(2007/11) November MTBs

we are adamant in setting our boundaries cos she is not an easy sleeper.. we get kicks here n there and last nite, i woke up a few times worrying that i will squash her or suffocate her with our quilt blanket!

tinkabel:hi which date r u coming to hkg???????can help me to buy tat tricycle of urs and bring it here in hkg????can collect from u from the airport .if its ordered online and no time to order again i dun mind getting the 2nd hand one.let me know la or issit from TAOBAO???????can tehy send to hkg?????
ueno:congrats!!!!!!!great no more engorge breasts!!!!!!Leroy's alwasy been a good boy la
,,,tried to gobe straw for hayley milk yesterday nite but failed.......try again later kekekkekekkeke.

normally she drinks from her straw for water/juices,dunno why milk cannot

wat kind of fresh milk is L drinking now??????so total how many ??????

me having jet lag now.......actually no la cos i slept too early yesterday nite liao :p

mischa mummy:u looking for me...?????me asleep liao yesterday sorry.
Ueno, must agree that Leroy is a very good boy...

Claire wont go to sleep alone by herself. She needs me to be ard before she is willing to sleep. Sometimes i also put her on my bed but i buey tahan coz of her kungfu kicks! So now, i got to sleep with her on her mattress before i can go to my bed to zzzz.

Weishy, u in HK or in US now?
Weishy: I think tinkabel shld already be in HK nw.

Ueno: Congrats on the weaning. Leroy can sleep on his own? Hw nice. E still needs to pat to sleep.
Ethan has never slept with us. Always slept in separate room. But when we are on holidays, sometimes, he cries so much that we put him between us and he guai guai sleeps. But I can see how it can be addictive for the child. And yes, Cindy, your hubby is not the only one to get "abused" by the little one in the night. My hubby claims Ethan always punch him in his sleep. =)

Sleeping: We let Ethan drink milk in his car-seat/rocker and once he drifts off to la-la land, we lift him to his cot. Has anyone any experience in letting babies drink their milk in bed? I'm afraid Ethan may choke so I let him drink at an incline in his rocker.
michviv: I always let Cailyn to drink on bed... heehee.. I started to let her drink on laying down since 3mths old.. taught by my mum.. initially me also like u, scare they will choke.. but she is ok leh.. heehee.. u might want to give it a try.

Sleeping: cailyn has been sleeping with us ever since she touched down.. my hb also kana several kicks and punches from her.. ohohoh.. she needs me to be around to pat her to sleep.. or rather, she needs my body as her comfort zone.. haha.. she will lie on top on my tummy or chest to fall into her la-la land.. kakaka
michviv, Haha travis drinks milk on the bed. That's night time when only a dim light is on. When he finishes his milk, he will just flip and turn and find a position to zzz and then when no more movement, it means he zzz already Haha. Daytime definitely must be carried to sleep.
i tried to give milk from straw but he refused. Cos they associate water/juice with straw so will refuse milk from it. So what i did was i trained him to drink water from the cup 1st, when the spillage got lesser, maybe after 2 weeks, i gave him cold milk via the cup. he took it quite well. I deliberately gave him cold milk 1st to trick him into drinking fresh milk) after 1 week i started to warm up the milk n he took it! After abt 2wks, i started mixing the fresh milk with FM. Then after 1 week, he's taking fresh milk(pura/farmhouse) in the morning 120ml n 240ml FM in the evening.

yup L sleeps on his own. after drinking milk n brushing teeth, i will put him inside his bed n he will fall asleep by himself. I have this routine so he knows that its his bedtime.

Its not advisable to let the kids drink milk n sleep cos of tooth decay, thats y i always brush his teeth before bedtime, especially now when his last feed is FM, full of sugar, unlike BM
Mambobb, Cindy: Thanks for the advice. Let me see tonight if my hubby agrees.

Ueno: Won't it be difficult to brush L's teeth once he has fallen asleep from drinking the milk? The last thing we want is to wake up.
Re Sleeping

Mummies - What is the trick to let our toddlers to sleep thru the night? Ash has to wake up once say around 2 or 3 am every night and drink his milk with his eyes closing... I heard to give either warm water during this time or to add cereal into his last feed (say like 9ish 10pm) to make him more full so that he will unlikely wake up again for the midnight feed.
Michviv, ya i also let Claire drink milk lying on the bed...

I heard abt the tooth decay from my hubby's fren. He told us that he sent his daughter thrice to the dentist coz she usually will fall asleep in the midst of drinking her milk.

For Claire, she will finish her milk, roll about in the mattress, singing before she zzz. Like Cailyn, she loves to lie besides me or lay her head on my tummy fats before she is willing to sleep!

