything else that does not taste as nice. Guess you will just give L till he accepts the food again right?
Jovan's schedule at infantcare
730am 160ml FM
830am Breakfast (Oat/Rice Cereal)
1130am Lunch (Brown rice porridge w meat & veg + Fruit)
230pm 240ml
330pm Snack (Bread cubes + Fruit)
530pm Dinner (Oat/Rice Cereal)
830pm 280ml
Midnight 160ml

oh dear, Jovan is still taking alot of milk 840ml. sometimes when he's having growth spurts, he can take up to 400ml at his bedtime! i wanted to cut off his midnight feed by putting cereal into his bedtime milk. but he's still coughing so i dare not add cereal, afraid it might be too heaty. just now i was talking to HB over the phone, we think tat Jovan takes too much cereal (at breakfast & dinner), tat made him heaty, tat's y he's coughing again. he recovered only 2 weeks ago.

oh i still cradle him when he takes his bedtime milk =P coz he still need me to rock him to sleep. haizz, how to kick this bad habit???
have more confidence in yr cooking, wat do u mean by everything that doesnt taste as nice. i think everything i give him is equally nice n even better! hehe.. i dont think the kids reject food cos they r not tasty but they just dont feel like eating, just like us. so dont worry n dont give up!
ueno, A still wearing crocs 4/5, the cutting fits her broad feet haha.

sharron & cactus, trf noted but only can chk after they mail me a new security device.

weishy, how i meet u in Japan ah, u travelling fr sg or HK? Can book me in the same flights as ur frens going fr sg?
<font color="ff0000">High Tea on Jan 2, 2009</font>

Place : Rose Veranda Shangrila - $28++ Sweets Decadance (Desserts) high tea

Time : 3pm - 6pm

1. Sharron - <font color="ff0000">Confirmed</font>
2. Lazykat -
3. Dreamer -
4. Plim
5. kittybride
6. Poochi -
7. Plumsource -
8. Rachel C -

Mummies - Shang needs me to fill up a Dining Reservations form with my credit card details - Please confirm your attendance before I send the form back to them. Thanks!
High Tea on Jan 2, 2009

Place : Rose Veranda Shangrila - $28++ Sweets Decadance (Desserts) high tea

Time : 3pm - 6pm

1. Sharron - Confirmed
2. Lazykat -
3. Dreamer - confirmed
4. Plim
5. kittybride
6. Poochi -
7. Plumsource -
8. Rachel C -

Mummies - Shang needs me to fill up a Dining Reservations form with my credit card details - Please confirm your attendance before I send the form back to them. Thanks!
Ueno, L is really very good boy and clever one too!

kaira can drink fr cup but she prefers to play with the liquid in the cup....so no way she can finish 120ml of milk or whatever! when i stop her from playing she will cry, then that's it, she won't drink already.. these days she's slightly better, but she juz takes sips nia....takes ages to drink from the cup...so i don't hv confidence to transit fr bottle to cup

as for waking up @ nite for feeds, after kaira turned one...when she wakes up and cries, i will carry her and tell her "big gal liao, nite time is to nite nite, no mum mum. milk milk in the morning". after a few minutes of carrying and patting, i put her back in bed, then she will cry abit, but she will usually fall back asleep. nowadays, her frequency of waking up at nite decreased. it happened again last nite ard 3am and that's what i did, now she still sleeping (8+ now). hope she gets the idea

as for brushing teeth before sleeping, i do that...juz that she doesn't like it and most of time will cry. i use a wet cloth to wipe her precious 2 teeth! dunno how to make her "like" brushing teeth. singing to her while doing it doesn't work.
Sleeping: E usually sleeps in his cot but on weekends, we'll bring him to sleep with us on our bed at abt 6am in the morning so we can all sleep longer. Funny thing is, he prefers to stick to his daddy instead of me. Initially i thot coz HB is heavier, so the mattress "slants" a little making E roll over to his side, or maybe he prefers to sleep on certain side. But no lei, we switched position last weekend and E crawled and slept on my HB chest again. Ha ha...my HB feels shiok and buey tahan at the same time.

