(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

okie okie.. let's meet up! but scared i busy with work again and will missed the post.. can drop me a email when it is firmed? heehee..

1) Doobom
2) Annie

Sat/Sun: (Pls indicate day)
1) ponponta (sat)

Vesak Day (May19):


im back from toy r us sale!
total damage: $173
items i bought: esprit playpen, oregon scientific smart globe jr, fun years piano & guitar, swimming float, vtech walker, playhut school bus tentage and vtech v-smile tv learning system.


actually mainly hubby shopped for these stuff coz my tummy was unwell so i was surprised he managed to grabbed so much! no more toys for my boy liao.. my house is super cramp now! wi all his toys, jumperoo, exersaucer... i must quarantine myself at home...
Yes, im on for the gathering!

1) Doobom
2) Annie
3) Dodo

Sat/Sun: (Pls indicate day)
1) ponponta (sat)

Vesak Day (May19):
mummies who have little touch leap pad:

does ur baby sit down obediently and play wi it? my boy cant sit still and wana tear the books! i hold his fingers to press & play but he get so excited over it and keep screaming and crumpled the books, lucky it's tear-resistant! now im wondering shd i intro it to him at a later stage though it's meant for bb 6mths old and up...
I do try to include red dates & wolfberries for his daily dinner. U remove the red dates' seeds to avoid heatiness.
1 of his dinner: steam n mash potatoes, carrots, red dates, wolfberries. All these made up to 60ml. Blended brown rice 120ml. In all adding both is 180ml.
I dun add in red dates when Jerry is having sweet potatoes. Coz sweet potatoes are sweet, so adding red dates may be slightly too sweet for a meal.
dodo, my little touch leap pad book already become kiam cai already....sean's small n strong fingers kept crumpling the pages...
but i will press and entertain myself and repeating after it for sean to listen
while sean continues to crumple the pages...
hope he listens n understands haha
uh oh... hannah choped oredi ah...matty will be really disappointed hehee. oct really shortage of girls, hopefully more of our no. 2 will be girls ah! does hailey or jae want matty??? :p

eil, wow jae is so advanced! mine cannot even flip on his own (i think he too fat liao) and only crawls backwards. he still hates tummy time. he can sit rather well tho...

doobom thanks for the tip on how to cook the red dates and wolfberries. will try for matty. i think his weaning process still very slow leh, coz im not at home and nobody else in the house know how to prepare baby food. so i gotta read up and then instruct my maid what to do, and pray that nothing goes wrong loh...
re: sitting /crawling:
my boy still cant do none of this haha. sit can only with support,... w/o after awhile will fall to his side.. and crawling.. only know how to crawl backwards or rather push backwards..

dodo: yah baby YZ just shout n attempted to crumple the pages.. i very long no use it.. sigh feel abit waster $$ think i better take out again and just press out of his reach, let him listen also good...
oh im on for the gathering as well!

1) Doobom
2) Annie
3) Dodo

Sat/Sun: (Pls indicate day)
1) ponponta (sat)
2) ecookie (sun) or

Vesak Day (May19):
1) ecookie
hey..count me in for gathering

oh im on for the gathering as well!

1) Doobom
2) Annie
3) Dodo
4) Jacq

Sat/Sun: (Pls indicate day)
1) ponponta (sat)
2) ecookie (sun) or

Vesak Day (May19):
1) ecookie
YL: Congrats!!!!!! enjoy the process again!! it's a amazinh journey...

e-cookie: clare loves to crumple the pages too... so far daddy and mummy loves the book more than her. ha ha
dodo: $173 for a lot of thingss!! must salute to u guys.. can reallee buy leh.. must hav another bb to make the investment worth leh :p
Thanks for the tip on the red dates n wolfberries. I shall try that tmr. :)

Maybe we can put hailey n matty together and c if they attact to one another.. :)

I am on for the gathering as well!
1) Doobom
2) Annie
3) Dodo
4) Ling
Hi Jacq,

yeap, It is me offering your little one some baby bites.
My MIL potty train him...Roughly knoe the timing for his big biz, so put him to sit there.

I have no choice but to get to start this treats as Raphael is super greedy boy. His eyes will follow the food. But at least with this bites, I can eat more peacefully.

dodo, I went to the Toy R us Bazaar late today, only see them clearing up.

ponponta, I also get size 2 thermal swimsuit. Havent try yet. But looks more like for 12 months baby. Bigger is better then smaller.