Sharron, we put some rice cereals in Claire's last feed before she goes to bed. Keeps her more full... Waking up in the night sometimes might be due to teething too... YA, can also give warm water coz sometimes they might be thirsty....
The difference is that he drinks milk via a cup, he cant fall asleep drinking like that! hehe..he's wide awake after drinking! then he will go to the bathroom to take his toothbrush, i placed it at a level where he can reach n he will brush his teeth himself. Of cos its not clean! i actually have 2 toothbrushes, 1 for me n 1 for him. It has become such a routine that he knows its bedtime, after that he will walk to his room n indicate that he wants to go into his cot. I followed GF's method, she said its important to have a routine before u start weaning the baby off the breast/bottle. I find that v useful n it had certainly helped me.
ueno - Oh no - ash has been lying down with 2 pillows to prop up his head on the bed to drink his milk EVERYTIME! Thanks for the heads up!!

I guess now is a good time to kick off the "bad habits" as they are still young to "rebel" hahaha
Ueno - I followed GF's method faithfully for the first 3 months and I dropped ever since I returned to work... feel so bad....
Think i read someone asking abt when to send the kids to the dentist, according to my dentist he said 3 yrs n above. but its v impt that we take care of their teeth now cos tooth decay is v common in kids. so its v impt that we brush their teeth after drinking milk. When i was bfing i wasnt so concerned as it doesnt contain so much sugar but now with FM im v particular cos i cant imagine L going to the dentist at such a early age.
ueno and michviv:: hehe okies maybe I can try tonight to brush his teeth before letting him go to zzz. What I'm worried is that he already knows dim lights + milk = sleep time. If we carry him up to brush his teeth, he might get ALL AWAKE again. Gah!

sharron:: maybe you could give Ash more meals in the daytime? once they had their full in the daytime, perhaps he won't wake up in the middle of the night?
Ueno - it was me asking about the dentist thingy yesterday. Yup i agree that now the toddlers are eating more types of food and its important that we take care of their teeth. Ash will have his teeth brushed before he goes to bed, after the last feed. That why i was asking when is a good time to introduce the dentist chair to them - not when they are in pain? 3 years old sounds right since their full set of teeth will be out by then.
Cindy - I dont know what is wrong with Ash - it is always a challenge when the nanny trying to feed him, we change the variety from porridge to rice, from rice to macaroni, towards the end of each meal he will just lost interest! Sigh..... He is now 11.1kg and the PD told me his weight is ideal for his age and height and told me not to worry - sometimes kids just dont like to eat....

I was just telling my hubby this morning I think Ashton is kindda of skinny!
Brushing before bedtime:
Me just like the rest of the mummies, Cailyn will sleep after her milk feed.. if I bring her to brush her teeth, she will be ALL AWAKE again.. haha.. hard to coax her to sleep again.. I think i also should start to try to brush her teeth before bedtime and see what is the result..
sharron: wow 11kg still consider skinny arh.. my cailyn only 8.3kg niah leh.. like that me worry even more lor.. haha.. dont worry lah.. when they are older, they will put on more weight by themselves.. by then, maybe we are more worry to reduce their weight lor.. heehee
Sharron, dun worry about the weight lah... Some kids absorb, some dun.... and hor, you & hubby are those tall & slim type.... so Ashton is not skinny... He just happens to be lucky to hv both parents that are tall & slim!

For the rice cereal, i put Rafferty's Garden rice cereal that i asked my sydney colleague to mail over. Once all the rice cereal is finished, i will put 四神粉 in her milk powder.

My Mum also gave Claire oatmeal to eat but its during breakfast and its my Mum's way to con Claire to drink more water! (we can't give water parade to Claire now)

Oh if u re worried abt Ashton not eating enough, i can give u a packet of the 开奶茶 that i got from HK. This will help to improve appetite.
mambobb & k@ye - ok i should not worry about his wieght then, just that everytime i see how he eats, i cannot tahan! I will sure flare up! Just dont seems to be interested in his food!

K@ye - 开奶茶 sounds good - thanks! I will PM you!
maybe A is full alreay thats y he doesnt want to eat? when L closes his mouth i will take the food away, i never insist on force feeding him cos i feel if they r hungry they will eat.
There were times when he simply refused to eat,i will throw the food away.
i read that kids who were forced fed will grow up with eating disorders, dunno if its true. Anyway, i dont like fighting with him over food so i will just take it away without any complaints.
sharron:: don't worry! 11.1 is good. Travis is still at 9.6kg only! muahahaha. I give up liao la. Just like mambbob, just let them be. When they don't put on wt, we worry, when they put on too much, we worry more. hahah! how is his eating times like and how much does he eat at a time? Maybe like what ueno said:: he is full?

ueno:: I ALSO hate fighting with him over food. When he shuts his mouth, I do try to coax him to open until to a point he really refuse, then i throw the food away. Cause it happened before that when we change a venue for him to eat, he eats, so when he shuts his mouth once, maybe he just wants a change of env. HAHAHA.

mambbob:: haha okies we try tonight see if they become more AWAKE after brushing teeth! i think i will faint if he does. HAHA. Each time he brushes his teeth, he gets very excited ley. Cause he loves the toothpaste. And will chew chew chew. Gosh.
Cindy, Claire hates brushing her teeth... We tried the baby brush, the angel brush & the toothpaste on her... Wow, spit it out immediately!