Think most of the tods here sticks to mummy, but mine def to his daddy more:)
High Tea on Jan 2, 2009

Place : Rose Veranda Shangrila - $28++ Sweets Decadance (Desserts) high tea

Time : 3pm - 6pm

1. Sharron - Confirmed
2. Lazykat -
3. Dreamer - confirmed
4. Plim
5. kittybride
6. Poochi - confirmed
7. Plumsource -
8. Rachel C -

Mummies - Shang needs me to fill up a Dining Reservations form with my credit card details - Please confirm your attendance before I send the form back to them. Thanks!
ueno, yummy... can share some recipes? I also try to give Hazel more variety. She's very adventurous wif her food and very coop in the eating dept - dat explains her roundness! ha ha

dreamer- u have the first teeth rubber brush? I let hazel "brush" her own teeth. SInce she like to put things in her mouth, i place the rubber brush over the pegion bb toothbrush adn she'll put in her mouth and bite / brush as if she knows how to.. ha ha but after dat I rinse the brush pass it back to her and she continue to bite/brush. : )
for egg can try making it less hardboil egg style. I also use to mix a lil milk tog wif bread and the eggs. She loves it. I find dat if its dry she doesnt like it. My girl also takin mee sua.

ueno, how u make the chicken? Chic Breast Fillets is it? I guess L has more teeth to chew, prob try fish first since H only got 3.5 teeth ha ha
Cindy: Yup! That's what I do. At least he gets some nutrients.

Ueno: Thanks for the encouragement. As I don't use any salt or seasoning in my cooking, it can taste quite bland so if he starts to eat things that are tastier, like cheese fries, I'm afraid my boy will say that these new dishes taste nicer and reject all the other dishes unless I add seasoning to make it as delicious as the new dishes. Think I worry too much as my boy has not rejected anything yet but still, you never know right? =P I'm a kiasu mummy. haha.
When it comes to eating, A still not very good with chewing. If the potato is not mash, she'll pui out, hiaz. She selectively chew when she feels like it. I gave her corn, she's bite pui out. I gave bread, she will tear and throw onto the floor
She can also take out one strand of mee sua from her mouth. How to train har??

poochi, can give not so cooked egg meh?
langlao, ha Ash so funni. For bread I give her bite size pieces not the whole piece if not I tink like Ash also fly to the floor. For the egg its not softboil like wat we eat at Ya Kun but more cooked; yolks shd be cooked liao.. Abit diff let me check how long I take wif the eggs will be the best- cos i tried a few times than succeed.
poochi, i dun hv the first teeth tooth brush .... i thinking of buying it when i go back to sg

mummies -- any one with spare desitin creamy and wnat to sell? let me know!

k@ye -- sometimes i so worried she grow up spoilt! cos abit abit cry liao ....
seems like ZY also like Hazel, can take to any type of food quite readily. She also prefered cooked eggs or scrambled eggs compared to dry egg yolk.

till now i also never add any seasoning, but i will choose vege with some flavour, like carrots, pumpkin, sweet potato. ZY also likes cheese, like ueno say, need to keep trying and vary the cooking style a bit, and they will eventually accept it.

Re: brushing teeth,
my first teeth toothbrush collecting dust, cos once ZY saw me brushing teeth, she prefers to brush herself, tho prob not clean! But i juz let her be.. so maybe u shld try to brush teeth together with them, they will be quick to mimic.
High Tea on Jan 2, 2009

Place : Rose Veranda Shangrila - $28++ Sweets Decadance (Desserts) high tea

Time : 3pm - 6pm

1. Sharron - Confirmed
2. Lazykat - Confirmed
3. Dreamer - confirmed
4. Plim
5. kittybride
6. Poochi - confirmed
7. Plumsource -
8. Rachel C -

Mummies - Shang needs me to fill up a Dining Reservations form with my credit card details - Please confirm your attendance before I send the form back to them. Thanks!

u bringing Kaira? Me prob not unless ZY insist in sticking with me!
L has 8teeth. yes i used chix fillet but u can also use fish to prepare the dish. i recommend that u use codfish.