YL, congrats for having no.2

ecookie, my boy crawl backward, but today, I tempt him with some food and toys, he will try to crawl forward to grab it.
hey..count me in for gathering

oh im on for the gathering as well!

1) Doobom
2) Annie
3) Dodo
4) Jacq

Sat/Sun: (Pls indicate day)
1) ponponta (sat)
2) ecookie (sun) or

Vesak Day (May19):
1) ecookie
2)CM syeo

Its my b day and hb will be oversea sobsob ... need to handle 2kids with maid... no driver and i dun know can drive after so long or not ...
hi all sorry cannot join in the gathering... hb wants to go and buy things ... cannot get to know more of you ... hmm anyone got Carlson's pic ... hmmm dun think so too ... cos i nvr take with any of you ... the batt went flat after a while and maid forgot to bring sock for hb ... am really really tired after the gym man all by myself ...

Carlson love the gym hmm but i have been playing all the game with him too ... those are what he likes ... he enjoy them so much ...

Hey all i wanted to go over sea remember that's why i change the date for the gym but did not go after all cos its too exp liao and hb dun want to paid too mcuh since my new hse is coming and also the hotel for genting are all full ... so was in Singapore ...

TOYs sale ... i spend S$390.00 pengz for both my kids ... and for robinson i spend abt 500.00 pengz

DOdo dun buy liao too mcuh toys for yr boy ... hmmm i think he need someone to play with him ... i shall let Carlson play eith him haha ...

Gingerleaf thanks... my gal looks like me ??? haha
hi all

wow..shopping shopping shopping??? hahaha... the babies here are all so xing4 fu2!!!!

me instead of spending money going shopping but on medical billsssssss, jus rcvd bb lance's 3rd admission bill, 3.5K++ (tat's w govt subsidy for 6bedded, if nt is 9K++!!!), 1st admission 800++, 2nd admission 2.5++, ttl abt $6.5k+++ lucky pay thru medisave, but tat exclude previous PD reviews, and many fllw-up reviewssssss to come monthly/quarterly... each visit abt 80++ if tk medication or do any testssss, tat's additional!!! cannot claim thru insurance cos they said urine reflux not consider 'major illness' **pengz**...really pocket BIG hole, how to go shopping arrrr???

YL..Congrats. u r 2nd mummy hv no.2 in tis thread? me hv 2 kids, my elder is 5yrs old, bb 7mths+, like tat, i more tedious cos 'rested' for few years & got to 'start over again' bringing 'big bags w bb stuff' when going out... dun worry much, yours gap nearer, easier to bring them up together though a bit 'siong', sure can cope one, get family/relatives/domestic helper if need b to lighten your burden...
morning mummies!

look like everyone enjoyed themselves on saturday!

congrats YL!

ecookie, are u tempted already to make ox baby? haha

dodo. that's lotsa toys really.. i must bring chloe to visit ziqian soon!!

count me in for gathering too:

1) Doobom
2) Annie
3) Dodo
4) Jacq
5) Ling
6) Chintz

Sat/Sun: (Pls indicate day)
1) ponponta (sat)
2) ecookie (sun) or

Vesak Day (May19):
1) ecookie
2) CM syeo

so sad its monday again, cant see bb at work

sure wish i can join u pp but my schedule's not confirmed yet so i'm not sure when i'm free.. wld update u pp again
wahhh...so many posts!!!

congrats on a xmas baby!!!

I think size 2 is fine. I KS went to buy size 4 and end up oversize for my boy. hahaha

jayden already 'chop' jae. they were holding hands before the class. :p

re: outing
count me in too!

1) Doobom
2) Annie
3) Dodo
4) Jacq
5) Ling
6) Chintz

Sat/Sun: (Pls indicate day)
1) ponponta (sat)
2) ecookie (sun) or
3) bbwow (sat / sun)

Vesak Day (May19):
1) ecookie
2) CM syeo
good morning mummies! so many posts over e weekend and every1's so excited abt meeting up.. i can't miss the next round liao.. i vow to make it.. note to bb adri: u be a good girl n be well when we meet up with the other aunties n babies okie?? hahaha..

toys sale: went back again yesterday and grabbed FP Noah's Ark etc etc.. dun dare to bring them back to my mum's place.. already kena complained that her house looks like a kindergarten liao. oops! checked with the pple there, they do not sell "Recalled" products.. all toys displayed are ok for sale. and mummies, if there are any problems with your toys, u can still bring it back to them even though sales is over!