I also hate fighting over food with Claire. I will just keep the food away and reheat it later and she will finish the food....
ZY only sleep after milk when she was younger, she drinks so fast now that (3min? and its on our bed with pillows propped high up) it will never be long enuf for her to drift to la la land. We also never add any cereal into her last milk as she eats quite a lot during the day. But I will dim the light and say its time to sleep, with her usual night music and either rock her/pat her/lay her down on the bed to sleep.

Sharron, Ashton is of a gd weight lah, my skinny gal only 9.3kg.
ueno, Cindy - A will just keep his food in his mouth without chewing... His eating timing are :

Around 8ish am - Milk of 6oz - 120ml

10ish am - Small portion of oatmeal

12ish 0r 1ish pm (depending on what time he gets up from his nap) Lunch

4ish pm Milk of 3oz - 90ml

6ish 7ish pm - Dinner

10ish pm - Milk Feed of 7oz - 140ml

Ok i will tell the nanny to take the food away if he does not want to eat anymore. No point force him to eat or else he will have phobia of food when he grows up!!

CIndy you are correct - Dont put on weight we worry, put on too much weight we also worry. As the old says we as mummies will worry for the children till 99 years old.
Sharron, try to increase Ash's milk intake in the morning and gradually eliminate the one at 4pm... Coz he dun eat much at Lunch so need the 4pm milk feed... So hor, during lunch... Must do stunts to increase his food intake...

Also try to wean him from the keep food in mouth habit... coz like that hor... He wont eat much one as after a while, he sian to eat liao...

Using my Mum's "heartless" method, dun want to eat, dun let him eat... Once he s hungry and want to eat, must "lecture" him and tell him that must finish everything if not will kena "beating"... Erm, but must be heartless to do that once and got the next time, behave like that hor... Remind him again... We did that to Claire once and she knows it not to do it. Anyway, we only beat her hand...

For Claire, when she finished like 80% of her food hor... She will lose interest, my Mum will entice her to finish it by singing song or using toys... If it dun work, we wont let her eat liao.
6oz shld be 180ml rite? Yar, they know when they r full, tho sometimes they get bored with the same porridge. I also simply throw away untouched food cos mine will use her hand to "move the bowl away". Once, it landed on the floor, i was so mad i simply stop feeding her. Now I gotta sing song and feed, or cook the dishes separately as tho got 1 meat, 2 vege + rice. Seems like got more variety!
dreamer, lazykat, EYS offer shd be valid as long as my fren still works near EYS
For the rest who placed order, I prob buy this weekend.
K@ye - How to wean him from keeping food in his mouth? I really dont know how, let alone his nanny and my mum also dont know how because the other two grandchildren dont have this problem!!

Ok - will have to re-schedule his food / milk intakes starting from tomorrow. I am on leave the whole of next week starting from this Fri so i can stay at home and monitor him (which i know i will peng san)! heehee

Lazykat - oops yes 6oz is 180ml!

Langlao - Thanks, I will PM you when I have wired the $ to you this afternoon. Thanks again
kaye:: ahahaha!! your claire really clever. Want to cheat her also cannot. hahaha!!

Sharron:: sounds like Travis's feeding times ley: but milk wise, he is taking slightly more..

8+ am: Bowl of cereal with 90mL milk
10am: 180mL milk
12 to 1230pm: Lunch - 1 bowl of porridge
4pm: 180mL Milk
630pm: Dinner - porridge again but different flavour
9pm: 180mL Milk and ZZZ
Cindy - Ya hor seems like they two have the same pattern. I made a mistake - milk intake is 180ml in the morning and 210ml at night (last feed)... must really monitor closely as Ash has this bad habit of keeping the food in his mouth!
lazykat: I agree with you in providing variety in food. Ethan's weight went down a little from 12 to 11.7kg but I'm not too worried cos he's eating well. For Ethan being such a good eater, he will eat everything and anything in 10 minutes so for us to see him loose his appetite when sick is heartwrenching. So we decided to increase the variety in the dishes we offer him. Have moved away from total brown rice porridge and add in white rice, have given him different kinds of pasta with tomato sauce, bee hoon/mee sua/macaroni soup, western (boiled potatoes & stir fried beef with vegetables). We don't add any oil or salt in our cooking. For taste, we add a little of ground ikan bilis. =)