2pcs of chix fillet
batter- 2tbs rolled oats, 2tbs breadcrumbs, 1tbs english parsley finely chopped,dash of ground balck pepper.
preheat oven to 200'c
beat 1 egg, dip chix in it then roll on batter.
fry the chix lighty on a frying pan till light brown then transfer into oven, bake for 20mins. serve warm
agree with lazykat brush tog. after she get use it will prob be part and parcel... ha ha

lazykat, both of our gals r lil "gourmets" in the making ha ha

thanks for ur recipe will go try tis weekend.
Yup I usually use cod fish. Have u given salmon?
ueno:wow must go chk out the chix with fries liao

langlao:we should be travelling from hkg but 2 from sin i think hopefully........will let u know soon la.

i gave hayley the onsen egg from japan so far oki le

Hayley's feeding schedule:7am~300ml
9am~yogurt with fruits or oatmeal
5pm~dinner(if she wants :p )

trying to reduce her milk to 400ml only hehheheh so can can eat more solids.
ueno;wow sounds yummy!!!!!

poochi:hayley's only been having salmon so far......no cod fish for her cos sometimes those in the market are fake ones....more oily then its fake but they sell it at the real cod fish price
yes i give him grilled salmon with rice now, previously when he was taking porridge i add salmon too.

i read abt the fake cod fish from hkg in the papers. think sin had this problem too. my MIL knows a reliable fishmonger so we order the fish from him.
kat, poochi -- i did let kaira see my hubbie brush teeth and then get her to do it....but she refuse leh... nvm, me try again another time!

kat -- i trying my best not to bring kaira for the hi tea! hehehe...but not sure yet, depends on hubbie schedule. if he free, he can look after her. else, i need to see who she's comfortable with in sg so that someone can babysit her.

weishy - buy the codfish fr city super, i think there, no fake ones.... :p

me also feeding kaira codfish &amp; salmon.

she only has 2 lower teeth, so think it will be a long long time before i try ueno's chicken fillet recipe!!
oh nevermind la they'll pick it up along the way. I have succumb to dat theory after awhile..
So u busy packin for ur trip back? Hope u have a good flight back wif Lil Ms K.
Morning mummies..

I was very super duper angry yesterday after fetching C back home.

On the car, I realised that her finger nails have some sticky stain on it.. cant see properly. Suspected its glue or some kind of sticky things.
When I reached home, looked at her toes too.. wow biang.. its Nail Polish lor.. I was sooooo super hot.. soooo angry.. nail polish leh.. on BABY!!!

IF its just her toes never mind.. her fingers too.. u know lah.. baby tends to put their fingers into their mouth lor.. which makes me more boiling hot.

I asked my hb to call the nanny, in the end, she said she doesnt know that HER DAUGHTER put the nail polish on her...

I clean up her fingers and toes. So worry that dont know whether C got placed her fingers in her mouth anot. And her hair also kana some nail polish lor..

I was in the state whereby i cant do anything to keep her away from the nanny place now coz we cant afford the price for infant care.
And I dont know what to do if no.2 is coming along.. i dont want to send no.2 there again but that again, we cant afford.

the thought of it really makes me sad and angry..

today i will be fetching her myself straight after my work. I dont want to let her stay there for too long.
Everyday her legs are full of pen marks too lor.. they gave her pen to learn to write and in the end, her legs, shirt, hands are full of pen marks..

Sorry, need some space to venting out my anger..
mamboob, u muz be feeling real frustrated, cool down, take a few deep breath. Working mum like us got no choice but to find the best day care for our little ones. I can understand your feeling. Sending to nanny or infant care both have their its pro &amp; cons. Last time when A was with the nanny (my uncle's wife) she was seldom sick. However there are some issues which me &amp; hubby just close one eye and as long as someone reliable takes care of her we are fine lor. Bo bian also cos tell my aunty she nods her head and do otherwise, we also pai say to tell her again. Now we send A to infant care it's not a bed of roses either. She gets very little nap and is sick almost every week and ended up 50% of the time we let my grandma takes care of her at home. Then when she is well, the infant care hv cases of hfmd. This week the older kids kena so we hope wont spread to the infant centre. if you intend to put C thr, u hv tobe prepare to take lv or get some help to look after her when she's sick. Normal flu &amp; cough still can send, fever the centre wont accept.