dodo, same with adri and her little leappad! itz all crumpled up! she'll listen to the narration initially but after awhile, she gets all excited and starts in her attempt to tear up the book and put it in her mouth! my mum refused to change the books for her until this current one is totally destroyed by her. hahaha! and u! so many new toys for anderson.. must go visit u one of these days with adri.. =D

congrats YL!!

i want to go for the gathering too!!!
1) Doobom
2) Annie
3) Dodo
4) Jacq
5) Ling
6) Chintz

Sat/Sun: (Pls indicate day)
1) ponponta (sat)
2) ecookie (sun) or
3) bbwow (sat / sun)
4) hippo (sat)

Vesak Day (May19):
1) ecookie
2) CM syeo
3) hippo
re: gathering

paiseh, put in my name in the wrong column

updated should be this:
1) Doobom
2) Annie
3) Dodo
4) Jacq
5) Ling

Sat/Sun: (Pls indicate day)
1) ponponta (sat)
2) ecookie (sun) or
3) bbwow (sat / sun)
4) hippo (sat)
5) chintz (sat)

Vesak Day (May19):
1) ecookie
2) CM syeo
3) hippo

I heard too many horror stories on domestic helpers. hence still hesitating.
I'm slowly accepting the fact I'm having a xmas bb and looking fwd to it.
When I'm having MS, I tell myself, do enjoy it coz is the last pregnancy I'm going thru.

talking abt diaper bags, think i might as well lug along a luggage bag.
sure got many things to carry.
re: gathering

1) Doobom
2) Annie
3) Dodo
4) Jacq
5) Ling

Sat/Sun: (Pls indicate day)
1) ponponta (sat)
2) ecookie (sun) or
3) bbwow (sat / sun)
4) hippo (sat)
5) chintz (sat)
6) sugar_nut (sun)

Vesak Day (May19):
1) ecookie
2) CM syeo
3) hippo
4) sugar_nut

Congrats YL! another X'mas baby for Oct mummies..
Hi Mummies with touchpads,

I just got the leapfrog touchpad last week... My girl just wanna keep flipping the pages and trying to crumple them... I think the touchpad needs adult supervision to give longer mileages.. .Else will be spoilt very fast.
Perlicia: actually there are more.. but those are the better ones.. err i think my hubby doesn't take very nice pics la! haha
chintz: very tempted leh!!! but just got used to taking care of a baby (as in settled routine and all) and finally have some sort of life back to meself + couplehood.. abit reluctant to get all busy again leh..

think sticking to my plan of trying only early next year! hopefully successful soon and can have a YearEnd ox baby! hee

got ur photos too! thanks!
any mummies working near Harbourfront area?? sugarnut and me meeting for lunchie later! join us!

dodo: u havent send me photos leh!! too busy shopping for toys?? hee

perlicia: will try to "entice" my boy to move forward with toys.. but still no time to wipe down those toys from warehse sale. this lazy mummY!

re: toy r us sale
when isit open to public and the branch at vivo got disc?
morning mommies,

YL, congrats on being preggy! gambatte!

i can't confirm about the meeting, becos may is really busy month for me, got course to attend and a project. but if for any reason i can find the time, will drop in and meet you all.

last sautrday went to polyclinic for myra 3rd hep jab. aiyoh, she lost weight since last visit. she lost 300 gms so she is currently lighter than she was a month ago . nurse was concerned with her feeding. so now i have to put her on a strict feeding schedule. on a positive note, her height has increased. just need to increase her milk intake so that she will put on more weight. so sad to hear this news, i can feel my eyes tearing while in the immunisation room.

any mummies know where I can find the Leapfrog controller?! I searched every toy store but can't find. Even taka also don't sell which I originally got it there during the baby fair.


I bought their CD, then found out have to use their controller to start one. -_-

If not, any mummies interested to buy the CD? No point for me to keep it.

thanks chintz! The pics are v nicely taken.. Chloe was smiling so sweetly in every pic.. mine only look blur blur.. looking at Chloe from the side. haha..