Now he's eating so well! =)) Oh, but when he's full, I ask him, do you want somemore and if not, he will shake his head. hehe.
Leroy's feeding schedule

730am : 120ml of fresh milk followed by breakfast (rolled oats/museli/croissants w fruit jams/toasted bread w cheese or unsalted butter/crackers w creamcheese/scambled eggs or omelette/pancakes/waffles)
10am : snack
12noon: lunch (too many to write hehe..)
Afternoon nap 1230-3pm
330pm : snack
6pm : dinner
730pm : FM 240ml
8pm : Bedtime

L eats a huge variety of food, he takes 1 small bowl of rice with fish/chicken/pork/beef+ stirfry/boiled vegs. Or 1 small bowl of noodles/macaroni. He takes western food n pasta too. Basically he eats everything hehe..BUT there were times when he didnt eat anything at all. But i will try the food that he rejected again n again. Finally he will eat it n finish everything!
He had oven baked chicken n cheese fries for lunch and after eating all of it, still hungry! fed him some bread. Think he's having growth spurt. Outgrown his shoes, had to change a new pair. Now wearing 14cm shoes. Crocos size 6/7
ueno;ya me aslo brush her teeth after milk nightly ,of cos she'll protest,cos she likes doing it herself :p
will try out the milk dropping first cos 600ml per day is too much for her now.Tried using the pigeon straw bottle for her and it works this morning kekekkekek,see how later tonight :p

sharron:think can drop the 4pm milk la,too full they cant hv their lunch le.11.1kg is fine ,hayley's still less than 10kg

can try giving her those pre packed japanese meat/veg for him....its really tasty even to me
,mixed with steamed egg......protein mah,she have it every other day.

B4 she doesnt like to eat,seems like now its oki,maybe it winter here and makes her more hungry than usual

K@ye:harrrrr aiya tot can ask her give the tricycle for me mah ehhehehheh
me in hkg already

langlao:dates to tokyo will from 14~21st march,my friend tryign to see if the travel agent can arrange the iternary for us(easier mah)but we pay our own tickets loooo cos we hv % tickets
Ueno, wow.... Only outgrown 1 pair of shoes ah!! Claire outgrown at least 3 pairs liao!!! She is wearing 15cm shoes.... but i think depends on the shoe cutting!

Sharron, orr 180ml tot its 120ml, like so funny... Ash drinking so little like that! As for the food in mouth weaning habit, old ppl (my Mum's generation) habit starved or hit.... which i dun agree upon....

Perhaps like what my colleague did patiently... Ask her son to pretend that he is something, and something going into the mouth and must quickly chew or stuff like that one lah. Took her 1-2 mths to convince the son to eat and wean that bad habit.

Claire's feeding schedule as below:
6-8am - 210 ml milk
11am - Porridge
2-3pm- 210 ml milk
5pm - Porridge
9pm onwards - 210 milk before ZZZ
Ethan's makan

8am: 250ml FM + 1 piece of bread with cheese or oatmeal
11am: Lunch + 150ml FM
2pm: 1 bowl of Fruits + 150ml FM
5pm: Dinner + 150ml FM
Bedtime: 300ml FM

We've tried to decrease his milk intake and increase his water intake but he really likes his milk and sometimes even refuses to eat without his milk.

Ethan is transitioning in sleep patterns now. Used to sleep alot in the morning. Now he wakes up a little later (around 7.30am instead of 6.45-7am) and naps around 11am-12pm (1hr) and 3pm (30 min). I want to transition him to 1 nap a day but me and my hubby agree that this is not possible or my MIL & Father will collapse taking care of him.

Oh, the newest fad. Ethan refuses to eat till you pass him the spoon and he feeds himself.

Ueno: Sounds you have a very extensive menu for L. Do you cook all the food yourself?
what i meant was he outgrown his last pair of shoes, wore them on his 1st birthday n its only 2 mths ago! i lost count on the number of shoes, think should be at least 3 too! haha
yup, i prepare all his meals for him. before my helper came 2mths ago, i am like a mad woman, u can imagine the amt of washing needed. now that i have help, i can concentrate on preparing more yummy food for L.
according to GF, min 350ml max 600ml, inclusive of milk used in food. Think 700ml might be too much.
thanks for the info..aiya..i still thought i underfed him..keke..hoping that he will take more milk in the morning!

wah..yummy food for L..wish we are neighbours! haha..

Michviv, me will put in more water for the FM feed! hahah......

My Mum spoon fed Claire water on and off... Now all of us buey tahan Claire... Too active liao, can't tear our eyes away from her for 1 sec!

Today, she almost broke the Xmas cup i got for my dad! Faints!!!