Actually price wise, it's not a lot of difference as the govt subsidy is quite substantial.

btw I'll try to pass your stuff to my fren nx week and see if he can bring to you, ok?
mambobb, so unfortunate to hear ur incident wif nanny. Abt the pen marks tink u shd at least tell nanny to keep it out of her reach.
wow ur nanny so irresponsible! how can she dun know tat her daughter put nail polish on ur bb?! i'll be v pissed if tat happens to my bb too.
btw, after subsidy of $600, some infantcare only $400/mth. cheaper than the market rate of nanny which is $650. of course ur bb will not be getting 1-1 attention &amp; more chances of getting ill. but if u r so unhappy with this nanny, no point putting ur bb there. this is my humble opinion, hope u dun mind.
Mambobb: I'm really surprised that your nanny will permit her daughter to do that unless she was occupied at the time with something else. But if she knew full well, then yes, she should be responsible for her daughter's actions. Poor Cailyn...Hugs ok? You'll get through this!

Grace: Wanted to ask you about Club Med Bintan. Can give a review on your experience and what we can do there? =) Thanks!

Any other mummies have any experiences on Club Med please feel free to share too!
weishy: Sorry just saw ur message. What's your email? Will drop u infor for the tricycle.

Me just spent 2 days in Macau. Wow I must say I am really impressed with The Venetian. It's a family cum casino resort. There is so much shopping and food there. Even had gondola rides in there and a venetian city decor. We walked until our legs pain pain. Haha we din do any gambling. Going to go to HK today. Will bring Matt to disneyland tomorrow.
Thanks for all the comfort..

michviv: the nanny (my hb's relative) said that she was busy with something so dont know her daughter put nail polish on cailyn..

catherine: The one NTUC infant care is $600+.. so its still high for us. The nanny we are having now is my hb's relative so only give her abit just a token of appreciation lor. I still have 5 more months to tahan to send her to childcare.

As Langlao mentioned, at childcare, our bb tends to get sick easily coz all the virus are there and cannot escape one. There is pros and cons of putting cailyn at the nanny's plc but the closing of 1 eye also need to depend on the incident. I close 1 eye on the pen marks liao.. the nail polish one is way too much le..
hi mummies

been a long time.

re: milk intake, must reduce is it? My gal is still taking about 1L a day, is that too much?

She takes porridge, cereals, bread etc also.
its alot. think u should reduce it to max 600ml including milk used in food. cos at this stage they need more soilds rather than milk.
Can understand. U must be very worried. Would it be ok to ask yr mum or mil to help out for these few months?

How old is yr hub's relative's daughter? I dun like to place my kiddo with nanny with young kids as conflict of interest.

Do you think u can speak to the aunty and ask her daughter not to draw on yr daughter's leg. I will feel heart pain also. Is yr girl happy when u picked her. Is she scare or not happy when u leave her there?

Childcare also expensive right? These days...everything is money...
Hi mummies,

High Tea on Jan 2, 2009

Place : Rose Veranda Shangrila - $28++ Sweets Decadance (Desserts) high tea

Time : 3pm - 6pm

1. Sharron - Confirmed
2. Lazykat - Confirmed
3. Dreamer - confirmed
4. Plim
5. kittybride
6. Poochi - confirmed
7. Plumsource -
8. Rachel C - confirmed

Anyone staying at Bukit Batok?
Gemini: Ethan also drinks 1L of milk a day. But the challenge for me is that he needs his milk to sleep. So we feed him water with his meals and give him milk when he naps. Hopefully when he transitions to 1 nap a day, we can cut down his feed. But for now, milk is an essential part of his life. =) Its really dependent on the baby. But for sure, we want to cut down the milk eventually but its still a good source for calcium especially since they are growing so much.