Can you send me one or two of the photos? Would like to develop and place in my album..
madlynette: oh no, dun be sad. sometimes babies do get leaner when they more active (ie crawling, learning to walk etc).
just need to stick to a stricter feeding schedule as u said and myra weight should be fine.
read that solids should not replace too much of milk feed at this stage now.. so perhaps still let her drink at least more than 600ml milk a day..
meet up meet up! I wanna go also~~

re: gathering

1) Doobom
2) Annie
3) Dodo
4) Jacq
5) Ling

Sat/Sun: (Pls indicate day)
1) ponponta (sat)
2) ecookie (sun) or
3) bbwow (sat / sun)
4) hippo (sat)
5) chintz (sat)
6) sugar_nut (sun)
7) frostyfiona (sat)

Vesak Day (May19):
1) ecookie
2) CM syeo
3) hippo
4) sugar_nut
5) frostyfiona
Good morning to all Mummies

Gathering I would like to join too, pls count me in.

LittleTouch Pad:
I think I am the one who is play it rather then my boy, he only like to “Tasting” it.
Can check with mummies which LittleTouch Pad book did ur got to start with your BB, till now still not buy any book yet.

re: gathering

1) Doobom
2) Annie
3) Dodo
4) Jacq
5) Ling

Sat/Sun: (Pls indicate day)
1) ponponta (sat)
2) ecookie (sun) or
3) bbwow (sat / sun)
4) hippo (sat)
5) chintz (sat)
6) sugar_nut (sun)
7) frostyfiona (sat)
8) cheval (sat)

Vesak Day (May19):
1) ecookie
2) CM syeo
3) hippo
4) sugar_nut
5) frostyfiona
6) cheval
hi cheval! i m still at the "1 bear in e bedroom" cos my girl can't stop trying to tear it up! i bought Pooh Loves You! / Rainbow Fish and Dora the Explorer A Gift from Big Sister Dora..
Junnie, come and join the gathering, didn’t take foto with ur family last week, need to remember to do it this time.
Come together with BB lance & his sister, my hb like ur girl very much, told me that he want a daughter like ur girl.
congrats! yet another oct mummy is preggie again, so exciting!

woohooo... another meet-up again!!! :D

will wait till mummies have confirmed day/date/timing/venue then see if i can make it.
Hi Cheval,

re: touch pad
Like Hippo, I'm also at "1 bear in the bedroom".. I got the abc/123 slot-in cards, but my gal is not interested in them... Only interested in flipping the pages... I got a book abt baby's body parts, but did not want to spolit the new book, so has yet to let her "read" t.
thank you hippo, wah you have a good collection already 3 books. i saw Pooh loves you and some other titles at kiddy palace. Rainbow Fish look interesting to me, will go and see if can get it somewhere else.
ecookie, it come with a complimentary book " 1 bear in the bedroom" a few pages only. I think if get new book it come with cartridge and different book got different learning concepts, right mummies?
<font face="Comic Sans MS">hi moms, i have the following milk formula for sale. hope to clear them soon.

willing to exchange for Nan 2 for 400g tins.

self-collection at tampines mall / century square / tampines mrt / tampines st 12, wkdays after 6pm and wkends (timing to be confirmed). otherwise, for wkdays during office hrs, self-collect at central mall / central square / ministry of manpower.

for sale:

1. Nan 2 HA - 900g : S$32 (Expiry date: 26 Aug 09) (NTUC selling at S$33.50/tin)

2. Nan 2 HA - 900g : S$32 (Expiry date: 21 Oct 09) (NTUC selling at S$33.50/tin)

3. Enfapro Stage 2 - 400g : S$15 (Expiry date: 30 Aug 09)

4. Mamil Gold Step 2 - 400g : S$15 (Expiry date: 14 May 09).

willing to let go both tins of Nan 2 HA at S$60.

pass the word ard...thank you!

hi all

wah.. cheval, u can login so early 2day arrr??? kekeke... tell yr hubby better dun 'expect' a 'notti gal' like zann, he'll sure 'qi4 si3' one!!!! yalor, last meeting we also no bring camera &amp; we'r late somemore (really cant find the cafe, took abt 20mins to find). so hopefully any of the mummies got bb lance photo can eml me.

i wanted v much to join the gathering too, but need to see which date is cfm + venue &amp; time, cos like Pelicia, hubby travelling quite often so hv to 'fit' his schedule too as i cant handle 2 by myself lor..will let u all knw if joining...

re leapfrog, i didnt buy any littletouch for bb, instead, i bought leappad for my gal, hopefully it can still b in good condition to passdown to her 'di di'....
